933 resultados para hepatitis B virus
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) UANL
INTRODUÇÃO: As hepatites virais constituem um importante problema de saúde pública no mundo. No Brasil existem poucos estudos sobre esta questão, especialmente entre as comunidades ribeirinhas. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a soroprevalência das hepatites B e C virais na comunidade ribeirinha da Ilha do Pacuí, no Estado do Pará, Brasil, e investigar os principais fatores de risco principal a que está comunidade está exposta. MÉTODOS: O presente estudo avaliou amostras de sangue de 181 voluntários que responderam a um questionário epidemiológico. Análises de marcadores sorológicos foram testados com kits comerciais de ELISA para detecção de HBsAg, anti-HBc total, anti-HBs e anti-VHC. Nos pacientes reagentes para VHC, RT-PCR e um line probe assay foi realizado para identificar o genótipo viral. RESULTADOS: Na análise dos marcadores sorológicos para hepatite B, observou-se taxas de 1,1% para anti-HBc total e 19,3% para anti-HBs, o marcador sorológico HBsAg não foi encontrado nesta população. Para a hepatite C foi encontrada um soroprevalência de 8,8%, destes 62,5% tinham RNA viral. Entre os fatores de risco estudados se destacaram: a não-utilização de preservativos, o compartilhamento de instrumentos cortantes, uso de drogas ilícitas e relatos de doença na família com VHB ou VHC. CONCLUSÕES: Observamos que a cobertura de vacinação contra o VHB é baixa e uma alta prevalência da hepatite C nesta comunidade.
Chronic liver disease in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients is mostly caused by hepatitis virus co-infection. Other reasons for chronic alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevation are more difficult to diagnose.
Background & Aims: HLA-B⁄27 is associated with spontaneous HCV genotype 1 clearance. HLA-B⁄27-restricted CD8+ T cells target three NS5B epitopes. Two of these epitopes are dominantly targeted in the majority of HLA-B⁄27+ patients. In chronic infection, viral escape occurs consistently in these two epitopes. The third epitope (NS5B2820) was dominantly targeted in an acutely infected patient. This was in contrast, however, to the lack of recognition and viral escape in the large majority of HLA-B⁄27+ patients. Here, we set out to determine the host factors contributing to selective targeting of this epitope. Methods: Four-digit HLA class I typing and viral sequence analyses were performed in 78 HLA-B⁄27+ patients with chronic HCV genotype 1 infection. CD8+ T cell analyses were performed in a subset of patients. In addition, HLA/peptide affinity was compared for HLA-B⁄27:02 and 05. Results: The NS5B2820 epitope is only restricted by the HLA-B⁄27 subtype HLA-B⁄27:02 (that is frequent in Mediterranean populations), but not by the prototype HLA-B⁄27 subtype B⁄27:05. Indeed, the epitope is very dominant in HLA-B⁄27:02+ patients and is associated with viral escape mutations at the anchor position for HLA-binding in 12 out of 13 HLA-B⁄27:02+ chronically infected patients. Conclusions: The NS5B2820 epitope is immunodominant in the context of HLA-B⁄27:02, but is not restricted by other HLA-B⁄27 subtypes. This finding suggests an important role of HLA subtypes in the restriction of HCV-specific CD8+ responses. With minor HLA subtypes covering up to 39% of specific populations, these findings may have important implications for the selection of epitopes for global vaccines.
To investigate the role of the hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry site (HCV IRES) domain IV in translation initiation and regulation, two chimeric IRES elements were constructed to contain the reciprocal domain IV in the otherwise HCV and classical swine fever virus IRES elements. This permitted an examination of the role of domain IV in the control of HCV translation. A specific inhibitor of the HCV IRES, vitamin B-12 was shown to inhibit translation directed by all IRES elements which contained domain IV from the HCV and the GB virus B IRES elements, whereas the HCV core protein could only suppress translation from the wild-type HCV IRES. Thus, the mechanisms of translation inhibition by vitamin B-12 and the core protein differ, and they target different regions of the IRES.
Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotyping is the most significant predictor of the response to antiviral therapy. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a novel real-time PCR method for HCV genotyping based on the NS5B region. Methodology/Principal Findings: Two triplex reaction sets were designed, one to detect genotypes 1a, 1b and 3a; and another to detect genotypes 2a, 2b, and 2c. This approach had an overall sensitivity of 97.0%, detecting 295 of the 304 tested samples. All samples genotyped by real-time PCR had the same type that was assigned using LiPA version 1 (Line in Probe Assay). Although LiPA v. 1 was not able to subtype 68 of the 295 samples (23.0%) and rendered different subtype results from those assigned by real-time PCR for 12/295 samples (4.0%), NS5B sequencing and real-time PCR results agreed in all 146 tested cases. Analytical sensitivity of the real-time PCR assay was determined by end-point dilution of the 5000 IU/ml member of the OptiQuant HCV RNA panel. The lower limit of detection was estimated to be 125 IU/ml for genotype 3a, 250 IU/ml for genotypes 1b and 2b, and 500 IU/ml for genotype 1a. Conclusions/Significance: The total time required for performing this assay was two hours, compared to four hours required for LiPA v. 1 after PCR-amplification. Furthermore, the estimated reaction cost was nine times lower than that of available commercial methods in Brazil. Thus, we have developed an efficient, feasible, and affordable method for HCV genotype identification.
The strategy used to treat HCV infection depends on the genotype involved. An accurate and reliable genotyping method is therefore of paramount importance. We describe here, for the first time, the use of a liquid microarray for HCV genotyping. This liquid microarray is based on the 5'UTR - the most highly conserved region of HCV - and the variable region NS5B sequence. The simultaneous genotyping of two regions can be used to confirm findings and should detect inter-genotypic recombination. Plasma samples from 78 patients infected with viruses with genotypes and subtypes determined in the Versant (TM) HCV Genotype Assay LiPA (version I; Siemens Medical Solutions, Diagnostics Division, Fernwald, Germany) were tested with our new liquid microarray method. This method successfully determined the genotypes of 74 of the 78 samples previously genotyped in the Versant (TM) HCV Genotype Assay LiPA (74/78, 95%). The concordance between the two methods was 100% for genotype determination (74/74). At the subtype level, all 3a and 2b samples gave identical results with both methods (17/17 and 7/7, respectively). Two 2c samples were correctly identified by microarray, but could only be determined to the genotype level with the Versant (TM) HCV assay. Genotype ""1'' subtypes (1a and 1b) were correctly identified by the Versant (TM) HCV assay and the microarray in 68% and 40% of cases, respectively. No genotype discordance was found for any sample. HCV was successfully genotyped with both methods, and this is of prime importance for treatment planning. Liquid microarray assays may therefore be added to the list of methods suitable for HCV genotyping. It provides comparable results and may readily be adapted for the detection of other viruses frequently co-infecting HCV patients. Liquid array technology is thus a reliable and promising platform for HCV genotyping.
Background & Aims: This multi-center study aimed to prospectively evaluate the safety and efficacy of a genotype-based Pegylated Interferon alfa-2a/Ribavirin therapy in treatment-naive hepatitis C virus (HCV), positive HCV serology, and quantifiable HCV RNA, infected children. Methods: Eighteen children with genotypes 2 and 3 patients (group A) were assigned to medication for 24 weeks, and 47 children with genotypes 1, 4, 5 and 6 patients (group B) for 48 weeks. Results: Early response at week 12 was observed in 83% of group A patients and in 57% of group B patients (p <0.05). End of treatment response was achieved in 94% of patients in group A and in 57% in group B (p <0.001). Sustained virologic response was maintained in 89% of patients in group A and in 57% of patients in group B (p <0.01). Ten patients stopped prematurely the treatment, 2 for serious adverse event (acute hepatitis and thyrotoxicosis), and 8 because of no virologic response at week 24. Peginterferon alfa-2a and Ribavirin dose was adjusted in 15 patients (23%), 11 for neutropenia (17%), and 3 patients (5%), for anemia, respectively. Treatment-related adverse events included fever and flu-like symptoms (54%), irritability depression change of mood (34%), vomiting (23%), abdominal pain (38%), loss of appetite (21.5%) and dermatitis (29%). No influence on height growth was observed. Conclusions: Pegylated inteferon alfa-2a and Ribavirin treatment allowed to achieve SVR in 57% of pediatric patients with genotypes 1, 4, 5 and 6, and in 94% of genotypes 2 and 3. These results show an improved SVR as compared to reference series in adults with similar regimen. (c) 2010 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVO: En Venezuela las trabajadoras sexuales reciben un control sanitario para la sífilis y el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Sin embargo, otras importantes infecciones de transmisión sexual no son evaluadas. Así, se realizó este estudio con el objetivo de determinar el nivel socio-cultural de un grupo de trabajadores sexuales y su relación con la sero-presencia de marcadores de Hepatitis C y Hepatitis B, en adición a la evaluación de rutina. MÉTODOS: Se evaluaron 212 trabajadoras sexuales, que acudieron al control sanitario en el servicio de infecciones de transmisión sexual, de la ciudad de Los Teques, Venezuela. Fueron entrevistadas en cuanto a edad, nivel educativo, uso de anticonceptivos y del condón. Se les tomó una muestra de sangre para determinar sífilis, antígeno de superficie de hepatitis B (HBsAg) y la presencia de anticuerpos contra el core de hepatitis B (anti-HBc), virus de hepatitis C (anti-HC) y VIH. Los datos fueron evaluados estadísticamente por Chi-cuadrado y correlación de Pearson. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia fue de 2,4% para sífilis, 0,5% para anti-HC, 3,8% para HBsAg y 13,8% para anti-HBc. Un aumento en la prevalencia de marcadores de hepatitis B se correlacionó con un bajo nivel educativo (p<0,05) e incremento en la edad (p<0,05). No se encontró ningún caso positivo de VIH. La encuesta reveló que el 38,5% de las trabajadoras sexuales nunca utilizan el condón y un 25,6% de ellas no utiliza ningún tipo de método anticonceptivo. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario implementar planes de inmunización de hepatitis B en este grupo de mujeres, así como campañas de educación sobre la importancia del uso del condón para disminuir la probabilidad de contraer infecciones de transmisión sexual.
