827 resultados para incantations - sexuality
The 18th century "sexual revolution" can not simply be explained as a consequence of economic or institutional factors - industrialization, agricultural revolution, secularization or legal hindrances to marriages: the example of western Valais (Switzerland) shows that we have to deal with a complex configuration of factors The micro-historical approach reveals that in the 18th and 19th century sexuality - and above all illicit sexuality - was a highly subversive force which was considerably linked to political innovation and probably more generally to historical change. Non-marital sexuality was clearly tied to political dissent ant to innovative ways of behaviour, both among the social elites and the common people. This behaviour patterns influenced crucial evolutions in the social, cultural and economic history of the region.
El proyecto, desarrollado bajo los auspicios del grupo Cos i Textualitat, aborda las relaciones entre las categorías de sujeto poético y sujeto epistolar, en la literatura romántica escrita por mujeres, que abarca corpus textuales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. Haciendo uso de las herramientas del comparatismo, de la teoría de la literatura y de los estudios de género y sexualidad, el proyecto en una primera instancia se detuvo a estudiar la obra de aquellas escritoras (en el ámbito de la literatura norteamericana, española e hispanomericana) que desarrollaron e impulsaron el subgénero de la cartapoema, y cómo dicho subgénero les permitía velar su espacio íntimo, enmascarar su identidad literaria y social, al tiempo que obtenían legitimación social en esta estrategia de escritura. De este modo, el proyecto insiste en las estrategias de lectura de este tipo de textos, marginados por la crítica literaria, y de un tratamiento clasificatorio ciertamente ambiguo, y al mismo tiempo contaminado por la lectura autobiográfica de los textos. Cabe destacar que el punto de partida de este proceso de investigación fue la obra de la escritora norteamericana Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), pero se extendió con posterioridad desde autoras del romanticismo hispanoamericano, incluso hasta llegar a autoras españolas que escapan al movimiento romántico, bien entrado ya el siglo XX.
The restriction fragment length polymorphism of the 195 bp repeated DNA sequence of Trypanosoma cruzi was analyzed among 23 T. cruzi stocks giving a reliable picture of the whole phylogenetic variability of the species. The profiles observed with the enzymes Hinf I and Hae III were linked together and supported the existence of two groups. Group 1 shows a 195 bp repeated unit (Hinf I) and high molecular weight DNA (Hae III), while group 2 presents a ladder profile for each enzyme, which is a characteristic of tandemly repeated DNA. The two groups, respectively, clustered stocks pertaining to the two principal lineages evidenced by isoenzyme and RAPD markers. The congruence among these three independent genomic markers corroborates the existence of two real phylogenetic lineages in T. cruzi. The specific monomorphic profiles for each major phylogenetic lineage suggest the existence of ancient sexuality and cryptic biological speciation.
This prospective study applies an extended Information-Motivation-Behavioural Skills (IMB) model to establish predictors of HIV-protection behaviour among HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) during sex with casual partners. Data have been collected from anonymous, self-administered questionnaires and analysed by using descriptive and backward elimination regression analyses. In a sample of 165 HIV-positive MSM, 82 participants between the ages of 23 and 78 (M=46.4, SD=9.0) had sex with casual partners during the three-month period under investigation. About 62% (n=51) have always used a condom when having sex with casual partners. From the original IMB model, only subjective norm predicted condom use. More important predictors that increased condom use were low consumption of psychotropics, high satisfaction with sexuality, numerous changes in sexual behaviour after diagnosis, low social support from friends, alcohol use before sex and habitualised condom use with casual partner(s). The explanatory power of the calculated regression model was 49% (p<0.001). The study reveals the importance of personal and social resources and of routines for condom use, and provides information for the research-based conceptualisation of prevention offers addressing especially people living with HIV ("positive prevention").
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) She kills and destroys. She causes illness and disaster. The wild goddess evokes fear and terror. People worship her with blood-sacrifices and alcohol in order to appease her rage, but also in order to participate in her power for she is at once a force of destruction and a force of regeneration, of life, and of sexuality. Her creative violence reflects the ambivalent power of nature. The idea of frightening goddesses is preserved in regionally different forms throughout South Asia. The Institute for the Science of Religions, University of Berne, and the Museum of Anthropology of the University of Zurich, coordinated a symposium on wild goddesses in India and Nepal. The papers and reports on ongoing research presented at this symposium are published in this volume.
The fifth Director of Public Health Annual Report for Northern Ireland, launched on 16 June 2014, celebrates diversity in our population. Diversity is about people and how we value and appreciate those who are not like us. People differ in all sorts of ways which may not always be obvious or visible. These differences might include race and ethnicity, culture and belief, gender and sexuality, age and social status, ability, and use of health and social care services The report recognises the opportunities and challenges posed by population diversity and highlights some of the key programmes introduced to meet these needs.
