405 resultados para silicates


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Hybrid materials were prepared by combining clay mineral (montmorillonite SWy-2 and saponite SapCa-1) and dyes extracted from the acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) fruit, which contains mainly anthocyanins from the 3-glucoside class, to increase the stability of the dye and facilitate its handling and storage. Clay minerals are common ingredients in therapeutic and pharmaceutical products and acai phytochemicals show disease prevention properties. The extract of the acai fruit was mixed with water suspensions of layered silicates in different proportions. The dyeclay hybrids presented incorporated organic material in amounts up to 24 wt.-%. X ray diffractometry and vibrational (FTIR and Raman) and electronic spectroscopic data showed that flavylium cations were successfully intercalated between the inorganic layers. Mass-coupled thermogravimetric analysis (TGA-MS) data showed a significant gain in the thermostability of the organic species in relation to anthocyanins in the extract. MS curves related to CO2 release (m/z = 44) are ascendant above 200 degrees C when the dye cations are confined to the inorganic structure. The radical scavenging activity of the hybrid materials was monitored by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) toward the stable radical DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) and compared to the activity of the acai extract. In addition to the fact that interaction with clay minerals improves the stability of the acai dyes against heat, their properties as radical scavengers are preserved after intercalation. The improvement in the properties of the nutraceutical species by intercalation by using biocompatible inorganic structures can be valuable for human therapy.


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In this study, Cross-Polarization Magic-angle Spinning CP/MAS, 2D Exchange, Centerband-Only Detection of Exchange (CODEX), and Separated-Local-Field (SLF) NMR experiments were used to study the molecular dynamics of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) inside Hectorite/PEG intercalation compounds in both single- and double-layer configurations. The results revealed that the overall amplitude of the motions of the PEG chain in the single-layer configuration is considerably smaller than that observed for the double-layer intercalation compound. This result indicates that the effect of having the polymer chain interacting with both clay platelets is to produce a substantial decrease in the motional amplitudes of those chains. The presence of these dynamically restricted segments might be explained by the presence of anchoring points between the clay platelets and the PEG oxygen atoms, which was induced by the Na+ cations. By comparing the PEG motional amplitudes of the double-layered nanocomposites composed of polymers with different molecular weights, a decrease in the motional amplitude for the smaller PEG chain was observed, which might also be understood using the presence of anchoring points.


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In the last decades the development of bone substitutes characterized by a superior biomimetism has become of particular interest, owing to the increasing economic and societal impact of the bone diseases. In the present work of research the development of bone substitutes characterized by improved biomimetism, has been faced in a chemical, structural and morphological perspective. From a chemical point of view, it has been developed the synthesis of hydroxyapatite powders, exhibiting multiple ionic substitutions in both cationic and anionic sites, so to simulate the chemical composition of the natural bone. Particular emphasis has been given to the effect of silicon on the chemical-physical and solubility properties of the obtained hydroxyapatites. From a structural point of view, it has been developed the synthesis of ceramic composite materials, based on hydroxyapatite and calcium silicates, employed both as a reinforcing phase, to raise the mechanical strength of the composite compared to hydroxyapatite, and as a bioactive phase, able to increase the bioactivity properties of the whole ceramic. Finally the unique morphological features of the bone were mimicked by taking inspiration by Nature, so that native wood structures were treated in chemical and thermal way to obtain hydroxyapatite porous materials characterized by the same morphology as the native wood. The results obtained in the present work were positive in all the three different areas of investigation, so to cover the three different aspects of biomimetism, chemical, structural and morphological. Anyway, only at the convergence of the three different fields it is possible to find out the best solutions to develop the ideal bone-like scaffold. Thus, the future activity should be devoted to solve the problems at the borderline between the different research lines, which hamper this convergence and in consequence, the achievement of a bone scaffold able to mimic the various aspects exhibited by the bone tissue


