422 resultados para experiential
This session will be based on three presentations that focus on the relationship between liberal education, effective practice and diversity from different perspectives. George Kuh will present data indicating that the educational benefits of "high impact" learning experiences (such as experiential education and undergraduate research), which are significant for all students, are often greater for students from underserved and minority backgrounds than for their majority counterparts. Armando Bengochea will discuss the ways in which an emphasis on effective practice can enhance the educational experiences of students of color within a liberal arts curriculum. Steve Stemler will report on research showing that including practice-oriented criteria in assessments of student achievements and capabilities can assist colleges and universities in identifying and educating minority students with high potential to succeed both in college and beyond college.
A new agenda has been coalescing for residential liberal arts education in the United States. At its core are various forms of experiential learning that had long been relegated to the margins of institutions in which pure intellectual achievement was largely separated from, and prized above, practical application of knowledge. Recent years have brought growing student interest in opportunities to engage in experiential learning, including community service, internships, student-faculty research partnerships, study abroad, or co-operative education. All types of colleges and universities have been investing in these programs and in curricular modifications intended to begin integrating them into a coherent educational program. With support from several major associations, foundations, and research collaborations, this twenty-first century reframing of the aims of education has included a persistent call for better evaluative data to gauge the extent to which college students are actually meeting learning goals that faculty are being encouraged to specify more fully.
Through the use of rhetoric centered on authority and risk avoidance, scientific method has co-opted knowledge, especially women's everyday and experiential knowledge in the domestic sphere. This, in turn, has produced a profound affect on technical communication in the present day. I am drawing on rhetorical theory to study cookbooks and recipes for their contributions to changes in instructional texts. Using the rhetorical lenses of metis (cunning intelligence), kairos (timing and fitness) and mneme (memory), I examine the way in which recipes and cookbooks are constructed, used and perceived. This helps me uncover lost voices in history, the voices of women who used recipes, produced cookbooks and changed the way instructions read. Beginning with the earliest cookbooks and recipes, but focusing on the pivotal temporal interval of 1870-1935, I investigate the writing and rhetorical forces shaping instruction sets and domestic discourse. By the time of scientific cooking and domestic science, everyday and experiential knowledge were being excluded to make room for scientific method and the industrial values of the public sphere. In this study, I also assess how the public sphere, via Cooperative Extension Services and other government agencies, impacted the domestic sphere, further devaluing everyday knowledge in favor of the public scientific model. I will show how the changes in the production of food, cookbooks and recipes were related to changes in technical communication. These changes had wide rippling effects on the field of technical communication. By returning to some of the tenets and traditions of everyday and experiential knowledge, technical communication scholars, practitioners and instructors today can find new ways to encounter technical communication, specifically regarding the creation of instructional texts. Bringing cookbooks, recipes and everyday knowledge into the classroom and the field engenders a new realm of epistemological possibilities.
In the realm of computer programming, the experience of writing a program is used to reinforce concepts and evaluate ability. This research uses three case studies to evaluate the introduction of testing through Kolb's Experiential Learning Model (ELM). We then analyze the impact of those testing experiences to determine methods for improving future courses. The first testing experience that students encounter are unit test reports in their early courses. This course demonstrates that automating and improving feedback can provide more ELM iterations. The JUnit Generation (JUG) tool also provided a positive experience for the instructor by reducing the overall workload. Later, undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to work together in a multi-role Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) course. The interactions use usability analysis techniques with graduate students as usability experts and undergraduate students as design engineers. Students get experience testing the user experience of their product prototypes using methods varying from heuristic analysis to user testing. From this course, we learned the importance of the instructors role in the ELM. As more roles were added to the HCI course, a desire arose to provide more complete, quality assured software. This inspired the addition of unit testing experiences to the course. However, we learned that significant preparations must be made to apply the ELM when students are resistant. The research presented through these courses was driven by the recognition of a need for testing in a Computer Science curriculum. Our understanding of the ELM suggests the need for student experience when being introduced to testing concepts. We learned that experiential learning, when appropriately implemented, can provide benefits to the Computer Science classroom. When examined together, these course-based research projects provided insight into building strong testing practices into a curriculum.
The empirical analysis of the historical development of transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge (CPK) in organic agriculture (OA) in Switzerland has revealed three distinct phases. The initial phase shows various characteristics of transdisciplinary CPK and a high importance of experiential knowledge. The 2nd and 3rd phases involve an in-creasing segregation of farmers’, extension agents’, and scientists’ knowledge, caused by internal and external impacts, i.e. foundation of independent research institutions, changes in agriculture policy, and new market strategies. These developments strikingly represent an ambiguous trend: the growing societal and political recognition of OA and the increasing market, which are positive achievements, are associated by a gradual loss of very precious forms of CPK. A successful re-establishment of CPK processes and re-integration of experiential knowledge would help to resolve this dilemma and thus improve future research in OA and sustainability research in general.
