966 resultados para gelatin-SDS-PAGE
A potential fungal strain producing extracellular β-glucosidase enzyme was isolated from sea water and identified as ^ëéÉêJ Öáääìë=ëóÇçïáá BTMFS 55 by a molecular approach based on 28S rDNA sequence homology which showed 93% identity with already reported sequences of ^ëéÉêÖáääìë=ëóÇçïáá in the GenBank. A sequential optimization strategy was used to enhance the production of β-glucosidase under solid state fermentation (SSF) with wheat bran (WB) as the growth medium. The two-level Plackett-Burman (PB) design was implemented to screen medium components that influence β-glucosidase production and among the 11 variables, moisture content, inoculums, and peptone were identified as the most significant factors for β-glucosidase production. The enzyme was purified by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation followed by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE sepharose. The enzyme was a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of ~95 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE. It was optimally active at pH 5.0 and 50°C. It showed high affinity towards éNPG and enzyme has a hã and sã~ñ of 0.67 mM and 83.3 U/mL, respectively. The enzyme was tolerant to glucose inhibition with a há of 17 mM. Low concentration of alcohols (10%), especially ethanol, could activate the enzyme. A considerable level of ethanol could produce from wheat bran and rice straw after 48 and 24 h, respectively, with the help of p~ÅÅÜ~êçãóÅÉë=ÅÉêÉîáëá~É in presence of cellulase and the purified β-glucosidase of ^ëéÉêÖáääìë=ëóÇçïáá BTMFS 55.
Bacillus smithii BTMS 11, isolated from marine sediment, produced alkaline and thermostable lipase. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation and ion exchange chromatography which resulted in 0.51 % final yield and a 4.33 fold of purification. The purified enzyme was found to have a specific activity of 360 IU/mg protein. SDS-PAGE analyses, under non-reducing and reducing conditions, yielded a single band of 45 kDa indicating the single polypeptide nature of the enzyme and zymogram analysis using methylumbelliferyl butyrate as substrate confirmed the lipolytic activity of the protein band. The enzyme was found to have 50 C and pH 8.0 as optimum conditions for maximal activity. However, the enzyme was active over wide range of temperatures (30–80 C) and pH (7.0–10.0). Effect of a number of metal salts, solvents, surfactants, and other typical enzyme inhibitors on lipase activity was studied to determine the novel characteristics of the enzyme. More than 90 % of the enzyme activity was observed even after 3 h of incubation in the presence of commercial detergents Surf, Sunlight, Ariel, Henko, Tide and Ujala indicating the detergent compatibility of B. smithii lipase. The enzyme was also found to be efficient in stain removal from cotton cloths. Further it was observed that the enzyme could catalyse ester synthesis between fatty acids of varying carbon chain lengths and methanol with high preference for medium to long chain fatty acids showing 70 % of esterification. Results of the study indicated scope for application of this marine bacterial lipase in various industries
Protease inhibitors can be versatile tools mainly in the fields of medicine, agriculture and food preservative applications. Fungi have been recognized as sources of protease inhibitors, although there are only few such reports on mushrooms. This work reports the purification and characterization of a trypsin inhibitor from the fruiting body of edible mushroom Pleurotus floridanus (PfTI) and its effect on the activity of microbial proteases. The protease inhibitor was purified up to 35-fold by DEAE-Sepharose ion exchange column, trypsin-Sepharose column and Sephadex G100 column. The isoelectric point of the inhibitor was 4.4, and its molecular mass was calculated as 37 kDa