919 resultados para extended depth from focus reconstruction
Better knowledge of the anthropogenic soils can help create future scenarios for the Amazon region through information that supports the sustainable planning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil physical anthropogenic and not anthropogenic in the region of Manipur, AM. In the study area we selected two, one with no anthropogenic soils (native forest) and another with anthropogenic soils (black earth archaeological). In each area, we established a grid measuring 70 x 70 m and the soils were sampled at the points of intersection of the grid with regular spacing of 10 by 10 feet, making a total of 64 sampling points in each landscape. Soil samples were collected at a depth from 0.0 to 0.10 I did the analyzes physical (texture, bulk density, macroporosity, microporososidade, porosity and aggregate stability). Then, the data were subjected to descriptive statistics and geostatistics. It was found that the anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soils showed different behaviors in relation ace their spatial structures. The spatial variability that prevailed in anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soil was moderate and weak indicating that these soils are strongly linked to changes in the soil by extrinsic factors. The soil was observed anthropogenic best results for total porosity, microporosity and bulk density, showing superior characteristics compared for agronomic soil not anthropogenic. And the range of values found in the above two areas were used in the mesh, showing greater spatial continuity in these environments.
In order to describe the dynamics of monochromatic surface waves in deep water, we derive a nonlinear and dispersive system of equations for the free surface elevation and the free surface velocity from the Euler equations in infinite depth. From it, and using a multiscale perturbative method, an asymptotic model for small wave steepness ratio is derived. The model is shown to be completely integrable. The Lax pair, the first conserved quantities as well as the symmetries are exhibited. Theoretical and numerical studies reveal that it supports periodic progressive Stokes waves which peak and break in finite time. Comparison between the limiting wave solution of the asymptotic model and classical results is performed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The spatial and temporal variation of microphytobenthic biomass in the nearshore zone of Martel Inlet (King George Island, Antarctica) was estimated at several sites and depths (10-60 m), during three summer periods (1996/1997, 1997/1998, 2004/2005). The mean values were inversely related to the bathymetric gradient: higher ones at 10-20 m depth (136.2 +/- A 112.5 mg Chl a m(-2), 261.7 +/- A 455.9 mg Phaeo m(-2)), intermediate at 20-30 m (55.6 +/- A 39.5 mg Chl a m(-2), 108.8 +/- A 73.0 mg Phaeo m(-2)) and lower ones at 40-60 m (22.7 +/- A 23.7 mg Chl a m(-2), 58.3 +/- A 38.9 mg Phaeo m(-2)). There was also a reduction in the Chl a/Phaeo ratio with depth, from 3.2 +/- A 3.2 (10-20 m) to 0.7 +/- A 1.0 (40-60 m), showing a higher contribution of senescent phytoplankton and/or macroalgae debris at the deeper sites and the limited light flux reaching the bottom. Horizontal differences found in the biomass throughout the inlet could not be clearly related to hydrodynamics or proximity to glaciers, but with sediment characteristics. An inter-summer variation was observed: the first summer presented the highest microphytobenthic biomass apparently related to more hydrodynamic conditions, which causes the deposition of allochthonous material.
The rhea (Rhea americana americana) is an american bird belonging to Ratite's family. Studies related to its morphology are still scarce. This study aims to describe the macroscopic structures of the oropharyngeal cavity. Five heads (2 to 6 months old) formalin preserved were anatomically dissected to expose the oropharynx. The oropharynx of the rhea was "bell-shaped" composed by the maxillary and mandibular rhamphotheca. The roof and floor presented two distinct regions different in colour of the mucosa. The rostral region was pale pink contrasting to grey coloured caudal region. The median longitudinal ridge extended rostrally from the apex of the choana to the tip of the beak in the roof and it is clearly more prominent and rigid than the homolog in the floor that appeared thin and stretched merely along the rostral portion of the regio interramalis. The floor was formed by the interramal region, (regio interramalis) tongue and laryngeal mound containing glove-shaped glottis. This study confirmed the basic morphology of the oropharinx of the rhea. However, important morphological information not previously described is highlighted and contradictory information present in the literature is clarified.
