263 resultados para ithomiine pockets


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Vochysia guatemalensis Donn Sm. wood is currently provided from plantations in several regions of Costa Rica. This wood presents several problems during the drying process such as high variability in the moisture content and high incidence of later defects. The objective of this study was to investigate the causes of this variation and defect developments. It was considered climate condition or precedence, grain pattern, drying schedule, boards position in relation to height and distance from to pith and heartwood presence.  The main factors affecting the moisture variability and drying defects were found to be: high initial moisture content variability in different parts of the tree, climate condition, and improper drying programs. Besides, there are recommendations to consider before starting the drying process. Thus a better wood quality in relation to moisture content variability and the presence of defects can be obtained after drying process.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are seven-pass integral membrane proteins that act as transducers of extracellular signals across the lipid bilayer. Their location and involvement in basic and pathological physiological processes has secured their role as key targets for pharmaceutical intervention. GPCRs are targeted by many of the best-selling drugs on the market and there are a substantial number of GPCRs that are yet to be characterised; these could offer interest for therapeutic targeting. GPR35 is one such receptor that, as a result of gene knockout and genome wide association studies, has attracted interest through its association with cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disease. Elucidation of the basic physiological function of GPR35 has, however, been difficult due a paucity of potent and selective ligands in addition to a lack of consensus on the endogenous ligand. Herein, a focussed drug discovery effort was carried out to identify agonists of GPR35. Various in vitro cellular assays were employed in conjunction with N- or C-terminally manipulated forms of the receptor to investigate GPR35’s signalling profile and to provide an assay format suitable for the characterisation of newly identified ligands. Although GPR35 associates with both Gαi/o and Gα13 families of small heterotrimeric G proteins, the G protein-independent β-arrestin-2 recruitment format was found to be the most suited to drug screening efforts. Small molecule compound screening, carried out in conjunction with the Medical Research Council Technology, identified compound 1 as the most potent ligand of human GPR35 reported at that time. However, the lower efficacy and potency of compound 1 at the rodent species orthologues of GPR35 prevented its use in in vivo studies. A subsequent effort, carried out with Novartis, focused on mast cell stabilisers as putative agonists of GPR35, revealed lodoxamide and bufrolin as highly potent agonists that activated human and rat GPR35 with equal potency. This finding offered–for the first time–the opportunity to employ the same GPR35 ligand between species at a similar concentration, an important factor to consider when translating rodent in vivo functional studies to those in man. Additionally, using molecular modelling and site directed mutagenesis studies, these newly identified compounds were used to aid characterisation of the ligand binding pockets of human and rat GPR35 to reveal the molecular basis of species selectivity at this receptor. In summary, this research effort presents GPR35 tool compounds that can now be used to dissect the basic biology of GPR35 and investigate its contribution to disease.


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Les petites molécules de type p à bandes interdites étroites sont de plus en plus perçues comme des remplaçantes possibles aux polymères semi-conducteurs actuellement utilisés conjointement avec des dérivés de fullerènes de type n, dans les cellules photovoltaïques organiques (OPV). Par contre, ces petites molécules tendent à cristalliser facilement lors de leur application en couches minces et forment difficilement des films homogènes appropriés. Des dispositifs OPV de type hétérojonction de masse ont été réalisés en ajoutant différentes espèces de polymères semi-conducteurs ou isolants, agissant comme matrices permettant de rectifier les inhomogénéités des films actifs et d’augmenter les performances des cellules photovoltaïques. Des polymères aux masses molaires spécifiques ont été synthétisés par réaction de Wittig en contrôlant précisément les ratios molaires des monomères et de la base utilisée. L’effet de la variation des masses molaires en fonction des morphologies de films minces obtenus et des performances des diodes organiques électroluminescentes reliées, a également été étudié. La microscopie électronique en transmission (MET) ou à balayage (MEB) a été employée en complément de la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) pour suivre l’évolution de la morphologie des films organiques minces. Une nouvelle méthode rapide de préparation des films pour l’imagerie MET sur substrats de silicium est également présentée et comparée à d’autres méthodes d’extraction. Motivé par le prix élevé et la rareté des métaux utilisés dans les substrats d’oxyde d’indium dopé à l’étain (ITO), le développement d’une nouvelle méthode de recyclage eco-responsable des substrats utilisés dans ces études est également présenté.