by SDS-PAGE and 38.3 kDa by MALDI-TOF. Inhibitory activity confirmation was by dot-blot analysis and zymographic activity staining. The specificity of the inhibitor toward trypsin was with Ki of 1.043×10−10 M. The inhibitor was thermostable up to 90 °C with maximal stability at 30 °C, active over a pH range of 4–10 against proteases from Aspergillus oryzae, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus sp. and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Results indicate the possibility of utilization of protease inhibitor from P. floridanus against serine proteases
The chemical composition and evaluation of Indian squid (Loligo duvauceli) mantle, epidermal connective tissue and tentacle is investigated in this current study. It is observed that squid mantle contains 22.2% total protein; 63.5% of the total protein is myofibrillar protein. The unique property of squid myofibrillar protein is its water solubility. Squid mantle contains 12.0% total collagen. Epidermal connective tissue has highest amounts of total collagen (17.8%). SDS-PAGE of total collagen identified high molecular weight α-, β- and γ- sub-chains. Amino acid profile analysis indicates that mantle and tentacle contain essential amino acids. Arginine forms a major portion of mantle collagen (272.5 g/100 g N). Isoleucine, glutamic acid and lysine are other amino acids that are found in significantly high amounts in the mantle. Sulphur containing cystine is deficit in mantle collagen. Papain digest of mantle and epidermal connective tissue is rich in uronic acid, while papain digest, collagenase digest and urea digest of epidermal connective tissue has significant amounts of sialic acid (25.2, 33.2 and 99.8 μmol /100 g, respectively). PAS staining of papain digest, collagenase digest and urea digest also identify the association of hexoses with low molecular weight collagen fragments. Histochemical sectioning also emphasized the localized distribution of collagen in epidermal and dermal region and very sparse fibres traverse the myotome bundles
Die cAMP-abhängige Proteinkinase ist an der Regulation grundlegender zellulärer Prozesse, wie Entwicklung und Differenzierung, sowie Stoffwechselprozessen, beteiligt. Das Holoenzym bestehend aus einem Dimer regulatorischer (R) und zwei katalytischer C (C) Untereinheiten wird durch den sekundären Botenstoff cAMP reguliert. Die molekulare Grundlage der Holoenzymdynamik, sowie die räumliche und zeitliche Koordination der Holoenzyme in der cAMP-vermittelten Signaltransduktion sind zentrale Themen der aktuellen Forschung. Die Dynamik wird in erster Linie durch die cAMP-Konzentration, die Isoenzymzusammensetzung und die Verfügbarkeit von Kinasesubstraten bestimmt. Klassischerweise wurde die Holoenzymdynamik auf Grundlage der Phosphotransferaseaktivität der C Untereinheit untersucht. Der Effekt von Substrat auf die apparenten Aktivierungskonstanten (cAMP) konnte aber so nicht bestimmt werden, sodass in dieser Arbeit eine alternative Methode entwickelt werden musste, die unabhängig von der Messung der Substratphosphorylierung ist. Eine Validierung dieser SPR-basierten Methode erfolgte mit Typ-I Holoenzym, wobei eine leichtere Aktivierung in Gegenwart von Substrat bestätigt werden konnte. Überraschenderweise wurde mit dieser Methode der umgekehrte Effekt von Substratpeptid auf die Aktivierung des Typ-II Holoenzyms gemessen, wobei mit steigender Substratkonzentration größere apparente Aktivierungskonstanten bestimmt wurden. Durch gerichtete Mutationen der P0-Stelle in der Autoinhibitionsdomäne konnte diese Position als eine Hauptdeterminante für die Dynamik der Holoenzyme identifiziert werden. Im Allgemeinen führen Pseudosubstratinhibitoren (RI, RIIS99A) in Abhängigkeit von der Substratkonzentration zu einer Verkleinerung, und Substratinhibitoren (RII, RIA99S) zu einer Vergrößerung der apparenten Aktivierungskonstanten der