Nonostante l’oggettiva constatazione dei risultati positivi riscontrati a seguito dei trattamenti radioterapici a cui sono sottoposti i pazienti a cui è stato diagnosticato un tumore, al giorno d’oggi i processi biologici responsabili di tali effetti non sono ancora perfettamente compresi. Inseguendo l’obbiettivo di riuscire a definire tali processi è nata la branca delle scienze biomediche denominata radiobiologia, la quale appunto ha lo scopo di studiare gli effetti provocati dalle radiazioni quando esse interagiscono con un sistema biologico. Di particolare interesse risulta essere lo studio degli effetti dei trattamenti radioterapici nei pazienti con tumore del polmone che rappresentano la principale causa di morte dei paesi industrializzati. Purtroppo per via della scarsa reperibilità di materiale, non è stato finora possibile studiare nel dettaglio gli effetti delle cure radioterapiche nel caso di questo specifico tumore. Grazie alle ricerche di alcuni biologi dell’IRST sono stati creati in-vitro sferoidi composti da cellule staminali e tumorali di polmone, chiamate broncosfere, permettendo così di avere ottimi modelli tridimensionali di tessuto umano allo stato solido su cui eseguire esperimenti al fine di regolare i parametri dei trattamenti radioterapici, al fine di massimizzarne l’effetto di cura. In questo lavoro di Tesi sono state acquisite sequenze di immagini relative a broncosfere sottoposte a differenti tipologie di trattamenti radioterapici. Le immagini acquisite forniscono importanti indicazioni densitomorfometriche che correlate a dati clinoco-biologico potrebbero fornire importanti indicazioni per regolare parametri fondamentali dei trattamenti di cura. Risulta però difficile riuscire a confrontare immagini cellulari di pre e post-trattamento, e poter quindi effettuare delle correlazioni fra modalità di irraggiamento delle cellule e relative caratteristiche morfometriche, in particolare se le immagini non vengono acquisite con medesimi parametri e condizioni di cattura. Inoltre, le dimensioni degli sferoidi cellulari da acquisire risultano essere tipicamente maggiori del parametro depth of focus del sistema e questo implica che non è possibile acquisire una singola immagine completamente a fuoco di essi. Per ovviare a queste problematiche sono state acquisite sequenze di immagini relative allo stesso oggetto ma a diversi piani focali e sono state ricostruite le immagini completamente a fuoco utilizzando algoritmi per l’estensione della profondità di campo. Sono stati quindi formulati due protocolli operativi per fissare i procedimenti legati all’acquisizione di immagini di sferoidi cellulari e renderli ripetibili da più operatori. Il primo prende in esame le metodiche seguite per l’acquisizione di immagini microscopiche di broncosfere per permettere di comparare le immagini ottenute in diverse acquisizioni, con particolare attenzione agli aspetti critici di tale operazione. Il secondo è relativo alla metodica seguita nella archiviazione di tali immagini, seguendo una logica di classificazione basata sul numero di trattamenti subiti dal singolo sferoide. In questo lavoro di Tesi sono stati acquisiti e opportunamente archiviati complessivamente circa 6500 immagini di broncosfere riguardanti un totale di 85 sferoidi. I protocolli elaborati permetteranno di espandere il database contenente le immagini di broncosfere con futuri esperimenti, in modo da disporre di informazioni relative anche ai cambiamenti morfologici subiti dagli sferoidi in seguito a varie tipologie di radiotrattamenti e poter quindi studiare come parametri di frazionamento di dose influenzano la cura. Infine, grazie alle tecniche di elaborazioni delle immagini che stiamo sviluppando sarà inoltre possibile disporre di una ricostruzione della superficie degli sferoidi in tempo reale durante l’acquisizione.
