995 resultados para regional pattern
This study sought to use a microdialysis technique to relate clinical and biochemical responses to the time course of melphalan concentrations in the subcutaneous interstitial space and in tumour tissue (melanoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, Merkel cell tumour and osteosarcoma) in patients undergoing regional chemotherapy by Isolated Limb Infusion (ILI). 19 patients undergoing ILI for treatment of various limb malignancies were monitored for intra-operative melphalan concentrations in plasma and, using microdialysis, in subcutaneous and tumour tissues. Peak and mean concentrations of melphalan were significantly higher in plasma than in subcutaneous or tumour microdialysate. There was no significant difference between drug peak and mean concentrations in interstitial and tumour tissue, indicating that there was no preferential uptake of melphalan into the tumours. The time course of melphalan in the microdialysate could be described by a pharmacokinetic model which assumed melphalan distributed from the plasma into the interstitial space. The model also accounted for the vascular dispersion of melphalan in the limb. Tumour response in the whole group to treatment was partial response: 53.8% (n = 7); complete response: 33.3% (n = 5); no responses 6.7% (n = 1). There was a significant association between tumour response and melphalan concentrations measured over time in subcutaneous microdialysate (P < 0.01). No significant relationship existed between the severity of toxic reactions in the limb or peak plasma creatine phosphokinase levels and peak melphalan microdialysate or plasma concentrations. It is concluded that microdialysis is a technique well suited for measuring concentrations of cytotoxic drug during ILI. The possibility of predicting actual concentrations of cytotoxic drug in the limb during ILI using our model opens an opportunity for improved drug dose calculation. The combination of predicting tissue concentrations and monitoring in microdialysate of subcutaneous tissue could help optimise ILI with regard to post-operative limb morbidity and tumour response. (C) 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http:,//www.bjcancer.com.
Although viperlike in appearance and habit, death adders belong to the Elapidae family of snakes. Systemic envenomation represents a serious medical problem with antivenom, which is raised against Acanthophis antarcticus venom, representing the primary treatment. This study focused on the major Acanthophis variants from Australia and islands in the Indo-Pacific region. Venoms were profiled using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and analyzed for in vitro neurotoxicity (0.3-10 mug/ml), as well as the effectiveness of antivenom. (1-5 units/ml; 10 min prior to the addition of 10 mug/ml venom). The following death adder venoms were examined: A. antarcticus (from separate populations in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia), A. hawkei, A. praelongus, A. pyrrhus, A. rugosus, A. wellsi, and venom from an unnamed species from the Indonesian island of Seram. All venoms abolished indirect twitches of the chick isolated biventer cervicis nerve-muscle preparation in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, all venoms blocked responses to exogenous acetylcholine (1 m-M) and carbachol (20 muM), but not KCl (40 mM), suggesting postsynaptic neurotoxicity. Death adder antivenom (1 unit/ml) prevented the neurotoxic effects of A. pyrrhus, A. praelongus, and A. hawkei venoms, although it was markedly less effective against venoms from A. antarcticus (NSW, SA, WA), A. rugosus, A. wellsi, and A. sp. Scram. However, at 5 units/ml, antivenom was effective against all venoms tested. Death adder venoms, including those from A. antarcticus geographic variants, differed not only in their venom composition but also in their neurotoxic activity and susceptibility to antivenom. For the first time toxicological aspects of A. hawkei, A. wellsi, A. rugosus, and A. sp. Seram venoms were studied. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Echocardiographic analysis of regional left ventricular function is based upon the assessment of radial motion. Long-axis motion is an important contributor to overall function. but has been difficult to evaluate clinically until the recent development of tissue Doppler techniques. We sought to compare the standard visual assessment of radial motion with quantitative tissue Doppler measurement of peak systolic velocity. timing and strain rate (SRI) in 104 patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiography (DbE). A standard DbE protocol was used with colour tissue Doppler images acquired in digital cine-loop format. peak systolic velocity (PSV), time to peak velocity (TPV) and SRI were assessed off-line by an independent operator. Wall motion was assessed by an experienced reader. Mean PSV, TPV and SRI values were compared with wall motion and the presence of coronary artery disease by angiography. A further analysis included assessing the extent of jeopardized myocardium by comparing average values of PSV, TPV and SRI against the previously validated angiographic score. Segments identified as having normal and abnormal radial wall motion showed significant differences in mean PSV (7.9 +/- 3.8 and 5.9 +/- 3.3 cm/s respectively; P < 0.001), TPV (84 40 and 95 +/- 48 ms respectively; P = 0.005) and SRI (- 1.45 +/- 0.5 and - 1.1 +/- 0.9 s(-1) respectively; P < 0.001). The presence of a stenosed subtending coronary artery was also associated with significant differences from normally perfused segments for mean PSV (8.1 3.4 compared with 5.7 +/- 3.7 cm/s; P < 0.001), TPV (78 50 compared with 92 +/- 45 ms; P < 0.001) and SRI (- 1.35 0.5 compared with - 1.20 +/- 0.4 s(-1); P = 0.05). PSV, TPV and SRI also varied significantly according to the extent of jeopardized myocardium within a vascular territory. These results suggest that peak systolic velocity, timing of contraction and SRI reflect the underlying physiological characteristics of the regional myocardium during DbE, and may potentially allow objective analysis of wall motion.