entsprechenden Holoenzyme. Bei Untersuchungen zum Phosphostatus der hRII im Holoenzymkomplex sowie während der Dissoziation in Gegenwart oder Abwesenheit von Substrat, konnte mit Serin 58 eine zweite Autophosphorylierungsstelle in der Linkerregion identifiziert werden, die ein deutlich langsameres Laufverhalten in der SDS PAGE hervorruft. Allerdings konnte dieser Stelle keine Funktion im Bezug auf die Interaktion mit der katalytischen Untereinheit sowie ausgewählten AKAPs zugesprochen werden. In dieser Arbeit konnte ein gegensätzlicher Mechanismus zur Feinregulation der Dynamik des Typ-I und –II Holoenzyms durch Substrat gezeigt und die molekulare Grundlage aufgeklärt werden. Diese bisher nicht beschriebene Autophosphorylierungsstelle könnte eine wichtige Rolle in der Konformationskontrolle des N-Terminus spielen, oder als Plattform zur Wechselwirkung mit bisher unbekannten Interaktionspartnern der hRII dienen.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Biofilmbildung bei einem klinischen Isolat von Enterococcus faecalis untersucht. Der Prozess der Biofilmbildung ist in mehrere Abschnitte unterteilt und beinhaltet zu Beginn eine Anhaftung von Zellen an Oberflächen. Dieser adhäsive Schritt wird unter anderem durch Pili vermittelt. Pili bei Grampositiven Mikroorganismen sind kovalent mit der Zellwand verknüpfte Proteinstrukturen, die eine Anheftung an biotische und abiotische Oberflächen sowie den Zell-Zell-Kontakt vermitteln. Bei den Analysen dieser Doktorarbeit lag ein besonderes Interesse bei eben diesen Pili, die für Enterococcus faecalis die Namen Ebp (endocarditis and biofilm associated pili) und Bee (biofilm enhancer in enterococci) tragen. Codiert werden sie durch die entsprechenden ebp-/bee-Loci, deren Aufbau unter den Grampositiven Mikroorganismen hochkonserviert ist. Die Loci bestehen aus Pilusuntereinheiten-codierenden Genen und colokalisierten Pilus-spezifischen Sortase Genen. Während in der Regel drei verschiedene Pilusuntereinheiten vorliegen, kann die Anzahl der Sortasen zwischen einer und zwei variieren. Bei den Experimenten wurde neben einer Komplementationsstudie zu einer Bee-Pilus Defekt-Mutante (1.10.16) das Hauptaugenmerk auf die Analyse des zweiten Pilus (Ebp) gelegt, um die Pilisituation bei Isolat 1.10 im Detail darzustellen Zusätzlich sollten weitere Oberflächenassoziierte Proteinstrukturen bei Isolat 1.10 detektiert werden, die gegebenenfalls an der Biofilmbildung beteiligt sind. Weitere Versuche zur Charakterisierung des Bee-Pilus wurden im Laufe dieser Arbeit durchgeführt, blieben jedoch bisher erfolglos. Die Biofilm-/Pilus-Defekt-Mutante 1.10.16 zeigte aufgrund einer Punktmutation (Pm) in der Pilus-spezifischen Sortase 1 des bee-Locus eine geschwächte Fähigkeit zur Anheftung an abiotische Oberflächen, sowie das Fehlen der Bee2 Untereinheit im Pilus. Nach Komplementation der Mutante (1.10.16K) mit dem Wildtyp-srt1 Gen, wurde die starke Biofilmbildungsfähigkeit zurück erlangt. Die Experimente zeigten, dass der Pilus-Defekt auf die Pm im srt1 Gen zurückzuführen war und der Bee-Pilus in Stamm 1.10.16K wieder korrekt gebildet wurde. Zu sehen war dies in Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen und ebenfalls im massenspektrometrischen Nachweis aller 3 Pilusuntereinheiten im Bee-Pilus charakteristischen High-Molecular-Weight Komplex (~ 250 kDa). Durch Sequenzierungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass zwei Gene des ebp-Locus (ebpR und ebpC) bei Isolat 1.10 durch die Insertion von IS-Elementen IS1062 und IS6770 inaktiviert wurden. Der proteinbiochemische Nachweis über Pilusspezifische Antikörper gegen die Untereinheiten des Ebp-Pilus verlief negativ. Zusätzlich konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mRNA der beiden inaktivierten Gene nicht gebildet wurde. Dies führte folglich zum vollständigen Verlust des Ebp-Pilus bei Isolat 1.10. Zusammen mit den Ergebnissen der