999 resultados para larynx edema


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The treatment of subglottic stenosis in children remains a challenge for the otolaryngologist and may involve procedures such as endoscopy, open surgery, and often both. In the recent past, high-pressure balloons have been used in endoscopic treatment due to their relative facility and high success rates. To report success rates in the treatment of acquired subglottic stenosis with balloon laryngoplasty in children and identify predictive factors for the success of the technique and its complications. Descriptive, prospective study of children who were diagnosed with acquired subglottic stenosis and underwent balloon laryngoplasty as the primary treatment. Balloon laryngoplasty was performed in 48 children with an average age of 20.7 months: 31 presented with chronic subglottic stenosis and 17 with acute stenosis. Success rate was 100% for acute and 39% for chronic subglottic stenosis. Success was significantly associated with several factors, including recently acquired stenosis, initial grade of stenosis, younger patient age, and the absence of tracheotomy. Complications were transitory dysphagia observed in three children and a submucosal cyst in one of the patients. Balloon laryngoplasty may be considered as a first line of treatment for acquired subglottic stenosis. In acute cases, the success rate was 100%, and even though results are less promising in chronic cases, complications were not significant and the patients can undergo open surgery without contraindications. Predictive factors of success were acute stenosis, less severe grades of stenosis, younger patient age, and the absence of tracheotomy.


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Myxedema coma, a rare but fatal emergency, is an extreme expression of hypothyroidism. We describe a 51-year-old male patient who has discontinued hypothyroidism treatment 10 months earlier and developed lethargy, edema, and cold intolerance symptoms. He also had a previous diagnosis of neurofibromatosis. After admission, he progressed to respiratory insufficiency and coma. The prompt recognition of the condition, thyroid hormone replacement, and management of the complications (hypoventilation, cardiogenic shock associated with swinging heart, adrenal and renal insufficiency and sepsis), resulted in a favorable evolution.


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A 33-year-old woman complained of unilateral eyelid edema and blurred vision. Initial ophthalmic examination disclosed anterior chamber reaction with keratic precipitates on the cornea, without posterior abnormalities. Anterior uveitis was treated. Despite that, patient showed rapidly progressive unilateral vision loss with optic nerve swelling. Systemic workup was inconclusive, as well as cranial magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid examination. Based on the hypothesis of optic neuritis, intravenous methylprednisolone pulse was performed with no success. During the following days, the patient presented pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade, progressing to death. Necropsy was performed and diagnosis of extranodal natural killers/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type with ocular involvement was confirmed by immunohistochemistry.


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This paper describes a topiramate induced acute bilateral angle-closure glaucoma. This rare adverse effect is an idiosyncratic reaction characterized by uveal effusion and lens forward displacement, leading to increased intraocular pressure and vision loss. We describe a 55 year-old white woman with migraine, spasmodic torticollis and essential tremor, who developed bilateral acute angle-closure glaucoma, one week after starting topiramate 25 mg/day. She was seen at the Ophthalmology Emergency Department of the Fundação João Penido Burnier (Campinas, SP, Brazil) with a 4 hours history of blurry vision, ocular pain and bright flashes vision. Slit lamp examination revealed moderate conjunctival injection and corneal edema, and shallow anterior chambers. Intraocular pressure was 48 mmHg in both eyes. Fundoscopic examination findings were normal. She was treated with timolol, brimonidine, dorzolamide, pilocarpine, prednisone acetate eye drops and acetazolamide. One hour after those measures, as the intraocular pressure was 30 mmHg, she received a manitol intravenous injection and the intraocular pressure normalized. After 24 hours an iridotomy with Yag laser was performed. Topiramate was discontinued and she was totally recovered after one week.


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A case of central nervous system actinomycosis is reported. A 33-year-old male complained of headache, vomiting and blurred vision lasting for eight days prior to admission. On examination, a right hemiparesis, as well an intracranial hypertension were detected. The cerebrospinal fluid showed mild lymphomononuclear hypercytosis. Necropsy disclosed three abscess in the cerebral hemispheres, in addition to moderate cerebral edema on the left side but without purulent leptomeningitis. Actinomyces filaments and granules were demonstrated in the cerebral and lung abscesses. The Brazilian literature on actinomycosis is reviewed and six published cases with nervous system involvement were found. Relevant clinical and anatomical aspects of the cases and of the present one are discussed.