Two groups of patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) maintenance were evaluated for their antibody response to non-structural c100/3 protein and structural core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV). Forty-six patients (Group 1) never presented liver abnormalities during HD treatment, while 52 patients (Group 2) had either current or prior liver enzyme elevations. Prevalence rates of 32.6% and 41.3% were found for anti-c100/3 and anti-HCV core antibodies, respectively, in patients with silent infections (Group 1). The rate of anti-c100/3 in patients of Group 2 was 71.15% and reached 86.5% for anti-HCV core antibodies. The recognition of anti-c100/3 and anti-core antibodies was significantly higher in Group 2 than in Group 1. A line immunoassay composed of structural and non-structural peptides was used as a confirmation assay. HBV infection, measured by the presence of anti-HBc antibodies, was observed in 39.8% of the patients. Six were HBsAg chronic carriers and 13 had naturally acquired anti-HBs antibodies. The duration of HD treatment was correlated with anti-HCV positivity. A high prevalence of 96.7% (Group 2) was found in patients who underwent more than 5 years of treatment. Our results suggest that anti-HCV core ELISA is more accurate for detecting HCV infection than anti-c100/3. Although the risk associated with the duration of HD treatment and blood transfusion was high, additional factors such as a significant non-transfusional spread of HCV seems to play a role as well. The identification of infective patients by more sensitive methods for HCV genome detection should help to control the transmission of HCV in the unit under study.
A seroepidemiologic survey about hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection was carried out in a group comprising 310 children, ranging in age from 3 months to 9 years, from day-care centers, in Goiania, a middle sized city in the central region of Brazil. The biomarkers employed in the investigation of previous infection include total IgG and IgM anti-HAV antibodies, and for the detection of more recent infection, IgM anti-HAV antibodies were analyzed. The study was performed in 1991 and 1992. According to the results, 69.7% of the children presented total IgG/IgM anti-HAV antibodies, with 60% of the group in the age range of 1 to 3 years. Among 10 day-care centers analyzed, the prevalence of the biomarker IgM anti-HAV was 3.2%, with an uniform distribution of the cases in the group of children ranging in age from 1 to 4 years. Multi-variate analysis was performed to investigate the sociodemographic factors that could influence the results. It was verified that the risk for the infection increased with the length of the attendance in the day-care centers, i.e., the risk for children with attendance of one year or more was 4.7 times higher, when compared with children with one month attendance (CI 95% 2.3-9.9). According to the results, hepatitis A is an endemic infection in day-care centers in the study area. The length of attendance in the day-care settings was demonstrated to be a risk factor for the HAV infection. Such findings suggest that if hepatits A vaccination becomes available as a routine policy in our region, the target group should be children under one year. Moreover, those children should receive the vaccine before they start to attend the day-care centers.
Hepatitis G virus/ GB virus C is a novel flavivirus recently detected in hepatitis non A-E cases. In this study, the presence of this virus in chronic non-B, non-C hepatitis patients was evaluated using GBV-C specific PCR and this virus was detected in one out of thirteen patients. This patient has presented a severe liver failure, has lived for a long time in the Western Amazon basin and no other cause for this clinical picture was reported. The impact of the discovery of this new agent is still under evaluation throughout the world. The study of the prevalence of this virus among chronic hepatitis patients and healthy individuals (as blood donors) will furnish subside to evaluate its real pathogenicity.