290 resultados para motile aeromonads


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When Dictyostelium discoideum cells are drawn into a fine glass capillary, they rapidly begin the first steps toward the formation of prestalk and prespore zones. Some of the events occur within a minute or two, whereas others follow later. The cells in the front segment are actively motile and those in the hind segment are passive. The volumes of the segments are proportional for different-sized cell masses, and those proportions are the same as those found in normal slugs. When the cells are stained with the vital dye neutral red, the anterior zone becomes darker simultaneously with the formation of the division line. Green fluorescent protein expressed from a stalk-specific promoter is synthesized mostly in the anterior end. Later, this capillary prestalk zone shows a sharp increase in alkaline phosphatase activity, which is known to be characteristic of prestalk cells.


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Serotonergic agents (uptake inhibitors, receptor ligands) cause significant craniofacial malformations in cultured mouse embryos suggesting that 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) (5-HT) may be an important regulator of craniofacial development. To determine whether serotonergic regulation of cell migration might underly some of these effects, cranial neural crest (NC) explants from embryonic day 9 (E9) (plug day = E1) mouse embryos or dissociated mandibular mesenchyme cells (derived from NC) from E12 embryos were placed in a modified Boyden chamber to measure effects of serotonergic agents on cell migration. A dose-dependent effect of 5-HT on the migration of highly motile cranial NC cells was demonstrated, such that low concentrations of 5-HT stimulated migration, whereas this effect was progressively lost as the dose of 5-HT was increased. In contrast, most concentrations of 5-HT inhibited migration of less motile, mandibular mesenchyme cells. To investigate the possible involvement of specific 5-HT receptors in the stimulation of NC migration, several 5-HT subtype-selective antagonists were used to block the effects of the most stimulatory dose of 5-HT (0.01 microM). Only NAN-190 (a 5-HT1A antagonist) inhibited the effect of 5-HT, suggesting involvement of this receptor. Further evidence was obtained by using immunohistochemistry with 5-HT receptor antibodies, which revealed expression of the 5-HT1A receptor but not other subtypes by migrating NC cells in both embryos and cranial NC explants. These results suggest that by activating appropriate receptors 5-HT may regulate migration of cranial NC cells and their mesenchymal derivatives in the mouse embryo.


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To assess the role of altered alpha 2 beta 1 integrin expression in breast cancer, we expressed the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin de novo in a poorly differentiated mammary carcinoma that expressed no detectable alpha 2-integrin subunit. Expression of the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin resulted in a dramatic phenotypic alteration from a fibroblastoid, spindle-shaped, non-contact-inhibited, motile, and invasive cell to an epithelioid, polygonal-shaped, contact-inhibited, less motile, and less invasive cell. Although expression of the alpha 2 subunit did not alter adhesion to collagen, it profoundly altered cell spreading. Re-expression of the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin restored the ability to differentiate into gland-like structures in three-dimensional matrices and markedly reduced the in vivo tumorigenicity of the cells. These results indicate that the consequences of diminished alpha 2 beta 1-integrin expression in the development of breast cancer and, presumably, of other epithelial malignancies are increased tumorigenicity and loss of the differentiated epithelial phenotype.


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Macrophage-stimulating protein (MSP) was originally identified as an inducer of murine resident peritoneal macrophage responsiveness to chemoattractants. We recently showed that the product of RON, a protein tyrosine kinase cloned from a human keratinocyte library, is the receptor for MSP. Similarity of murine stk to RON led us to determine if the stk gene product is the murine receptor for MSP. Radiolabeled MSP could bind to NIH 3T3 cells transfected with murine stk cDNA (3T3/stk). Binding was saturable and was inhibited by unlabeled MSP but not by structurally related proteins, including hepatocyte growth factor and plasminogen. Specific binding to STK was demonstrated by cross-linking of 125I-labeled MSP to membrane proteins of 3T3/stk cells, which resulted in a protein complex with a molecular mass of 220 kDa. This radiolabeled complex comprised 125I-MSP and STK, since it could be immunoprecipitated by antibodies to the STK beta chain. Binding of MSP to stk cDNA-transfected cells induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the 150-kDa STK beta chain within 1 min and caused increased motile activity. These results establish the murine stk gene product as a specific transmembrane protein tyrosine kinase receptor for MSP. Inasmuch as the stk cDNA was cloned from a hematopoietic stem cell, our data suggest that in addition to macrophages and keratinocytes, a cell in the hematopoietic lineage may also be a target for MSP.