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The cerebral cysticercosis can produce intracranial hypertension by inflammatory obstruction of the basal cysterns or by expansive lesion in the cerebral parenchima or ventricular cavities. In the latter and in tumor cases the clinical picture is very similar and only after surgery can the etiology be determined. We present 11 operated cases of intracranial cysticercosis which presented the clinical picture of an expansive lesion. There were 7 females and 4 males with ages between 4 and 65 years. Nine patients were admitted because of headache, vomiting and visual disturbances suggestive of intracranial hypertension. One patient was admited with lymphocytic meningitis and another with focal seizures following hemiparesis. Five patients presented focal signs and six edema of the papilla. Epileptic manifestations were present in 45.5% of the cases. A plain X-ray films of the skull failed to reveal calcificatons, however signs of chronic hypertension were present in three cases. The electroencephalogram showed slow focal waves in 8 patients The spinal fluid examination revealed lymphocytosis in 4 cases, increased protein content in another 4 and complement fixation for cysticercosis was positive in 2 cases. The expansive lesions were localized by angiograph and ventriculography. In these the location was temporal in 4, frontal in 3, parietal in 2, in the third ventricle in one and in the fourth ventricle in another. At surgery we removed a large cyst from the cerebral parenchyma in six cases. Around the cyst a thick glial reaction was present. In the other cases the cyst was small but fixed to the ventricular trigone and produced dilatation of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle. In two cases we removed a solitary intraventricular cyst from the third and fourth ventricles. In the two children operated upon there were several small hard cysts involving the cerebral parenchyma which displayed intense gliosis. There were no postoperative complications.


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A case of brain abscess and meningitis due to pigmented fungi is reported. The patient was a 59-year-old white male, who had enjoyed excellent health until October 1977, when he developed headache, later accompanied by paresthesias and weakness in the left-sided extremities. These symptoms worsened progressively and in November of that year he had to quit his job. From February 1978 on he became inactive and anorexic. Intense continuous headache was associated with frequent episodes of vomiting. He gradually became tor-porous, and according to his relatives, suffered from visual and possibly auditory deficiency. On examination, he was malnourished and dehydrated, with decubitus ulcers. Temperature was 38,5°C. A left-sided spastic hemiplegia and prominent meningorradicular signs were noted. The CSF was examined six times between May 17th and June 1st and showed variable hypercytosis (143 to 4,437 leucocytes/ cu mm) with predominance of neutrophils (up tp 95%), low glucose and high protein concentrations. No microorganisms were identified. Electroencephalographic study disclosed a low background activity especially in left temporal areas. Despite supportive care and antibiotic therapy he lapsed into coma. Carotid angiography was normal on June 1st. He remained in deep coma until his death on June 6th, 1978. Necropsy was limited to the brain, which weighed 1,550 g after fixation and showed diffuse intense edema and hyperemia. On coronal sectioning an encapsulated abscess was found in the right basal ganglia, which also involved the internal capsule, and measured 1.5 cm in diameter. Microscopical examination disclosed large numbers of brownish fungi, appearing both as oval yeasts and as septate hyphae in the thick fibrous capsule and in the necrotic content of the abscess. The same organisms were demonstrated in moderate numbers in the leptomeninges of the medulla oblongata and , less frequently, of the hippo-campal region and cerebellum.


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The authors present the analysis of 27 computed tomography scans (CT) of 18 children which were divided in three groups according to clinical and tomographic criteria. Group 1 was characterized mainly by epilepsy and calcifications. Group 2 was characterized by intracranial hypertension and several tomographic aspects: edema, cysts and nodules were seen in three patients; hydrocephaly and calcifications were seen in two patients and CT was normal in one patient. Group 3 had patients with epilepsy or headache and variable tomographic patterns. The results are discussed based on the available literature.


