923 resultados para judge executor


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Abstract | There exist a huge range of fish species besides other aquatic organisms like squids and salps that locomote in water at large Reynolds numbers, a regime of flow where inertial forces dominate viscous forces. In the present review, we discuss the fluid mechanics governing the locomotion of such organisms. Most fishes propel themselves by periodic undulatory motions of the body and tail, and the typical classification of their swimming modes is based on the fraction of their body that undergoes such undulatory motions. In the angulliform mode, or the eel type, the entire body undergoes undulatory motions in the form of a travelling wave that goes from head to tail, while in the other extreme case, the thunniform mode, only the rear tail (caudal fin) undergoes lateral oscillations. The thunniform mode of swimming is essentially based on the lift force generated by the airfoil like crosssection of the fish tail as it moves laterally through the water, while the anguilliform mode may be understood using the “reactive theory” of Lighthill. In pulsed jet propulsion, adopted by squids and salps, there are two components to the thrust; the first due to the familiar ejection of momentum and the other due to an over-pressure at the exit plane caused by the unsteadiness of the jet. The flow immediately downstream of the body in all three modes consists of vortex rings; the differentiating point being the vastly different orientations of the vortex rings. However, since all the bodies are self-propelling, the thrust force must be equal to the drag force (at steady speed), implying no net force on the body, and hence the wake or flow downstream must be momentumless. For such bodies, where there is no net force, it is difficult to directly define a propulsion efficiency, although it is possible to use some other very different measures like “cost of transportation” to broadly judge performance.


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This article presents frequentist inference of accelerated life test data of series systems with independent log-normal component lifetimes. The means of the component log-lifetimes are assumed to depend on the stress variables through a linear stress translation function that can accommodate the standard stress translation functions in the literature. An expectation-maximization algorithm is developed to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters. The maximum likelihood estimates are then further refined by bootstrap, which is also used to infer about the component and system reliability metrics at usage stresses. The developed methodology is illustrated by analyzing a real as well as a simulated dataset. A simulation study is also carried out to judge the effectiveness of the bootstrap. It is found that in this model, application of bootstrap results in significant improvement over the simple maximum likelihood estimates.


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This paper describes a university based system relevant to doctoral students who have problems with themselves, their peers and research supervisors. Doctoral students have various challenges to solve and these challenges contribute to delays in their thesis submission. This tool aims at helping them think through their problem in a pre-counseling stage. The tool uses narratives and hypothetical stories to walk a doctoral student through options of responses he or she can make given the situation in the narrative. Narratives were developed after a preliminary survey (n=57) of doctoral students. The survey indicated that problems they experienced were: busy supervisors, negative competition from peers and laziness with self. The narrative scenarios in the tool prompt self-reflection and provide for options to chose from leading to the next scenario that will ensue. The different stages of the stimulus-response cycles are designed based on Thomas-Kilmann conflict resolution techniques (collaboration and avoidance). Each stimulus-response cycle has a score attached that reflects the student's ability to judge a collaborative approach. At the end of all the stages a scorecard is generated indicating either a progressive or regressive outcome of thesis submission.