Komplementation konnte somit der große Einfluss mindestens eines intakten Pilus auf die Biofilmbildung gezeigt werden. Sind beide Pili durch Insertionen bzw. Mutationen inaktiviert, kommt es zu einer deutlichen Abnahme der Biofilmbildungsstärke. Dass trotzdem noch ein Biofilm gebildet wurde, zeigt den multifaktoriellen Zusammenhang bzw. Einfluss im Biofilmbildungsprozess. Über das gezielte Markieren von Oberflächenproteinen intakter Zellen mittels der Oberflächenbiotinylierung, konnten in der SDS-PAGE Unterschiede im Bandenmuster im Vergleich zur unbehandelten Probe erkannt werden. Die massenspektrometrische Identifikation dieser Proteine erfolgte bisher nicht, jedoch sind diese vorläufigen Ergebnisse vielversprechender Natur für die Identifikation und Aufklärung der Oberflächenproteinsituation bei Isolat 1.10.
Lactoperoxidase (LP) was isolated from whey protein by cation-exchange using Carboxymethyl resin (CM-25C) and Sulphopropyl Toyopearl resin (SP-650C). Both batch and column procedures were employed and the adsorption capacities and extraction efficiencies were compared. The resin bed volume to whey volume ratios were 0.96:1.0 for CM-25C and ≤ 0.64:1.0 for SP-650 indicating higher adsorption capacity of SP-650 compared to CM-25C. The effluent LP activity depended on both the enzyme activity in the whey and the amount of whey loaded on the column within the saturation limits of the resin. The percentage recovery was high below the saturation point and fell off rapidly with over-saturation. While effective recovery was achieved with column extraction procedures, the recovery was poor in batch procedures. The whey-resin contact time had little impact on the enzyme adsorption. SDS PAGE and HPLC analyses were also carried out, the purity was examined and the proteins characterised in terms of molecular weights. Reversed phase HPLC provided clear distinction of the LP and lactoferrin (LF) peaks. The enzyme purity was higher in column effluents compared to batch effluents, judged on the basis of the clarity of the gel bands and the resolved peaks in HPLC chromatograms.
Aims: To investigate the changes in the surface properties of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG during growth, and relate them with the ability of the Lactobacillus cells to adhere to Caco-2 cells. Methods and Results: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG was grown in complex medium, and cell samples taken at four time points and freeze dried. Untreated and trypsin treated freeze dried samples were analysed for their composition using SDS-PAGE analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), hydrophobicity and zeta potential, and for their ability to adhere to Caco-2 cells. The results suggested that in the case of early exponential phase samples (4 and 8 h), the net surface properties, i.e. hydrophobicity and charge, were determined to a large extent by anionic hydrophilic components, whereas in the case of stationary phase samples (13 and 26 h), hydrophobic proteins seemed to play the biggest role. Considerable differences were also observed between the ability of the different samples to adhere to Caco-2 cells; maximum adhesion was observed for the early stationary phase sample (13 h). The results suggested that the adhesion to Caco-2 cells was influenced by both proteins and non-proteinaceous compounds present on the surface of the Lactobacillus cells. Conclusion: The surface properties of Lact. rhamnosus GG changed during growth, which in return affected the ability of the Lactobacillus cells to adhere to Caco-2 cells. Significance and Impact of the Study: The levels of adhesion of Lactobacillus cells to Caco-2 cells were influenced by the growth time and reflected changes on the bacterial surface. This study provides critical information on the physicochemical factors that influence bacterial adhesion to intestinal cells.
