983 resultados para mandibular glands


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The venom glands of worker ants of the species Ectatomma quadridens morphologically resemble an elongated sac or reservoir ending in a narrower portion that has the function of releasing the secretion to the exterior. Two external secretory filaments are individually inserted into the proximal portion of the gland and end inside the convoluted gland. The venom gland of workers of E. quadridens is, therefore, morphologically subdivided into four distinct portions: a) sac-shaped reservoir measuring approximately 1mm in length; b) excretory duct, proximal portion of the reservoir that joins the gland to the sting apparatus; c) convoluted gland, final portion of the external secretory filaments located inside the reservoir; and d) two secretory filaments measuring about 2 mm in length; their free extremities end blindly and are individually inserted into the reservoir wall at the proximal region of the venom gland. The histological data showed that the filaments and the convoluted gland are composed of cubic cells of secretory function. The reservoir consists of a simple cubical epithelium externally surrounded by muscle fibers. A thick cuticle internally coats the epithelium of the reservoir. The application of histochemical tests allowed us to establish that the final secretion of the venom gland of Ectatomma quadridens is of glycoproteic nature. This secretion undergoes several modifications at the secretory filaments, at the convoluted gland, and in the reservoir before reaching the excretory duct, the point at which the secretion is released in its final composition, namely the venom. Based on the differences among various Ponerinae species we propose a hypothesis suggesting a probable evolutionary process that the venom glands of members of this subfamily might have undergone.


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We used light and transmission electron microscopy to examine the morphology of the accessory glands of immature and mature adult males of Apis mellifera L. We also made an electrophoretic analysis of the protein content of the mature gland. The glands of the immature male actively secrete a mucous substance that can be seen in the lumen of the gland of the mature male. This secretion stains with mercury bromophenol blue and with periodic acid-Schiff reaction, which stain glyconjugates. The protein content was higher in the lumen secretion than in the gland wall extracts. The electrophoresis patterns of the wall extracts were different from those of the secretion found in the gland lumen.


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Hydrolytic enzymes from hypopharyngeal gland extracts of newly emerged, nurse and foraging workers of two eusocial bees, Scaptotrigona postica, a native Brazilian stingless bee, and the Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera) in Brazil, were compared. The hypopharyngeal gland is rich in enzymes in both species. Fifteen different enzymes were found in the extracts, with only a few quantitative differences between the species. Some of the enzymes present in the extracts may have intracellular functions, while others seem to be digestive enzymes. Scaptotrigona postica, had lower β-glucosidase and higher lipase esterase activities than A. mellifera. The differences may be due to different feeding habits and behavioral peculiarities of the two species. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the position of the mandibular lingula (ML) to provide data for inferior alveolar nerve block techniques in children. Methods: One hundred fifty-four panoramic radiographs of 7- to 10-year-old boys and girls were analyzed. Measurements were taken from the ML to the occlusal plane, and the percentile distances of the ML to ramal borders were determined. Results: The distance between the ML and the occlusal plane showed a gradual increase, but only in the male group was it statistically significant. MLs ratio position on the ramus remained constant in all analyzed groups. In the 7-year-old group, the ML was observed above the occlusal plane in 70% of girls and 55% of boys. That percentage reached 85% of all children by age 10. Conclusions: The mandibular lingula's ratio position remained constant. Inferior alveolar anesthesia should be administered at least 6 mm above the occlusal plane in 7- to 8-year-old children, while 10 mm could be indicated for 9- to 10-year-old children. The mandibular lingula should be considered a reliable reference for further studies of inferior alveolar nerve block techniques.


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Using histochemical techniques, the present work describes the basic histochemical characteristics of the secretion in hypopharyngeal glands of Polistes versicolor (Olivier) and estimates the secretory activity in specimens of different ages. The secretory activity was determined by glandular cell diameter and by the amount of secretion present in the glands. The results did not reveal a relationship between these parameters and the age of the wasps, not allowing us to determine the development cycle of these glands throughout the wasps' life. Also, a relationship between glandular cell diameter and amount of secretion present in the glands was not observed.


