947 resultados para satellite-to-ground laser communications


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This thesis presents experimental investigation of different effects/techniques that can be used to upgrade legacy WDM communication systems. The main issue in upgrading legacy systems is that the fundamental setup, including components settings such as EDFA gains, does not need to be altered thus the improvement must be carried out at the network terminal. A general introduction to optical fibre communications is given at the beginning, including optical communication components and system impairments. Experimental techniques for performing laboratory optical transmission experiments are presented before the experimental work of this thesis. These techniques include optical transmitter and receiver designs as well as the design and operation of the recirculating loop. The main experimental work includes three different studies. The first study involves a development of line monitoring equipment that can be reliably used to monitor the performance of optically amplified long-haul undersea systems. This equipment can provide instant finding of the fault locations along the legacy communication link which in tum enables rapid repair execution to be performed hence upgrading the legacy system. The second study investigates the effect of changing the number of transmitted 1s and Os on the performance of WDM system. This effect can, in reality, be seen in some coding systems, e.g. forward-error correction (FEC) technique, where the proportion of the 1s and Os are changed at the transmitter by adding extra bits to the original bit sequence. The final study presents transmission results after all-optical format conversion from NRZ to CSRZ and from RZ to CSRZ using semiconductor optical amplifier in nonlinear optical loop mirror (SOA-NOLM). This study is mainly based on the fact that the use of all-optical processing, including format conversion, has become attractive for the future data networks that are proposed to be all-optical. The feasibility of the SOA-NOLM device for converting single and WDM signals is described. The optical conversion bandwidth and its limitations for WDM conversion are also investigated. All studies of this thesis employ 10Gbit/s single or WDM signals being transmitted over dispersion managed fibre span in the recirculating loop. The fibre span is composed of single-mode fibres (SMF) whose losses and dispersion are compensated using erbium-doped fibre amplifiers (EDFAs) and dispersion compensating fibres (DCFs), respectively. Different configurations of the fibre span are presented in different parts.


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We present, for the first time, a detailed investigation of the impact of second order co-propagating Raman pumping on long-haul 100G WDM DP-QPSK coherent transmission of up to 7082 km using Raman fibre laser based configurations. Signal power and noise distributions along the fibre for each pumping scheme were characterised both numerically and experimentally. Based on these pumping schemes, the Q factor penalties versus co-pump power ratios were experimentally measured and quantified. A significant Q factor penalty of up to 4.15 dB was observed after 1666 km using symmetric bidirectional pumping, compared with counter-pumping only. Our results show that whilst using co-pumping minimises the intra-cavity signal power variation and amplification noise, the Q factor penalty with co-pumping was too great for any advantage to be seen. The relative intensity noise (RIN) characteristics of the induced fibre laser and the output signal, and the intra-cavity RF spectra of the fibre laser are also presented. We attribute the Q factor degradation to RIN induced penalty due to RIN being transferred from the first order fibre laser and second order co-pump to the signal. More importantly, there were two different fibre lasing regimes contributing to the amplification. It was random distributed feedback lasing when using counter-pumping only and conventional Fabry-Perot cavity lasing when using all bidirectional pumping schemes. This also results in significantly different performances due to different laser cavity lengths for these two classes of laser.


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The spectral properties of long-period gratings (LPGs) fabricated in photonic crystal fibers using femtosecond laser pulses by the point-by-point technique, without oil-immersion of the fiber, are investigated in detail. Postfabrication spectral monitoring at room temperature showed significant long-term instability of the gratings and stable spectra only after 600 h. The stabilized spectral properties of the gratings improved with increasing annealing temperature. The observed changes in resonant wavelength, optical strength, and grating birefringence were correlated to the laser inscription energy and were further used to study the mechanism of femtosecond inscription. Furthermore, the femtosecond-laser inscribed LPGs were compared to electric-arc fabricated LPGs. Comparison of experimental results with theoretical models of LPGs and laser propagation during inscription indicate that the major processes responsible for the index change are permanent compaction and thermally induced strain, the latter can be significantly changed through annealing. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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Glass is a common form of trace evidence found at many scenes of crimes in the form of small fragments. These glass fragments can transfer to surrounding objects and/or persons and may provide forensic investigators valuable information to link a suspect to the scene of a crime. Since the elemental composition of different glass sources can be very similar, a highly discriminating technique is required to distinguish between fragments that have originated from different sources. ^ The research presented here demonstrates that Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a viable analytical technique for the association and discrimination of glass fragments. The first part of this research describes the optimization of the LIBS experiments including the use of different laser wavelengths to investigate laser-material interaction. The use of a 266 nm excitation laser provided the best analytical figures of merit with minimal damage to the sample. The resulting analytical figures of merit are presented. The second part of this research evaluated the sensitivity of LIBS to associate or discriminate float glass samples originating from the same manufacturing plants and produced at approximately the same time period. Two different sample sets were analyzed ranging in manufacturing dates from days to years apart. Eighteen (18) atomic emission lines corresponding to the elements Sr, K, Fe, Ca, Al, Ba, Na, Mg and Ti, were chosen because of their detection above the method detection limits and for presenting differences between the samples. Ten elemental ratios producing the most discrimination were selected for each set. When all the ratios are combined in a comparison, 99% of the possible pairs were discriminated using the optimized LIBS method generating typical analytical precisions of ∼5% RSD. ^ The final study consisted of the development of a new approach for the use of LIBS as a quantitative analysis of ultra-low volume solution analysis using aerosols and microdrops. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy demonstrated to be an effective technique for the analysis of as low as 90 pL for microdrop LIBS with 1 pg absolute LOD and 20 µL for aerosol LIBS with an absolute LOD of ∼100 fg.^


