970 resultados para mucus gland
The present investigation compares the protein electrophoreses profiles of the hypopharyngeal glands of 12 and 25 day old Apis mellifera workers, some of which were experimentally treated with an analogue of juvenile hormone in the moment of the emergence while others were not treated. According to the evaluation of the presented variations by four main bands, it is concluded that the analogue juvenile hormone changes the glandular genetic expression pattern, promoting the disappearance of two from the four main bands in 25 day old workers. The effect of this hormone is discussed as an hypopharyngeal maturation inductor, in synergetic action with the bee age acting early in the glandular cycle.
The post-pharyngeal gland of normal and starvation ants was studied under TEM. This study showed an orgin of lipids droplets from mitochondria (named derivate mitochondria) in the normal ants and the lipids absence or reduction, in fasting ants.
The ectal mandibular gland (EMG) of wasps is homologous to the mandibular gland of ants and bees. This gland belongs to salivary system and its function stile unknown. The EMG of Polistes versicolor showed histological and ultramorphological features similar to that founded in ants and others wasps. This gland is constituted by a secretory region and a reservoir. The secretory region contains individual secretory cells that showed several nucleoli. The reservoir has a club shape and is connected to each mandible, by a duct that opens on its external side, which there are cuticular projections. The EMG of males is smaller than those of females. Our results suggested that the EMG secrete volatiles compounds that are liberated when the mandibles still open.
The objective of this research was to contribute to elucidation of the function of the hypopharyngeal glands of S. postica in enzyme production, using the Api Zym kit (Bio Mérieux). Dealing with a comparative analysis between the enzymatic content of the hypopharyngeal gland extracts from newly emerged, nurse and forager workers, as well as, newly emerged males and males mature for mating of S. postica. The hypopharyngeal glands from nurse workers of Apis mellifera, that produce part of the royal jelly, were used for comparison. While in A. mellifera, the hypopharyngeal glands are present only in workers, in S. postica, the hypopharyngeal glands are present and functioning in all adult individuals of the colony. The higher enzymatic activity was observed in the hypopharyngeal gland extracts from nurse workers and may be related to a larger demand for energy, compared to other individuals. The occurrence of large quantities of leucine arylamidase in all individuals may mean that protein processing is happening.
In termites, food search is mediated by semiochemicals that are liberated by exocrine glands. In the present work we investigated the effect of the secretion of the labial glands of workers on the feeding behavior of Coptotermes havilandi. The secretion of the labial glands exhibited phagostimulant effect on the workers of this species. The soldiers showed a low activity in response to the labial gland extracts suggesting that this gland's secretion might inhibit the recruitment of soldiers. Behavioral evidence for the regulation of food consumption by workers was observed.
Catecholamines act as neurotransmitters and hormones. Studies conducted to understand the synthesis and metabolism of these monoamines during stress have been the main concern of many authors. This work proposes to investigate the time course of changes in epinephrine and norepinephrine concentration in adrenal gland obtained from rats submitted to acute immobilization stress. The results of the present study indicate that acute immobilization stress during 5 and 15min did not provoke changes in epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations in adrenal gland in relation to the control group. Such results are justified due to the short time of the stress, showing that the stress did not provoke physiological alteration. The epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations in adrenal gland increased significantly after the immobilization session in stressed groups during 30 and 50min as compared to control group. This increase probably is due to the emotional component of the immobilization stress. In this way, we suggested that the immobilization stress provoke increase in the biosynthesis of catecholamines in the adrenal gland from rats. However, the results shows that a maximum increase is reached at 30min of immobilization stress and then a decrement of catecholamines levels starts at 50min of the experimental design. This decline in catecholamines level may be consequence of adaptation to stress situations, an increase of the activity of the uptake systems and/or metabolization of catecholamines. In conclusion, these results suggest an effective participation of the adrenal glands to maintain the homeostasis of organism to the stressful conditions. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present investigation analyzed the influence of Juvenile Hormone (JH) on the venom glands of Apis mellifera workers through protein dosage and electrophoresis of venom gland extracts of newly emerged workers which were treated with 1 μl JH dissolved in hexane, in concentration of 2μg/μl. Newly emerged workers non-treated and treated with 1 μl hexane were the controls. Both JH and hexane provoke quantitative changes on the gland protein titre and on the protein electrophoretic profile. The disappearance of protein bands in the venom gland extracts of 14 day-old treated workers, a situation normally found only in 35 day-old non-treated workers, suggests that the JH treatment induces a precocious maturation of the worker venom gland.
