881 resultados para social representations theory


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Social capital, since Putnam’s 1993 work, has captured the imagination of policy-makers the world over, and Australia is no exception. In 2005 the Department of Victorian Communities launched its Actions for Community Strengthening policy statement, which draws heavily on social capital theory. This article explores the theoretical underpinnings of the government’s policy and critiques its failure to deal adequately with the causal relationship between social capital and its supposed community benefits. The article then seeks to isolate the missing factors through a look at recent research on volunteerism and argues that the institution of collaborative/interactive governance needs to be underpinned by sound socio-economic reform.


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Social work continues to move towards the incorporation of spirituality within social work theory and practice, yet gaps remain at many levels. The current dearth of theorization of spirituality in social work has created a situation where individual social workers wishing to include spirituality in their practice are forced to rely on their own initiative and inventiveness, with no clear theoretical, practical, or ethical guidelines. This article presents the beginnings of an integrated spiritual practice framework which may help to address some of these concerns. This research scrutinized the proposed Integrated Spiritual Practice Framework (ISPF) through literature survey of three spiritual ideologies (Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism) using the process of metatriangulation. The study found that each ideological perspective provided evidence and support for the structures and concepts of the ISPF. Through the analysis and theory building process, each ideology contributed greater understanding of components of the ISPF, resulting in a more sophisticated and developed framework for integrating spirituality within social work.


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Adoption of technologies has long been a key area of research in the information systems (IS) discipline, and researchers have thus been interested in the attributes, beliefs, intentions, and behaviors of individuals and organisations that could explain information and communication technology (ICT) adoption. The focal unit of adoption has mainly been individuals and organisations, however, research at group or social network level as well as the inter-organizational level have recently gained increased interest from IS researchers. This recent focus supports the view of the world as being the sum of all relations. Various social network theories exist that seek to emphasize different proficiencies of social networks and explain theoretical mechanisms for behavior in social networks. The core idea of these theories is that social networks are valuable, and the relations among actors affect the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, industries, and societies. IS researchers have also found that social network theory can help explain technology adoption. Some researchers, in addition, acknowledge that most adoption situations involve phenomena occuring at multiple levels, yet most technology adoption research applies a single level of analysis. Multilevel research can address the levels of theory, measurement, and analysis required to fully examining research questions. This paper therfore adapts the Coleman diagram into the Multi-level Framework of Technology. Adoption in order to explain how social network theory, at the individual and social network level, can help explain adoption of ICT. As Coleman (1990) attempts to create a link between the micro and macro level in a holistic manner, his approach is applicable in explaining ICT adoption


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This chapter examines the nature and role of theory in criminal justice evaluation. A distinction between theories of and theories for evaluation is offered to clarify what is meant by ‘theory’ in the context of contemporary evaluation practice. Theories of evaluation provide a set of prescriptions and principles that can be used to guide the design, conduct and use of evaluation. Theories for evaluation include programme theory and the application of social science theory to understand how and why criminal justice interventions work to generate desired outcomes. The fundamental features of these three types of theory are discussed in detail, with a particular focus on demonstrating their combined value and utility for informing and improving the practice of criminal justice evaluation


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This study examines the effects of community social capital on entrepreneurial intentions (EIs) in rural communities in a developing country. Entrepreneurship, in the form of business start-ups, is widely recognized as an integral component of local economic development programs designed to address poverty and limited livelihood opportunities, especially among poor and marginalized communities in rural areas in developing countries. Using a survey of 496 individuals residing in five rural communities in the Philippines, and drawing from the theory of planned behavior and social capital theory, we examine the direct and indirect effects of community social capital (CSC) on an individual’s EIs. The findings show that CSC largely influences EI by shaping an individual’s perceived self-efficacy (PSE) to engage in entrepreneurship, perceived desirability of entrepreneurship (PDE), and perceived social norms toward entrepreneurship (PSNE). High levels of PSE, PDE, and PSNE have a positive influence on an individual’s EI. These findings offer more nuanced explanations of how social capital within a community can facilitate entrepreneurship as a means of community economic development. Implications of the findings and areas for future research are discussed.


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Smartphone applications are getting more and more popular and pervasive in our daily life, and are also attractive to malware writers due to their limited computing source and vulnerabilities. At the same time, we possess limited understanding of our opponents in cyberspace. In this paper, we investigate the propagation model of SMS/MMS-based worms through integrating semi-Markov process and social relationship graph. In our modeling, we use semi-Markov process to characterize state transition among mobile nodes, and hire social network theory, a missing element in many previous works, to enhance the proposed mobile malware propagation model. In order to evaluate the proposed models, we have developed a specific software, and collected a large scale real-world data for this purpose. The extensive experiments indicate that the proposed models and algorithms are effective and practical. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines the impact of employee perceptions of organizational corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices on their job performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Hierarchical regression analysis on two-wave data from 184 supervisor/subordinate dyads from three organizations located in Zhejiang Province, South-East China, revealed that employee perceptions of CSR toward social and non-social stakeholders strongly influenced their OCB. However, employee perceptions of CSR toward employees, customers and government influenced neither their job performance nor OCB.