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This study investigates the presence and the localization of acid phosphatase and ATPase in the salivary glands of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus female ticks during feeding. Semi-engorged females showed a larger amount of acid phosphatase compared to those at beginning of feeding, localized mainly in the apical portion of the secretory cells, and in the basal labyrinth of the interstitial cells. Ultrastructural observations also demonstrated its presence in secretion granules and inside some nuclei of secretory cells at beginning of feeding. Acid phosphatase in a free form probably has a hemolymph and/or ribosomal origin and participates in salivary gland secretion control. ATPase was detected in basal membrane of all types of acini and/or in the cytoplasm of the secretory cells at both feeding stages. The enzyme activities found strongly suggests that cell death by apoptosis occurs during the degenerative process. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background. Mucocele is a lesion that involves the salivary glands and respective current ducts caused mainly by traumas in the affected area. Two different histological forms can be found: extravasation phenomenon and mucus-retention cyst where the former is the most frequently observed involving minor salivary glands such as the glands present in the anterior portion of the ventral surface of the tongue (glands of Blandin-Nuhn). Case Report. This report describes a large lesion involving the ventral surface of the tongue that was definitively diagnosed by histological examination as extravasation mucocele. Conclusion. Important concepts are reviewed to help clinicians correctly diagnose and treat this pathology. © 2006 The Authors.


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Purpose: Bone maintenance after mandibular reconstruction with autogenous iliac crest may be disappointing due to extensive resorption in the long term. The potential of the guided-bone regeneration (GBR) technique to enhance the healing process in segmental defects lacks comprehensive scientific documentation. This study aimed to investigate the influence of polylactide membrane permeability on the fate of iliac bone graft (BG) used to treat mandibular segmental defects. Materials and Methods: Unilateral 10-mm-wide segmental defects were created through the mandibles of 34 mongrel dogs. All defects were mechanically stabilized, and the animals were divided into 6 treatment groups: control, BG alone, microporous membrane (poly L/DL-lactide 80/20%) (Mi); Mi plus BG; microporous laser-perforated (15 cm2 ratio) membrane (Mip), and Mip plus BG. Calcein fluorochrome was injected intravenously at 3 months, and animal euthanasia was carried out at 6 months postoperatively. Results: Histomorphometry showed that BG protected by Mip was consistently related to larger amounts of bone compared with other groups (P ≤ .0001). No difference was found between defects treated with Mip alone and BG alone. Mi alone rendered the least bone area and reduced the amount of grafted bone to control levels. Data from bone labeling indicated that the bone formation process was incipient in the BG group at 3 months postoperatively regardless of whether or not it was covered by membrane. In contrast, GBR with Mip tended to enhance bone formation activity at 3 months. Conclusions: The use of Mip alone could be a useful alternative to BG. The combination of Mip membrane and BG efficiently delivered increased bone amounts in segmental defects compared with other treatment modalities. © 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Programmed cell death (PCD) in insect metamorphosis assumes a great diversity of morphology and controlling processes that are still not well understood. With the objective of obtaining information about the PCD process, salivary glands of Drosophila arizonae and D. mulleri were studied during larval-pupal development. From the results, it can be concluded that the type of the PCD that occurs in these organs is morphologically typical of apoptosis (formation of apoptotic nuclei, followed by fragmentation into apoptotic bodies). Histolysis happens in both species, between 22 and 23 h after pupation. There were no significant differences between the species studied. Apoptosis does not occur simultaneously in all cells. Cytoplasmic acid phosphatase activity gradually increases during development, suggesting the existence of acid phosphatases that are only expressed during the apoptotic stage. Twenty hours after pupation, salivary glands already show biochemical alterations relative to nuclear permeability such as acidification, possibly due to the fusion of lysosomes with the nucleus a few hours before apoptosis. Autophagy seems to act together with apoptosis and has a secondary role in cell death. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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A 16-year-old girl presented with complaints of recurrent spontaneous pain in the mandibular second molar region. Treatment favored use of a simple uprighting technique involving orthodontic elastic separating rings.


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Introduction: The snoring is produced by the vibration of the soft palatum and/or other oropharyngeal tissues, during the air passage, in the breathing function. OSAHS is defined as the closing of 30%, at least, of the nasal/ buccal airway for 10 seconds or more, in spite of existing inspiratory effort, accompanied by oxyhemoglobin de- saturation of 4% or more. Objectives: To evaluate the available scientific evidence about the use of mandibular advancement intraoral appliances in the treatment of the snoring and/or OSAHS. Methodology: Electronic search strategy using predefined key-words and criteria was realized including studies published until October of 2008. It was also used the qualitative evaluation of the articles methodology. Results: Although a significant number of articles has studied this subject, only 7 articles showed methodological quality to be included in this systematic review. Conclusions: The intraoral appliances are widely prescribed for the treatment of snoring and OSAHS as primary therapy and as an alternative to patients who are unable to tolerate the positive airway pressure therapy.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of oral rehabilitation with immediately loaded fixed implant-supported mandibular prostheses on chewing and swallowing in elderly individuals. Materials and Methods: Fifteen completely edentulous patients aged more than 60 years (10 women and rive men), wearing removable dentures in both arches, had a mandibular denture replaced by an implant-supported prosthesis. All individuals were evaluated before surgery and again 3, 6, and 18 months later with regard to mastication and swallowing conditions. Examinations entailed an interview, evaluation of tactile sensitivity of the face, and observation of food intake, masticatory type, formations of bolus, and pain during mastication. The swallowing evaluation comprised observation of clinical signs related to the oral and pharyngeal stages of swallowing, as well as the presence of oral residue. The findings of different evaluations before and 3, 6, and 18 months after the surgical-prosthetic procedure were statistically compared by analysis of variance for repeated measurements at a significance level of 5%. Results: The questionnaire revealed a reduction in complaints of masticatory and swallowing disturbances, a decreased need for liquid ingestion, and reduced choking and coughing. Clinical evaluations showed improved oral function and bolus propulsion for both solid and paste-consistency foods; pain during mastication was also resolved. Conclusion: Treatment with mandibular implant-supported dentures had positive effects on the clinical aspects of mastication and swallowing in elderly individuals.


