934 resultados para fractional electrical drives
The differentiation of non-integer order has its origin in the seventeenth century, but only in the last two decades appeared the first applications in the area of control theory. In this paper we consider the study of a heat diffusion system based on the application of the fractional calculus concepts. In this perspective, several control methodologies are investigated namely the fractional PID and the Smith predictor. Extensive simulations are presented assessing the performance of the proposed fractional-order algorithms.
This paper studies the describing function (DF) of systems consisting in a mass subjected to nonlinear friction. The friction force is composed in three components namely, the viscous, the Coulomb and the static forces. The system dynamics is analyzed in the DF perspective revealing a fractional-order behaviour. The reliability of the DF method is evaluated through the signal harmonic content and the limit cycle prediction.
Fractional calculus (FC) is widely used in most areas of science and engineering, being recognized its ability to yield a superior modeling and control in many dynamical systems. In this perspective, this article illustrates two applications of FC in the area of control systems. Firstly, is presented a methodology of tuning PID controllers that gives closed-loop systems robust to gain variations. After, a fractional-order PID controller is proposed for the control of an hexapod robot with three dof legs. In both cases, it is demonstrated the system's superior performance by using the FC concepts.
This paper analyzes the signals captured during impacts and vibrations of a mechanical manipulator. In order to acquire and study the signals an experimental setup is implemented. The signals are treated through signal processing tools such as the fast Fourier transform and the short time Fourier transform. The results show that the Fourier spectrum of several signals presents a non integer behavior. The experimental study provides valuable results that can assist in the design of a control system to deal with the unwanted effects of vibrations.
This paper analyses the performance of a genetic algorithm (GA) in the synthesis of digital circuits using two novel approaches. The first concept consists in improving the static fitness function by including a discontinuity evaluation. The measure of variability in the error of the Boolean table has similarities with the function continuity issue in classical calculus. The second concept extends the static fitness by introducing a fractional-order dynamical evaluation.
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.2006
IET Control Theory & Applications, Vol. 1, Nº 1
Signal Processing, Vol. 83, nº 11
Signal Processing, Vol. 83, nº 11
Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 29
IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing, Vol. 147, nº 1
IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image, and Signal Processing, Vol. 147, nº 1
Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 38
In Proceedings of the “ECCTD '01 - European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Espoo, Finland, August 2001
A tese tem como objectivo principal a criação de um modelo equivalente eléctrico da rede de nervuras de algumas folhas vegetais e analisar o seu comportamento a estímulos eléctricos, analisando-se também a respectiva resposta em frequência. A motivação desta tese passa pela observação dos sistemas existentes na natureza. Neste caso, as folhas vegetais e analisar se são sistemas de ordem fraccionária ou não. Para a sua elaboração, fez-se uma breve abordagem à estrutura das plantas, sob o ponto de vista da botânica e elaborou-se um método de fotografia das amostras, mapeamento da rede de nervuras e medição dos segmentos que compõem essa mesma rede. A tese termina com um capítulo de resultados experimentais.