This research aimed to explore the sexual attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of early school leavers and how a group of young people, without the advantage of completing post-primary education, deal with the complicated issues of constructing, defining and experiencing sexual practice.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The fifth Director of Public Health Annual Report for Northern Ireland, launched on 16 June 2014, celebrates diversity in our population.Diversity is about people and how we value and appreciate those who are not like us. People differ in all sorts of ways which may not always be obvious or visible. These differences might include race and ethnicity, culture and belief, gender and sexuality, age and social status, ability, and use of health and social care services
Résumé Contexte et objectifs Le premier volet a comme objectif d'évaluer la prévalence de l'affection chronique (AC) parmi les adolescents en Suisse, de décrire leurs comportements (loisirs, sexualité, conduites à risque) et de les comparer aux adolescents non porteur d'AC afin d'évaluer l'impact de l'AC sur leur bien-être. Le second volet a comme objectif d'explorer leur réseau de soutien, leur mode d'adaptation et leur perception de la prise en charge dont ils bénéficient par les équipes soignantes. Chacun des objectifs est traité dans un article : - « Chronic illness, life style and emotional health in adolescence: results of a cross-sectional survey on the health of 15-20-year-olds in Switzerland » Eur J Pediatr (2003) 162: 682-689 - « Adolescents porteurs d'affections chroniques: la parole aux patients » Med Hyg 2004 ; 62 : 2224-9. Méthode Première partie: les données ont été obtenues par analyse secondaire de l'enquête sur la santé des adolescents en Suisse, réalisée en 1993-1994 auprès d'un échantillon de 9268 jeunes de 15 à 20 ans (6% de la population visée), à l'aide d'un questionnaire auto administré de 100 questions environ. Le programme SPSS a été utilisé pour effectuer les analyses bi- et multi-variées. Seconde partie: la commission d'éthique de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Lausanne a donné son accord permettant la réalisation d'un focus group (discussion en petit groupe) de 12 jeunes. Ils ont participé à une discussion de 2 heures, conduite par un modérateur entraîné à cette méthode. Résultats Premier volet : 11.4% des filles et 9.6% des garçons se déclarent porteurs d'une AC. 25% des filles porteuses d'une AC (versus 13% de non porteur; p=0.007) et 38% des garçons porteurs d'une AC (versus 25% de non porteur; p=0.002) déclarent ne pas utiliser la ceinture de sécurité quand ils conduisent. 6.3% des filles (versus 2.7% ; p= 0.000) disent avoir conduit en étant ivres. 43% des filles (versus 36% ; p= 0.004) et 47% des garçons (versus 39% ; p=0.001) sent fumeurs de cigarettes. 32% des garçons (versus 27% p=0.02) rapportent avoir consommé du cannabis. 17% des filles (versus 13°h ; p=0.013) et 43% des garçons (versus 36% ; p= 0.002) disent boire de l'alcool. Le fait d'être porteur d'AC a aussi des conséquences psychologiques : 7.7% des filles (versus 3.4% ; p= 0.000) et 4.9% des garçons (versus 2% ; p=0.000) ont effectué un tentamen durant les 12 mois précédents. Deuxième volet: Sur oui peuvent-ils compter ? Avant tout sur eux-mêmes, puis sur leurs parents ou leurs amis. Les pairs, l'équipe soignante, les autres malades et les enseignants ont chacun des rôles à jouer à des moments précis de l'évolution de l'AC. Leurs modes d'adaptation: prendre du recul, faire preuve d'humour et demander de l'aide à leurs proches. Ils s'évadent dans l'écriture, les pensées ou la musique. Demande aux médecins une prise en charge globale qui permette une compréhension de l'ensemble de leurs besoins plutôt que focalisée seulement sur leur AC. Le respect, la possibilité d'un soutien et d'explications précises leur paraissent importants. Conclusions Les conduites dites à risque ne sont pas moins fréquentes chez les adolescents porteurs d'AC que chez leurs pairs Elles peuvent être expliquées par le besoin de tester leurs limites tant sur le plan des consommations que du comportement. Une prévention et une attention spécifiques des équipes soignantes sont nécessaires. Un réseau social diversifié paraît nécessaire aux jeunes souffrant d'AC. Les médecins devraient avoir une vision globale de leur patient, les aider à se situer dans le monde de l'adolescence, leur permettre de nommer leurs émotions et anticiper les questions difficiles à poser. Abstract The objective was to evaluate the prevalence of chronic conditions (CC) in adolescents in Switzerland; interval to describe their behaviour (leisure, sexuality, risk taking behaviour) and to compare them to those in adolescents who do not have CC in order to evaluate the impact of those conditions on their well-being. The data were obtained from the Swiss Multicentre Adolescent Survey Introduction on