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Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of social capital within a community on the adoption of consumer eco-behaviour or environmentally sustainable behaviour of consumers. The authors draw on the behavioural perspective model (BPM) of consumer behaviour and social capital theory in arguing that social capital shapes a consumer's knowledge of environmental issues and pro-environmental attitudes, which in turn influence a consumer's perceived capability to engage in eco-behaviour. Design/methodology/approach - This study uses partial least squares approach to structural equation modelling of survey data involving 1,044 consumers in the Philippines. It involves testing of a measurement model to examine the validity and reliability of the constructs used in the study. This is followed by testing of the structural models to test the hypothesised relationships of the constructs. Findings - The results suggest the substantive influence of social capital on environmental knowledge, pro-environmental attitudes and eco-capability. Both knowledge and attitudes have positive effects on eco-capability, which in turn positively shapes eco-behaviour. Research limitations/implications - Future studies can examine how social capital as a multi-dimensional construct impacts context-specific consumer behaviour. Practical implications - Social and environmental marketing may focus on social network activation to encourage eco-behaviours of consumers. Social implications - Findings highlight the role of social capital within one's community as a resource channel to encourage environmentally responsible consumer behaviour. Originality/value - The study extends the BPM by offering a social capital view as a more nuanced explanation of consumer eco-behaviour.


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No presente paper, nós provamos que qualquer função da escolha social satisfaz o princípio da independência das alternativas irrelevantes (IIA) de Arrow se o comportamento individual é menu-dependente. Portanto, o 'Teorema da Possibilidade Geral' de Arrow não é válido quando as preferências individuais são determinadas por valores irredutíveis. Nesse contexto, qualquer instrumento de agregação que satisfaça os princípios não-ditatoriais e paretianos de unanimidade (maioria simples, por exemplo) também faz IIA. Esse poderia ser um resultado importante para a teoria da escolha social, enquanto um comportamento individual determinado por valores irredutíveis (interesse próprio, ideologia, Ética e normas sociais, por exemplo) podendo validar democracia representativa. A importância relativa de tais valores e da possibilidade de reversão da preferência determina a dinâmica da escolha social, de acordo com os princípios democráticos.


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This study looked for identify the causes and the effects of fear in the individuals within the organizational context. The procedure for data collection consisted in a questionnaire divided in two stages, and applied in 76 individuals. The first stage consisted in a words evocation test and the second, as a complementary mode, was composed by four open questions. The theory of social representations and the central nucleus theory were the foundations of the data analysis of the words evocation test. The processing of the open questions was consisted in an interpretative analysis, based in the presented theoretical referencial and supported by the respondents social representation of fear. In the enterprises context, different causes and effects of fear had been found in the inserted individuals. However, in its majority, it was identified that the biggest individuals fears are the unemployment, the threats, punishments, the unstable and unsafe environments of work, the unfair competition, the collusions, sabotages, tricks, the incapacity to do its work¿s tasks and the abusive increase of the work load. On the other hand, about the fear¿s effects, there is a frequent physiological and psychological instability when they had been submitted in high work loads. The fear is an excellent creativity, innovation and aptitude repressor, and it is capable to generate disgusts, frustrations, defensive postures, standstills and to increase the jobs navigability.


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o presente estudo constituiu-se na primeira tentativa de aproximação das teorias de comparação social de Festinger (1954) e de aprendizagem social de Rotter (1966), também, o primeiro estudo conhecido no Brasil investigando locus de controle e comparação social com crianças. O objetivo do trabalho foi testar as hipóteses de que: (a) o locus de controle dos sujeitos, a oportunidade de comparaçao social e o resultado de desempenho (sucesso e fracasso) afetam a atribuição de causalidade ao desempenho de uma tarefa; e (b) sujeitos de locus de controle interno, quer tenham sido bem ou mal sucedidos na tarefa experimental, têm expectativas futuras mais semelhantes a seu próprio desempenho do que ao desempenho do grupo, enquanto que sujeitos de locus de controle externo, quer tenham sido bem ou mal sucedidos na tarefa experimental, têm expectativas mais semelhantes ao desempenho do grupo de pares do que ao seu próprio desempenho. As conclusões deste estudo foram: (a) a atribuição de causalidade, de acordo com a formulação de Rotter (1966), aplica-se também a brasileiros, especialmente a crianças brasileiras; (b) no desempenho bem-sucedido internos e externos não se diferenciam na assunção do crédito pessoal pelo sucesso; (c) a comparação social funciona para internos como ratificadora na situação de sucesso e modificadora na situação de fracasso do locus de controle do sujeito, e o inverso se , dá com os externos; (d) é válida a aproximação entre os construtos de locus de controle e comparação social; e (e) na previsão de resultados futuros, o papel da comparação social é de ratificacão do locus de controle.