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The object of the present study is the process of gas transport in nano-sized materials, i.e. systems having structural elements of the order of nanometers. The aim of this work is to advance the understanding of the gas transport mechanism in such materials, for which traditional models are not often suitable, by providing a correct interpretation of the relationship between diffusive phenomena and structural features. This result would allow the development new materials with permeation properties tailored on the specific application, especially in packaging systems. The methods used to achieve this goal were a detailed experimental characterization and different simulation methods. The experimental campaign regarded the determination of oxygen permeability and diffusivity in different sets of organic-inorganic hybrid coatings prepared via sol-gel technique. The polymeric samples coated with these hybrid layers experienced a remarkable enhancement of the barrier properties, which was explained by the strong interconnection at the nano-scale between the organic moiety and silica domains. An analogous characterization was performed on microfibrillated cellulose films, which presented remarkable barrier effect toward oxygen when it is dry, while in the presence of water the performance significantly drops. The very low value of water diffusivity at low activities is also an interesting characteristic which deals with its structural properties. Two different approaches of simulation were then considered: the diffusion of oxygen through polymer-layered silicates was modeled on a continuum scale with a CFD software, while the properties of n-alkanthiolate self assembled monolayers on gold were analyzed from a molecular point of view by means of a molecular dynamics algorithm. Modeling transport properties in layered nanocomposites, resulting from the ordered dispersion of impermeable flakes in a 2-D matrix, allowed the calculation of the enhancement of barrier effect in relation with platelets structural parameters leading to derive a new expression. On this basis, randomly distributed systems were simulated and the results were analyzed to evaluate the different contributions to the overall effect. The study of more realistic three-dimensional geometries revealed a prefect correspondence with the 2-D approximation. A completely different approach was applied to simulate the effect of temperature on the oxygen transport through self assembled monolayers; the structural information obtained from equilibrium MD simulations showed that raising the temperature, makes the monolayer less ordered and consequently less crystalline. This disorder produces a decrease in the barrier free energy and it lowers the overall resistance to oxygen diffusion, making the monolayer more permeable to small molecules.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird mittels Molekulardynamik(MD)-Computersimulationen die Dynamik von verschiedenen Alkalisilikaten in der Schmelze und im Glas untersucht. Es ist bekannt, daß diese Systeme ionenleitend sind, was auf eine hohe Mobilität der Alkaliionen im Vergleich zu den glasbildenden Komponenten Si und O zurückzuführen ist. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses steht der sog. Mischalkalieffekt (MAE), der in ternären Mischungen aus Siliziumdioxid mit zwei Alkalioxiden auftritt. Gegenüber Mischungen mit nur einer Alkaliionensorte weisen letztere Systeme eine signifikante Verlangsamung der Alkaliionendiffusion auf. Zunächst werden zwei binäre Alkalisilikate simuliert, nämlich Lithiumdisilikat (LS2) und Kaliumdisilikat (KS2). Die Simulationen zeigen, daß der Ursprung der hohen Mobilität der Alkaliionen in der Struktur begründet ist. KS2 und LS2 weisen auf intermediären Längenskalen Ordnung auf, die in partiellen statischen Strukturfaktoren durch Prepeaks reflektiert ist. Die den Prepeaks zugrundeliegende Struktur erklärt sich durch perkolierende Netzwerke aus alkalioxidreichen Kanälen, die als Diffusionskanäle für die mobilen Alkaliionen fungieren. In diesen Kanälen bewegen sich die Ionen mittels Sprüngen (Hopping) zwischen ausgezeichneten Plätzen. In der Simulation beobachtet man für die hohen Temperaturen (4000K>=1500K) eine ähnliche Aktivierungsenergie wie im Experiment. Im Experiment findet allerdings unterhalb von ca.1200K ein Crossover in ein Arrheniusverhalten mit höherer Aktivierungsenergie statt, welches von der Simulation nicht nachvollzogen wird. Das kann mit der in der Simulation nicht im Gleichgewicht befindlichen Si-O-Matrix erklärt werden, bei der Alterungseffekte beobachtet werden. Am stärksten ist der MAE für eine Alkalikomponente, wenn deren Konzentrationsanteil in einem ternären Mischalkalisystem gegen 0 geht. Daher wird ein LS2-System untersucht, in dem ein Li-Ion gegen ein K-Ion getauscht wird. Der Einfluß des K-Ions ist sowohl lokal in den charakteristischen Abständen zu den ersten nächsten Nachbarn (NN) zu sehen, als auch in der ortsaufgelösten Koordinationszahlverteilung bis zu Längenskalen von ca. 8,5 Angstrom. Die Untersuchung der Dynamik des eingesetzten K-Ions zeigt, daß die Sprungwahrscheinlichkeit nicht mit der Lokalisierung, einem Maß für die Bewegung eines Teilchens um seine Ruheposition, korreliert ist, aber daß eine chemische Umgebung mit wenig Li- und vielen O-NN oder vielen Li- und wenig O-NN ein Sprungereignis begünstigt. Zuletzt wird ein ternäres Alkalisilikat (LKS2) untersucht, dessen Struktur alle charakteristischen Längenskalen von LS2 und KS2 aufweist. Es stellt sich also eine komplexe Struktur mit zwei perkolierenden Subnetzwerken für Alkaliionen ein. Die Untersuchung der Dynamik zeigt eine geringe Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür auf, daß Ionen in ein Subnetzwerk andersnamiger Ionen springen. Auch kann gezeigt werden, daß das Modellpotential den MAE reproduzieren kann, daß also die Diffusionskonstanten in LKS2 bei bis zu einer Größenordnung langsamer sind als in KS2 bzw. LS2. Der beobachtete Effekt stellt sich zudem vom funktionalen Verlauf her so dar, wie er beim MAE erwartet wird. Es wurde auch festgestellt, daß trotz der zeitlichen Verzögerung in den dynamischen Größen die Anzahl der Sprünge pro Zeit nicht geringer ist und daß für niedrige Temperaturen (d.h.im Glas) Sprünge auf den Nachbarplatz mit anschließendem Rücksprung auf die vorherige Position deutlich wahrscheinlicher sind als bei hohen Temperaturen (also in der Schmelze). Die vorliegenden Resultate geben Aufschluß über die Details der Mechanismen mikroskopischer Ionenleitung in binären und ternären Alkalisilikaten sowie dem MAE.