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In this thesis, we proposed the use of device-to-device (D2D) communications for extending the coverage area of active base stations, for public safety communications with partial coverage. A 3GPP standard compliant D2D system level simulator is developed for HetNets and public safety scenarios and used to evaluate the performance of D2D discovery and communications underlying cellular networks. For D2D discovery, the benefits of time-domain inter-cell interference coordi- nation (ICIC) approaches by using almost blank subframes were evaluated. Also, the use of multi-hop is proposed to improve, even further, the performance of the D2D discovery process. Finally, the possibility of using multi-hop D2D communications for extending the coverage area of active base stations was evaluated. Improvements in energy and spectral efficiency, when compared with the case of direct UE-eNB communi- cations, were demonstrated. Moreover, UE power control techniques were applied to reduce the effects of interference from neighboring D2D links.


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One of the research programs carried out within the Czech-Ukrainian scientific co-operation is the monitoring of global solar and ultraviolet radiation at the Vernadsky Station (formerly the British Faraday Station), Antarctica. Radiation measurements have been made since 2002. Recently, a special attention is devoted to the measurements of the erythemally effective UVB radiation using a broadband Robertson Berger 501 UV-Biometer (Solar Light Co. Inc., USA). This paper brings some results from modelling the daily sums of erythemally effective UVB radiation intensity in relation to the total ozone content (TOC) in atmosphere and surface intensity of the global solar radiation. Differences between the satellite- and ground-based measurements of the TOC at the Vernadsky Station are taken into consideration. The modelled erythemally effective UVB radiation differed slightly depending on the seasons and sources of the TOC. The model relative prediction error for ground- and satellite-based measurements varied between 9.5% and 9.6% in the period of 2002-2003, while it ranged from 7.4% to 8.8% in the period of 2003-2004.


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As part of the ultrafast charge dynamics initiated by high intensity laser irradiations of solid targets,high amplitude EM pulses propagate away from the interaction point and are transported along anystalks and wires attached to the target. The propagation of these high amplitude pulses along a thinwire connected to a laser irradiated target was diagnosed via the proton radiography technique,measuring a pulse duration of 20 ps and a pulse velocity close to the speed of light. The strongelectric field associated with the EM pulse can be exploited for controlling dynamically the protonbeams produced from a laser-driven source. Chromatic divergence control of broadband laser drivenprotons (upto 75% reduction in divergence of >5 MeV protons) was obtained by winding the supportingwire around the proton beam axis to create a helical coil structure. In addition to providingfocussing and energy selection, the technique has the potential to post-accelerate the transiting protonsby the longitudinal component of the curved electric field lines produced by the helical coil lens.


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The latest techniques for the fabrication of high power laser targets, using processes developed for the manufacture of Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) devices are discussed. These laser targets are designed to meet the needs of the increased shot numbers that are available in the latest design of laser facilities. Traditionally laser targets have been fabricated using conventional machining or coarse etching processes and have been produced in quantities of 10s to low 100s. Such targets can be used for high complexity experiments such as Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) studies and can have many complex components that need assembling and characterisation with high precision. Using the techniques that are common to MEMS devices and integrating these with an existing target fabrication capability we are able to manufacture and deliver targets to these systems. It also enables us to manufacture novel targets that have not been possible using other techniques. In addition, developments in the positioning systems that are required to deliver these targets to the laser focus are also required and a system to deliver the target to a focus of an F2 beam at 0.1Hz is discussed.