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The achievement of an adolescent’s psychosocial identity is influenced by identifications developed within the family. Along the schooling process, the adolescent experiences success and failure. Such experiences are given a special meaning, according to social ideals that are reproduced at school. The assimilation of these ideals, as values, can be perceived in the social representations of success or failure at school. The spreading of a certain ideological order acts as a background for self-identity. This is the framework within which the choice of a future role, translated by the desired profession, will be done. Statistical analysis of data, collected by a survey that held such assumptions, led to the conclusion that family and school select each other, and make an agreement that is honored by common social values, in search of a social role for the coming generations.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado versa sobre o significado de República no militar do Exército Brasileiro. Tal significado é buscado nas manifestações publicadas, no interior da corporação, nos dias 15 de novembro dos cem anos deste regime vigente no país. Delimita-se qual o objeto da Psicologia Social, e, para fundamentação da escolha do quadro de referência teórico, apresenta-se uma crítica aos modelos fundados no Positivismo e no Materialismo Histórico, para então se optar pela História das Mentalidades e pela Teoria das Representações Sociais. Utiliza-se as "Ordens do Dia" como material. Importa ressaltar que apresentam-se tais documentos num capitulo e não em anexos, para enfatizar que eles são a base desta dissertação. São considerados, não coadjuvantes, mas figuras centrais neste cenário. Faz-se uma análise destas "Ordens do Dia", privilegiando-se as ideias de ordem, progresso, segurança e desenvolvimento. Posteriormente é feita uma sobreposição das ideologias dentro do Exército que dominaram as conjunturas na estrutura republicana, com a representação social de República no Exército Brasileiro. Tal sobreposição corrobora o papel ativo da Representação Social.


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Nesta dissertação, o objetivo é identificar e analisar as representações sociais acerca das masculinidades referidas por homens executivos, gestores do mundo de negócios. Onde o foco maior é conseguir evidências para os seguintes questionamentos: o que é ser homem no mundo dos negócios? Quais as representações sociais da masculinidade? Quais as formas privilegiadas, ou hegemônicas dessa masculinidade? Este trabalho está baseado no projeto de pesquisa do Dr. Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri sobre “Masculinidades Contemporâneas: Representações da Masculinidade na Ótica de Homens e Mulheres Executivos”. Como contribuição teórica para os estudos organizacionais, esta pesquisa possibilita um olhar sobre a masculinidade contemporânea no ambiente empresarial, e não apenas a dominação do masculino sobre o feminino. Como o mundo dos negócios é um termo abrangente a pesquisa não se concentrou em setores específicos da sociedade, ou mesmo desse “mundo de negócios”, se buscou alcançar uma concepção analítica que atingisse a representação social sobre esse mundo. O objeto alvo deste estudo são os executivos, diretores, gerentes, assessores e coordenadores, pois esses sujeitos dentro da dinâmica do capitalismo contemporâneo são móveis dentro dos controles das organizações. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, onde foi realizada entrevistas a fim de se obter dados qualitativos sobre objeto de estudo e que tem como suporte metodológico a Teoria das Representações Sociais e a análise do discurso. As entrevistas foram realizadas com 10 homens de negócio, tais quais coordenadores de Instituição de Ensino Superior; coordenador de investimento e operações industriais; diretores executivos; gestor de unidades e assessor jurídico, todos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Dessa forma, foi possível analisar as representações sociais da masculinidade no que diz respeito ao homem de negócios. Os avanços dos estudos sobre a masculinidade tornará possível à desconstrução da masculinidade hegemônica exercida sobre todos nós, homens e mulheres. Tal análise possibilita um aumento do conhecimento sobre as organizações, assim como, ajuda entender as influências do comportamento dos funcionários na empresa. Através das entrevistas foi possível conhecer o ambiente de trabalho do executivo homem, suas responsabilidades, o contexto social em que está inserido e as representações sociais que o conduzem na sociedade. Como a sociedade brasileira, em sua maioria, diz-se capitalista e cristã a dominação e o poder exercido pelos mais fortes continuaram a existir. Porém, com a pesquisa é possível verificar quais as representações sociais da masculinidade marcantes nos homens de negócio, as quais direcionam todo o contexto organizacional, independente do sexo. Dessa forma se fez possível entender um pouco melhor esse “capitalismo selvagem” corporativo em qual a sociedade optou viver.