875 resultados para new member countries
The Sox gene family (Sry like HMG box gene) is characterised by a conserved DNA sequence encoding a domain of approximately 80 amino acids which is responsible for sequence specific DNA binding. We initially published the identification and partial cDNA sequence of murine Sox18, a new member of this gene family, isolated from a cardiac cDNA library. This sequence allowed us to classify Sox18 into the F sub-group of Sox proteins, along with Sox7 and Sox17. Recently, we demonstrated that mutations in the Sox18 activation domain underlie cardiovascular and hair follicle defects in the mouse mutation, ragged (Ra) (Pennisi et al., 2000. Mutations in Sox18 underlie cardiovascular and hair follicle defecs in ragged mice. Nat. Genet. 24, 434-437). Ra homozygotes lack vibrissae and coat hairs, have generalised oedema and an accumulation of chyle in the peritoneum. Here we have investigated the genomic sequences encoding Sox18. Screening of a mouse genomic phage library identified four overlapping clones, we sequenced a 3.25 kb XbaI fragment that defined the entire coding region and approximately 1.5 kb of 5' flanking sequences. This identified (i) an additional 91 amino acids upstream of the previously designated methionine start codon in the original cDNA, and (ii);ln intron encoded within the HMG box/DNA binding domain in exactly the same position as that found in the Sox5, -13 and -17 genes. The Sox18 gene encodes a protein of 468 aa. We present evidence that suggests HAF-2, the human HMG-box activating factor-2 protein, is the orthologue of murine Sox18. HAF-2 has been implicated in the regulation of the Human IgH enhancer in a B cell context. Random mutagenesis coupled with GAL4 hybrid analysis in the activation domain between amino acids 252 and 346, of Sox18, implicated the phosphorylation motif, SARS, and the region between amino acid residues 313 and 346 as critical components of Sox18 mediated transactivation. Finally, we examined the expression of Sox18 in multiple adult mouse tissues using RT-PCR. Low-moderate expression was observed in spleen, stomach, kidney, intestine, skeletal muscle and heart. Very abundant expression was detected in lung tissue. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We identified a novel human AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family member, designated ARK5, encoding 661 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 74 kDa. The putative amino acid sequence reveals 47, 45.8, 42.4, and 55% homology to AMPK-alpha1, AMPK-alpha2, MELK and SNARE respectively, suggesting that it is a new member of the AMPK family. It has a putative Akt phosphorylation motif at amino acids 595600, and Ser(600) was found to be phosphorylated by active Akt resulting in the activation of kinase activity toward the SAMS peptide, a consensus AMPK substrate. During nutrient starvation, ARK5 supported the survival of cells in an Akt-dependent manner. In addition, we also demonstrated that ARK5, when activated by Akt, phosphorylated the ATM protein that is mutated in the human genetic disorder ataxia-telangiectasia and also induced the phosphorylation of p53. On the basis of our current findings, we propose that a novel AMPK family member, ARK5, is the tumor cell survival factor activated by Akt and acts as an ATM kinase under the conditions of nutrient starvation.
Os Eurocódigos estruturais são um conjunto de normas técnicas que têm como objectivo abranger o projecto e verificação de qualquer tipo de construção para os países membros da União Europeia. O objectivo deste trabalho é sistematizar todos os procedimentos que estão presentes nos Eurocódigos e que são aplicáveis, de uma forma geral, à construção metálica. Foi feito o desenvolvimento de uma solução estrutural para o caso concreto de uma estrutura metálica de uma ponte rolante com o objectivo de se fazer o levantamento dos normativos estabelecidos para o projecto de estruturas metálicas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido considerando fundamentalmente três Eurocódigos. O Eurocódigo 0 que estabelece o princípio e bases para o projecto de estruturas, o Eurocódigo 1 que define as acções em estruturas e o Eurocódigo 3 que estabelece as regras gerais, de verificação ao fogo, de projecto de ligações e de verificação à fadiga. O trabalho desenvolvido consistiu em projectar a estrutura metálica da ponte rolante considerada e para tal foram feitos os seguintes passos. - Determinação das acções na estrutura e das situações de projecto; - Projecto da estrutura considerando a verificação de cedência ou deformação excessiva dos seus elementos; - Projecto da estrutura considerando a perda de equilíbrio estático da estrutura; - Projecto da estrutura considerando a verificação da sua resistência ao fogo; - Projecto das ligações aparafusadas; - Verificação da resistência à fadiga.