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This thesis examines the development of state-narco networks in post-transition Bolivia. Mainstream discourses of drugs tend to undertheorise such relationships, holding illicit economies, weak states and violence as synergistic phenomena. Such assumptions fail to capture the nuanced relations that emerge between the state and the drug trade in different contexts, their underlying logics and diverse effects. As an understudied case, Bolivia offers novel insights into these dynamics. Bolivian military authoritarian governments (1964-1982), for example, integrated drug rents into clientelistic systems of governance, helping to establish factional coalitions and reinforce regime authority. Following democratic transition in 1982 and the escalation of US counterdrug efforts, these stable modes of exchange between the state and the coca-cocaine economy fragmented. Bolivia, though, continued to experience lower levels of drug-related violence than its Andean neighbours, and sustained democratisation despite being a major drug producer. Focusing on the introduction of the Andean Initiative (1989-1993), I explore state-narco interactions during this period of flux: from authoritarianism to (formal) democracy, and from Cold War to Drug War. As such, the thesis transcends the conventional analyses of the drugs literature and orthodox readings of Latin American narco-violence, providing insights into the relationship between illicit economies and democratic transition, the regional role of the US, and the (unintended) consequences of drug policy interventions. I utilise a mixed methods approach to offer discrete perspectives on the object of study. Drawing on documentary and secondary sources, I argue that state-narco networks were interwoven with Bolivia’s post-transition political settlement. Uneven democratisation ensured pockets of informalism, as clientelistic and authoritarian practices continued. This included police and military autonomy, and tolerance of drug corruption within both institutions. Non-enforcement of democratic norms of accountability and transparency was linked to the maintenance of fragile political equilibrium. Interviews with key US and Bolivian elite actors also revealed differing interpretations of state-narco interactions. These exposed competing agendas, and were folded into alternative paradigms and narratives of the ‘war on drugs’. The extension of US Drug War goals and the targeting of ‘corrupt’ local power structures, clashed with local ambivalence towards the drug trade, opposition to destabilising, ‘Colombianised’ policies and the claimed ‘democratising mission’ of the Bolivian government. In contrasting these US and Bolivian accounts, the thesis shows how real and perceived state-narco webs were understood and navigated by different actors in distinct ways. ‘Drug corruption’ held significance beyond simple economic transaction or institutional failure. Contestation around state-narco interactions was enmeshed in US-Bolivian relations of power and control.


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La idea de negocio consiste en la fabricación y venta al público de maletines personalizables, que el cliente pueda escoger su el color, material, forma e inclusive su estampado, cuántos bolsillos debería tener y dónde los debe tener. Lo que hace que el proyecto sea sostenible en el tiempo consiste en los diseños creativos e innovadores, además del hecho de que la producción no se va realizar en masa y cada diseño va ser pensado en su dueño gracias a las características que el cliente pone en el diseño y también en el proceso de interacción con el cliente, de manera que se le aplicará un cuestionario que nos diga más de para qué lo usa y cómo espera que sea. Así pues la gran ventaja la hace el capital humano y la especialización del producto y sus accesorios a unas necesidades puntuales. El proyecto está en estado de creación aún, sin embargo se ha dialogado con posibles proveedores, entre ellos el fabricante de maletines “ZAKbolsos” quien ha expresado poder hacer posible la voluntad de fabricar bajo pedido sin número de unidades determinada de un modelo específico modelo que es similar al que actualmente aplican que es fabricación sobre pedido del cliente y venta en punto físico, con más de 5 años de experiencia en el sector, y además con experiencia en producción para empresas. En cuanto aliado se tiene a la empresa de David Vargas, llamada Guio quien tiene la experiencia en pauta de mercadeo, desarrollo de producto y posicionamiento del mismo. David Vargas tiene la profesión de diseñador industrial, y finalmente el emprendedor (yo), quien es administrador de negocios internacionales. La inversión se va poder recuperar en 36 meses, puesto que la inversión de capital en el primer periodo es intensivo y esto se calcula con la venta de 14 maletines al mes, lo cual es aceptable teniendo en cuenta que el mercado crece a cifras del 12% anual. El margen de contribución es del 43% y la TIR es de 38%. Adicionalmente la flexibilidad financiera es grande puesto que no hay mayores costos fijos aparte del sueldo del emprendedor. La empresa va crecer a través de posicionamiento de marca y diferenciación de diseños con la competencia que en general tiende a llegar al cliente corporativo en vez de al cliente final con esta propuesta de personalización. Las ventajas competitivas van a ser sustentadas en la orientación al cliente, en hacerle percibir al mismo una calidad superior y una propuesta que se base en la diferenciación y el posicionamiento de marca.


