840 resultados para sub- and super-solution


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The paper provides a close lecture of the arguments and methods of legal construction, employed in the extensive individual opinions written by the Justices of the Brazilian Supreme Court in the case which authorized the same sex civil union. After tracing an outline of the legal problem and his possible solutions, we analyze the individual opinions, showing their methodological syncretism, the use of legal methods and arguments in a contradictory way as well the deficiencies in the reasoning. The Justices use legal arguments, but do not meet the requirements of rationality in the decision-making. We have a rhetorical attempt that aims to satisfy the public opinion than to offer a comprehensive and coherent solution according the normative elements of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988.


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The use of legumes intercropped with forage in the Brazilian savannah (Cerrado) region is an alternative to reverse the process of pasture degradation. The natural phosphorus deficiency in this region and the high retention capacity of this nutrient in the soil are factors that directly affect the sustainability of the production system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a phosphate with medium solubility (Arad) compared to more soluble sources such as triple superphosphate and mono-ammonium phosphate, on the formation and maintenance of pastures of Andropogon gayanus with or without the introduction of Stylosantes guianensis in pasture already established in the Brazilian savannah. Two experiments were carried out under field conditions in an Oxisol using a randomized block design with split plots, plots with two sources of phosphorus (Arad and super-triple or MAP) and subplots with different levels of phosphorus. The study showed that andropogon grass, even though characterised as forage requiring low fertilization, responded to increased fertilization, especially with the use of more soluble sources of P at planting. From the second year on, with the introduction of Stylosantes guianensis, verified effects were seen on legumes in their efficiency of utilization of residual fertilization from the first year; however, this didn't affect legume dry matter production resulting from the P sources used for the andropogon grass. The mixed stands of andropogon grass and Stylosantes guianensis made it more advantageous to increase the P sources using phosphate fertilizer with lower solubility (Arad), when compared to MAP.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the search for new therapeutic tools against tuberculosis and to further address the therapeutic potential of pyridine-2-thiol 1-oxide (Hmpo) metal complexes, two new octahedral [M(III)(mpo)3] complexes, with M = Ga or Bi, were synthesized and characterized in the solid state and in solution. Attempts to crystallize [Ga(III)(mpo)3] in CH2Cl2 led to single crystals of the reaction product [GaCl(mpo)2], where the gallium(III) ion is in a square basis pyramidal environment, trans-coordinated at the basis to two pyridine-2-thiolato 1-oxide anions acting as bidentate ligands through their oxygen and sulfur atoms. The biological activity of the new [M(III)(mpo)3] complexes together with that of the previously reported Fe(III) analogous compound and the pyridine-2-thiol 1-oxide sodium salt (Na mpo) was evaluated on Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The compounds showed excellent activity, both in the standard strain H37Rv ATCC 27294 (pan-susceptible) and in five clinical isolates that are resistant to the standard first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs isoniazid and rifampicin. These pyridine-2-thiol 1-oxide derivatives are promising compounds for the treatment of resistant tuberculosis.


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Although there is no documented evidence that tattoo pigments can cause neurological complications, the implications of performing neuraxial anesthesia through tattooed skin are unknown. In this study, we aimed to assess whether spinal puncture performed through tattooed skin of rabbits determines changes over the spinal cord and meninges. In addition, we sought to evaluate the presence of ink fragments entrapped in spinal needles. Thirty-six young male adult rabbits, each weighing between 3400 and 3900 g and having a spine length between 38.5 and 39 cm, were divided by lot into 3 groups as follows: GI, spinal puncture through tattooed skin; GII, spinal puncture through tattooed skin and saline injection; and GIII, spinal puncture through skin free of tattoo and saline injection. After intravenous anesthesia with ketamine and xylazine, the subarachnoid space was punctured at S1-S2 under ultrasound guidance with a 22-gauge 2½ Quincke needle. Animals in GII and GIII received 5 μL/cm of spinal length (0.2 mL) of saline intrathecally. In GI, the needle tip was placed into the yellow ligament, and no solution was injected into the intrathecal space; after tattooed skin puncture, 1 mL of saline was injected through the needle over a histological slide to prepare a smear that was dyed by the Giemsa method to enable tissue identification if present. All animals remained in captivity for 21 days under medical observation and were killed by decapitation. The lumbosacral spinal cord portion was removed for histological analysis using hematoxylin-eosin stain. None of the animals had impaired motor function or decreased nociception during the period of clinical observation. None of the animals from the control group (GIII) showed signs of injuries to meninges. In GII, however, 4 animals presented with signs of meningeal injury. The main histological changes observed were focal areas of perivascular lymphoplasmacyte infiltration in the pia mater and arachnoid. There was no signal of injury in neural tissue in any animal of both groups. Tissue coring containing ink pigments was noted in all GI smears from the spinal needles used to puncture the tattooed skin. On the basis of the present results, intrathecal injection of saline through a needle inserted through tattooed skin is capable of producing histological changes over the meninges of rabbits. Ink fragments were entrapped inside the spinal needles, despite the presence of a stylet.