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Die Bioverkapselung ist eine faszinierende Methode, um biologische Materialien einschließlich Zellen in Siliziumdioxid, Metalloxiden oder hybriden Sol-Gel-Polymeren zu immobilisieren. Bisher wurde nur die Sol-Gel-Vorläufertechnologie genutzt, um Bakterien- oder Hefezellen in Siliziumdioxid zu immobilisieren. Hierfür wurden verschiedene Reagenzien als wässrige Vorläufer getestet, um poly(Silicate) auf Biomolekülen (Bhatia et al., 2000) oder Zellen (Liu und Chen 1999; Coradin und Livage, 2007) zu bilden. Einer der erfolgreichsten bisherigen Methoden verwendet eine Mischung aus Silicaten und kolloidalem Silica. Diese initialen Vorläufer werden durch die Zugabe von Salzsäure neutralisiert, was die Gelbildung fortschreiten lässt und die Verkapselung von Bakterien in einem Silica-Netzwerk zur Folge hat (Nassif et al., 2003). Mit der Entdeckung von Silicatein, einem Enzym, das aus Demospongien isoliert wurde und die Bildung von poly(Silicat) katalysiert, wurde es möglich, poly(Silicat) unter physiologischen Bedingungen zu synthetisieren. Silicatein wurde rekombinant in E. coli hergestellt und ist in der Lage, bei Raumtemperatur, neutralem pH-Wert und in wässrigen Puffersystemen aus Siliziumalkoxiden poly(Silicat) zu bilden (Krasko et al., 2000; Müller et al., 2007b; Zhou et al., 1999). In vivo katalysiert Silicatein die Synthese der Silicathülle der Schwamm-Spiculae (Skelettelemente; Müller et al., 2005b; Müller et al., 2007a; Müller et al., 2007b; Schröder et al., 2007a). Dieses Biosilica wurde in Form von Silica-Nanospheren mit Durchmessern zwischen 100 nm und 250 nm organisiert vorgefunden (Pisera 2003; Tahir et al., 2005). Mit dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Escherichia coli erfolgreich mit dem Silicatein-Gen transformiert werden kann. Das Level der Proteinexpression kann in Anwesenheit von Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalaktopyranosid (IPTG) effizient erhöht werden, indem man die Bakterienzellen gleichzeitig mit Kieselsäure inkubiert. Dieser Effekt konnte sowohl auf Ebene der Synthese des rekombinanten Proteins durch Western Blot als auch durch Immunfluoreszenzmikroskopie nachgewiesen werden. Das heterolog produzierte Silicatein besitzt enzymatische Aktivität und kann die Polymerisation von Kieselsäure katalysieren. Dies konnte sowohl durch Färbung mit Rhodamin123, als auch durch Reaktion der nicht polymerisierten, freien Kieselsäure mit dem ß-Silicomolybdato-Farbsystem (Silicomolybdänblau) nachgewiesen werden. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass nur die silicateinexprimierenden Bakterien während des Wachstums in Anwesenheit von Kieselsäure eine viskose Hülle um Zelle herum bilden. Ebenfalls konnte gezeigt werden, dass Silicatein-α aus Suberites domuncula nach Transformation in E. coli an die Zelloberfläche dieser Zellen transportiert wurde und dort seine enzymatische Funktion beibehielt. Die Silicathülle wurde mittels Raster-Elektronenmikroskopie (REM) analysiert. Die Bakterien, die Silicatein exprimierten und poly(Silicat) an ihrer Oberfläche synthetisierten, zeigten die gleichen Wachstumsraten wie die Bakterien, die das Gen nicht enthielten. Schlussfolgernd lässt sich sagen, dass die silicateinvermittelte Verkapselung von Bakterien mit poly(Silicat) die Bandbreite der Anwendung von Bakterien für die Produktion von rekombinanten Proteinen verbessern, erweitern und optimieren könnte.