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ABSTRACT: Researchers are focusing their attention on alternative binder systems using 100% supplementary cementitious materials as it allows better control over the microstructure formation and low to moderate environmental footprint. One such system being considered is alkali activated slag concretes (AASC), made by adding alkalis such as sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate to ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Whilst they have a similar behaviour as that of traditional cement systems in terms of strength and structural behaviour, AASC are reported to exhibit superior performance in terms of abrasion,acid resistance and fire protection.
In this article, the authors investigate chloride ingress into different grades of AASC. The mix variables in AASC included water to binder, and binder to aggregate ratio, percentage of alkali and the SiO2/Na2O ratio (silica modulus, Ms). The first challenge was to develop mixes for different range of workability (with slump values from 40mm to 240mm) and reasonable early age and long term compressive strength. Further chloride ingress into those mixes were assessed and compared with the data from normal concretes based on literature. Findings show that compared to the PC concretes, the AAS concretes have lower rate of chloride ingress.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Hyperspectral instruments have been incorporated in satellite missions, providing data of high spectral resolution of the Earth. This data can be used in remote sensing applications, such as, target detection, hazard prevention, and monitoring oil spills, among others. In most of these applications, one of the requirements of paramount importance is the ability to give real-time or near real-time response. Recently, onboard processing systems have emerged, in order to overcome the huge amount of data to transfer from the satellite to the ground station, and thus, avoiding delays between hyperspectral image acquisition and its interpretation. For this purpose, compact reconfigurable hardware modules, such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are widely used. This paper proposes a parallel FPGA-based architecture for endmember’s signature extraction. This method based on the Vertex Component Analysis (VCA) has several advantages, namely it is unsupervised, fully automatic, and it works without dimensionality reduction (DR) pre-processing step. The architecture has been designed for a low cost Xilinx Zynq board with a Zynq-7020 SoC FPGA based on the Artix-7 FPGA programmable logic and tested using real hyperspectral data sets collected by the NASA’s Airborne Visible Infra-Red Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) over the Cuprite mining district in Nevada. Experimental results indicate that the proposed implementation can achieve real-time processing, while maintaining the methods accuracy, which indicate the potential of the proposed platform to implement high-performance, low cost embedded systems, opening new perspectives for onboard hyperspectral image processing.


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The thesis presents experimental results, simulations, and theory on turbulence excited in magnetized plasmas near the ionosphere’s upper hybrid layer. The results include: The first experimental observations of super small striations (SSS) excited by the High-Frequency Auroral Research Project (HAARP) The first detection of high-frequency (HF) waves from the HAARP transmitter over a distance of 16x10^3 km The first simulations indicating that upper hybrid (UH) turbulence excites electron Bernstein waves associated with all nearby gyroharmonics Simulation results that indicate that the resulting bulk electron heating near the upper hybrid (UH) resonance is caused primarily by electron Bernstein waves parametrically excited near the first gyroharmonic. On the experimental side we present two sets of experiments performed at the HAARP heating facility in Alaska. In the first set of experiments, we present the first detection of super-small (cm scale) striations (SSS) at the HAARP facility. We detected density structures smaller than 30 cm for the first time through a combination of satellite and ground based measurements. In the second set of experiments, we present the results of a novel diagnostic implemented by the Ukrainian Antarctic Station (UAS) in Verdansky. The technique allowed the detection of the HAARP signal at a distance of nearly 16 Mm, and established that the HAARP signal was injected into the ionospheric waveguide by direct scattering off of dekameter-scale density structures induced by the heater. On the theoretical side, we present results of Vlasov simulations near the upper hybrid layer. These results are consistent with the bulk heating required by previous work on the theory of the formation of descending artificial ionospheric layers (DIALs), and with the new observations of DIALs at HAARP’s upgraded effective radiated power (ERP). The simulations that frequency sweeps, and demonstrate that the heating changes from a bulk heating between gyroharmonics, to a tail acceleration as the pump frequency is swept through the fourth gyroharmonic. These simulations are in good agreement with experiments. We also incorporate test particle simulations that isolate the effects of specific wave modes on heating, and we find important contributions from both electron Bernstein waves and upper hybrid waves, the former of which have not yet been detected by experiments, and have not been previously explored as a driver of heating. In presenting these results, we analyzed data from HAARP diagnostics and assisted in planning the second round of experiments. We integrated the data into a picture of experiments that demonstrated the detection of SSS, hysteresis effects in simulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) features, and the direct scattering of the HF pump into the ionospheric waveguide. We performed simulations and analyzed simulation data to build the understanding of collisionless heating near the upper hybrid layer, and we used these simulations to show that bulk electron heating at the upper hybrid layer is possible, which is required by current theories of DAIL formation. We wrote a test particle simulation to isolate the effects of electron Bernstein waves and upper hybrid layers on collisionless heating, and integrated this code to work with both the output of Vlasov simulations and the input for simulations of DAIL formation.


