976 resultados para normalizing constant


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Recent evidence show that factor shares, if properly measured, are far from constant. Moreover, the shares of natural resources and raw labor seem to be negatively correlated with income per capita while the share of human and physical capital is positively correlated with income per capita. Now, if factor shares are not constant then (i) growth accounting exercises rely on a false assumption and (ii) there is a measurement problem. The effect that change s in factor shares ha ve on output depend on the relative abundance of factors and, fo r this reason, it is necessary to have correct measures. We propose an empiri cal methodology to solve the measurement issue and estimate TFP growth.


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Amb aquesta investigació, que s'emmarca dins l'àmbit de l'Antropologia Filosòfica, el que ens proposem és escriure un capítol per a una genealogia de l'home contemporani, intentant respondre a la pregunta: com hem arribat a ser el que som? No pretenem descriure els principals factors que han influït en la manera de ser de l'home contemporani, sinó que l'objectiu d'aquest treball és molt més limitat: dibuixar algunes de les principals relacions entre el saber i el poder que s'han donat en el si de la medicina contemporània, i més concretament en l'àmbit de la Salut Pública, i que han contribuït a subjectar els individus d'una determinada manera, creant un model: l'home saludable. Volem mostrar com el discurs i la pràctica mèdica que es van començar a perfilar entre el segle XVIII i el segle XIX moment en què es solidificaren els fonaments de l'art de guarir tal com ara l'entenem , a part d'aportar un conjunt de tècniques de curació, també van oferir una determinada visió de l'home, la qual va tenir importants repercussions en la manera de ser de l'individu contemporani. Ens interessa mostrar de quina manera la medicina, a partir de la Salut Pública, ha intervingut en la gestió de l'existència humana, prenent una postura normativa que l'ha autoritzat a governar la vida de les persones. L'objectiu de la nostra investigació és respondre les qüestions: quin tipus de subjectivació implica la medicina contemporània? Quin tipus de subjecte ha ajudat a crear, incitant l'home a establir unes determinades maneres de relacionar-se amb si mateix i amb els altres? En definitiva, desciure algunes de les principals estratègies dibuixades des de la Salut Pública que han actuat com a poders de normalització, en tant que han fomentat un determinat tipus d'home. Tal com veurem, la nostra medicina, almenys des del moment en què es va poder parlar d'una salut pública, ha anat lligada al projecte d'una determinada tecnologia de la població. Entre els segles XVIII i XIX, la medicina va anar desenvolupant una nova política de la salut en la qual les malalties van passar a ser considerades com un problema polític i econòmic que afectava les col.lectivitats i que demanava solucions globals. El que va aparèixer en el segle XVIII no es pot resumir només en el fet que l'estat va començar a intervenir d'una forma constant en la pràctica mèdica, sinó que el que va passar va ser que la salut i la malaltia, vistes com a problemes que exigien algun tipus de gestió col.lectiva, van ser considerades des de múltiples llocs del cos social. És a dir, la política de la salut que s'inaugura en el llindar de l'època contemporània, més que una iniciativa vertical, va prendre la forma d'un problema amb orígens i direccions múltiples. Pretenem mostrar aquesta política mèdica que es va posar en joc al voltant de l'origen de la nostra Salut Pública, fent sortir a la llum el que podríem anomenar l'«ètica de la bona salut» que es va potenciar i que va servir no solament per elaborar algunes indicacions per prevenir o curar les malalties, sinó que també fabricà prescripcions que feien referència a la forma de vida en general (des de l'alimentació i la vestimenta fins a la procreació, la sexualitat, el comportament, les relacions familiars, etc.). És a dir, es tractaria de veure com a l'interior del discurs i de les pràctiques de la nostra Salut Pública, s'ha anat contruint un cert espai de la normalitat, en el qual ha estat possible associar Salut i Raó, Malaltia i Desraó.