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We investigated high temperature Mo isotope fractionation in a hydrous supra-subduction volcano-plutonic system (Kos, Aegean Arc, Greece) in order to address the debate on the δ98/95Mo variability of the continental crust. In this igneous system, where differentiation is interpreted to be dominated by fractional crystallization, bulk rock data from olivine basalt to dacite show δ98/95Mo ratios increasing from +0.3 to +0.6‰ along with Mo concentrations increasing from 0.8 to 4.1 μg g−1. Data for hornblende and biotite mineral separates reveal the extraction of light Mo into crystallizing silicates, with minimum partition coefficients between hornblende- silicate melt and biotite-silicate melt of 0.6 and 0.4 δ98/95Mo, respectively. Our data document significant Mo isotope fractionation at magmatic temperatures, hence, the igneous contribution to continental runoff is variable, besides probable source-related variability. Based on these results and published data an average continental δ98/95Mo of +0.3 to +0.4‰ can be derived. This signature corresponds more closely to the average of published data of dissolved Mo loads of large rivers than previous estimates and is consistent with an upper limit of δ98/95Mo = 0.4‰ of the Earth's upper crust as derived from the analysis of molybdenites.


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The mechanisms of Ar release from K-feldspar samples in laboratory experiments and during their geological history are assessed here. Modern petrology clearly established that the chemical and isotopic record of minerals is normally dominated by aqueous recrystallization. The laboratory critique is trickier, which explains why so many conflicting approaches have been able to survive long past their expiration date. Current models are evaluated for self-consistency; especially Arrhenian non-linearity leads to paradoxes. The models’ testable geological predictions suggest that temperature-based downslope extrapolations often overestimate observed geological Ar mobility substantially. An updated interpretation is based on the unrelatedness of geological behaviour to laboratory experiments. The isotopic record of K-feldspar in geological samples is not a unique function of temperature, as recrystallisation promoted by aqueous fluids is the predominant mechanism controlling isotope transport. K-feldspar should therefore be viewed as a hygrochronometer. Laboratory degassing proceeds from structural rearrangements and phase transitions such as are observed in situ at high temperature in Na and Pb feldspars. These effects violate the mathematics of an inert Fick’s Law matrix and preclude downslope extrapolation. The similar upward-concave, non-linear shapes of Arrhenius trajectories of many silicates, hydrous and anhydrous, are likely common manifestations of structural rearrangements in silicate structures.