The platelet surface is a dynamic interface that changes rapidly in response to stimuli to coordinate the formation of thrombi at sites of vascular injury. Tight control is essential as loss of organisation may result in the inappropriate formation of thrombi (thrombosis) or excessive bleeding. In this paper we describe the comparative analysis of resting and thrombin-stimulated platelet membrane proteomes and associated proteins to identify proteins important to platelet function. Surface proteins were labelled using a biotin tag and isolated by NeurtrAvidin affinity chromatography. Liquid phase IEF and SDS-PAGE were used to separate proteins, and bands of increased intensity in the stimulated platelet fractions were digested and identified by FT-ICR mass spectrometry. Novel proteins were identified along with proteins known to be translocated to the platelet surface. Furthermore, many platelet proteins revealed changes in location associated with function, including G6B and Hip-55. HIP-55 is an SH3-binding protein important in T-cell receptor signalling. Further analysis of HIP-55 revealed that this adaptor protein becomes increasingly associated with both Syk and integrin beta 3 upon platelet activation. Analysis of HIP-55 deficient platelets revealed reduced fibrinogen binding upon thrombin stimulation, suggesting HIP-55 to be an important regulator of platelet function.
Polarized epithelial cells are responsible for the vectorial transport of solutes and have a key role in maintaining body fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Such cells contain structurally and functionally distinct plasma membrane domains. Brush border and basolateral membranes of renal and intestinal epithelial cells can be separated using a number of different separation techniques, which allow their different transport functions and receptor expressions to be studied. In this communication, we report a proteomic analysis of these two membrane segments, apical and basolateral, obtained from the rat renal cortex isolated by two different methods: differential centrifugation and free-flow electrophoresis. The study was aimed at assessing the nature of the major proteins isolated by these two separation techniques. Two analytical strategies were used: separation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) at the protein level or by cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after proteolysis (i.e., at the peptide level). Proteolytic peptides derived from the proteins present in gel pieces or from HPLC fractions after proteolysis were sequenced by on-line liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Several hundred proteins were identified in each membrane section. In addition to proteins known to be located at the apical and basolateral membranes, several novel proteins were also identified. In particular, a number of proteins with putative roles in signal transduction were identified in both membranes. To our knowledge, this is the first reported study to try and characterize the membrane proteome of polarized epithelial cells and to provide a data set of the most abundant proteins present in renal proximal tubule cell membranes.
Hydroponic isotope labelling of entire plants (HILEP) is a cost-effective method enabling metabolic labelling of whole and mature plants with a stable isotope such as N-15. By utilising hydroponic media that contain N-15 inorganic salts as the sole nitrogen source, near to 100% N-15-labelling of proteins can be achieved. In this study, it is shown that HILEP, in combination with mass spectrometry, is suitable for relative protein quantitation of seven week-old Arabidopsis plants submitted to oxidative stress. Protein extracts from pooled N-14- and N-15-hydroponically grown plants were fractionated by SDS-PAGE, digested and analysed by liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Proteins were identified and the spectra of N-14/N-15 peptide pairs were extracted using their m/z chromatographic retention time, isotopic distributions, and the m/z difference between the N-14 and N-15 peptides. Relative amounts were calculated as the ratio of the sum of the peak areas of the two distinct N-14 and N-15 peptide isotope envelopes. Using Mascot and the open source trans-proteomic pipeline (TPP), the data processing was automated for global proteome quantitation down to the isoform level by extracting isoform specific peptides. With this combination of metabolic labelling and mass spectrometry it was possible to show differential protein expression in the apoplast of plants submitted to oxidative stress. Moreover, it was possible to discriminate between differentially expressed isoforms belonging to the same protein family, such as isoforms of xylanases and pathogen-related glucanases (PR 2). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Polarized epithelial cells are responsible for the vectorial transport of solutes and have a key role in maintaining body fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Such cells contain structurally and functionally distinct plasma membrane domains. Brush border and basolateral membranes of renal and intestinal epithelial cells can be separated using a number of different separation techniques, which allow their different transport functions and receptor expressions to be studied. In this communication, we report a proteomic analysis of these two membrane segments, apical and basolateral, obtained from the rat renal cortex isolated by two different methods: differential centrifugation and free-flow electrophoresis. The study was aimed at assessing the nature of the major proteins isolated by these two separation techniques. Two analytical strategies were used: separation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) at the protein level or by cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after proteolysis (i.e., at the peptide level). Proteolytic peptides derived from the proteins present in gel pieces or from HPLC fractions after proteolysis were sequenced by on-line liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Several hundred proteins were identified in each membrane section. In addition to proteins known to be located at the apical and basolateral membranes, several novel proteins were also identified. In particular, a number of proteins with putative roles in signal transduction were identified in both membranes. To our knowledge, this is the first reported study to try and characterize the membrane proteome of polarized epithelial cells and to provide a data set of the most abundant proteins present in renal proximal tubule cell membranes.