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Among the different types of breast cancer (BC), the estrogen receptor positive (ER+) subtype, which requires estrogens for its growth and proliferation, is the most common, while triple negative BC, characterized by the absence of ER, progesterone receptor and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, often leads to poor prognosis. First-line therapies for the treatment of ER+ BC act either by suppressing estrogen production, through the inhibition of aromatase (AR) enzyme, or by blocking estrogen prooncogenic activity, via the modulation/degradation of ERs. The serious side effects and the intrinsic or acquired resistance phenomena that arise with prolonged use of these drugs limit their therapeutic application, stimulating the search for new strategies to face this disease. In this context, the development of dual acting aromatase inhibitors, able to target both the orthosteric and the recently identified allosteric pockets of AR could be an opportunity to fight ER+ BC. Another promising strategy could be the development of multitarget compounds, targeting both AR and ERs. In this scenario, here we designed and synthesized two series of new xanthones or more flexible benzophenones as potential dual acting aromatase inhibitors. Moreover, inspired from tamoxifen metabolites and a literature compound endowed with activity on both AR and ER, different structurally related series of potential multitarget compounds were developed. The biological results showed that some of the new molecules were promising candidates for further development. It was recently observed that the lately discovered histamine H4 receptor is expressed in human breast tissue, displaying a key role in biological processes mediated by histamine such as cell proliferation, senescence, and apoptosis in malignant cells, representing a potential target in triple negative BC. Thus, a broad series of methyl quinazoline sulfonamides, carrying different functional groups on the sulfonamide moiety, were designed and synthesized as potential H4 receptor ligands.


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Barriers to technology adoption in teaching and learning are well documented, with a corresponding body of research focused on how these can be addressed. As a way to combine a variety of these adoption strategies, the University of Sheffield developed a Technology Enhanced Learning Festival, TELFest. This annual, week-long event, emphasises the role technology can play through an engaging learning experience which combines expert-led practical workshops, sharing of practice, discussions and presentations by practitioners. As the popularity of the event has grown and the range of topics expanded, a community of practice has organically coalesced among attendees, supporting the mainstream adoption of several technologies and helping to broaden educational innovation beyond isolated pockets. This paper situates TELFest within the technology adoption literature by providing details about TELFest, outlining the results of an investigation into the impact that it has had on attendees' teaching practice and summarising some of the limitations of the method along with reflections on how to address these limitations in the future.


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Machine Learning makes computers capable of performing tasks typically requiring human intelligence. A domain where it is having a considerable impact is the life sciences, allowing to devise new biological analysis protocols, develop patients’ treatments efficiently and faster, and reduce healthcare costs. This Thesis work presents new Machine Learning methods and pipelines for the life sciences focusing on the unsupervised field. At a methodological level, two methods are presented. The first is an “Ab Initio Local Principal Path” and it is a revised and improved version of a pre-existing algorithm in the manifold learning realm. The second contribution is an improvement over the Import Vector Domain Description (one-class learning) through the Kullback-Leibler divergence. It hybridizes kernel methods to Deep Learning obtaining a scalable solution, an improved probabilistic model, and state-of-the-art performances. Both methods are tested through several experiments, with a central focus on their relevance in life sciences. Results show that they improve the performances achieved by their previous versions. At the applicative level, two pipelines are presented. The first one is for the analysis of RNA-Seq datasets, both transcriptomic and single-cell data, and is aimed at identifying genes that may be involved in biological processes (e.g., the transition of tissues from normal to cancer). In this project, an R package is released on CRAN to make the pipeline accessible to the bioinformatic Community through high-level APIs. The second pipeline is in the drug discovery domain and is useful for identifying druggable pockets, namely regions of a protein with a high probability of accepting a small molecule (a drug). Both these pipelines achieve remarkable results. Lastly, a detour application is developed to identify the strengths/limitations of the “Principal Path” algorithm by analyzing Convolutional Neural Networks induced vector spaces. This application is conducted in the music and visual arts domains.