947 resultados para parasite antigen
Antisera to a highly conserved region of chromogranin A (sequence KELTAE) and to a hexapeptide (sequence KGQELE) adjacent to the putative C-terminus of pancreastatin, a peptide whose sequence is found within the chromogranin A molecule, have been used to examine the localisation of immunoreactivity (IR) to these peptides in Ascaris suum. IR to both peptides was found in the nerve rings and nerve cords. In addition, KGQELE-IR was also observed in the pharyngeal neurones and in a network of fibres on the surface of the female gonoduct. The staining was specific in that it could be abolished by preincubation of the antisera with the appropriate antigen. The two antisera appeared to be staining different subsets of neurones, suggesting that (at least) two peptides were being recognised. The widespread distribution of IR to both peptides throughout the nervous system of the parasite suggests that the peptides carrying the epitopes recognised by the antisera are of fundamental importance to the functioning of the parasite's nervous system.
An electron microscopical examination has been made of the fine structure and disposition of pancreatic polypeptide immunoreactive cells associated with the egg-forming apparatus in Diclidophora merlangi. The cell bodies are positioned in the parenchyma surrounding the ootype and taper to axon-like processes that extend to the ootype wall. The terminal regions of these processes branch and anastomose and, in places, the swollen endings or varicosities form synaptic appositions with the muscle fibres in the ootype wall. The cells are characterized by an extensive GER-Golgi system that is involved in the assembly and packaging of dense-cored vesicles. The vesicles accumulate in the axons and terminal varicosities, and their contents were found to be immunoreactive with antisera raised to the C-terminal hexapeptide amide of pancreatic polypeptide. It is concluded that the cells are neurosecretory in appearance and that, functionally, their secretions may serve to regulate ootype motility and thereby help co-ordinate egg production in the worm.
The localisation and distribution of neuropeptide F (NPF)-immunoreactivity (IR) in the monogenean fish-gill parasite, Diclidophora merlangi, have been investigated by whole-mount immunocytochemistry interfaced with confocal scanning laser microscopy and, at the ultrastructural level, by indirect immunogold labeling. Using antisera directed to intact synthetic NPF (Moniezia expansa, residues 1-39) or to the C-terminal decapeptide (residues 30-39) of synthetic NPF (M. expansa), immunostaining was found throughout the central (CNS) and peripheral nervous systems (PNS), including the innervation of the reproductive system. Immunoreactivity was found to be more intense using the antiserum to the C-terminal decapeptide fragment of NPF. At the subcellular level, gold labeling of NPF-IR was found exclusively over the contents of dense-cored vesicles that occupied nerve axons of both the CNS and the PNS. The distribution pattern of immunostaining for NPF mirrored exactly that previously documented for the vertebrate pancreatic polypeptide (PP) family of peptides and for FMRFamide. This finding and the results of preabsorption experiments strongly suggest that NPF is the predominant native neuropeptide in D. merlangi and that it accounts for most of the immunostaining previously obtained with PP and FMRFamide antisera.
5-HT-immunoreactivity in Entobdella soleae was found to be extensive throughout both the central and peripheral nervous systems, with the strongest staining occurring in the innervation of the forebody, most notably in the paired cerebral ganglia, pharynx and adhesive pads. In the reproductive system, staining was evident throughout the numerous cell bodies and fibres innervating the musculature of the egg-assembly apparatus. The haptor contained an extensive array of serotoninergic fibres derived from the main longitudinal cords; this array was associated with the haptoral muscles and sclerites, and possibly with the ventral sensory papillae.
WaaL is a membrane enzyme that catalyzes a key step in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis: the glycosidic bonding of a sugar at the proximal end of the undecaprenyl-diphosphate (Und-PP) O-antigen with a terminal sugar of the lipid A-core oligosaccharide (OS). Utilizing an in vitro assay, we demonstrate here that ligation with purified Escherichia coli WaaL occurs without adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) and magnesium ions. Furthermore, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa WaaL proteins cannot catalyze ATP hydrolysis in vitro. We also show that a lysine substitution of the arginine (Arg)-215 residue renders an active protein, whereas WaaL mutants with alanine replacements in the periplasmic-exposed residues Arg-215, Arg-288 and histidine (His)-338 and also the membrane-embedded aspartic acid-389 are nonfunctional. An in silico approach, combining predicted topological information with the analysis of sequence conservation, confirms the importance of a positive charge at the small periplasmic loop of WaaL, since an Arg corresponding to Arg-215 was found at a similar position in all the WaaL homologs. Also, a universally conserved H[NSQ]X(9)GXX[GTY] motif spanning the C-terminal end of the predicted large periplasmic loop and the membrane boundary of the transmembrane helix was identified. The His residue in this motif corresponds to His-338. A survey of LPS structures in which the linkage between O-antigen and lipid A-core OS was elucidated reveals that it is always in the beta-configuration, whereas the sugars bound to Und-PP are in the alpha-configuration. Together, our biochemical and in silico data argue that WaaL proteins use a common reaction mechanism and share features of metal ion-independent inverting glycosyltransferases.