325 resultados para morals


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El cuento "La narración de la historia" de Carlos Correas (1931-2000) se publicó en la Revista Centro, en 1959, y provocó un escándalo que llevó al secuestro de lo que sería el último número de esta publicación por parte de la Justicia. Correas había incurrido en una flagrante transgresión a los límites de lo decible en el discurso social de fines de la década del 50, inmerso en lo que Oscar Terán ha denominado "proceso de modernización cultural posperonista". En este trabajo examino el relato de Correas como emergencia de una subjetividad novedosa que permitiría establecer un puente entre la dimensión socio-sexual y estética del mundo ficcional de Arlt y la que unos años más tarde aparecerá configurada en la narrativa de Manuel Puig


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Dos ejes bibliográficos incardinan este artículo: Samuel P. Huntington con su Choque de civilizaciones y Max Weber con La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo. Se deconstruye la posición de Huntington como ideología base de los Estados Unidos y se retoman determinadas posiciones de Weber para hallar en las formulaciones teológicas primigenias los elementos conformadores de distintas y opuestas éticas. Se define así como "cultura cristiana" toda la euroamericana, incluyendo el ateísmo y el judaísmo, y se buscan dentro de ella dos polos religiosos que sustentan morales opuestas, el calvinismo puritano de los Estados Unidos y el catolicismo de la Europa del sur y Latinoamérica. El artículo intenta demostrar las vinculaciones culturales con los presupuestos originarios religiosos y sustenta en ellos las actuales disputas euroamericanas.


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El cuento "La narración de la historia" de Carlos Correas (1931-2000) se publicó en la Revista Centro, en 1959, y provocó un escándalo que llevó al secuestro de lo que sería el último número de esta publicación por parte de la Justicia. Correas había incurrido en una flagrante transgresión a los límites de lo decible en el discurso social de fines de la década del 50, inmerso en lo que Oscar Terán ha denominado "proceso de modernización cultural posperonista". En este trabajo examino el relato de Correas como emergencia de una subjetividad novedosa que permitiría establecer un puente entre la dimensión socio-sexual y estética del mundo ficcional de Arlt y la que unos años más tarde aparecerá configurada en la narrativa de Manuel Puig


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Dos ejes bibliográficos incardinan este artículo: Samuel P. Huntington con su Choque de civilizaciones y Max Weber con La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo. Se deconstruye la posición de Huntington como ideología base de los Estados Unidos y se retoman determinadas posiciones de Weber para hallar en las formulaciones teológicas primigenias los elementos conformadores de distintas y opuestas éticas. Se define así como "cultura cristiana" toda la euroamericana, incluyendo el ateísmo y el judaísmo, y se buscan dentro de ella dos polos religiosos que sustentan morales opuestas, el calvinismo puritano de los Estados Unidos y el catolicismo de la Europa del sur y Latinoamérica. El artículo intenta demostrar las vinculaciones culturales con los presupuestos originarios religiosos y sustenta en ellos las actuales disputas euroamericanas.


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El cuento "La narración de la historia" de Carlos Correas (1931-2000) se publicó en la Revista Centro, en 1959, y provocó un escándalo que llevó al secuestro de lo que sería el último número de esta publicación por parte de la Justicia. Correas había incurrido en una flagrante transgresión a los límites de lo decible en el discurso social de fines de la década del 50, inmerso en lo que Oscar Terán ha denominado "proceso de modernización cultural posperonista". En este trabajo examino el relato de Correas como emergencia de una subjetividad novedosa que permitiría establecer un puente entre la dimensión socio-sexual y estética del mundo ficcional de Arlt y la que unos años más tarde aparecerá configurada en la narrativa de Manuel Puig


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Dos ejes bibliográficos incardinan este artículo: Samuel P. Huntington con su Choque de civilizaciones y Max Weber con La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo. Se deconstruye la posición de Huntington como ideología base de los Estados Unidos y se retoman determinadas posiciones de Weber para hallar en las formulaciones teológicas primigenias los elementos conformadores de distintas y opuestas éticas. Se define así como "cultura cristiana" toda la euroamericana, incluyendo el ateísmo y el judaísmo, y se buscan dentro de ella dos polos religiosos que sustentan morales opuestas, el calvinismo puritano de los Estados Unidos y el catolicismo de la Europa del sur y Latinoamérica. El artículo intenta demostrar las vinculaciones culturales con los presupuestos originarios religiosos y sustenta en ellos las actuales disputas euroamericanas.


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Samurai Son is a story that captures the beauty, wonder and imagination of Japanese legends and mythology with some modern-day sensibilities and morals against the backdrop of medieval Japan. The story blends Shinto religion and stories about the tengu, bird-like wind spirits with a modern plotline in a Japanese fantasy universe. This world is filled with magic, demons, kami (magical spirits), gods and goddesses, samurai, ninja and martial arts.