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Flagellin is one of the most abundant proteins in motile bacteria, yet its expression requires a low abundance sigma factor (sigma 28). We show that transcription from the Bacillus subtilis flagellin promoter is stimulated 20-fold by an upstream A+T-rich region [upstream promoter (UP) element] both in vivo and in vitro. This UP element is contacted by sigma 28 holoenzyme bound at the flagellin promoter and binds the isolated alpha 2 subassembly of RNA polymerase. The UP element increases the affinity of RNA polymerase for the flagellin promoter and stimulates transcription when initiation is limited by the rate of RNA polymerase binding. Comparison with other promoters in the flagellar regulon reveals a bipartite architecture: the -35 and -10 elements confer specificity for sigma 28, while promoter strength is determined largely by upstream DNA sequences.


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The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is one of the most extensively studied organisms in biological research and has centrioles/basal bodies and cilia that can be modelled to investigate their functions in animals generally. Centrioles are nine-fold symmetrical microtubule-based cylindrical structures required to form centrosomes and also to nucleate the formation of cilia and flagella. When they function to template cilia, centrioles transition into basal bodies. The fruit fly has various types of basal bodies and cilia, which are needed for sensory neuron and sperm function. Genetics, cell biology and behaviour studies in the fruit fly have unveiled new basal body components and revealed different modes of assembly and functions of basal bodies that are conserved in many other organisms, including human, green algae and plasmodium. Here we describe the various basal bodies of Drosophila, what is known about their composition, structure and function.


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Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, first invade and develop within hepatocytes before infecting red blood cells and causing symptomatic disease. Because of the low infection rates in vitro and in vivo, the liver stage of Plasmodium infection is not very amenable to biochemical assays, but the large size of the parasite at this stage in comparison with Plasmodium blood stages makes it accessible to microscopic analysis. A variety of imaging techniques has been used to this aim, ranging from electron microscopy to widefield epifluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy. High-speed live video microscopy of fluorescent parasites in particular has radically changed our view on key events in Plasmodium liver-stage development. This includes the fate of motile sporozoites inoculated by Anopheles mosquitoes as well as the transport of merozoites within merosomes from the liver tissue into the blood vessel. It is safe to predict that in the near future the application of the latest microscopy techniques in Plasmodium research will bring important insights and allow us spectacular views of parasites during their development in the liver.


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Aims: Isolation, identification and characterization of a highly efficient isomaltulose producer. Methods and Results: After an enrichment procedure for bacteria likely to metabolize isomaltulose in sucrose-rich environments, 578 isolates were screened for efficient isomaltulose biosynthesis using an aniline/diphenylamine assay and capillary electrophoresis. An isolate designated UQ68J was exceptionally efficient in sucrose isomerase activity. Conversion of sucrose into isomaltulose by UQ68J (enzyme activity of 90-100 U mg(-1) DW) was much faster than the current industrial strain Protaminobacter rubrum CBS574.77 (41-66 U mg(-1) DW) or a reference strain of Erwinia rhapontici (0.3-0.9 U mg(-1) DW). Maximum yield of isomaltulose at 78-80% of supplied sucrose was achieved in less than half the reaction time needed by CBS574.77, and the amount of contaminating trehalulose (4%) was the lowest recorded from an isomaltulose-producing microbe. UQ68J is a Gram negative, facultatively anaerobic, motile, noncapsulate, straight rod-shaped bacterium producing acid but no gas from glucose. Based on 16S rDNA analysis UQ68J is closest to Klebsiella oxytoca, but it differs from Klebsiella in defining characteristics and most closely resembles Pantoea dispersa in phenotype. Significance and Impact of Study: This organism is likely to have substantial advantage over previously characterized sucrose isomerase producers for the industrial production of isomaltulose.