We describe differences in the chemical composition of the Dufour gland secretion of virgin and physogastric queens of Melipona bicolor through gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The Dufour gland secretion of virgin queens consists only of hydrocarbons, while that of physogastric queens contains, besides these, a variety of other compounds, such as isobutyrate and acetate esters. Such differences may indicate the queen fecundity condition and the oxygenated compounds of the physogastrics secretion may help to increase their attractiveness.
The mandibular gland secretions of newly emerged, nurse and forager workers, virgin and physogastric queens and males of Melipona bicolor were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The secretion is composed of a blend of hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters, and acids. The secretion is caste-sex specific and also differs with the tasks performed by the workers and the physiological reproductive condition of the queens.
The cocoon, produced by most holometabolous insects, is built with silk that is usually produced by the larval salivary gland. Although this silk has been widely studied in the Lepidoptera, its composition and macromolecular arrangement remains unknown in the Hymenoptera. The macromolecular array patterns of the silk in the larval salivary gland of some meliponids, wasps, and ants were analyzed with polarized-light microscopy, and they were compared with those of Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera). There is a birefringent secretion in the glandular lumen of all larvae, due to filamentous structural proteins that display anisotropy. The silk in the distal, middle and proximal regions of the secretory portion of Formicidae and Vespidae glands presented a lattice optical pattern. We found a different pattern in the middle secretory portion of the Meliponini, with a zigzag rather than a lattice pattern. This indicates that the biopolymer fibers begin their macromolecular reorganization at this glandular region, different from the Formicidae and the Vespidae, in which the zigzag optical pattern was only found at the lateral duct. Probably, the mechanism of silk production in the Hymenoptera is a characteristic inherited from a common ancestor of Vespoidea and Sphecoidea; the alterations in the pattern observed in the Meliponini could be a derived characteristic in the Hymenoptera. We found no similarity in the macromolecular reorganization patterns of the silk between the Hymenoptera species and the silkworm.
A case report of the papillary cystadenoma from minor salivary gland in lower lip of a 54-year-old man is described.
We used light and transmission electron microscopy to examine the morphology of the accessory glands of immature and mature adult males of Apis mellifera L. We also made an electrophoretic analysis of the protein content of the mature gland. The glands of the immature male actively secrete a mucous substance that can be seen in the lumen of the gland of the mature male. This secretion stains with mercury bromophenol blue and with periodic acid-Schiff reaction, which stain glyconjugates. The protein content was higher in the lumen secretion than in the gland wall extracts. The electrophoresis patterns of the wall extracts were different from those of the secretion found in the gland lumen.
This paper describes the ultramorphology and histology of the venom reservoir in 14-day old workers of Apis mellifera, immediately before and after the application of electrical shocks with the object of causing venom elimination and reservoir collapse. The external epithelial surface of the reservoir was differentiated according to its morphological aspects into posterior, median, and proximal or duct regions at the ventral surface and into anterior and posterior regions at the dorsal surface. While the epithelium of the proximal region forms a ventral infolding, a dorsal salience is formed at this region. These structures and the epithelial regions persist both in full and empty reservoirs. The reservoir appeared full and distended before the electrical shocks were applied and became empty and withered afterwards due to the elimination of the secretion, without any reductions in length. Nevertheless, some secretion was kept inside the lumen, thus suggesting a possible role for the reservoir in the modification of the secretion.
Males of Xylocopa fimbriata and X. micans present mesosomal glands that produce secretions containing many volatile substances with an intense floral fragrance, which resembles the fragrance produced by flowers that are attractive to the females of both species. The mating territories occupied by males of X. frontalis have no helpful resources for the females of this species, which are probably attracted to these environments by sexual pheromone(s) produced in the male mesosomal glands (lek polygyny). In this work, the presence of these glands in males of X. frontalis was confirmed and their anatomy and ultrastructure were described. An attempt to correlate the morphological characteristics of the mesosomal glands with the male territorial behavior was also carried out.