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Purpose: Composition of the coronary artery plaque is known to have critical role in heart attack. While calcified plaque can easily be diagnosed by conventional CT, it fails to distinguish between fibrous and lipid rich plaques. In the present paper, the authors discuss the experimental techniques and obtain a numerical algorithm by which the electron density (rho(e)) and the effective atomic number (Z(eff)) can be obtained from the dual energy computed tomography (DECT) data. The idea is to use this inversion method to characterize and distinguish between the lipid and fibrous coronary artery plaques. Methods: For the purpose of calibration of the CT machine, the authors prepare aqueous samples whose calculated values of (rho(e), Z(eff)) lie in the range of (2.65 x 10(23) <= rho(e) <= 3.64 x 10(23)/cm(3)) and (6.80 <= Z(eff) <= 8.90). The authors fill the phantom with these known samples and experimentally determine HU(V-1) and HU(V-2), with V-1,V-2 = 100 and 140 kVp, for the same pixels and thus determine the coefficients of inversion that allow us to determine (rho(e), Z(eff)) from the DECT data. The HU(100) and HU(140) for the coronary artery plaque are obtained by filling the channel of the coronary artery with a viscous solution of methyl cellulose in water, containing 2% contrast. These (rho(e), Z(eff)) values of the coronary artery plaque are used for their characterization on the basis of theoretical models of atomic compositions of the plaque materials. These results are compared with histopathological report. Results: The authors find that the calibration gives Pc with an accuracy of 3.5% while Z(eff) is found within 1% of the actual value, the confidence being 95%. The HU(100) and HU(140) are found to be considerably different for the same plaque at the same position and there is a linear trend between these two HU values. It is noted that pure lipid type plaques are practically nonexistent, and microcalcification, as observed in histopathology, has to be taken into account to explain the nature of the observed (rho(e), Z(eff)) data. This also enables us to judge the composition of the plaque in terms of basic model which considers the plaque to be composed of fibres, lipids, and microcalcification. Conclusions: This simple and reliable method has the potential as an effective modality to investigate the composition of noncalcified coronary artery plaques and thus help in their characterization. In this inversion method, (rho(e), Z(eff)) of the scanned sample can be found by eliminating the effects of the CT machine and also by ensuring that the determination of the two unknowns (rho(e), Z(eff)) does not interfere with each other and the nature of the plaque can be identified in terms of a three component model. (C) 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.


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Cocrystals and eutectics are different yet related crystalline multi-component adducts with diverse applications in pharmaceutical and materials fields. Recently, they were shown to be alternate products of cocrystallization experiments. Whereas a cocrystal shows distinct diffraction, spectroscopic and thermal signatures as compared to parent components, the hallmark of a eutectic is its low melting nature. However, in certain cases, there can be a problem when one resorts to design a cocrystal and assess its formation vis-A -vis a eutectic. In the absence of a gold standard method to make a cocrystal, it is often difficult to judge how exhaustive should the cocrystallization trials be to ensure the accomplishment of a desired/putative cocrystal. Further, a cocrystal can manifest with intermolecular interactions and/or crystal structure similar to that of its parent compounds such that the conventional diffraction and spectroscopic techniques will be of little help to conclusively infer the formation of cocrystal in the lack of single crystals. Such situations combined with low melting behavior of a combination brings the complication of resolving the combination as a cocrystal or eutectic since now both the adducts share common features. Based on the curious case of Caffeine-Benzoic acid combination, this study aims to unfold the intricate issues related to the design, formation and characterization of cocrystals and eutectics for a way forward. The utility of heteronuclear seeding methodology in establishing a given combination as a cocrystal-forming one or a eutectic-forming one in four known systems is appraised.


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A dislocation theory of fracture criterion for the mixed dislocation emission and cleavage process in an anisotropic solid is developed in this paper. The complicated cases involving mixed-mode loading are considered here. The explicit formula for dislocations interaction with a semi-infinite crack is obtained. The governing equation for the critical condition of crack cleavage in an anisotropic solid after a number dislocation emissions is established. The effects of elastic anisotropy, crack geometry and load phase angle on the critical energy release rate and the total number of the emitted dislocations at the onset of cleavage are analysed in detail. The analyses revealed that the critical energy release rates can increase to one or two magnitudes larger than the surface energy because of the dislocation emission. It is also found elastic anisotropy and crystal orientation have significant effects on the critical energy release rates. The anisotropic values can be several times the isotropic value in one crack orientation. The values may be as much as 40% less than the isotropic value in another crack orientation and another anisotropy parameter. Then the theory is applied to a fee single crystal. An edge dislocation can emit from the crack tip along the most highly shear stressed slip plane. Crack cleavage can occur along the most highly stressed slip plane after a number of dislocation emissions. Calculation is carried out step by step. Each step we should judge by which slip system is the most highly shear stressed slip system and which slip system has the largest energy release rate. The calculation clearly shows that the crack orientation and the load phase angle have significant effects on the crystal brittle-ductile behaviours.