Il lavoro di ricerca prende le mosse da una premessa di ordine economico. Il fenomeno delle reti di impresa, infatti, nasce dalla realtà economica dei mercati. In tale contesto non può prescindere dal delineare un quadro della situazione- anche di crisi- congiunturale che ha visto coinvolte specialmente le imprese italiane. In tale prospettiva, si è reso necessario indagare il fenomeno della globalizzazione, con riferimento alle sue origini,caratteristiche e conseguenze. Ci si sofferma poi sulla ricostruzione dogmatica del fenomeno. Si parte dalla ricostruzione dello stesso in termini di contratto plurilaterale- sia esso con comunione di scopo oppure plurilaterale di scambio- per criticare tale impostazione, non del tutto soddisfacente, in quanto ritenuto remissiva di fronte alla attuale vis espansiva del contratto plurilaterale. Più convincente appare lo schema del collegamento contrattuale, che ha il pregio di preservare l’autonomia e l’indipendenza degli imprenditori aderenti, pur inseriti nel contesto di un’operazione economica unitaria, volta a perseguire uno scopo comune, l’“interesse di rete”, considerato meritevole di tutela secondo l’ordinamento giuridico ex art. 1322 2.co. c.c. In effetti il contratto ben si presta a disegnare modelli di rete sia con distribuzione simmetrica del potere decisionale, sia con distribuzione asimmetrica, vale a dire con un elevato livello di gerarchia interna. Non può d’altra parte non ravvisarsi un’affinità con le ipotesi di collegamento contrattuale in fase di produzione, consistente nel delegare ad un terzo parte della produzione, e nella fase distributiva, per cui la distribuzione avviene attraverso reti di contratti. Si affronta la materia della responsabilità della rete, impostando il problema sotto due profili: la responsabilità interna ed esterna. La prima viene risolta sulla base dell’affidamento reciproco maturato da ogni imprenditore. La seconda viene distinta in responsabilità extracontrattuale, ricondotta nella fattispecie all’art. 2050 c.c., e contrattuale.
Recent interest in spatial pattern in terrestrial ecosystems has come from an awareness of theintimate relationship between spatial heterogeneity of soil resources and maintenance of plant species diversity. Soil and vegetation can vary spatially inresponse to several state factors of the system. In this study, we examined fine-scale spatial variability of soil nutrients and vascular plant species in contrasting herb-dominated communities (a pasture and an oldfield) to determine degree of spatial dependenceamong soil variables and plant community characteristics within these communities by sampling at 1-m intervals. Each site was divided into 25 1-m 2 plots. Mineral soil was sampled (2-cm diameter, 5-cm depth) from each of four 0.25-m2 quarters and combined into a single composite sample per plot. Soil organic matter was measured as loss-on-ignition. Extractable NH4 and NO3 were determined before and after laboratory incubation to determine potential net N mineralization and nitrification. Cations were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. Vegetation was assessed using estimated percent cover. Most soiland plant variables exhibited sharp contrasts betweenpasture and old-field sites, with the old field having significantly higher net N mineralization/nitrification, pH, Ca, Mg, Al, plant cover, and species diversity, richness, and evenness. Multiple regressions revealedthat all plant variables (species diversity, richness,evenness, and cover) were significantly related to soil characteristics (available nitrogen, organic matter,moisture, pH, Ca, and Mg) in the pasture; in the old field only cover was significantly related to soil characteristics (organic matter and moisture). Both sites contrasted sharply with respect to spatial pattern of soil variables, with the old field exhibiting a higher degree of spatial dependence. These results demonstrate that land-use practices can exert profound influence on spatial heterogeneity of both soil properties and vegetation in herb-dominated communities.
