999 resultados para speech therapy
The present study examined 24 individuals with either complete or incomplete injuries to the cervical spinal cord through the use of standardized assessments of dysarthria and a perceptual rating scale. Perceptual assessment revealed predominantly prosodic and phonatory disturbances, while physical impairments were common in the respiratory and laryngeal subsystems of speech production. A reduction in intelligibility and speaking rate resulted in a diminished communicative effectiveness ratio for most participants. Individuals showed a high degree of variation, with no clear relationship between lesion type and impairments present. Further investigation is required to verify the physiological nature of the respiratory and laryngeal impairments found in the present investigation and to determine the relative contributions of these to the overall presentation of speech and voice post cervical spinal cord injury (CSI).
Previous studies have indicated that consonant imprecision in Parkinson's disease (PD) may result from a reduction in the amplitude of lingual movements or articulatory undershoot. While this has been postulated, direct measurement of the tongue's contact with the hard palate during speech production has not been undertaken. Therefore, the present study aimed to use electropalatography (EPG) to determine the exact nature of tongue-palate contact in a group of individuals with PD and consonant imprecision (n=9). Furthermore, the current investigation also aimed to compare the results of the participants with PD to a group of aged (n=7) and young (n=8) control speakers to determine the relative contribution of ageing of the lingual musculature to any articulatory deficits noted. Participants were required to read aloud the phrase 'I saw a ___ today' with the artificial palate in-situ. Target words included the consonants /l/, /s/ and /t/ in initial position in both the /i/ and /a/ vowel environments. Phonetic transcription of phoneme productions and description of error types was completed. Furthermore, representative frames of contact were employed to describe the features of tongue-palate contact and to calculate spatial palatal indices. Results of the perceptual investigation revealed that perceived undershooting of articulatory targets distinguished the participant group with PD from the control groups. However, objective EPG assessment indicated that undershooting of the target consonant was not the cause of the perceived articulatory errors. It is, therefore, possible that reduced pressure of tongue contact with the hard palate, sub-lingual deficits or impaired articulatory timing resulted in the perceived undershooting of the target consonants.
Previous investigations employing electropalatography (EPG) have identified articulatory timing deficits in individuals with acquired dysarthria. However, this technology is yet to be applied to the articulatory timing disturbance present in Parkinson's disease (PD). As a result, the current investigation aimed to use EPG to comprehensively examine the temporal aspects of articulation in a group of nine individuals with PD at sentence, word and segment level. This investigation followed on from a prior study (McAuliffe, Ward and Murdoch) and similarly, aimed to compare the results of the participants with PD to a group of aged (n=7) and young controls (n=8) to determine if ageing contributed to any articulatory timing deficits observed. Participants were required to read aloud the phrase I saw a ___ today'' with the EPG palate in-situ. Target words included the consonants /1/, /s/ and /t/ in initial position in both the /i/ and /a/ vowel environments. Perceptual investigation of speech rate was conducted in addition to objective measurement of sentence, word and segment duration. Segment durations included the total segment length and duration of the approach, closure/constriction and release phases of EPG consonant production. Results of the present study revealed impaired speech rate, perceptually, in the group with PD. However, this was not confirmed objectively. Electropalatographic investigation of segment durations indicated that, in general, the group with PD demonstrated segment durations consistent with the control groups. Only one significant difference was noted, with the group with PD exhibiting significantly increased duration of the release phase for /1a/ when compared to both the control groups. It is, therefore, possible that EPG failed to detect lingual movement impairment as it does not measure the complete tongue movement towards and away from the hard palate. Furthermore, the contribution of individual variation to the present findings should not be overlooked.
