947 resultados para rock mechanics
Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoite on selvittää suomalaisen pop- ja rock-musiikin vientimahdollisuuksia yhteen maailman kiinnostavimpaan ja ostovoimaisimpaan maahan, Japaniin, ja tuoda esille sen luonnetta suhteessa suomalaiseen musiikkiin. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosa selvittää Suomen tämän hetkistä musiikkiviennin tilannetta ja syitä siihen, miksi Japanin markkinat on erittäin kiinnostava alue viennin saralla. Kirjallinen viitekehys työlle muodostuu pääasiassa kootuista musiikkialan raporteista, tilastoista ja artikkeleista. Empiirisessä osassa keskeistä tutkimusmateriaalia ovat Tokion Suomen Instituutissa kolmen kuukauden työharjoittelun yhteydessä kertyneet kokemukset ja asiantuntijahaastatteluaineisto. Nämä avaavat Japanin musiikkimarkkinoita luoden parempaa kuvaa siellä vallitsevista kilpailuolosuhteista, maan tavoista ja kiinnostuksen kohteista, sekä japanilaisten mielikuvaa suomalaisesta musiikista. Suomessa musiikkimarkkinat ovat hyvin pienet, mutta niiden laajentamiseen viennillä on alettu keskittyä yhä enenevissä määrin. Koska Japanissa on maailman toiseksi suurimmat musiikkimarkkinat, se on erittäin varteenotettava kohde myös suomalaisen musiikin viennille. Vaikka suomalainen musiikki on toistaiseksi suhteellisen tuntematonta suurelle osalle japanilaisista, suhtaudutaan siihen positiivisesti. Japanilaisten mielestä Suomesta tuleva musiikki on verrattuna moniin muihin maihin paljon omaleimaisempaa ja tämä tekee siitä kiinnostavan. Viennissä ongelmia kuitenkin luovat kielimuuri ja japanilaisten kulttuurisidonnaiset toimintatavat. Ilman hyviä suhteita toiminta Japanin musiikkialan kentällä on lähes mahdotonta. Keskeistä on huomioida paikalliset toimintatavat ja toimia kiireettä kaukonäköisesti. Tuotteen kaikkien osa-alueiden tulisi olla suunniteltu Japanin markkinoihin soveltuviksi jo tarjontavaiheessa. Parantaakseen suomalaisen musiikin vientiä Japaniin on tärkeää tuotteiden menestyksien yhteydessä tuoda esille niiden suomalaisuutta ja näin lisätä kiinnostusta japanilaisten silmissä. Lähtökohtaisesti suomalaisella musiikilla on kuitenkin hyvät mahdollisuudet menestykseen Japanin musiikkimarkkinoilla. Suurimpina ongelmina voidaan pitää vähäistä tietoa japanilaisten mielenkiinnon kohteista, toimintatapojen kulttuurisia eroja ja suomalaisten vientiin panostettavien varojen vähyyttä.
To test if the relationship between knee kinetics during walking and regional patterns of cartilage thickness is influenced by disease severity we tested the following hypotheses in a cross-sectional study of medial compartment osteoarthritis (OA) subjects: (1) the peak knee flexion (KFM) and adduction moments (KAM) during walking are associated with regional cartilage thickness and medial-to-lateral cartilage thickness ratios, and (2) the associations between knee moments and cartilage thickness data are dependent on disease severity. Seventy individuals with medial compartment knee OA were studied. Gait analysis was used to determine the knee moments and cartilage thickness was measured from magnetic resonance imaging. Multiple linear regression analyses tested for associations between cartilage thickness and knee kinetics. Medial cartilage thickness and medial-to-lateral cartilage thickness ratios were lower in subjects with greater KAM for specific regions of the femoral condyle and tibial plateau with no associations for KFM in patients of all disease severities. When separated by severity, the association between KAM and cartilage thickness was found only in patients with more severe OA, and KFM was significantly associated with cartilage thickness only for the less severe OA subjects for specific tibial plateau regions. The results support the idea that the KAM is larger in patients with more severe disease and the KFM has greater influence early in the disease process, which may lessen as pain increases with disease severity. Each component influences different regions of cartilage. Thus the relative contributions of both KAM and KFM should be considered when evaluating gait mechanics and the influence of any intervention for knee OA.