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There has been much discussion regarding the ideal position of the condyle in the mandibular fossa. Although the centric relation position (CR) is used as a reference, some authors do not believe that it is physiologic. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate in a group of asymptomatic individuals the position of the condyle in the mandibular fossa at maximum intercuspation (MI), with a occlusal splint and with a Lucia jig between the teeth. It was analyzed by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), transcranial radiography imaging and analysis of horizontal axis of rotation from casts mounted on an articulator. The results showed that even if patients had mandibular displacement in positions of CR, habitual maximum intercuspation and with the occlusal splint, confirmed by means of the analysis of the horizontal axis of rotation, the images showed no statistically significant differences among condylar positions. It can therefore be concluded that the positions analyzed were similar and that transcranial radiography seems to be a reliable method for analyzing condylar position.


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The treatment of Class II adult individuals with mandibular deficiency has been the combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery. Therefore, a study was conducted in which cephalometric analysis was used to evaluate the influence of dentoalveolar decompensation in Class II patients submitted to orthodontic and surgical treatment for mandibular advancement, by bilateral osteotomy of the mandibular ramus. A sample of 15 leukoderma adult female patients were selected and three cephalometric radiographs of each patient, taken before the orthodontic treatment, before surgery and after at least 6 months postoperatively, were analyzed in a total of 45 roentgenograms. The tracings were made by the manual method and the points were digitalized using software. The results showed that values of SNB increased from 75.6 to 78.6°. The measures BNP and PGNP were reduced from -12.7 to -7.7 mm and -12.7 to -6.6 mm, respectively. For ANB there was a reduction of 3.23° (from 8.1° to 4.9°). Likewise, the values of AOBO were diminished by 6.3 mm (from 7.6 to 1.3 mm), and in the values of OJ there was a reduction of 5.7 mm (from 9 to 3.3 mm). It was concluded that the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment promoted minimal and variable dental and skeletal changes in the final result. The surgical treatment caused significant skeletal changes, especially in the measurements related to the mandible (SNB, BNP, PGNP and SNPM) or indirectly to it (ANB, AOBO and OJ).


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The aim of this study was to use photoelastic models to analyze the distribution of stress caused by the incidence of loads on a mandibular distal extension removable partial denture, both on the abutment teeth and on differently shaped residual ridges: distal ascending, descending-ascending, horizontal and distal descending. The best type of retainer and location of the rest on the last abutment tooth were determined for the different types of ridge. Four models were made from photoelastic resin (PL-1 for the teeth and PL-2 for the alveolar ridge), one for each kind of ridge. For each model, 4 removable partial dentures (RPD) were made (16 RPD altogether): T-bar retainer and distal rest, T-bar retainer and mesial rest, circumferential retainer and distal rest, and circumferential retainer and mesial rest. The models were placed on a circular polariscope and a 100 N axial load (point load) was applied to premolars and molars of the RPD. The formation of photoelastic bands was photographed for qualitative analysis. Results showed that the horizontal ridge had better distribution of stress, while the distal descending ridge had greater concentration of stress. The circumferential retainer had greater areas of stress for all types of ridges except the horizontal ridge, where there was no influence related to retainer type. The distribution of stress was similar among the different types of ridges when the rest was mesial or distal to the last abutment tooth, except for the distal descending ridge, where there was greater concentration of stress when the rest was located distally to the last abutment tooth. Thus, it may be concluded that (1) the situation was least favorable for the distal descending ridge and most favorable for the horizontal ridge, (2) the T-bar retainer had more favorable stress distribution, except when the ridge was horizontal, in which case there was no influence in relation to the type of retainer, (3) the location of the rest showed similar behavior in all except the distal descending ridge.