715 resultados para socialization


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This article investigates the patterns of language use among a selected group of trilingual Chinese immigrant children. The study is located in a socio-cultural-linguistic context of a Chinese heritage language school in Montreal, Quebec. Drawing on data collected from classroom observations, I explore how children’s language choices are influenced by their socialization networks, friendship patterns and daily social interactions. The analysis of data is guided by sociocultural theory and the theory of language socialization. The findings indicate that socialization and political institutional contexts can have powerful influences on children’s social and educational development, including language development, identity formation, and mother tongue maintenance and loss.


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This article focuses on the identity accounts of a group of Chinese children who attend a heritage language school. Bakhtin’s concepts of ideological becoming, and authoritative and internally persuasive discourse, frame our exploration. Taking a dialogic view of language and learning raises questions about schools as socializing spaces and ideological environments. The children in this inquiry articulate their own ideological patterns of alignment. Those patterns, and the children's code switching, seem mostly determined by their socialization, language affiliations, friendship patterns, family situations, and legal access to particular schools. Five patterns of ideological becoming are presented. The children’s articulated preferences indicate that they assert their own ideological stances towards prevailing authoritative discourses, give voice to their own sense of agency and internally persuasive discourses, and respond to the ideological resources that mediate their linguistic repertoires.


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Background  There is a need to develop and adapt therapies for use with people with learning disabilities who have mental health problems. Aims  To examine the performance of people with learning disabilities on two cognitive therapy tasks (emotion recognition and discrimination among thoughts, feelings and behaviours). We hypothesized that cognitive therapy task performance would be significantly correlated with IQ and receptive vocabulary, and that providing a visual cue would improve performance. Method  Fifty-nine people with learning disabilities were assessed on the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI), the British Picture Vocabulary Scale-II (BPVS-II), a test of emotion recognition and a task requiring participants to discriminate among thoughts, feelings and behaviours. In the discrimination task, participants were randomly assigned to a visual cue condition or a no-cue condition. Results  There was considerable variability in performance. Emotion recognition was significantly associated with receptive vocabulary, and discriminating among thoughts, feelings and behaviours was significantly associated with vocabulary and IQ. There was no effect of the cue on the discrimination task. Conclusion  People with learning disabilities with higher IQs and good receptive vocabulary were more likely to be able to identify different emotions and to discriminate among thoughts, feelings and behaviours. This implies that they may more easily understand the cognitive model. Structured ways of simplifying the concepts used in cognitive therapy and methods of socialization and education in the cognitive model are required to aid participation of people with learning disabilities.


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This paper explores the role of digital media and creativity in the processes of learning that occur in groups of urban skateboarders. In particular, it examines how the production and consumption of amateur videos contribute to both skaters’ mastery of the techniques of the sport and their integration into the culture of the sport. The data come from an ethnographic study of skateboarders in Hong Kong, which included in-depth interviews, participant observation and the collection of texts and artifacts like magazines, blog entries and amateur skating videos. Skateboarders use video in a number of ways that significantly impact their learning and integration into their communities. They use it to analyze tricks and techniques, to document the stages of their learning and socialization into the group, to set community standards, to build a sense of belonging with their ‘crews’ and to imagine ‘idealized futures’ for themselves and their communities. Understanding the value and function of such ‘semiotic mediation’ in learning and socialization into sport cultures, I suggest, can contribute to helping physical educators design tasks that integrate training in physical skills with opportunities for students to make meaning around their experiences of sport and physical education.


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This paper investigates employer perceptions of the nature and importance of the English language in public relations agencies in Hong Kong. Based on in-depth interviews with senior managers from eight Hong Kong-based public relations companies, it examines how the linguistic currency ofEnglish is used collaboratively in creative organizations. Findings suggest that English is used as the common language among transnational public relations work teams and the clients that they service. Itis also used as a creative resource for facilitating collaboration, staff development and socialization into corporate and professional cultures.


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In the home of others: exploring new sites and methods when investigating the doings of gender, class and ethnicity What role does the experience of being in and observing other people’s home play informing one’s gender and class identities and family aspirations? And how can it be explored? Through the traditions of socialization theory the everyday/-night experiences of family life are objectified into an institution (the family) with abstracted relations (mother-father-child) and functions (”primary socialization”). This is a view directly related to ruling relations through which the family is institutionalized, by rules and regulations, and made accountable as such. Hereby the question of experiences of other sites (and localities!) and other relations when forming one’s gender and family aspirations are not raised. In this article it is argued that when using an alternative approach (the method of inquiry proposed by Dorothy E. Smith) and alternative methods (memory work) the door to other homes is opened. Using experience stories a picture is drawn where new sites and relations are made visible as crucial contexts where gender and family life is explored and learned. By illuminating the ”work knowledge” of family life another way of mapping is presented, a way that extends and transforms the traditions within family research.