Health, targeting a sample of 9268 in-school adolescents aged 15 to 20 years, who answered a self-administered questionnaire. Some 11.4% of girls and 9.6% of boys declared themselves carriers of a CC. Of girls suffering from a CC, 25% (versus 13% of non carriers; P = 0.007) and 38% of boys (versus 25%; P=0.002) proclaimed not to wear a seatbelt whilst driving. Of CC girls, 6.3% (versus 2.7%; P= 0.000) reported within the last 12 months to have driven whilst drunk. Of the girls, 43% (versus 36%; P=0.004) and 47% (versus 39%; P=0.001) were cigarette smokers. Over 32% of boys (versus 27%; P=0.02) reported having ever used cannabis and 17% of girls (versus 13%; P=0.013) and 43% of boys (versus 36%; P=0.002) admitted drinking alcohol. The burden of their illness had important psychological consequences: 7.7% of girls (versus 3.4%; P=0.000) and 4.9% of boys (versus 2.0%; P=0.000) had attempted suicide during the previous 12 months. Conclusion: Experimental behaviours are not rarer in adolescents with a chronic condition and might be explained by a need to test their limits both in terms of consumption and behaviour. Prevention and specific attention from the health caring team is necessary.
Purpose: HIV-infected patients treated for syphilis may be at increased risk for serological failure and serofast state. Our aim was to analyse serological response to treatment in HIV-infected patients diagnosed with syphilis, and factors associated with serological cure and serofast state. Methods: Open-label, no controlled study of a series of HIV- patients diagnosed with syphilis during 2004-2011. Patients were categorized by rapid plasma reagin titer (RPR) into success (4-fold decrease in RPR by 12 or 24 months after treatment of early or late syphilis), serofast (success with persistently stable reactive RPR), and failure/ re-infection ( failure to decrease 4-fold in RPR by 12 or 24 months after treatment or sustained 4-fold increase in RPR after treatment response). Results: 141 HIV- patients were diagnosed with syphilis during the study period (104 early syphilis, 36 late or indeterminate latent syphilis). The mean age was 36.3 years, 98.5% were male, and 87.2% homosexual men. In 46 (32.6%) cases, HIV and syphilis infection diagnosis were coincident (mean CD4 457/mm3 and HIV-VL 4.72 log10). Among patients with prior known HIV infection, 65 were on antiretroviral therapy (ART) at syphilis diagnosis (mean CD4 469/ mm3, 76.9% undetectable HIV-VL). 116 patients satisfied criteria for serological response analysis (89 early, 24 late/indeterminate). At 12 months of early syphilis treatment (89.2% penicillin) there were 16 (18%) failures, and at 24 months of late/indeterminate syphilis (91.7% penicillin) there were 5 (18.5%) failures. Overall, 36 (31.0%) patients presented serofast state. Treatment failure was related with lower CD4 count (295 vs 510/μL; p=0.045) only in patients with coincident diagnosis. Serofast state was related with older age (41 vs 36 years; p=0.024), and lower CD4 count (391 vs 513/mm3; p=0.026). Conclusions: In this series of HIV-infected patients, with many patients on ART and with good immunological and virological parameters, serological failure and serofast state were frequent. Immunological status, and age could influence on serological response to syphilis treatment in HIV-infected patients.
Background: The literature shows how gender mandates contribute to differences in exposure and vulnerability to certain health risk factors. This paper presents the results of a study developed in the south of Spain, where research aimed at understanding men from a gender perspective is still limited. Objective: The aim of this paper is to explore the lay perceptions and meanings ascribed to the idea of masculinity, identifying ways in which gender displays are related to health. Design: The study is based on a mixed-methods data collection strategy typical of qualitative research. We performed a qualitative content analysis focused on manifest and latent content. Results: Our analysis showed that the relationship between masculinity and health was mainly defined with regard to behavioural explanations with an evident performative meaning. With regard to issues such as driving, the use of recreational drugs, aggressive behaviour, sexuality, and body image, important connections were established between manhood acts and health outcomes. Different ways of understanding and performing the male identity also emerged from the results. The findings revealed the implications of these aspects in the processes of change in the identity codes of men and women. Conclusions: The study provides insights into how the category ‘man’ is highly dependent on collective practices and performative acts. Consideration of how males perform manhood acts might be required in guidance on the development of programmes and policies aimed at addressing gender inequalities in health in a particular local context.