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The presence of primary cilia in corneal endothelial cells of a range of species from six non-mammalian vertebrate classes (Agnatha, Elasmobranchii, Amphibia, Teleostei, Reptilia, and Aves) is examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Our aim is to assess whether these non-motile cilia protruding into the anterior chamber of the eye are a consistent phylogenetic feature of the corneal endothelium and if a quantitative comparison of their morphology is able to shed any new light on their function. The length (0.42-3.80 mum) and width (0.12-0.44 mum) of the primary cilia varied but were closely allied with previous studies in mammals. However, interspecific differences such as the presence of a terminal swelling in the Teleostei and Amphibia suggest there are functional differences. Approximately one-third of the endothelial cells possess cilia but the extent of protrusion above the cell surface varies greatly, supporting a dynamic process of retraction and elongation. The absence of primary cilia in primitive vertebrates (Agnatha and Elasmobranchii) that possess other mechanisms to control corneal hydration suggests an osmoregulatory and/or chemosensory function. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In an attempt to develop a gamete-recovery protocol for the northern hairy nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii), spermatozoa were removed from the cauda epididymides of four common wombats (Vombatus ursinus) and cryopreserved following a variety of prefreeze storage conditions. Spermatozoa stored for 72 h at 4 degrees C within the testicle before cryopreservation tolerated the freeze-thaw procedure remarkably well, resulting in a higher post-thaw viability (% motile P< 0.01; rate of movement P< 0.01; % live P< 0.01) than sperm recovered on the day of post-mortem, stored in a test tube for 72 h at 4 degrees C and then frozen. The effect of post-thaw dilution with Tris citrate fructose (TCF) diluent on the survival of epididymal common wombat spermatozoa was also investigated. Motility (P< 0.05), rate of sperm movement (P< 0.01) and the percentage of live spermatozoa (P< 0.05) were all significantly greater when spermatozoa were thawed and diluted immediately in TCF than when thawed without dilution. The present study also reports, for the first time, a successful pellet method of freezing wombat spermatozoa on dry ice; volumes of 0.25 and 0.5mL resulted in higher post- thaw survival compared with 0.1-mL pellets.


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This study reports observations on the collection and characteristics of semen from free-range populations of flying fox in Brisbane, Australia. Semen was successfully recovered by electroejaculation from 107 of 115 wild flying foxes (Pteropus alecto, Pteropus poliocephalus and Pteropus scapulatus). A proportion of ejaculates collected from all three species contained seminal vesicle secretions, the incidence of which appeared related to breeding season. Ejaculate volume was small (5-160 mu L), requiring a specialised collection vessel and immediate extension to avoid desiccation. Sperm morphological abnormalities and characteristics are described for the first time. In two species (P. scapulatus and P. alecto), sperm quality varied with breeding season. Dilution in Tris-citratefructose buffer and subsequent incubation (37 degrees C) of Pteropus semen for 2-3 h appeared to have a negative impact on sperm motility and the percentage of sperm with intact plasma membranes and acrosomes and represents a concern for the potential development and use of assisted breeding technology in these species. Preliminary attempts to develop a short-term chilled preservation protocol for flying fox semen revealed that spenn viability (percentage motility and percentage live sperm with intact acrosomes) was significantly reduced after 102 h chilled storage at 5 degrees C; nevertheless, approximately 40% of the spermatozoa were still motile and contained intact acrosomes. Glycerol was neither protective nor detrimental to sperm survival during chilled storage. Microbial flora of the prepuce, urethra and semen of all species were isolated and their antibiotic susceptibility tested. Tetracycline, penicillin, ciprofloxacin, and ceftazidime were the most effective antibiotics in preventing growth of all identified bacteria; however, their effects on sperm survival were not investigated. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to determine the relative cryopreservation success of koala and wombat spermatozoa and to investigate reasons for their respective post-thaw survival by examining the sperm's response to a range of osmotic media and determining the presence and distribution of F-actin. An hypothesis was proposed that F-actin may be imparting a degree of structural inflexibility to the koala sperm plasma membrane; hence, exposure of spermatozoa to cytochalasin D (5 mu M), a F-actin depolymerisation agent, should result in increased plasticisation of the membrane and greater tolerance of cell volume changes that typically occur during cryopreservation. In experiment 1, koala (n = 4) and wombat (n = 4) spermatozoa packaged in 0.25 mL straws were cryopreserved using two freezing rates (fast-3 cm above liquid N2 interface; slow-6 degrees C/min in a freezing chamber) and two glycerol concentrations (8 and 14% v/v) in a tris-citrate glucose buffer with 15% (v/v) egg yolk. Wombat spermatozoa showed better (P < 0.01) post-thaw survival (% motile, % intact plasma membranes, % decondensed sperm heads) than koala spermatozoa. When exposed to media of varying osmolality, koala spermatozoa were less tolerant (% intact plasma membrane) of hyper-osmotic conditions (920 and 1410mOsmol/kg) than wombat spermatozoa. F-actin was localised using a monoclonal antibody but only found in the wombat sperm head. When koala and wombat spermatozoa were exposed to media of varying osmolality, cytochalasin D had no beneficial effect on sperm survival (% intact plasma membranes). This study has demonstrated that wombat spermatozoa are highly tolerant of cryopreservation when compared to koala sperm but that spermatozoa from both species show greatest post-thaw survival when frozen slowly in 14% glycerol. Koala sperm are also particularly susceptible to hyper-osmotic environments but lack of detectable F-actin in the koala spermatozoan suggests that poor cryopreservation success in this species is unlikely to be associated with F-actin induced plasma membrane inflexibility. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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As a first step towards the development of a method for the cryopreservation of black marlin spermatozoa, this study investigated the effect of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) concentration and pellet size on post-thaw spermatozoal motility. Spermatozoa were recovered from the spermatic duct of testes retrieved post-mortem from four adult black marlin caught in the Coral Sea spawning grounds of Australia. Undiluted spermatozoa. were stored on ice for 4 to 10 hours during transport to shore, then evaluated for motility after activation in seawater (1:10 v:v). Spermatozoa were prepared for cryopreservation in pellets by extension (1:3 v:v) in a defined fish Ringer's solution to give two final DMSO concentrations of 2.5% or 5.0%. Diluted spermatozoa were frozen directly on a dry ice block in pellet sizes of either 0.25 ml or 0.50 ml. Frozen pellets were thawed in a water bath at 40 degrees C for 60 seconds and assessed for post-thaw motility following activation in seawater. Spermatozoa recovered within 50 minutes of death and chilled on ice for 4 to 10 hours showed a mean (+/- SEM) motility immediately following activation of 91.6 +/- 7.9%. 50% of the spermatozoa remained motile for approximately 4 to 5 minutes. Following cryopreservation; mean motility declined significantly across all cryoprotectant and pellet size combinations (P < 0.001) but spermatozoa frozen in 2.5% DMSO showed higher motility than those frozen in 5.0% DMSO (P = 0.014). Pellet size had no effect on post-thaw motility (P = 0.179).


