829 resultados para multi-agency community development


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ARC Healthy Living Centre provides a range of services for a range of groups eg older people, young, unemployed etc. This is their 3rd application and is a Level 3 project. Previous BCPP projects have focussed on for example, peer education programmes for young people, working with Surestart and addiction services. As a result of the project the pharmacist has integrated well into the community. This project will build upon previous work to increase health awareness, promote interagency understanding and deliver a wide range of interactive sessions with groups such as SureStart and alcohol projects. It will also seek to take this out into other areas and encourage other pharmacists to become involved in this way of working.


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This is their 3rd BCPP project and this is a Level 3 project. Rural Health Partnership is a community based initiative which assists people to recover from a mental illness. Previous BCPP projects focussed on supporting the needs of women in relation to mental health and more specifically, those experiencing post natal depression through the 2nd BCPP project using a lay health approach. This project seeks to build on this previous work. A very good working relationship has developed between the pharmacist and RHP. A programme of activities that can enhance the skills and knowledge base of the participants will be developed and so will relationships with other services eg GPs, primary care team etc. The project aims to educate the community at large on the issues faced by vulnerable women, with particular emphasis on symptoms of postnatal depression and anxiety.


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This project will introduce a health programme, including an exercise therapy programme to clients experiencing depression so to reduce symptoms and reinforce positive lifestyle changes. By doing this the pharmacist's knowledge of the client group and their specific needs will be increased. It will ensure that people with mental health problems are equipped with the necessary information, support and skills for them to complete a realistic exercise programme.


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McCaughan's pharmacy in this project will work with Rural Support to address the needs of farmers, identify causes of stress, improve their ability to manage stress and increase their access to services available to them. Infomation events will be held at the local mart and the pharmacist will be on hand to offer 1-1 support and signposting. An aspect of this project is to train up mart staff so to make it sustainable on a longer term basis.


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The organisation helps those with mental ill health and those suffering addiction. This is their second community-pharmacy project. The first focussed on men and this project will move on to work with women. Women who have been referred to Cloona Oasis have been through hardship. The Pharmacist will work with them to develop their confidence, explain their medication and break down barriers so that they can access other services.


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This is a level 3 project, the group have previously been funded twice at level 2. Gilford is a rurally isolated area with little community involvement. Previous projects have tried to connect the pharmacist into the local community and have had some success in doing so. The approach they will use in this project is a mix between 1-1 support but they will also recognise the importance of skilling up people and working with groups. It is hoped that after this project the pharmacy will become a meeting point for the community.


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This is the Centre's second project with BCPP. The first project integrated the pharmacy into their support network and addressed issues important to street drinkers in a safe environment. This project will build on the previous project. It will encourage and facilitate self worth, self esteem and further encourage a sense of responsibility and confidence to access other health and support services. The pharmacist will provide information sessions, 1-1 support and training to staff and volunteers. This project will also see them linking up with the SOLACE project in Irvinestown which BCPP has also supported.


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Women's Aid responds to urgent need to provide vital support and accommodation to women and children experiencing domestic violence. This is their first BCPP project. It will provide a range of social and health information sessions to women, staff, volunteers and children while supporting the pharmacist to better understand the issues they are facing, developing a referral process and confidential service.


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This project will work with men aged 50 and upwards on a range of health issues including physical health, healthy lifestyle, mental health etc. Other organisations will be brought into talk to the men during the sessions. The project aims to improve the health of the men and encourage them to make healthier choices.


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This is their 2nd BCPP project. The previous project demonstrated a number of successes - using the pharmacy to target carers, providing advice in the pharmacy, getting carers to come together for support etc. This project will build on previous work and will further support pharmacy staff to recognise and support carers needs. The project also aims to set up a local carers group with 20 carers partcipating.


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The project will develop a relationship with the pharmacist in Bessbrook and Kilkeel. 3 sessions will be held in each area allowing time for 1-1 support for clients and carers.


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PEG and the pharmacist have been working through BCPP projects for a few years and have worked with a range of groups (young and older people) on a range of health issues. This project seeks to continue to build on this work. The lay health worker will be present in the pharmacy and more emphasis will be placed on co-delivery with young people and in schools. Relationships with young vulnerable and isolated teenagers are developing and the pharmacist will continue to engage with them to identify and work to tackle health issues they are facing.


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This is the groups second BCPP project and a good partnership has been built between partcipants and teh pharmacist. This project will build on the previous work but work with a new set of partcipants. Togetehr the pharmacist and partcipants w...


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This is Action Mental Health (AMH) Antrim's, first application to BCPP and the pharmacist sits on their Management Committee. Along with the pharmacist, this practical programme will encourage people to take more control of their health and well-bein...


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Helping Local People and Local Communities create a Healthier Environment The healthy gardening project is a ten week programme which runs in community gardens/allotments throughout the county in partnership with community development projects. The underpinning values of the approach taken are holistic in nature and cover the areas of individual and community health and wellbeing, ecosystem health, environment and sustainablility. HSE and VEC Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Letterkenny Funding HSE and VEC Partner Agencies Community projects County council Family resource centre VEC Adult Education Service