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This paper reports a rare case of acute severe orbital abscess manifested 2 days after a facial trauma without bone fracture in a 20-year-old Afro-American female. The symptoms worsened within the 24 h prior to hospital admission resulting in visual disturbances such as diplopia and photophobia. The clinical findings at the first consultation included fever, periorbital swelling and redness, ptosis, proptosis and limitation of ocular movements upwards, downwards, to the right and to the left. Computed tomography scan showed proptosis with considerable soft tissue swelling on the left side and no fracture was evidenced in the facial skeleton, including the zygomatic-orbital complex. After hospital admission and antibiotic therapy intravenously the patient was conducted to the operation room and submitted to incision and drainage under general anesthesia. The orbit was approached thorough both eyelids and the maxillary sinus was reached only through the Caldwell-Luc approach. The postoperative period was uneventful and the rapid improvement of symptoms was remarkable. Visual acuity and ocular motility returned to the normal ranges within 2 days after the surgical intervention. After 12 postoperative days, the patient presented with significative improvement in the ptosis and proptosis, and acceptable scars.


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This study aimed to assess the response of apical and periapical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with different materials. Forty roots from dogs' premolars were prepared biomechanically and assigned to 4 groups filled with: Group I: commercial calcium hydroxide and polyethylene glycol-based paste (Calen®) thickened with zinc oxide; Group II: paste composed of iodoform, Rifocort® and camphorated paramonochlorophenol; Group III: zinc oxide-eugenol cement; Group IV: sterile saline. After 30 days, the samples were subjected to histological processing. The histopathological findings revealed that in Groups I and IV the apical and periapical regions exhibited normal appearance, with large number of fibers and cells and no resorption of mineralized tissues. In Group II, mild inflammatory infiltrate and mild edema were observed, with discrete fibrogenesis and bone resorption. Group III showed altered periapical region and thickened periodontal ligament with presence of inflammatory cells and edema. It may be concluded that the Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide yielded the best tissue response, being the most indicated material for root canal filling of primary teeth with pulp vitality.


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TEMA: ferimentos causados por projéteis de arma de fogo apresentam alta incidência na região da cabeça e face. A articulação temporomandibular pode estar envolvida, além de estruturas anatômicas importantes como o nervo facial, necessitando de equipe multidisciplinar para efetuar tratamento adequado. PROCEDIMENTOS: apresentação de caso clínico de fratura condilar cominutiva causada por projétil de arma de fogo tratado de forma não-cirúrgica associado à terapia miofuncional orofacial. Paciente encaminhado para avaliação e procedimentos fonoaudiológicos após conduta da equipe de cirurgia bucomaxilofacial, sem remoção do projétil, alojado superficialmente, próximo da origem do músculo esternocleidomastóideo à direita, com fratura condilar cominutiva e lesão do nervo facial. Foram aspectos observados em avaliação: mordida aberta anterior, importante redução da amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares com desvios para o lado acometido, ausência de lateralidade contralateral, dor muscular, paralisia e parestesia em terço médio e superior da hemiface direita. Realizadas sessões de terapia miofuncional seguindo protocolo específico para traumas de face constando de: drenagem de edema; manipulações na musculatura levantadora da mandíbula ipsilateral; ampliação e correção dos movimentos mandibulares; procedimentos específicos referentes à paralisia facial e reorganização funcional direcionada. RESULTADOS: após oito semanas de terapia os resultados obtidos mostram restabelecimento de amplitude e da simetria dos movimentos mandibulares, reorganização da mastigação, adequação da deglutição e fala, remissão da sintomatologia dolorosa e remissão da paralisia do terço médio. CONCLUSÃO: o tratamento conservador da fratura por meio da terapia miofuncional orofacial resultou na reabilitação funcional da mandíbula e face dirigindo os movimentos e estimulando a adequação das funções estomatognáticas.