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The use of antimicrobial agents has facilitated the dissemination of multi-resistant microorganisms, compromising dental and medical treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of different opportunistic microbial species in patients who suffered head and neck trauma, under temporary maintenance in nosocomial environment, particularly intensive care units, on the occurrence of such microorganisms in the oral cavity of the patients. It was selected 38 patients subjected to head and neck traumas. After emergency surgical procedures, clinical samples of saliva, sub and supragingival biofilms and mucosal surfaces were collected at two different moments: just after stabilization of the patient and soon after patients’ release from medical units. The presence of opportunistic and superinfecting microorganisms was evaluated by culture on selective and non-selective media, and the presence of the family Enterobacteriaceae, as well as genera Enterococcus, Pseudomonas, and Staphylococcus was assessed by PCR. It was found that the use of antimicrobials, even for short periods of time was sufficient to facilitate colonization by microorganisms of the families Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonadaceae, as well as yeasts and enterococci. These results support the concept that medical and dental teams should make a periodically change of antimicrobials used in treatment protocols in hospital for head and neck trauma patients, in order to minimize dissemination of opportunistic or superinfecting microorganisms.


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O principal objetivo desse trabalho é investigar a influência dos parâmetros térmicos velocidade de solidificação (VL) e taxa de resfriamento (TR), nos espaçamentos dendríticos primários (λ1) da liga hipoeutética Al-7%Si, durante a solidificação direcional horizontal, em regime transiente. Os valores de λ1 foram medidos ao longo do comprimento do lingote e correlacionados com esses parâmetros. A variação dos espaçamentos dendríticos estudados é expressa por meio de funções na forma de potência de VLe TRdadas, respectivamente, por λ1= 55(VL)-1.1e λ1= 212 (TR)-0.55. Um estudo comparativo é realizado entre os resultados encontrados nesse trabalho e aqueles obtidos para a mesma liga quando solidificada direcionalmente nos sistemas verticais ascendente e descendente, sob as mesmas condições assumidas. Finalmente, os resultados experimentais obtidos são comparados com valores fornecidos por alguns modelos teóricos propostos na literatura para analisar espaçamentos dendríticos primários.


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As ligas Al-Sn são amplamente utilizados em aplicações tribológicas. Nesse estudo, análises térmica, microestrutural e dureza (HV) foram realizadas ao longo de um lingote da liga Al-5,5%Sn, obtido por solidificação direcional horizontal transitória. Os principais parâmetros analisados incluem a velocidade de deslocamento da isoterma liquidus (VL) e a taxa de resfriamento (TR). Esses parâmetros térmicos desempenham um papel fundamental na formação da microestrutura. A microestrutura dendrítica foi caracterizada através dos espaçamentos dentríticos primários (λ1), os quais foram determinados, experimentalmente, e correlacionados com VL, e TR. O comportamento apresentado pela liga Al- 5,5% Sn, durante a solidificação,é semelhante ao de outras ligas de alumínio, isto é, observa-se rede dendrítica mais grosseira com a diminuição da taxa de resfriamento, indicando que a imiscibilidade entre o alumínio e estanho não tem um efeito significativo sobre o relação entre o espaçamento dendrítico primário e taxa de resfriamento. A dependência da microdureza em VL, TR e no λ1 foi também analisada. Verificaram-se menores valores de HV para maiores TR. Por outro lado, os valores HV aumentam com valores crescentes de λ1.


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Os dejetos suínos contribuem de forma significativa em prol da degradação dos recursos naturais e para a diminuição da qualidade de vida na região sul do estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. O excesso de dejetos gerados pelo grande número dos suínos por unidade de área dificulta a solução do problema. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento de um sistema de tratamento de dejetos suínos, em série e em escala real, composto de unidades anaeróbias, unidades aeróbias e pós-tratamento. Os parâmetros analisados foram: DBO, DQO, PT, P-PO4, N-NH3, NTK, pH, clorofila a, biomassa algal, coliformes totais e coliformes fecais (Escherichia coli). O sistema mostrou que após um ano de funcionamento as eficiências de remoção foram satisfatórias para matéria orgânica e nutrientes, alcançando valores de 97% para DBO, 95% para DQO, 88% para N-NH3 e 74% para PT/P-PO4, mesmo com as variações de vazão e de carga orgânica aplicada. Entretanto, a remoção de coliformes fecais nas unidades aeróbias foi baixa, reduzindo somente 0,86 unidades log na lagoa facultativa aerada e 0,80 unidades log na lagoa de maturação.