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The relationship of the anharmonic force constants in curvilinear internal coordinates to the observed vibration-rotation spectrum of a molecule is reviewed. A simplified method of setting up the required non-linear coordinate transformations is described: this makes use of an / tensor, which is a straightforward generalization of the / matrix used in the customary description of harmonic force constant calculations. General formulae for the / tensor elements, in terms of the familiar L matrix elements, are presented. The use of non-linear symmetry coordinates and redundancies are described. Sample calculations on the water and ammonia molecules are reported.


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The theory of harmonic force constant refinement calculations is reviewed, and a general-purpose program for force constant and normal coordinate calculations is described. The program, called ASYM20. is available through Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange. It will work on molecules of any symmetry containing up to 20 atoms and will produce results on a series of isotopomers as desired. The vibrational secular equations are solved in either nonredundant valence internal coordinates or symmetry coordinates. As well as calculating the (harmonic) vibrational wavenumbers and normal coordinates, the program will calculate centrifugal distortion constants, Coriolis zeta constants, harmonic contributions to the α′s. root-mean-square amplitudes of vibration, and other quantities related to gas electron-diffraction studies and thermodynamic properties. The program will work in either a predict mode, in which it calculates results from an input force field, or in a refine mode, in which it refines an input force field by least squares to fit observed data on the quantities mentioned above. Predicate values of the force constants may be included in the data set for a least-squares refinement. The program is written in FORTRAN for use on a PC or a mainframe computer. Operation is mainly controlled by steering indices in the input data file, but some interactive control is also implemented.


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1. Data for modern egg-type hybrids reared on constant daylengths show that, as expected, they mature more quickly than earlier genotypes. However, the constant photoperiod which gives earliest sexual maturity has not changed as a result of selection and is 10 h for both early and modern genotypes. 2. Further analysis showed that the rate of delay in sexual maturity for constant photoperiods above 10 h is similar for modern and for early hybrids ( +0.29 d for each incremental one hour of photoperiod), the response of modern hybrids below 10 h ( +4.22 d for each one-hour reduction in photoperiod) is more than double that of early hybrids ( +1.71 d/h).


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This correspondence proposes a new algorithm for the OFDM joint data detection and phase noise (PHN) cancellation for constant modulus modulations. We highlight that it is important to address the overfitting problem since this is a major detrimental factor impairing the joint detection process. In order to attack the overfitting problem we propose an iterative approach based on minimum mean square prediction error (MMSPE) subject to the constraint that the estimated data symbols have constant power. The proposed constrained MMSPE algorithm (C-MMSPE) significantly improves the performance of existing approaches with little extra complexity being imposed. Simulation results are also given to verify the proposed algorithm.


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A quasi-optical technique for characterizing micromachined waveguides is demonstrated with wideband time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy. A transfer-function representation is adopted for the description of the relation between the signals in the input and output port of the waveguides. The time-domain responses were discretized, and the waveguide transfer function was obtained through a parametric approach in the z domain after describing the system with an autoregressive with exogenous input model. The a priori assumption of the number of modes propagating in the structure was inferred from comparisons of the theoretical with the measured characteristic impedance as well as with parsimony arguments. Measurements for a precision WR-8 waveguide-adjustable short as well as for G-band reduced-height micromachined waveguides are presented. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.


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This paper studies periodic traveling gravity waves at the free surface of water in a flow of constant vorticity over a flat bed. Using conformal mappings the free-boundary problem is transformed into a quasilinear pseudodifferential equation for a periodic function of one variable. The new formulation leads to a regularity result and, by use of bifurcation theory, to the existence of waves of small amplitude even in the presence of stagnation points in the flow.


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The first measurement of the relative permittivity (εr) and loss tangent (tan δ) of EPON™ SU-8 advanced thick film ultraviolet photoresist is reported at frequencies between 75–110 GHz (W-band). The problems associated with such a measurement are discussed, an error analysis given, and values of εr=1.725±0.08 and tanδ =0.02±0.001 are determined.