We compared different approaches to analyze running mechanics alterations during repeated treadmill sprints. Thirteen active male athletes performed five 5-second sprints with 25 seconds of recovery on an instrumented treadmill. This approach allowed continuous measurement of running kinetics/kinematics and calculation of vertical and leg stiffness variables that were subsequently averaged over 3 distinct sections of the 5-second sprint (steps 2-5, 7-10, and 12-15) and for all steps (steps 2-15). Independently from the analyzed section, propulsive power and step frequency decreased with fatigue, while contact time and step length increased (P < .05). Except for step frequency, all mechanical variables varied (P < .05) across sprint sections. The only parameters that highly depend on running velocity (propulsive power and vertical stiffness) showed a significant interaction (P < .05) between the analyzed sections, with smaller magnitude of fatigue-induced change observed for steps 2-5. Considering all steps or only a few steps during early, middle, or late phases of 5-second sprints provides similar mechanical outcomes during repeated treadmill sprinting, although acceleration induces noticeable differences between the sections studied. Furthermore, quantifying mechanical alterations from the early acceleration phase may not be readily detectable, and is not recommended.
In this thesis the structure and properties of imprecise quantum measurements are investigated. The starting point for this investigation is the representation of a quantum observable as a normalized positive operator measure. A general framework to describe measurement inaccuracy is presented. Requirements for accurate measurements are discussed, and the relation of inaccuracy to some optimality criteria is studied. A characterization of covariant observables is given in the case when they are imprecise versions of a sharp observable. Also the properties of such observables are studied. The case of position and momentum observables is studied. All position and momentum observables are characterized, and the joint positionmomentum measurements are discussed.
The present paper is a review about basic principles of the molecular mechanics that is the most important tool used in molecular modeling area, and their applications to the calculation of the relative stability and chemical reactivity of organometalic and coordination compounds. We show how molecular mechanics can be successfully applied to a wide variety of inorganic systems.
El rock'n'roll, un dels estils musicals més influents del segle XX, es va gestar als EUA durant la dècada de 1940 a partir del blues, el rhythm'n'blues i el country. Joel vaig descobrir de forma conscient el 1979, quan tenia 14 anys. I el seu ritme em va captivar tant les neurones que continua sent el meu estil musical predilecte, amb el qual identifico bona part de les meves emocions.
Sequestration of carbon dioxide in mineral rocks, also known as CO2 Capture and Mineralization (CCM), is considered to have a huge potential in stabilizing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. One of the CCM routes is the ex situ indirect gas/sold carbonation of reactive materials, such as Mg(OH)2, produced from abundantly available Mg-silicate rocks. The gas/solid carbonation method is intensively researched at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU ), Finland because it is energetically attractive and utilizes the exothermic chemistry of Mg(OH)2 carbonation. In this thesis, a method for producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicate rocks for CCM was investigated, and the process efficiency, energy and environmental impact assessed. The Mg(OH)2 process studied here was first proposed in 2008 in a Master’s Thesis by the author. At that time the process was applied to only one Mg-silicate rock (Finnish serpentinite from the Hitura nickel mine site of Finn Nickel) and the optimum process conversions, energy and environmental performance were not known. Producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicate rocks involves a two-staged process of Mg extraction and Mg(OH)2 precipitation. The first stage extracts Mg and other cations by reacting pulverized serpentinite or olivine rocks with ammonium sulfate (AS) salt at 400 - 550 oC (preferably < 450 oC). In the second stage, ammonia solution reacts with the cations (extracted from the first stage after they are leached in water) to form mainly FeOOH, high purity Mg(OH)2 and aqueous (dissolved) AS. The Mg(OH)2 process described here is closed loop