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The respiration of metal oxides by the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens requires the assembly of a small peptide (the GS pilin) into conductive filaments termed pili. We gained insights into the contribution of the GS pilin to the pilus conductivity by developing a homology model and performing molecular dynamics simulations of the pilin peptide in vacuo and in solution. The results were consistent with a predominantly helical peptide containing the conserved a-helix region required for pilin assembly but carrying a short carboxy-terminal random-coiled segment rather than the large globular head of other bacterial pilins. The electronic structure of the pain was also explored from first principles and revealed a biphasic charge distribution along the pilin and a low electronic HOMO-LUMO gap, even in a wet environment. The low electronic band gap was the result of strong electrostatic fields generated by the alignment of the peptide bond dipoles in the pilin's alpha-helix and by charges from ions in solution and amino acids in the protein. The electronic structure also revealed some level of orbital delocalization in regions of the pilin containing aromatic amino acids and in spatial regions of high resonance where the HOMO and LUMO states are, which could provide an optimal environment for the hopping of electrons under thermal fluctuations. Hence, the structural and electronic features of the pilin revealed in these studies support the notion of a pilin peptide environment optimized for electron conduction.


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Volatile fatty acids (VFA) absorption and metabolic capacity of rumen and omasum were compared, in vitro. Fragments of rumen wall and omasum laminae were taken from eight adult crossbred bovines. An isolated fragment of the mucosa was fitted in a tissue diffusion chamber. Valeric acid and CrEDTA were added to ruminal fluid and placed on the mucosal side and buffer solution was placed on the serosal side. Fractional absorption rates were measured by exponential VFA:Cr ratio decay over time. Metabolism rate was determined as the difference between VFA absorbed and VFA which appeared on the serosal side over time. Mitotic index was higher in omasum (0.52%) than in rumen epithelium (0.28%). VFA fractional absorption rate was higher in omasum (4.6%/h.cm(2)) than in rumen (0.4%/h.cm(2)). Acetate, propionate, butyrate, and valerate showed similar fractional absorption rates in both fragments. Percentage of metabolized acetate and propionate was lower than butyrate and valerate in both stomach compartments. In the rumen, individual VFA metabolism rates were similar (mean of 7.7 mu mol/h.cm(2)), but in the omasum, valerate (90.0 mu mol/h.cm(2)) was more metabolized than butyrate (59.6 mu mol/h.cm(2)), propionate (69.8 mu mol/h.cm(2)) and acetate (51.7 mu mol/h.cm(2)). Correlation between VFA metabolism and mitotic index was positive in the rumen and in the omasum. In conclusion, VFA metabolism and absorption potential per surface of the omasum is higher than that of the rumen. Variations on rumen and omasum absorption capacities occur in the same way, and there are indications that factors capable of stimulating rumen wall proliferation are similarly capable of stimulating omasum walls.