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Chondrites are among the most primitive objects in the Solar System and constitute the main building blocks of telluric planets. Among the radiochronometers currently used for dating geological events, Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf are both composed of refractory, lithophile element. They are thought to behave similarly as the parent elements (Sm and Lu) are generally less incompatible than the daughter elements (Nd and Hf) during geological processes. As such, their respective average isotopic compositions for the solar system should be well defined by the average of chondrites, called Chondritic Uniform Reservoir (CHUR). However, while the Sm–Nd isotopic system shows an actual spread of less than 4% in the average chondritic record, the Lu–Hf system shows a larger variation range of 28% [Bouvier A., Vervoort J. D. and Patchett P. J. (2008) The Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd isotopic composition of CHUR: Constraints from unequilibrated chondrites and implications for the bulk composition of terrestrial planets. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.273, 48–57]. To better understand the contrast between Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf systems, the REE and Hf distribution among mineral phases during metamorphism of Karoonda (CK) and Vigarano-type (CV) carbonaceous chondrites has been examined. Mineral modes were determined from elemental mapping on a set of five CK chondrites (from types 3–6) and one CV3 chondrite. Trace-element patterns are obtained for the first time in all the chondrite-forming minerals of a given class (CK chondrites) as well as one CV3 sample. This study reveals that REE are distributed among both phosphates and silicates. Only 30–50% of Sm and Nd are stored in phosphates (at least in chondrites types 3–5); as such, they are not mobilized during early stages of metamorphism. The remaining fraction of Sm and Nd is distributed among the same mineral phases; these elements are therefore not decoupled during metamorphism. Of the whole-rock total of Lu, the fraction held in phosphate decreases significantly as the degree of metamorphism increases (30% for types 3 and 4, less than 5% in type 6). In contrast to Lu, Hf is mainly hosted by silicates with little contribution from phosphates throughout the CK metamorphic sequence. A significant part of Sm and Nd are stored in phosphates in types 3–5, and these elements behave similarly during CK chondrite metamorphism. That explains the robustness of the Sm/Nd ratios in chondrites through metamorphism, and the slight discrepancies observed in the present-day isotopic Nd values in chondrites. On the contrary, Lu and Hf are borne by several different minerals and consequently they are redistributed during metamorphism–induced recrystallization. The Lu/Hf ratios are therefore significantly disturbed during chondrites metamorphism, leading to the high discrepancies observed in present-day Hf isotopic values in chondrites.


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Minerals isostructural with sapphirine-1A, sapphirine-2M, and surinamite are closely related chain silicates that pose nomenclature problems because of the large number of sites and potential constituents, including several (Be, B, As, Sb) that are rare or absent in other chain silicates. Our recommended nomenclature for the sapphirine group (formerly-aenigmatite group) makes extensive use of precedent, but applies the rules to all known natural compositions, with flexibility to allow for yet undiscovered compositions such as those reported in synthetic materials. These minerals are part of a polysomatic series composed of pyroxene or pyroxene-like and spinel modules, and thus we recommend that the sapphirine supergroup should encompass the polysomatic series. The first level in the classification is based on polysome, i.e. each group within the supergroup Corresponds to a single polysome. At the second level, the sapphirine group is divided into subgroups according to the occupancy of the two largest M sites, namely, sapphirine (Mg), aenigmatite (Na), and rhonite (Ca). Classification at the third level is based on the occupancy of the smallest M site with most shared edges, M7, at which the dominant cation is most often Ti (aenigmatite, rhonite, makarochkinite), Fe(3+) (wilkinsonite, dorrite, hogtuvaite) or Al (sapphirine, khmaralite); much less common is Cr (krinovite) and Sb (welshite). At the fourth level, the two most polymerized T sites are considered together, e.g. ordering of Be at these sites distinguishes hogtuvaite, makarochkinite and khmaralite. Classification at the fifth level is based on X(Mg) = Mg/(Mg + Fe(2+)) at the M sites (excluding the two largest and M7). In principle, this criterion could be expanded to include other divalent cations at these sites, e.g. Mn. To date, most minerals have been found to be either Mg-dominant (X(mg) > 0.5), or Fe(2+)-dominant (X(Mg) < 0.5), at these M sites. However, X(mg) ranges from 1.00 to 0.03 in material described as rhonite, i.e. there are two species present, one Mg-dominant, the other Fe(2+)-dominant. Three other potentially new species are a Mg-dominant analogue of wilkinsonite, rhonite in the Allende meteorite, which is distinguished front rhonite and dorrite in that Mg rather than Ti or FC(3+) is dominant at M7, and an Al-dominant analogue of sapphirine, in which Al > Si at the two most polymerized T sites vs. Al < Si in sapphirine. Further splitting of the supergroup based on occupancies other than those specified above is not recommended.