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Life quality in families: close relations and “the good life” The aim of this paper is to explore how aspects and qualities of modern family life influence subjective well-being. Although the patterns of family, work and sexuality have changed dramatically the last four decades, it is here claimed that the family is still an important base of socialization and upbringing. Thus the study of processes within the family can contribute to the understanding of the environment in which many children grow up. In most families, work, partner and family roles are intertwined, and one central hypothesis of this work is that family members influence each other in the individual formation of well-being. The main research question of this study asks: How is life quality affected by the quality of parent-child and the partner relationships and aspects of their shared everyday life? Empirical implications are tested against 2002-data from a representative, Norwegian sample. Analyses conclude that the quality of parent-child and the spousal relationship, and also aspects of families’ everyday life such as work-life balance and time pressure influence the subjective life quality, but mother’s and father’s life quality is affected by differing and partly incompatible conditions.


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A popular Western perception of Japan is that it is an eminently homogeneous and conformist society. However, both conformity and homogeneity, recognized even by the Japanese themselves, coexist with the concept of individuality, which is valued in a manner unique to its culture. In order to come to a deeper understanding of that dynamic, it is important to comprehend the specifics of child rearing and education within Japanese society. Based in part on the author's observational fieldwork conducted while in Japan in 1994, the thesis explicates the manner in which various core relationships exhibit the socialization of an individual that occurs within the home during a child's first few years. Furthermore, the text incorporates research in both primary and secondary historical materials. The author displays the manner in which educational issues such as the development of the Japanese education system and the dynamics of the elementary years serve to demonstrate the importance of functioning within a group. This is further clarified through an examination of elementary school texts, which also reveal underlying moral messages of profound importance in Japanese society. The seemingly contradictory issues of becoming an individual yet performing as a member of a group are pulled together by the idea that culture provides the guidance by which an individual becomes an active member of society. In Japan, individuality and group conformity are not mutually exclusive. Within the context of Japanese society, individuality is inextricably linked to group orientation.


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Sociology, in concerning itself with methodology and cultural determinism,may have overlooked the value of human experience in determining social action. We feel that the structural-functionalist point of view is not mutually exclusive with that of symbolic interaction theory. The field of collective behavior has not adequately explained a certain incidence of human activity called Transcendental Meditation. This paper will define Transcendental Meditation in sociological terms and explore its growth in terms of structural-functionalism,as well as in terms of the symbol-making faculty of human experience. In the first chapter, the author will state his biases and background as well as the problem and purpose of the paper. In the second chapter, Transcendental Meditation will be defined through an explanation of its concepts in sociological terms. A view of the TM program will also be reported. Following this in the third chapter, the origins of TM will be discussed~showing its basis to be in a tradition of Indian gurus and following its development in the United states until the present. The history of TM will proceed through biography of leading figures, with special mention of innovations in the TM institution of teaching and events in the growth of the 'movement' of TOO that are of key importance. Having set down the history of TM, in the fourth chapter we will discuss TM in terms of various sociological models. We will try to identify TM as either a social movement; a charismatic organization or a bureaucracy. In the fifth chapter we will look more closely at the structure of the organization that teaches TM in regard to its own functioning; that is, compliance, communication, socialization and recruitment, and also in regard to its relationship with national institutions, such as military, industry, religion, and government. Finally, we will explore TM in terms of individual and group goals and offer an explanation defining the growth of TM. Throughout-the paper, sociological perspectives will be applied to phenomena that exist in the society today. It is not within the scope of this paper to verify all the sociological implications and appraisals offered. It is hoped that this will not invalidate the ensuing discussion. It is also hoped that this paper will expand the horizons of sociology and offer some direction in future studies of collective behavior. If this is accomplished, the author will be gratified and indebted to his teachers. If not the author takes full responsibility. This paper is dedicated therefore to Mr. Birge, Mr Morrione, Mr. Geib as well as to my parents who have encouraged me, my friends whom I have interviewed, and to His Holiness, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi whose teaching has uplifted hundred of thousands of people in the world and may bring about the development of new thresholds of peace and prosperity for mankind.


