980 resultados para queer criminology


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In this paper, the author unify contributions of key thinkers in three theoretical vertents that defy canonical thinking centered on European scientific epistemology. It tries to evaluate the influence of these contributions in the Brazilian production on the same subjects, but also to bring into evidence the intellectual autonomy of local reflections and their own influence beyond national borders.


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Since its arrival in Brazil at the beginning of the new century, queer theory – and particularly that variant of it linked to the works of Judith Butler – has been followed, criticized, contested and yet hardly problematicized in its deeper epistemological implications. Although Brazilian scholars have employed meanings and consistent debates regarding the changes that this axis of subaltern knowledge has provoked, there are still few discussions which seek to think about these contributions in the specific Brazilian context, in which categories of gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity link and cross in unique ways, creating experiences that are quite different from those generally discussed by foreign queer theorists. In the present article, I am trying to provoke an anthropophagic reflection, seeking fruitful dialogues with feminisms and post-colonial texts, emphasizing those that focus upon Latin-American reality, in an attempt create tension in our productions – thought in terms of local realities – as these face questions and issues that are also transnational. The idea here is to go beyond translating "queer", towards thinking of a theory informed by these productions, but which also dares to invent itself through questioning our own marginalized experience. In the present article, I look at the short but intense production of Argentine anthropologist Néstor Perlongher, taking it as one of the starting points for the elaboration of a Latin American (but mainly Brazilian) "teoria cu": that which is produced outside of the phallocentric and heteronormative regimes of canonic science.


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This project consists of a proposed curriculum for a semester-long, community-based workshop for LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual or ally, "+" indicating other identifications that deviate from heterosexual) youth ages 16-18. The workshop focuses on an exploration of LGBTQIA+ identity and community through discussion and collaborative rhetorical analysis of visual and social media. Informed by queer theory and history, studies on youth work, and visual media studies and incorporating rhetorical criticism as well as liberatory pedagogy and community literacy practices, the participation-based design of the workshop seeks to involve participants in selection of media texts, active analytical viewership, and multimodal response. The workshop is designed to engage participants in reflection on questions of individual and collective responsibility and agency as members and allies of various communities. The goal of the workshop is to strengthen participants' abilities to analyze the complex ways in which television, film, and social media influence their own and others’ perceptions of issues surrounding queer identities. As part of the reflective process, participants are challenged to consider how they can in turn actively and collaboratively respond to and potentially help to shape these perceptions. My project report details the theoretical framework, pedagogical rationale, methods of text selection and critical analysis, and guidelines for conduct that inform and structure the workshop.


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L’histoire des relations entre biologie et politique féministe est tendue et contradictoire. Cela paraît d’autant plus flagrant aujourd’hui à l’âge d’or des neurosciences qui ramènent les arguments de supériorité masculine, le caractère inéluctable des différences de genre et la prédominance de l’hétérosexualité à une affaire de cerveau. Dans cet article, nous analysons les points d’intersection propres aux sciences du cerveau et du féminisme. Ces deux champs de recherche entretiennent selon nous des rapports conflictuels mais parfois aussi productifs, y compris dans leurs rapports à l’activisme politique. Ces rapports peuvent être caractérisés en référence à trois directions de recherche principales : des « déstabilisations », des « reconstructions » et des « recontextualisations ». En guise de conclusion, nous terminons par quelques réflexions sur les conditions sociologiques de l’engagement dans une économie politique des neurosciences.[1] [1]Traduit de l’anglais par Marc Gagnepain. Pour une brève présentation de l’article et du dossier thématique dans lequel il s’inscrit, nous renvoyons le/la lecteur/trice à l’article introductif de Bovet, Kraus, Panese, Pidoux et Stücklin, « Les neurosciences à l’épreuve de la clinique et des sciences sociales. Regards croisés ».


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Anelis Kaiser is associate researcher at the Center for Cognitive Science at the University of Freiburg, Germany. Dr. Kaiser recently co-edited a special issue of the journal Neuroethics on gender and brain science. She is co-founder (with Isabelle Dussauge) of the interdisciplinary network NeuroGenderings, which brings together experts from the brain sciences, the humanities and science studies (STS) to critically study the sexed brain. She has published on sex and gender as constructed categories in science as well as on the topics of multilingualism and language processing in the brain. Co-sponsored with the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies. - See more at: http://www.gc.cuny.edu/Page-Elements/Academics-Research-Centers-Initiatives/Centers-and-Institutes/Center-for-the-Study-of-Women-and-Society/Center-Events#sthash.bDeBg5fk.dpuf


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In den letzten Jahren ist Multikulturalismus als Theorie und Politik der Anerkennung von Gruppenrechten unter Druck geraten. Verantwortlich dafür ist auch eine zunehmende Wahrnehmung problematischer Praktiken ethnischer und religiöser Gruppen, wie etwa der Zwangsheirat. Sexuelle Kontrolle findet sich aber nicht nur hier, sondern zeigt sich auch im Ausschluss gleichgeschlechtlicher Paare von der Ehe. Die Autorinnen und Autoren untersuchen diese Problematiken aus juristischer wie aus sozialanthropologischer Perspektive für Österreich, Großbritannien und die Türkei und zeigen die Notwendigkeit auf, die Debatten um kulturelle Unterschiede, Geschlechtergleichheit und sexuelle Autonomie zusammenzuführen.


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