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Since the 1980s there have been three main attempts to ground citizenship upon the principles of duty, obligation and responsibility: conservative, communitarian and Third Way. Each of these are reviewed below. The principal task of this article, though, is to examine the emergence of a fourth attempt which, by relating duty to equality through the principle of reciprocity, represents a synthesis of traditional social democracy with the new politics of obligation. Our focus will be upon The Civic Minimum by Stuart White since this is arguably the most cogent expression of duty-based egalitarianism to have emerged in recent years. Key words: citizenship, equality, reciprocity, Basic Income


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The past few decades have witnessed the widespread adaptation of wireless devices such as cellular phones and Wifi-connected laptops, and demand for wireless communication is expected to continue to increase. Though radio frequency (RF) communication has traditionally dominated in this application space, recent decades have seen an increasing interest in the use of optical wireless (OW) communication to supplement RF communications. In contrast to RF communication technology, OW systems offer the use of largely unregulated electromagnetic spectrum and large bandwidths for communication. They also offer the potential to be highly secure against jamming and eavesdropping. Interest in OW has become especially keen in light of the maturation of light-emitting diode (LED) technology. This maturation, and the consequent emerging ubiquity of LED technology in lighting systems, has motivated the exploration of LEDs for wireless communication purposes in a wide variety of applications. Recent interest in this field has largely focused on the potential for indoor local area networks (LANs) to be realized with increasingly common LED-based lighting systems. We envision the use of LED-based OW to serve as a supplement to RF technology in communication between mobile platforms, which may include automobiles, robots, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). OW technology may be especially useful in what are known as RF-denied environments, in which RF communication may be prohibited or undesirable. The use of OW in these settings presents major challenges. In contrast to many RF systems, OWsystems that operate at ranges beyond a few meters typically require relatively precise alignment. For example, some laser-based optical wireless communication systems require alignment precision to within small fractions of a degree. This level of alignment precision can be difficult to maintain between mobile platforms. Additionally, the use of OW systems in outdoor settings presents the challenge of interference from ambient light, which can be much brighter than any LED transmitter. This thesis addresses these challenges to the use of LED-based communication between mobile platforms. We propose and analyze a dual-link LED-based system that uses one link with a wide transmission beam and relaxed alignment constraints to support a more narrow, precisely aligned, higher-data-rate link. The use of an optical link with relaxed alignment constraints to support the alignment of a more precisely aligned link motivates our exploration of a panoramic imaging receiver for estimating the range and bearing of neighboring nodes. The precision of such a system is analyzed and an experimental system is realized. Finally, we present an experimental prototype of a self-aligning LED-based link.


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Training of the trunk or core muscles for enhanced health, rehabilitation, and athletic performance has received renewed emphasis. Instability resistance exercises have become a popular means of training the core and improving balance. Whether instability resistance training is as, more, or less effective than traditional ground-based resistance training is not fully resolved. The purpose of this review is to address the effectiveness of instability resistance training for athletic, nonathletic, and rehabilitation conditioning. The anatomical core is defined as the axial skeleton and all soft tissues with a proximal attachment on the axial skeleton. Spinal stability is an interaction of passive and active muscle and neural subsystems. Training programs must prepare athletes for a wide variety of postures and external forces, and should include exercises with a destabilizing component. While unstable devices have been shown to be effective in decreasing the incidence of low back pain and increasing the sensory efficiency of soft tissues, they are not recommended as the primary exercises for hypertrophy, absolute strength, or power, especially in trained athletes. For athletes, ground-based free-weight exercises with moderate levels of instability should form the foundation of exercises to train the core musculature. Instability resistance exercises can play an important role in periodization and rehabilitation, and as alternative exercises for the recreationally active individual with less interest or access to ground-based free-weight exercises. Based on the relatively high proportion of type I fibers, the core musculature might respond well to multiple sets with high repetitions (e.g., >15 per set); however, a particular sport may necessitate fewer repetitions.