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The dynamics of phytoplankton and nutrients before, during and after the winter-spring bloom on Georges Bank were studied on 6 monthly survey cruises from January to June 1999. We measured hydrography, phytoplankton cell densities, chlorophyll a, dissolved inorganic nutrients (NO3 + NO2, NH4, Si(OH)(4), PO4), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP), particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) and total particulate phosphorus (TPP). We present evidence that phytoplankton production may be significant year-round, and that the winter-spring bloom may have started in January. From January to April the phytoplankton was comprised almost exclusively of diatoms, reaching cell densities in March and April of ca. 450 cells ml(-1); chlorophyll a concentrations exceeded 10 mug l(-1) in April. Diatoms decreased to relatively low levels in May (< 50 x 10(3) cells l(-1)) and increased again in June (>300 x 10(3) cells l(-1)). Densities of dinoflagellates and nanoflagellates were low (< 10 x 10(3) cells l(-1)) from January to April, and increased in May and June to nearly 300 x 10(3) cells l(-1). Nitrate + nitrite concentrations in January were <3 muM in the shallow, central portion of the bank and decreased steadily each month. Silicate was also <3 muM over an even larger area of the central bank in January and declined to <1.5 muM over most of the Bank in April. The data suggest that silicate depletion, not DIN, contributed to the cessation of the diatom bloom. Regeneration of silicate occurred in May and June, presumably as a result of rising water temperatures in late spring which increased the dissolution rate of diatom frustules from the earlier diatom bloom. Dissolved organic nitrogen may have been utilized at the start of the winter-spring bloom; concentrations were ca, 14 muM in January, dropping to < 6 mug l(-1) in February, after which DON concentrations steadily rose to > 15 mug l(-1) in June. Overall micro-and nanoplankton biomass, measured as POC, PON and TPP, increased over the 6 mo period, as did nutritional quality of that biomass as indicated by declining C:N ratios. Our results suggest there may have been an increase in the heterotrophic component of the plankton in May and June which coincided with a second burst in diatom abundance. We discuss general features of planktonic production and nutrient dynamics with respect to year-round production on the Bank.


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Argillaceous rocks are considered to be a suitable geological barrier for the long-term containment of wastes. Their efficiency at retarding contaminant migration is assessed using reactive-transport experiments and modeling, the latter requiring a sound understanding of pore-water chemistry. The building of a pore-water model, which is mandatory for laboratory experiments mimicking in situ conditions, requires a detailed knowledge of the rock mineralogy and of minerals at equilibrium with present-day pore waters. Using a combination of petrological, mineralogical, and isotopic studies, the present study focused on the reduced Opalinus Clay formation (Fm) of the Benken borehole (30 km north of Zurich) which is intended for nuclear-waste disposal in Switzerland. A diagenetic sequence is proposed, which serves as a basis for determining the minerals stable in the formation and their textural relationships. Early cementation of dominant calcite, rare dolomite, and pyrite formed by bacterial sulfate reduction, was followed by formation of iron-rich calcite, ankerite, siderite, glauconite, (Ba, Sr) sulfates, and traces of sphalerite and galena. The distribution and abundance of siderite depends heavily on the depositional environment (and consequently on the water column). Benken sediment deposition during Aalenian times corresponds to an offshore environment with the early formation of siderite concretions at the water/sediment interface at the fluctuating boundary between the suboxic iron reduction and the sulfate reduction zones. Diagenetic minerals (carbonates except dolomite, sulfates, silicates) remained stable from their formation to the present. Based on these mineralogical and geochemical data, the mineral assemblage previously used for the geochemical model of the pore waters at Mont Terri may be applied to Benken without significant changes. These further investigations demonstrate the need for detailed mineralogical and geochemical study to refine the model of pore-water chemistry in a clay formation.