Background: Chronic cough that persists despite medical treatment may respond to speech pathology intervention, but the efficacy of such treatment has not been investigated in prospective randomised trials. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of a speech pathology intervention programme for chronic cough. Methods: A single blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial was conducted in 87 patients with chronic cough that persisted despite medical treatment. Patients were randomly allocated to receive either a specifically designed speech pathology intervention or a placebo intervention. Participants in both groups attended four intervention sessions with a qualified speech pathologist. Results: Participants in the treatment group had a significant reduction in cough (8.9 to 4.6, p, 0.001), breathing (7.9 to 4.7, p < 0.001), voice (7.3 to 4.6, p < 0.001) upper airway (8.9 to 5.9, p < 0.001) symptom scores and limitation (2.3 to 1.6, p < 0.001) ratings following intervention. There was also a significant reduction in breathing (6.8 to 5.6, p=0.047), cough (7.6 to 6.3, p=0.014), and limitation ( 2.3 to 2.0, p=0.038) scores in the placebo group, but the degree of improvement was significantly less than in the treatment group (p < 0.01). Clinical judgement of outcome indicated successful ratings in 88% of participants in the treatment group compared with 14% in the placebo group ( p, 0.001). Conclusion: Speech pathology is an effective management intervention for chronic cough which may be a viable alternative for patients who do not respond to medical treatment.
Electropalatography (EPG) has been employed to measure speech articulation since the mid-1970s. This technique has predominately been used in experimental phonetic research and in the diagnosis and treatment of articulation disorders in children. However, there is a growing body of research employing EPG to diagnose and treat articulatory impairment associated with acquired motor speech disorder (MSD) in adults. The purpose of this paper was to (1) review the findings of studies pertaining to the assessment and treatment of MSDs in adults using EPG, (2) highlight current methodologies employed, and (3) discuss the potential limitations of EPG in the assessment and treatment of MSDs and examine directions for future applied research and treatment studies.
Developmental speech disorder is accounted for by theories derived from psychology, psycholinguistics, linguistics and medicine, with researchers developing assessment protocols that reflect their theoretical perspective. How theory and data analyses lead to different therapy approaches, however, is sometimes unclear. Here, we present a case management plan for a 7 year old boy with unintelligible speech. Assessment data were analysed to address seven case management questions regarding need for intervention, service delivery, differential diagnosis, intervention goals, generalization of therapeutic gains, discharge criteria and evaluation of efficacy. Jarrod was diagnosed as having inconsistent speech disorder that required intervention. He pronounced 88% of words differently when asked to name each word in the 25 word inconsistency test of the Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology three times, each trial separated by another activity. Other standardized assessments supported the diagnosis of inconsistent speech disorder that, according to previous research, is associated with a deficit in phonological assembly. Core vocabulary intervention was chosen as the most appropriate therapy technique. Its nature and a possible protocol for implementation is described.
The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) has been shown to be highly effective in treating the speech disorder in Parkinson's Disease (PD). However, patient access to this treatment remains limited in Australia, due to availability of speech pathologists, patient mobility and distance issues. We have investigated the feasibility and effectiveness of an Internet-based telerehabilitation application (eREHAB) for the delivery of the LSVT to persons with PD and disordered speech. Ten participants with PD and dysarthria were treated online with the LSVT for a total of 16 sessions. There were significant improvements in sound pressure levels for vowel prolongation, reading and conversational monologue (P < 0.01), pitch range (P < 0.05) and in perceptual features of pitch and loudness variability, loudness level (P < 0.01) and breathiness (P < 0.05). A participant satisfaction questionnaire indicated that 70% of participants expressed overall satisfaction with the online treatment. Telerehabilitation was feasible and effective in delivering the LSVT to people with PD.
We investigated the feasibility of assessing childhood speech disorders via an Internet-based telehealth system (eREHAB). The equipment provided videoconferencing through a 128 kbit/s Internet link, and enabled the transfer of pre-recorded video and audio data from the participant to the online clinician. Six children (mean age = 5.3 years) with a speech disorder were studied. Assessments of single-word articulation, intelligibility in conversation, and oro-motor structure and function were conducted for each participant, with simultaneous scoring by a face to face and an online clinician. There were high levels of agreement between the two scoring environments for single-word articulation (92%), speech intelligibility (100%) and oro-motor tasks (91%). High levels of inter- and intra-rater agreement were achieved for the online ratings for most measures. The results suggest that an Internet-based assessment protocol has potential for assessing paediatric speech disorders.