A importância da radiação ionizante na prática médica, nãoo só como diagnóstico mas também como terapia, ganhou, no último meio século, uma importância fulcral. Devido aos efeitos secundários da radiação ao ser humano, torna-se fundamental definir regras para aumentar a segurança de todos os seus utilizadores, surgindo assim a radioprotecção. Nesse sentido a Comunidade Europeia da Energia Atómica (EURATOM) define directrizes para os países membros da Comunidade Europeia de forma a poder orientá-los nesse processo. Torna-se assim importante registar e monitorizar os valores de dose de radiação num exame radiológico para o aumento de segurança dos pacientes e técnicos. O presente trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da disciplina anual Dissertação/Projecto/ Estágio Profissional do Mestrado em Computação e Instrumentação Médica teve como objectivo registar esses valores através da comunicação com medidores de doses. A luz do dia-a-dia da Dr. Campos Costa - Consultório de Tomogra a Computarizada S.A, é apresentada nesta tese uma aplicação computacional capaz de obter os valores de dose de um estudo radiológico a um paciente e guardá-los numa base de dados projectada exclusivamente para esse fim. Os resultados obtidos são animadores uma vez que provam ser possível automatizar a monitorização desses valores através de aplicações com ferramentas capazes de auxiliar os responsáveis por essa monitorização em qualquer centro clínico.
BACKGROUND: Machinery safety issues are a challenge facing manufacturers who are supposed to create and provide products in a better and faster way. In spite of their construction and technological advance, they still contribute to many potential hazards for operators and those nearby. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to investigate safety aspects of metal machinery offered for sale on Internet market according to compliance with minimum and fundamental requirements. METHODS: The study was carried out with the application of a checklist prepared on the basis of Directive 2006/42/EC and Directive 2009/104/EC and regulations enforcing them into Polish law. RESULTS: On the basis of the study it was possible to reveal the safety aspects that were not met in practice. It appeared that in the case of minimum requirements the most relevant problems concerned information, signal and control elements, technology and machinery operations, whereas as far as fundamental aspects are concerned it was hard to assure safe work process. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of the fact that more and more legal acts binding in the Member Countries of the European Union are being introduced to alleviate the phenomenon, these regulations are often not fulfilled.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação (Especialidade em Teoria da Cultura)
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Sociologia da Comunicação e da Informação).
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, TBF1, an essential gene, influences telomere function but also has other roles in the global regulation of transcription. We have identified a new member of the tbf1 gene family in the mammalian pathogen Pneumocystis carinii. We demonstrate by transspecies complementation that its ectopic expression can provide the essential functions of Schizosaccharomyces pombe tbf1 but that there is no rescue between fission and budding yeast orthologues. Our findings indicate that an essential function of this family of proteins has diverged in the budding and fission yeasts and suggest that effects on telomere length or structure are not the primary cause of inviability in S. pombe tbf1 null strains.
This study was commissioned by the European Committee on Crime Problems at the Council of Europe to describe and discuss the standards used to asses the admissibility and appraisal of scientific evidence in various member countries. After documenting cases in which faulty forensic evidence seems to have played a critical role, the authors describe the legal foundations of the issues of admissibility and assessment of the probative value in the field of scientific evidence, contrasting criminal justice systems of accusatorial and inquisitorial tradition and the various risks that they pose in terms of equality of arms. Special attention is given to communication issues between lawyers and scientific experts. The authors eventually investigate possible ways of improving the system. Among these mechanisms, emphasis is put on the adoption of a common terminology for expressing the weight of evidence. It is also proposed to adopt an harmonized interpretation framework among forensic experts rooted in good practices of logical inference.