The main olfactory and the accessory olfactory systems are both anatomically and functionally distinct chemosensory systems. The primary sensory neurones of the accessory olfactory system are sequestered in the vomeronasal organ (VNO), where they express pheromone receptors, which are unrelated to the odorant receptors expressed in the principal nasal cavity. We have identified a 240 kDa glycoprotein (VNO240) that is selectively expressed by sensory neurones in the VNO but not in the main olfactory neuroepithelium of mouse. VNO240 is first expressed at embryonic day 20.5 by a small subpopulation of sensory neurones residing within the central region of the crescent-shaped VNO, Although VNO240 was detected in neuronal perikarya at this age, it was not observed in the axons in the accessory olfactory bulb until postnatal day 3.5, This delayed appearance in the accessory olfactory bulb suggests that VNO240 is involved in the functional maturation of VNO neurones rather than in axon growth and targeting to the bulb, During the first 2 postnatal weeks, the population of neurones expressing VNO240 spread peripherally, and by adulthood all primary sensory neurones in the VNO appeared to be expressing this molecule. Similar patterns of expression were also observed for NOC-1, a previously characterized glycoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM, To date, differential expression of VNO-specific molecules has only been reported along the rostrocaudal axis or at different apical-basal levels in the neuroepithelium. This is the first demonstration of a centroperipheral wave of expression of molecules in the VNO, These results indicate that mechanisms controlling the molecular differentiation of VNO neurones must involve spatial cues organised, not only about orthogonal axes, but also about a centroperipheral axis, Moreover, expression about this centroperipheral axis also involves a temporal component because the subpopulation of neurones expressing VNO240 and NOC-1 increases during postnatal maturation. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Most transportation agencies stipulate that an important planning goal is to provide equitable and just public transport services. However, who is to be served and the type of service that should be provided has been ambiguous. This paper develops a methodology for examining equity in the provision of public transportation services. An approach for identifying areas in need of public transport is developed based upon the use of socio-demographic and economic information. Public transport need is then related to levels of access to service. This approach makes it possible to establish the degree to which public transport services may be considered equitable in relation to need and suitable access. A detailed analysis of the southeast Queensland region of Australia illustrates how this approach may be used to inform public transport decision making.
The present study investigates human visual processing of simple two-colour patterns using a delayed match to sample paradigm with positron emission tomography (PET). This study is unique in that we specifically designed the visual stimuli to be the same for both pattern and colour recognition with all patterns being abstract shapes not easily verbally coded composed of two-colour combinations. We did this to explore those brain regions required for both colour and pattern processing and to separate those areas of activation required for one or the other. We found that both tasks activated similar occipital regions, the major difference being more extensive activation in pattern recognition. A right-sided network that involved the inferior parietal lobule, the head of the caudate nucleus, and the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus was common to both paradigms. Pattern recognition also activated the left temporal pole and right lateral orbital gyrus, whereas colour recognition activated the left fusiform gyrus and several right frontal regions. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Sox18 encodes a member of the Sry-related high mobility group box (SOX) family of developmental transcription factors. Examination of Sox18 expression during embryogenesis has shown that Sox18 is expressed transiently in endothelial cells of developing blood vessels, and mutations in Sox18 have been found to underlie the mouse vascular and hair follicle mutant ragged. In this study we have examined the expression of Sox18 in angiogenesis during wound healing. Full-thickness skin wounds were created in mice, and subsequent expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), the VEGF receptor Flk-1, alpha1 (iv) collagen (Col4a1), and Sox18 were studied using in situ hybridization. As has been previously reported, VEGF was expressed predominantly in the keratinocytes at the wound margins. Sox18 expression was found Rye days after wounding during capillary sprouting in granulation tissue and persisted through the proliferative phase of healing, but was not detected in fully epithelialized wounds 21 days after wounding. Sox18 mRNA expression was detected in capillaries within the granulation tissue and showed an identical pattern of distribution to Flk-1 and Col4a1 mRNA expression in endothelial cells. Immunostaining with a polyclonal anti-Sox18 antibody showed SOX18 protein localized in capillary endothelial cells within the granulation tissue. capillaries in the subcutaneous tissue of unwounded skin showed no Sox18 expression. Sox18 may therefore represent a transcription factor involved in the induction of angiogenesis during wound healing and tissue repair, but not in the maintenance of endothelial cells in undamaged tissue.
Axe latitudinal gradients in regional diversity random or biased with respect to body size? Using data for the New World avifauna, I show that the slope of the increase in regional species richness from the Arctic to the equator is not independent of body size. The increase is steepest among small and medium-sized species, and shallowest among the largest species. This is reflected in latitudinal variation in the shape of frequency distributions of body sizes in regional subsets of the New World avifauna. Because species are added disproportionately in small and medium size classes towards low latitudes, distributions become less widely spread along the body size axis than expected from the number of species. These patterns suggest an interaction between the effects of latitude and body size on species richness, implying that mechanisms which vary with both latitude and body size may be important determinants of high tropical diversity in New World birds.