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Resumen: En el presente trabajo se estudia y analiza el pensamiento iusfilosófico de Juan Alfredo Casaubón, unos de los autores iusnaturalistas más significativo de la Argentina en el siglo XX. Heredero de la tradición clásica que conocerá en los famosos Cursos de Cultura Católica y, posteriormente, en la Pontificia Universidad Católica Santa María de los Buenos Aires, de la cual será uno de sus profesores fundadores. Abogado, docente, juez, investigador, padre y esposo. Su pensamiento, si bien se puede encuadrar en la Tradición Central de Occidente, tendrá diversas particularidades que le darán a su pensamiento una nueva impronta a la filosofía jurídica. Se ha tratado de sintetizar el pensamiento casaubiano en diez tesis principales que reflejan en su estricta medida todo el corpus de este filósofo argentino. Previo al desarrollo iusfilosófico del autor, se ha tratado de encuadrar su posición filosófica general y, luego, jurídica, a través de su concepción iusnaturalista. Por último, se hará un pequeño homenaje a este gran pensador en el marco de la filosofía argentina del siglo XX.


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Resumen: Existe una realidad que supera todo, que es la internacionalización de las relaciones jurídicas y el derecho legislado en un país no es ni puede ser autosuficiente para resolver los litigios que se presentan y es allí donde como necesidad sociológica aparece el derecho procesal internacional, como parte integrante del derecho internacional privado. La cooperación jurisdiccional de primer grado es comprensiva de un marco amplio en el plano convencional, que resulta en general adecuado en sus ratificaciones para la República, que a su vez posee regulación interna. La concepción del orden público será más flexible en la cooperación jurisdiccional internacional y no integra el orden público la cosa juzgada en el país, ni la litispendencia, elementos que han de evaluarse al momento del reconocimiento. Este primer grado de cooperación abarca en sentido amplio las distintas vías de comunicación entre las que principalmente se encuentran las comunicaciones de mero trámite, la obtención de pruebas en el extranjero y la información del derecho extranjero. Como vía de comunicación, en su finalidad, el exhorto busca la realización de la justicia. El control de la competencia judicial internacional en los exhortos internacionales como requisito de la obligatoriedad para el juez requerido, es eliminado en las modernas tendencias, limitándose a la compatibilidad de él con el orden público del juez requerido. En este rumbo deberían orientarse las futuras reformas de la legislación interna en la materia.


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En los años finales de la Edad Media nos vamos a encontrar en los municipios castellanos con una gran abundancia de oficios tanto de carácter jurisdiccional como fiscalizador (alcaldes y veedores, respectivamente), algunos tenían planta propia y estable, en tanto que otros aparecían y desaparecían de acuerdo con las necesidades del momento. Nos detenemos en particular en la figura del alcalde del alarifazgo, encargado de juzgar y ejecutar de acuerdo con sus competencias en el ámbito del urbanismo.


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Resumen: Este artículo parte del interrogante acerca de la necesidad de volver sobre los conceptos postulados desde la Carta Encíclica Rerum Novarum del Papa León XIII acerca del desarrollo social, y analiza el modo en que estos principios son retomados por el documento pontificio La vocación del líder empresarial: una reflexión. El autor destaca la importancia del documento y su análisis de las tres facetas en que se desenvuelve la vida empresarial: ver, juzgar y actuar. Sólo el empresario capaz de alcanzar un equilibrio entre estos aspectos, podrá ser un verdadero líder de negocios cristiano


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Resumen: El texto realiza una relectura del método Ver-Juzgar-Actuar teniendo en cuenta el acercamiento biográfico que ofrecen las ciencias sociales. Propone considerar que la Teología Pastoral desarrolla así un discurso sobre la Iglesia, la Academia y la Plaza Pública en el cruce que estos ámbitos tienen en las mismas prácticas cristianas, dando lugar a una Teología Inter Loci. Y describe el perfil teológico emergente en dicha experiencia utilizando el marco de las inteligencias múltiples.


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Potential efficiency gains due to a merger can be used by competition authorities to judge upon proposed mergers. In a world where agents’ efforts, observable or unobservable, affect the success of a production cost reducing project that may be conducted as a stand-alone firm or in a merger, we characterize the merger decision and the type of errors a competition authority may make when it relies on an efficiency defense. In addition, we show that the occurrence of either type of errors is always smaller under the unobservable efforts assumption, than under the observable efforts one.