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This study reports the chemical composition of particles present along Greenland’s North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) ice core, back to 110,000 years before present. Insoluble and soluble particles larger than 0.45 μm were extracted from the ice core by ice sublimation, and their chemical composition was analyzed using scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy. We show that the dominant insoluble components are silicates, whereas NaCl, Na₂SO₄, CaSO ₄, and CaCO₃ represent major soluble salts. For the first time, particles of CaMg(CO₃)₂ and Ca(NO₃)₂ 4H₂O are identified in a Greenland ice core. The chemical speciation of salts varies with past climatic conditions. Whereas the fraction of Na salts (NaCl + Na₂SO₄) exceeds that of Ca salts (CaSO₄+ CaCO₃) during the Holocene (0.6–11.7 kyr B.P.), the two fractions are similar during the Bølling-Allerød period (12.9–14.6 kyr B.P.). During cold climate such as over the Younger Dryas (12.0–12.6 kyr B.P.) and the Last Glacial Maximum (15.0–26.9 kyr B.P.), the fraction of Ca salts exceeds that of Na salts, showing that the most abundant ion generally controls the salt budget in each period. High-resolution analyses reveal changing particle compositions: those in Holocene ice show seasonal changes, and those in LGM ice show a difference between cloudy bands and clear layers, which again can be largely explained by the availability of ionic components in the atmospheric aerosol body of air masses reaching Greenland.


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Serpentinites release at sub-arc depths volatiles and several fluid-mobile trace elements found in arc magmas. Constraining element uptake in these rocks and defining the trace element composition of fluids released upon serpentinite dehydration can improve our understanding of mass transfer across subduction zones and to volcanic arcs. The eclogite-facies garnet metaperidotite and chlorite harzburgite bodies embedded in paragneiss of the subduction melange from Cima di Gagnone derive from serpentinized peridotite protoliths and are unique examples of ultramafic rocks that experienced subduction metasomatism and devolatilization. In these rocks, metamorphic olivine and garnet trap polyphase inclusions representing the fluid released during high-pressure breakdown of antigorite and chlorite. Combining major element mapping and laser-ablation ICP-MS bulk inclusion analysis, we characterize the mineral content of polyphase inclusions and quantify the fluid composition. Silicates, Cl-bearing phases, sulphides, carbonates, and oxides document post-entrapment mineral growth in the inclusions starting immediately after fluid entrapment. Compositional data reveal the presence of two different fluid types. The first (type A) records a fluid prominently enriched in fluid-mobile elements, with Cl, Cs, Pb, As, Sb concentrations up to 10(3) PM (primitive mantle), similar to 10(2) PM Tit Ba, while Rb, B, Sr, Li, U concentrations are of the order of 10(1) PM, and alkalis are similar to 2 PM. The second fluid (type B) has considerably lower fluid-mobile element enrichments, but its enrichment patterns are comparable to type A fluid. Our data reveal multistage fluid uptake in these peridotite bodies, including selective element enrichment during seafloor alteration, followed by fluid-rock interaction along with subduction metamorphism in the plate interface melange. Here, infiltration of sediment-equilibrated fluid produced significant enrichment of the serpentinites in As, Sb, B, Pb, an enriched trace element pattern that was then transferred to the fluid released at greater depth upon serpentine dehydration (type A fluid). The type B fluid hosted by garnet may record the composition of the chlorite breakdown fluid released at even greater depth. The Gagnone study-case demonstrates that serpentinized peridotites acquire water and fluid-mobile elements during ocean floor hydration and through exchange with sediment-equilibrated fluids in the early subduction stages. Subsequent antigorite devolatilization at subarc depths delivers aqueous fluids to the mantle wedge that can be prominently enriched in sediment-derived components, potentially triggering arc magmatism without the need of concomitant dehydration/melting of metasediments or altered oceanic crust.


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The 39Ar-40Ar technique is often used to date the metamorphic evolution of basement rocks. The present review article examines systematic aspects of the K-Ar decay system in different mineral chronometers frequently found in mono- and polymetamorphic basements (amphibole, biotite, muscovite/phengite, K-feldspar). A key observation is that the measured dissolution rate of silicates in aqueous fluids is many orders of magnitude faster, and has a much lower activation energy, than the rate of Fickian diffusion of Ar. The effects of this inequality are patchy age zonations, very much like those observed in many U-Pb chronometers, unaccompanied by intra-crystalline bell¬shaped Ar loss profiles. Recognizing the importance of the respective rate constants in field situations leads to re-evaluating the ages and the interpretive paradigms in classic examples such as the Central Alpine "Lepontine" amphibolite event and the Western Alpine eclogitic event.