The Pennsylvanian Tensleep Sandstone is an eolian and nearshore marine/sabka quartz arenite unit with prominent outcrops along the western Pryor/Bighorn Mountain front east of Red Lodge, MT. Regionally, the formation represents one of the largest ergs in the global geologic record. High permeability makes it an important oil and gas reservoir and aquifer in south central Montana and throughout much of Wyoming. The Tensleep Sandstone’s high percentage of quartz content and grain roundness, due to its eolian origin, makes it a prospective source for natural proppant sand. Three continuous 4-inch cores were obtained during a cooperative project between Montana Tech and industry partners. Using stratigraphic sections, cores, thin sections, and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, the usefulness and economic feasibility of the Tensleep Sandstone as a minable hydraulic fracture proppant was explored. Usefulness depends on cementation, grain shape, grain size, and depth from surface of the prospective zone. Grain shape and size were determined by thin sections, sieving, and stereomicroscope analysis. Analysis of 20 disaggregated sand samples has shown that as much as 30 percent of the grain sizes fall between 30-50 mesh (medium- to finegrained sand size) and about 45 percent of the grain sizes fall between 70–140 mesh (very fine-grained sand to coarse silt), grain sizes appropriate for some hydraulic fracture operations. Core descriptions and XRF data display the distribution of lithology and cementation. Core descriptions and XRF data display the distribution of lithology and cementation. Elemental (XRF) analyses help to delineate more pure quartz sands from those with grain fractions reflecting fine-grained clastic and evaporitic inputs. The core and nearby stratigraphic sections are used to quantify the amount of overburden and the 3 amount of resource in the area. Initial results show favorable crush strength and useable grain size and shape.
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Proximal diffusion of local anaesthetic solution after perineural anaesthesia may lead to the desensitisation of structures other than those intended. However, there is no evidence-based study demonstrating the potential distribution and diffusion of local anaesthetic solution after perineural analgesia in the distal limb. OBJECTIVE: To document the potential diffusion of local anaesthetic solution using a radiopaque contrast model and to evaluate the influence of walking compared with confinement in a stable after injection. METHODS: Radiopaque contrast medium was injected subcutaneously over one palmar nerve at the base of the proximal sesamoid bones in 6 nonlame mature horses. Horses were assigned randomly to stand still or walk after injection. Radiographs were obtained 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 min after injection and were analysed to determine the distribution and diffusion of the contrast medium. RESULTS: In 89% of injections an elongated pattern of the contrast medium was observed suggesting distribution along the neurovascular bundle. After 49% of injections a fine radiopaque line extended proximally from the contrast 'patch', and in 25% of injections a line extended distally. There was significant proximal and distal diffusion with time when sequential radiographs of each limb were compared. The greatest diffusion occurred in the first 10 min. Walking did not significantly influence the extent of either proximal or distal diffusion. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Significant proximal diffusion occurs in the first 10 min after perineural injection in the distal aspect of the limb and should be considered when interpreting nerve blocks. Distribution of local anaesthetic solution outside the fascia surrounding the neurovascular bundle or in lymphatic vessels may explain delayed or decreased effects.
River floodplain soils are sinks and potential sources for toxic trace metals like Cu and Zn. We hypothesize that stable Cu and Zn isotope ratios reflect both the mobilization and the sources of metals. We determined the soil properties, the concentrations and partitioning of Cu and Zn, and variations in δ65Cu and δ66Zn values in a core obtained from an Aquic Udifluvent developed on a freshwater intertidal mudflat of the River Elbe, Germany. The core was sampled at 2 cm intervals to a depth of 34 cm, which corresponds to approximately 9 yr of sedimentation. Elevated concentrations of Cu (up to 320 μg g−1) and Zn (up to 2080 μg g−1) indicated anthropogenic pollution. At the time of sampling the redox conditions changed from oxic (Eh 200 to 400 mV, above 22 cm deep) to strongly anoxic conditions (-100 to -200 mV, below 22 cm deep). The δ65Cu values varied systematically with depth (from -0.02 to 0.16‰) and were correlated with the Fe, C, and N concentrations. Although pre-depositional variations cannot be ruled out, the systematic variation with depth suggests post-sedimentation fractionation of δ65Cu in response to seasonally variable organic matter deposition and redox conditions. In contrast, the δ66ZnIRMM values were uniform (from -0.07 to 0.01‰) throughout the core, indicating that the Zn isotopes did not significantly fractionate after deposition and that the Zn sources were homogeneous throughout the sedimentation.