A novel protocol for rapid and efficient purification of antimicrobial peptides from plant seedlings has been developed. Two peptides with antimicrobial activity, designated p1 and p2, were purified nearly to homogeneity from Scots pine seedlings by a combination of sulfuric acid extraction, ammonium sulfate precipitation, heat-inactivation and ion-exchange chromatography on phosphocellulose. Purified proteins had molecular masses of 11 kDa (p1) and 5.8 kDa (p2) and were identified by mass spectrometry as defensin and lipid-transfer protein, respectively. We demonstrated their growth inhibitory effects against a group of phytopathogenic fungi. Furthermore, we report for the first time molecular cloning and characterization of defensin I cDNA from Scots pine. A cDNA expression library from 7 days Scots pine seedlings was generated and used to isolate a cDNA clone corresponding to Scots pine defensin, termed PsDef1. The full-length coding sequence of PsDef1 is 252 bp in length and has an open reading frame capable to encode a protein of 83 amino residues. The deduced sequence has the typical features of plant defensins, including an endoplasmic reticulum signal sequence of 33 aa, followed by a characteristic defensin domain of 50 amino acids representing its active form. The calculated molecular weight of the mature form of PsDef1 is 5601.6 Da, which correlates well with the results of SDS-PAGE analysis. Finally, the antimicrobial properties of PsDef1 against a panel of fungi and bacteria define it as a member of the morphogenic group of plant defensins. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Phenotypic and phylogenetic studies were performed on six unidentified, Gram-positive, catalase-negative, chain-forming Streptococcus-like organisms recovered from grey seals. Biochemically the six strains were highly related to each other, but they did not appear to correspond to any recognized species of the genus Streptococcus. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies confirmed that phylogenetically the strains were members of the genus Streptococcus, but sequence divergence values of greater than 3 % compared with reference streptococcal species demonstrated that the organisms from seals represent a novel species. SDS-PAGE analysis of whole-cell proteins confirmed the phenotypic distinctiveness of the seal organisms. Based on biochemical criteria and molecular chemical and genetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown organism from seals be classified as a novel species, Streptococcus halichoeri sp. nov., the type strain of which is CCUG 48324(T) (=CIP 108195(T)).
Two strains of an unidentified, Gram-positive, catalase-negative, chain-forming, coccus-shaped organism recovered from seals were characterized using phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. Based on morphological and biochemical criteria the strains were tentatively identified as streptococci but they did not appear to correspond to any recognized species of the genus Streptococcus. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies showed that the strains were closely related to each other and confirmed their placement in the genus Streptococcus. Sequence divergence values of > 5 % with reference streptococcal species demonstrated the organisms from seals represent a novel species. SDS-PAGE analysis of whole-cell proteins confirmed that the two organisms were closely related to each other but were different from all currently defined streptococcal species. Based on biochemical criteria, molecular chemical and molecular genetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown isolates from seals be assigned to a novel species of the genus Streptococcus, Streptococcus marimammalium sp. nov. The type strain is M54/01/(T) (=CCUG 48494(T)=CIP 108309(T)).