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Investigamos a prática do esporte nas escolas de 1º e 2º graus, públicas e particulares de Porto Alegre, na Visão dos professores de Educação Física. Os objetivos que norteam nosso estudo foram: identificar os aspectos fundamentais da prática do esporte na escola; estabelecer se o professor de Educação Física de 1º e 2º graus relaciona criticamente a prática do esporte na escola com o contexto social que a envolve; elaborar um conjunto de sugestões que vise aprimorar a prática esportiva na escola, tendo presente a ênfase no desenvolvimento intelectual do ser humano para uma educação e uma sociedade mais justas. O estudo é de natureza descritivo-explicativa, a população alvo é constituída de todos os professores de Educação Física das escolas públicas e particulares de Porto Alegre, num total de 1.838 lotados nas 403 escolas existentes no município. A todos eles, foi enviado o questionário. Retornaram 218, constituindo-se assim a amostra. Observamos 17 escolas e realizamos 12 entrevistas. Descrevemos os professores de Educação Física quanto à idade, sexo, tipo de escola em que trabalham, nível de formação profissional, tempo de serviço, grau de ensino em que atuam, carga horária semanal e modalidades esportivas preferidas. Segundo os professores de Educação Física de Porto Alegre, a importância do esporte na escola para o aluno está distribuída nas seguintes categorias: Movimento; Socialização; Desenvolvimento Moral e Intelectual; Saúde; Afetivo; Superação. A importância do esporte escolar para a escola, segundo os professores de Educação Física, agrupa-se nas seguintes categorias: Promoção e desenvolvimento da escola; Formação e desenvolvimento do aluno; Socialização. Quanto à importância do esporte na escola para a sociedade, os professores manifestaram-se nas seguintes categorias: Saúde; Socialização; Moral; Estrutural-crítica; Estrutural-alienada; Cultural. Observamos neste estudo que os professores de Educação Física têm dificuldade em relacionar sua prática com o contexto social. O ensino é desprovido de reflexão. A visão do esporte na escola é funcionalista e sua prática é conservadora. Prevenção da saúde e do uso de drogas são as funções do esporte, sobre as quais os professores têm maior clareza. A maior dificuldade dos professores é trabalhar com a liberdade de movimentos, daí o caráter disciplinar das práticas esportivas Há duas posições diferenciadas com relação à importância do esporte na escola para a sociedade: uma que faz a crítica ao caráter reprodutor do esporte na escola e outra que não se dá conta desta manipulação. O professor escolhe o esporte a ser praticado na escola segundo quatro referenciais: aluno; recursos físicos e materiais; instituição; professor. Estes referenciais variam em ordem de prioridade da escola pública para a escola particular. Por fim, é necessário, para a mudança deste quadro, que as discussões acadêmicas cheguem o mais rápido possível ao professor que está diuturnamente envolvido na escola, através de programas de atualização. os sistemas de ensino deverão priorizar a escola pública com recursos físicos e materiais, além de levar em consideração, prioritariamente, o interesse do aluno na efetivação de políticas específicas para o setor. Devemos estimular o hábito da leitura de obras de cunho social, político, e cultural entre os professores, através da liberação de carga horária de trabalho e fazendo com que esta bibliografia chegue até a escola. Urge que os professores críticos desenvolvam, com seus alunos, estratégias que visem à transformação da instituição escolar, com vista a uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária.


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Nesta dissertação, analiso as lógicas de engajamento dos agricultores ecologistas na agricultura ecológica em Antônio Prado e Ipê, ambos municípios da Encosta Superior do Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os diferentes graus de engajamento dos agricultores estão relacionados à heterogeneidade na estrutura e volume de capitais acumulados por esses agentes durante suas trajetórias e às distintas expectativas de retribuição com relação a este referencial de agricultura. O referencial foi construído ou socializado neste cenário, principalmente, pelos técnicos do Centro Ecológico, constituindo-se num conjunto de práticas agrícolas alternativas que pretendem viabilizar avanços sustentáveis na produção agrícola. Na busca destes “avanços”, a agricultura ecológica é construída sob uma dimensão simbólica, orientada “pela filosofia da preservação ambiental e da justiça social”, e uma dimensão econômica caracterizada pelo objetivo de viabilizar econômica e socialmente a agricultura familiar. Assim, os agricultores, ao se engajarem, fazem suas releituras do referencial e, pela socialização, vão incorporando os limites impostos as suas ações pelas representações dominantes (legítimas) da “prática” e pelas normas que vão se institucionalizando ao longo do tempo, resultando na estrutura objetiva do espaço de relações da agricultura ecológica na região. Essas releituras resultam em distintos graus de engajamento. As distintas tomadas de posições e estratégias desenvolvidas pelos agricultores ecologistas possibilitam a formação de uma hierarquia normativa neste espaço social, permitindo que alguns agricultores, devido às disposições incorporadas durante suas trajetórias e ao tipo de relação estabelecida com os técnicos, se tornem novos mediadores.