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Background: Cutaneous lesions by Pythium insidiosum infection are commonly observed in horses, especially in those living at flooded environments. Equine pythiosis is characterized by the development of tumoral masses that are frequently located at distal limbs, ventral abdomen, thorax, breast and face. The lesions are usually granulomatous, serosanguineous and ulcerated, most often destroyed by self-mutilation due to the intense pruritus. The proposed treatment includes surgical excision followed by antifungal drugs administration, which can be done systemically or topically. Amphotericin B and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in association has been successfully used for cutaneous pythiosis topical treatment due to the DMSO property to carry any substance through plasmatic membranes. Case: The present report concerns a 12-year-old mixed breed gelding presenting with self-mutilation of a tumoral mass located at the left flank. The owners reported that the horse had initially presented a small wound that had evolved to a 20-cm in diameter mass in 4 weeks. Tissue samples were collected, processed and stained by the Gomori's methenamine silver (GMS) method. The histopathological analysis revealed Pythium insidiosum hyphae in a granulomatous tissue, especially located at peripheral region, where kunkers were present. Surgical excision of the mass followed by cauterization was indicated as initial treatment, and due to financial reasons, the owners elected only the topical antifungal therapy to control the fungus infection after surgery. Flunixin meglumine was also administrated for five days aiming the control of pain and inflammation. The wound was cleaned with povidone-iodine solution and rinsed with a solution containing, 50 mg, of amphotericin B in 10 mL of sterile water and 10 mL of DMSO. This procedure was carried Out twice a day. The wound healed fast due to an excellent centripetal epithelialization. and the horse was discharged after 64 days showing only 5% of the initial wound area. The owner reported by telephone the complete healing and hair growth 10 days after discharge. Discussion: Despite the atypical location of the tumoral lesion described at the present report, the history and clinical manifestations, especially the intense pruritus, showed similarity with other characteristic reports of equine cutaneous pythiosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the histopathological examination showing hyphae structures, as described to be evidences of the presence of Pythium insidiosum in the tissue. The surgical procedure was the first step to provide remission of clinical signs, and one day after surgery the pruritus desapeared. After excision of the granulomatous tissue and cauterization, daily topical administration of amphotericin B associated with DMSO was effective in destroying the infectious agent, as observed by the excellent epithelization. A pink granulation tissue grew up providing an ideal surface for epithelial migration and the healing process progressed quickly. Centripetal epithelialization reduced the wound area until 3% of the initial area in 64 days of treatment, when the remaining wound was found almost completely healed and covered with hair. At the present report, the horse presenting pythiosis was only topically treated. The recommended therapy using amphotericin B and DMSO solution was effective, economically viable and low risk, considering that the systemic antifungal therapy usually suggested is expensive and extremely nephrotoxic. The atypical location of the lesion on the left flank shows that any anatomical region can be affected by the fungus, since the conditions for its development were present.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) and rhizobium on rooting, growth and nutrition of seedlings of angico-red (Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth) Brenan) propagated by minicutting. Six progenies were used, of which were prepared cuttings with a pair of complete leaves. It was used a 55 cm(3)container filled with commercial substrate Bioplant (R). Four treatments were tested: 8 kg m-3 of superphosphate (SS) added to substrate; 4 kg m-3 SS added to substrate; 4 kg m-3 SS added to substrate and adition of a suspension solution containing rhizobium; 4 kg m-3 SS and suspension solution containing rhizobium plus 5 g of soil contaminated by AMF spores. There was no interaction among treatments for survival rate of cuttings and roots observed at bottom of the container, evaluated in the greenhouse exit (30 days) and the shade house exit (40 days), probably because the root system was still in formation. There were differences among the progeny for survival rate of the shoots, the percentage of cuttings with roots observed at bottom of the container, height, stem diameter and shoot dry weight. The evaluations of the growth characteristics of the cuttings in, particularly with respect to survival at full sun (140 days), demonstrate the efficiency of rhizobium and AMF on seedling production of this species. We conclude that the symbiotic association with rhizobium and / or FMA favors the production of seedlings of A. macrocarpa by minicutting.


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Here, we present a method for measuring barbiturates (butalbital, secobarbital, pentobarbital, and phenobarbital) in whole blood samples. To accomplish these measurements, analytes were extracted by means of hollow-fiber liquid-phase microextraction in the three-phase mode. Hollow-fiber pores were filled with decanol, and a solution of sodium hydroxide (pH 13) was introduced into the lumen of the fiber (acceptor phase). The fiber was submersed in the acidified blood sample, and the system was subjected to an ultrasonic bath. After a 5 min extraction, the acceptor phase was withdrawn from the fiber and dried under a nitrogen stream. The residue was reconstituted with ethyl acetate and trimethylanilinium hydroxide. An aliquot of 1.0 mu L of this solution was injected into the gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, with the derivatization reaction occurring in the hot injector port (flash methylation). The method proved to be simple and rapid, and only a small amount of organic solvent (decanol) was needed for extraction. The detection limit was 0.5 mu g/mL for all the analyzed barbiturates. The calibration curves were linear over the specified range (1.0 to 10.0 mu g/mL). This method was successfully applied to postmortem samples (heart blood and femoral blood) collected from three deceased persons previously exposed to barbiturates.


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Volatile fatty acids (VFA) absorption and metabolic capacity of rumen and omasum were compared, in vitro. Fragments of rumen wall and omasum laminae were taken from eight adult crossbred bovines. An isolated fragment of the mucosa was fitted in a tissue diffusion chamber. Valeric acid and CrEDTA were added to ruminal fluid and placed on the mucosal side and buffer solution was placed on the serosal side. Fractional absorption rates were measured by exponential VFA:Cr ratio decay over time. Metabolism rate was determined as the difference between VFA absorbed and VFA which appeared on the serosal side over time. Mitotic index was higher in omasum (0.52%) than in rumen epithelium (0.28%). VFA fractional absorption rate was higher in omasum (4.6%/h.cm²) than in rumen (0.4%/h.cm²). Acetate, propionate, butyrate, and valerate showed similar fractional absorption rates in both fragments. Percentage of metabolized acetate and propionate was lower than butyrate and valerate in both stomach compartments. In the rumen, individual VFA metabolism rates were similar (mean of 7.7 , but in the omasum, valerate (90.0 was more metabolized than butyrate (59.6 propionate (69.8 and acetate (51.7 . Correlation between VFA metabolism and mitotic index was positive in the rumen and in the omasum. In conclusion, VFA metabolism and absorption potential per surface of the omasum is higher than that of the rumen. Variations on rumen and omasum absorption capacities occur in the same way, and there are indications that factors capable of stimulating rumen wall proliferation are similarly capable of stimulating omasum walls.