This report presents findings from the National Consultation on Rare Disease overseen by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland on behalf of the Department of Health to inform the development of Irelandâ?Ts first National Rare Disease Plan. In 2009, the Council of the European Union recommended that all member countries develop a national plan for rare diseases with the framework of their health and social systems by the end of 2013. The aim is to ensure that all patients with rare disease in Europe have access to high quality care, including diagnostics, treatments and rehabilitation. Download the report here
This IPH report (2013) (prepared for the ROI Department of Health) presents findings from the National Consultation on Rare Disease overseen by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland on behalf of the Department of Health to inform the development of Ireland’s first National Rare Disease Plan. In 2009, the Council of the European Union recommended that all member countries develop a national plan for rare diseases with the framework of their health and social systems by the end of 2013. The aim is to ensure that all patients with rare disease in Europe have access to high quality care, including diagnostics, treatments and rehabilitation.
A new member of the phlebovirus genus, tentatively named Granada virus, was detected in sandflies collected in Spain. By showing the presence of specific neutralizing antibodies in human serum collected in Granada, we show that Granada virus infects humans. The analysis of the complete genome of Granada virus revealed that this agent is likely to be a natural reassortant of the recently described Massilia virus (donor of the long and short segments) with ayet unidentified phlebovirus (donor of the medium segment)
The Institute for Public Security of Catalonia (ISPC), the only state-funded education and research centre for police in Catalonia-Spain, developed in 2012 a comparative study on Gender diversity in police services in the European Union. The study is an update of the research Facts & Figures 2008 that was carried out by the European Network of Policewomen (ENP), a non-profit organization that works in partnership with colleagues from police and/or law enforcement organizations in its member countries to facilitate positive changes in the position of women in police services. To gather the 2012 data, the ISPC invited EU Member States’ police services to cooperate in the study answering a 10- ITEM questionnaire. The questionnaire was the same tool used in 2008 by the ENP. In February 2012, the ISPC sent the questionnaires through Cepol National Contact Points’ network. In order to include as many police services as possible in the study, the ENP also supported us to gather some of the data. Altogether we received questionnaires from 29 police services corresponding to 17 UE countries. Besides, we used data from open sources about England and Wales police services and the French National Police. In this document you can find: first, the tool we used to collect the data; second, the answers we gathered presented per country; finally, some comparative tables and graphics developed by the ISPC. Countries: Austria, Belgium Cyprus, Denmark, England, Wales, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Swden.
In monetary unions, monetary policy is typically made by delegates of the member countries. This procedure raises the possibility of strategic delegation - that countries may choose the types of delegates to influence outcomes in their favor. We show that without commitment in monetary policy, strategic delegation arises if and only if three conditions are met: shocks affecting individual countries are not perfectly correlated, risk-sharing across countries is imperfect, and the Phillips Curve is nonlinear. Moreover, inflation rates are inefficiently high. We argue that ways of solving the commitment problem, including the emphasis on price stability in the agreements constituting the European Union are especially valuable when strategic delegation is a problem.
In monetary unions, monetary policy is typically made by delegates of the member countries. This procedure raises the possibility of strategic delegation - that countries may choose the types of delegates to influence outcomes in their favor. We show that without commitment in monetary policy, strategic delegation arises if and only if three conditions are met: shocks affecting individual countries are not perfectly correlated, risk-sharing across countries is imperfect, and the Phillips Curve is nonlinear. Moreover, inflation rates are inefficiently high. We argue that ways of solving the commitment problem, including the emphasis on price stability in the agreements constituting the European Union are especially valuable when strategic delegation is a problem.