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Two folio-sized leaves containing a handwritten draft of a report of a committee explaining proposed changes to the academic schedule of Harvard undergraduates. The report discusses the rearrangement of lectures, exercises, disputations, and recitations and the specific reasoning behind the changes. The first page of the report is written on the verso of an essay by student Henry Daingerfield titled, "Wishing of all employments is the worst," and the second page of the report is written on the verso of an essay on the importance of teaching morals to the young by Bradstreet Story (later known as Dudley Story Bradstreet, Harvard AB 1792), dated 1790.


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This journal contains minutes from meetings held from February 1792 through October 1793. These minutes include the names of participants and the questions and arguments which were debated, including: whether or not French slaves in the West Indies should be emancipated; whether or not reading novels was beneficial; whether sermons were more effective when memorized than when simply read; whether theater contributed to corrupt morals; whether drunkenness or gambling was more detrimental to society; and whether or not French assistance to the colonies in their Revolutionary War provided sufficient cause for the United States to join with France in its own wars. Most of the topics of debate centered on religion, government and education. Several entries also include notes on related topics of discussion, including the reasons for Native American tribes' hostilities against federal authorities, and there are several references to published works which were cited and consulted in the course of debate.


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This bound volume contains excerpts copied by Jonathan Bullard from books he read as a student at Harvard in the mid 1770s. Excerpts include an unattributed poem titled "On Friendship," which appeared in the "poetical essays" section of Volume 36 of the London Magazine in 1767; Joseph Butler, The Analogy of Religion, 1736; The Quaker's Grace; a history of England; Newton's laws; Plutarch's Morals; Benjamin Franklin's writings on the Aurora Borealis. The volume also includes several extracts from articles about the death of John Paddock (Class of 1776), who drowned in the Charles in the summer of 1773, sheet music for two songs, "The Rapture," and "A Song" from Henry Harington's "Damon and Chlora," and a transcription of the satirical "Book of Harvard," written in response to the Butter Rebellion of 1766. Interleaved in the middle of the volume is a transcription from an ecclesiastical event moderated by Ebenezer Bridge in Medford, Mass. on November 20, 1779. The variety of texts suggests the commonplace book was not used solely for academic works.


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A work on morals, completed on 25 Safer 973 AH [21 Sept. 1565 AD], while the author was serving as judge in Damascus. First section is on personnal morals, second on family morals and third on political morals and art of governance.


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The impacts of WTO on women’s labour rights in the developing countries have been raised to the international agenda by various nongovernmental organizations. On the one hand it is assumed that international trade policies are gender neutral. On the other hand a number of authors hold the view that the negative impacts of WTO policies are more pronounced on female than male workers. This paper takes a critical look at these claims. It argues that the impact of the WTO system, the driving force of trade liberalization, on women’s labour rights in the developing countries is a complicated issue, because the effects have been both negative and positive. In support of this claim, this paper first briefly reviews the international framework for the protection of women’s labour rights. Next, the WTO agreements and policies are analysed insofar as they are relevant for the protection of women’s labour rights. The analysis covers, for example, the use of the trade policy review mechanism and restrictions of trade on grounds of violation of public morals.. Finally, a case study is conducted on the situation of female workers in Bangladesh and Pakistan, countries that have recently undergone a liberalization of trade in the textiles and clothing sectors. It is concluded that the increase of international trade in the developing countries has created many work opportunities for women, helped them to become more independent and allowed them to participate in the society more actively. However, it is at the same time posited that in order to comply with its own objectives of raising standards of living and full employment, the WTO should engage itself in active policies to overcome the negative aspects of trade on female workers in the developing countries.


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Since Vladimir Putin returned to the Kremlin as President in May 2012, the Russian system of power has become increasingly authoritarian, and has evolved towards a model of extremely personalised rule that derives its legitimacy from aggressive decisions in internal and foreign policy, escalates the use of force, and interferes increasingly assertively in the spheres of politics, history, ideology or even public morals. Putin’s power now rests on charismatic legitimacy to a much greater extent than it did during his first two presidential terms; currently the President is presented not only as an effective leader, but also as the sole guarantor of Russia’s stability and integrity. After 15 years of Putin’s rule, Russia’s economic model based on revenue from energy resources has exhausted its potential, and the country has no new model that could ensure continued growth for the economy. The Putinist system of power is starting to show symptoms of agony – it has been unable to generate new development projects, and has been compensating for its ongoing degradation by escalating repression and the use of force. However, this is not equivalent to its imminent collapse.


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"The four versions of the Cursor are from 1. Cotton ms. Vesp. A3 in the ... British Museum; 2. Fairfax ms. 14 in the Bodleian Library; 3. Ms. Theol. 107 in the Göttingen University Library; 4, Ms. R. 3. 8 in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge; supplemented by mss. Laud 416, Cotton Galba E9, and mss. in the College of Arms, the Edinburgh College of Physicians, and the Bedford Library."