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PURPOSE: This study evaluated the inflammatory reaction caused by the implantation of iodoform and calcium hydroxide in the back of rats. These drugs may be used as intracanal dressings to eliminate residual bacteria of the root canal system. METHODS: Twenty albinic rats (Rattus norvegicus, var Wistar) were divided into four groups: control group 1 (CG1) had normal skin; control group 2 (CG2) had wounded tissue without drugs; in groups 3 and 4, iodoform (IG) and calcium hydroxide (CHG) were inserted into the wounds, respectively. After 3, 5 and 11 days, slices of the implanted areas were macroscopically and microscopically observed regarding to their qualitative and quantitative aspects. RESULTS: In the macroscopical analysis, the CHG showed a large area of necrosis and swelling, which progressively decreased; in the IG the presence of iodoform surrounded by normal tissue was observed. The qualitative and quantitative histological analysis showed that IG promoted a shorter delay in the inflammatory response than the CHG. CONCLUSION: The inflammatory reaction for iodoform had a peak period five days after the drug insertion. By comparison, calcium hydroxide showed a very large area of necrosis that could only be partially eliminated after eleven days.


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Ipomoea imperati (Vahl) Griseb., Convolvulaceae, is used in folk medicine for the treatment of inflammation, swelling and wounds, as well as to treat pains after childbirth and for stomach problems. Administration of ethanol extract, lipid and aqueous fraction of I. imperati(300, 100 and 200 mg/kg) significantly inhibited the abdominal constriction in mice induced by acetic acid; increased the sleeping time evoked by pentobarbital sodium and showed a significant activity by inhibiting formalin-induced paw edema in mice. The same dose of I. imperatialso raised the pain of mice in the hot-plate test and increased the latency at all observation times. The pre-treatment of the animals with naloxone (5 mg/kg, i.p.) suggested the participation of the opioid system in the antinociceptive effect of Ipomoea imperati.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory response kinetics after experimental inoculation with BCG in the primitive Arius sp. fish. The BCG was applied through the intramuscular injection in the caudal peduncular region, and the samples were collected for the analyses at days 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 33 post-injection. Acute phase inflammatory infiltrate was characterized by the predominant mononuclear cells, intersticial edema, and muscular tissue necrosis. As the inflammatory response evolved, a large number of multinuclear giant cells were formed containing the BCG. These giant cells were positive for the S100 protein at the histochemical analysis, which demonstrate the macrofage activity, confirmed by the ultra-structural analysis showing the lack of the cytoplasmic membrane enveloping the many nuclei within the giant cell. These results led to the conclusion that Arius sp. fish injected with the BCG showed a difuse inflammatory response characterized by a large number of mononuclear cells, absence of granuloma formation, and predominant giant cells.


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Neste artigo analisa-se a tendência temporal da prevalência do tabagismo no Brasil, bem como as assimetrias da prevalência de acordo com as regiões do país, a idade, o gênero e o nível socioeconômico da população. Desde o estabelecimento da relação entre tabagismo e câncer de pulmão há 60 anos, o número de tumores malignos com evidências de associação causal com o tabagismo ascendeu a vinte. O declínio da prevalência do tabagismo na população brasileira tem sido constante desde o final da década de 80. Até 2003, foi mais intenso entre os homens. A partir daquele ano, a queda tornou-se mais pronunciada entre as mulheres. As mais altas prevalências de tabagismo encontram-se no Sudeste e Sul, as duas regiões com maiores incidências de neoplasias estritamente relacionadas ao tabaco (cavidade oral, esôfago e pulmão). A exposição ambiental à fumaça do tabaco também foi examinada considerando-se os efeitos para os adultos não fumantes, que apresentam maior risco de tumores de pulmão, laringe e faringe, e entre crianças de pais fumantes, suscetíveis ao risco de hepatoblastoma e leucemia linfocítica aguda. Apesar do incontestável sucesso da política de controle do tabagismo no país, as ações de prevenção devem considerar que as parcelas da população com piores condições socioeconômicas e com baixo nível educacional são as que apresentam taxas mais altas de prevalência de tabagismo. Dentro destes segmentos populacionais os adolescentes representam uma prioridade