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Esta dissertação examina o relacionamento entre os processos subjacentes de aprendizagem e acumulação de competências tecnológicas na Cyanamid Indústria Química, maiS especificamente em sua fábrica localizada no município de ResendelRJ. Este estudo trata do período entre 1990 e 1999. E enfocou a acumulação de competências para três funções tecnológicas: investimentos, processos e organização da produção e equipamentos. Os quatro processos de aprendizagem: aquisição externa e interna, socialização e codificação de conhecimento são examinados à luz de quatro características chaves: variedade, intensidade, funcionamento e interação. Para esta análise foram utilizadas estruturas existentes na literatura de empresas em industrialização e literatura de empresas de tecnologia de fronteira. A conclusão desta dissertação sugere que os processos de aprendizagem contribuíram substancialmente para acumulação de competências tecnológicas na empresa em estudo. Quanto maior à importância destes processos de aprendizagem e de suas quatro características chaves: variedade, intensidade, funcionamento e interação, maior será a capacidade e velocidade de acumulação de competências tecnológicas. Este trabalho também sugere que esta acumulação foi influenciada por outros fatores externos e internos como: políticas governamentais e comportamento da liderança, apenas para citar alguns. Estes fatores externos e internos estão alem do escopo desta dissertação. Esta conclusão não é diferente de estudos anteriores, mas concentra-se em refletir sobre um estudo aplicado a uma indústria ainda não examinada pela literatura existente de empresas em industrialização. Em especial, sobre uma experiência individual, localizada no interior do estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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This work is focused on the explanation of the relation between the learning processes, the accumulation of technological competence and the competitive performance. The present study is based on the case of the steelmaking plant of Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, located in Volta Redonda city, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, during the period of 1997 and 2001. The framework of this thesis is based on Figueiredo (2001), that shares the learning process in external and internal acquisition of knowledge, and the conversion of this knowledge from people to organization through socialization (transfer of tacit knowledge) or codification (transfer of knowledge by written documents). This framework considers the key features of the learning process: the variety, the intensity, the working and the interaction. The results suggest that the steelmaking of CSN achieved the pre intermediate level (level 4) of technological competence to the technological functions of production process and equipment, and the intermediate level (level 5) to the function product. The accomplishment of these levels of competence was due to the acquisition and conversion of new knowledge. It was observed that the key features had an evolution during the period considered in the study. The results allowed to show that the accumulation of technological competence had a positive influence over the competitive performance of the steelmaking unit of CSN.


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O enfoque no agir humano, como um desvio necessário à manutenção do equilíbrio contingente do sistema, deve perpassar pela análise das características e dos fundamentos de diferentes correntes éticas, que servem de "pano de fundo" para o convívio moral dos agentes, nos ambientes organizacionais e sociais (sistemas interagentes). Em outros termos, como essa forma de criação e socialização de um conhecimento organizacional, vista como fundamento para o desenvolvimento das ciências administrativas, ancorada numa fundamentação ou nas diferentes correntes éticas, pode criar um conjunto de valores aceitos e justificados moralmente num ambiente interno de uma organização, e de que forma o agir humano poderá ser exteriorizado numa sociedade, uma vez que os atores que participam de um sistema organizacional são os mesmos que atuam no ambiente social de uma comunidade, estado, país, e no mercado global. Isto é, de que forma o agir humano, com base numa ética justificadora do ato moral, pode contribuir para o equilíbrio dinâmico do sistema contingencial.


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In the last years, a number of enterprises ¿ each time greater ¿ have perceived the importance of the strategic management of the intellectual capital in its strategic planning. Factors like globalization of the economy and consequent awareness of specialized work value enclosed in organizational processes and routines, awareness of knowledge as factor of distinct production and low cost of data processing nets, point to a growing replacement of physical force for cerebral in our organizations and in our social lives. This work has the objective to analyze how the information technology, in its present stage, may contribute to creation and development of knowledge, or intellectual capital, in the organization of business. We will use for this purpose the methodology proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi for creation of knowledge in the organizations. The model is based in two basic points: 1) the existence of two types of knowledge, the tacit and the explicit and its several processes of interaction wich generate operational knowledge (internalization), systematic knowledge (combination), shared knowledge (socialization) and conceptual knowledge (externalization); 2) the view that knowledge in principle is individual, belongs to each member of the organization and must be enlarged 'in an organization way'. Considering the characteristics of the methodology used, the proposal is the construction of a knowledge portal in the organization of business, so that it may be used as a tool for helping to create and develop organizational knowledge.