in nature; gaseous ammonia and water vapour are produced from the extraction stage, recovered and used as reagent for the precipitation stage. The AS reagent is thereafter recovered after the precipitation stage. The Mg extraction stage, being the conversion-determining and the most energy-intensive step of the entire CCM process chain, received a prominent attention in this study. The extraction behavior and reactivity of different rocks types (serpentinite and olivine rocks) from different locations worldwide (Australia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway and Portugal) was tested. Also, parametric evaluation was carried out to determine the optimal reaction temperature, time and chemical reagent (AS). Effects of reactor types and configuration, mixing and scale-up possibilities were also studied. The Mg(OH)2 produced can be used to convert CO2 to thermodynamically stable and environmentally benign magnesium carbonate. Therefore, the process energy and life cycle environmental performance of the ÅAU CCM technique that first produces Mg(OH)2 and the carbonates in a pressurized fluidized bed (FB) were assessed. The life cycle energy and environmental assessment approach applied in this thesis is motivated by the fact that the CCM technology should in itself offer a solution to what is both an energy and environmental problem. Results obtained in this study show that different Mg-silicate rocks react differently; olivine rocks being far less reactive than serpentinite rocks. In summary, the reactivity of Mg-silicate rocks is a function of both the chemical and physical properties of rocks. Reaction temperature and time remain important parameters to consider in process design and operation. Heat transfer properties of the reactor determine the temperature at which maximum Mg extraction is obtained. Also, an increase in reaction temperature leads to an increase in the extent of extraction, reaching a maximum yield at different temperatures depending on the reaction time. Process energy requirement for producing Mg(OH)2 from a hypothetical case of an iron-free serpentine rock is 3.62 GJ/t-CO2. This value can increase by 16 - 68% depending on the type of iron compound (FeO, Fe2O3 or Fe3O4) in the mineral. This suggests that the benefit from the potential use of FeOOH as an iron ore feedstock in iron and steelmaking should be determined by considering the energy, cost and emissions associated with the FeOOH by-product. AS recovery through crystallization is the second most energy intensive unit operation after the extraction reaction. However, the choice of mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) over the “simple evaporation” crystallization method has a potential energy savings of 15.2 GJ/t-CO2 (84 % savings). Integrating the Mg(OH)2 production method and the gas/solid carbonation process could provide up to an 25% energy offset to the CCM process energy requirements. Life cycle inventory assessment (LCIA) results show that for every ton of CO2 mineralized, the ÅAU CCM process avoids 430 - 480 kg CO2. The Mg(OH)2 process studied in this thesis has many promising features. Even at the current high energy and environmental burden, producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicates can play a significant role in advancing CCM processes. However, dedicated future research and development (R&D) have potential to significantly improve the Mg(OH)2 process performance.
Foi avaliada a eficiência do fixador esquelético externo Tipo II para o tratamento de fratura de tibiotarso em oito galinhas adultas da raça Plymouth Rock Branca. As aves foram pré-medicadas com sulfato de morfina e anestesiadas com halotano. Em seguida, foi realizada osteotomia na diáfise do tibiotarso esquerdo, por meio de serra oscilatória. Quatro pinos de Kirschner foram inseridos através das corticais ósseas, dois proximalmente e dois distalmente ao foco da fratura. Após a redução desta, as extremidades dos dois pinos proximais e distais foram torcidas em direção distal ou proximal, respectivamente, sendo os pinos conectados externamente por meio de duas barras de acrílico autopolimerizável, nas faces lateral e medial externa do membro. O retorno da plena capacidade de utilização do membro foi observado em 20,00±7,09 dias, e a cicatrização óssea, avaliada por exame radiográfico, ocorreu em 35,12±8,72 dias. Os resultados do experimento demonstraram que redução aberta e aplicação de fixador esquelético externo Tipo II é método efetivo para o tratamento de fraturas de tibiotarso em galinhas da raça Plymouth Rock Branca.