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We report for the first time an unusual ejaculatory mechanism in the short-beaked echidna in which each side of the bilaterally symmetrical, rosettelike glans penis is used alternately, with the other being shut down. This is unparalleled in mammals but is reminiscent of the use of hemipenes in squamate reptiles, providing further reproductive evidence of a sauropsidian lineage in the Monotremata. Further, we describe the occurrence of motile sperm bundles in ejaculated echidna semen and provide scanning electron micrographs of their morphology. Sperm bundling appears to confer increased sperm motility, which may provide the potential for sperm competition between males.


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Smooth muscle cell (SMC) phenotypic modulation from the mature ’contractile’ to a less differentiated ’synthetic’ phenotype involves not only altered expression but also a reorganisation of contractile and cytoskeletal proteins. Objective: To investigate the role of RhoA, a known regulator of the actin cytoskeleton, in SMC phenotypic regulation. Methods: Rho transcription (RT-PCR), expression (Western analysis) and activation (membrane translocation or Rho ’pull-down’ assay) was investigated in cultured rabbit aortic SMC during phenotypic modulation, and under the influence of known SM-regulatory proteins (thrombin, heparin and TGF- β). Rho’s effect on cell morphology was examined by transient transfection of ’synthetic’ state SMC with either constitutively active Rho (Val14RhoA) or its inhibitor, C3 transferase. Results: RhoA transcription was elevated in the first 3 days of primary culture, and protein expression peaked at 2 days post-confluence when SMC return to a more ’contractile’ state. However, RhoA showed augmented activation at three time-points in primary culture: the transition point when SMCs enter logarithmic growth and are highly motile, upon reaching quiescence, and when they return to a more ’contractile’ state. Thrombin, heparin and TGF-β activated RhoA in ’synthetic’ state SMCs. Transfection with Val14RhoA caused a dramatic decrease in SMC size and a reorganization of cytoskeletal proteins, reminiscent of the ’contractile’ phenotype. Specific inhibition of endogenous Rho by C3 transferase resulted in an almost complete loss of contractile proteins. Conclusion: These data indicate that Rho is an important determining factor of SMC functional state.