Abstrahierendes Lernen durch aktive Modellbildung: Evaluation eines Prozesses und einer Lernumgebung
Die Fähigkeit zum Lernen durch Abstraktion aus Erfahrungen unterscheidet Experten von Novizen. Wir stellen einen Prozess für individuelles abstrahierendes Lernen und eine diesen Prozess unterstützende Lernumgebung vor. Die Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie zeigen, dass Lernende unter Nutzung der Lernumgebung aus Fallbeispielen ein abstraktes Modell erstellen und über ihren Prozess reflektieren konnten. Dies fiel ihnen leichter, wenn die Fallbeispiele wenige gemeinsame Oberflächenmerkmale aufwiesen. Im Gegensatz zum intendierten Lernprozess wandten manche Lernende einen anderen Prozess an.
Community educators have long known the value of direct experience in the learning process. Participatory action research extends this philosophy to the realm of research. This article examines the value of involving front line camp staff, members of the camp community in Appalachia as practitioner researchers with university scientists in studying the type and conditions of transformative learning in young adult camp staff. A young adult who was a camp community member assisted the researchers with methodology, data analysis, data interpretation, and dissemination of findings. This resulted in a more accurate, richer, and thicker description of the camp community member’s transformative learning experience. The benefits of involving practitioner researchers are examined, as well as promising practices for conducting participatory action research in community education environments.
The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the relationship between key psychosocial and behavioral components of the Transtheoretical Model and the Theory of Reasoned Action for sexual risk reduction in a population of crack cocaine smokers and sex workers, not in drug treatment. ^ The first study examined the results of an analysis of the association between two principal constructs in the Transtheoretical Model, the processes of change and the stages of change for condom use, in a high risk population. In the analysis of variance for all respondents, the overall F-test revealed that people in different stages have different levels of experiential process use, F(3,317) = 17.79, p = 0.0001 and different levels of behavioral process use, F(3,317) = 28.59, p = .0001. For the experiential processes, there was a significant difference between the precontemplation/contemplation stage, and both the action, and maintenance, stages.^ The second study explored the relationship between the Theory of Reasoned Action “beliefs” and the stages-of-change in the same population. In the analysis of variance for all participants, the results indicate that people in different stages did value the positive beliefs differently, F(3,502) = 15.38, p = .0001 but did not value the negative beliefs differently, F(3,502) = 2.08, p = .10. ^ The third study explored differences in stage-of-change by gender, partner type drug use, and HIV status. Three discriminant functions emerged, with a combined χ2(12) = 139.57, p = <.0001. The loading matrix of correlations between predictors and discriminant functions demonstrate that the strongest predictor for distinguishing between the precontemplation/contemplation stage and the preparation, action, and maintenance stages (first function) is partner type (.962). The loadings on the second discriminant function suggest that once partner type has been accounted for, ever having HIV/AIDS (.935) was the best predictor for distinguishing between the first three stages and the maintenance stage. ^ These studies demonstrate that behavioral change theories can contribute important insight to researchers and program planners attempting to alter HIV risk behavior in high-risk populations. ^
This article explores nostalgia’s multi-facetted character by linking its discursive and experiential dimensions. In a first move I highlight its importance as an analytical category that grew out of a very particular history of knowledge. Focusing on a specific case that played a crucial role in the two distinct phases of nostalgia as a concept I show how it has come to be inextricably linked to ideas of displacement and loss. In a second move I juxtapose this metaphorical treatment of loss and nostalgia with a focus on the lifeworld of one individual who has experienced physical displacement. In focusing on two particular nostalgic moments in her life, I sketch the contours of an anthropological phenomenology of nostalgia
Clinicians believe that psychosocial factors play a causal role in the etiology of many forms of functional dysphonia (FD). But for decades, all attempts to confirm such causation have failed. This paper aims to show the logic of this failure, to discuss the possibilities of employing psychology in therapy nonetheless, and to encourage clinicians to use their psychosocial knowledge and skills. The failure to confirm psychic and social factors as causal in the etiology of FD is basically a consequence of a principal shortcoming of evidence-based medicine (EBM). As the gold standard for validity, reliability, and objectivity in medical research, EBM is based on calculability and hence the processing of quantitative data. But life paths and life situations are best or sometimes only expressible in qualitative, experiential, and idiographic terms. Thus EBM-guided evaluation undervalues most psychosocial studies. This report of an experienced multidisciplinary voice team proposes alternative pathways for integrating psychosocial knowledge into the diagnosis and the treatment of FD. The difference between the fields of activity of psychotherapists and speech-language pathologists is discussed, and the latter group is shown the potential benefits of using more of their psychosocial knowledge and skills.
Este artículo describe un modelo para la capacitación de practicantes de orientación ocupacional en contextos internacionales. Este modelo utiliza un enfoque de "compromiso activo" y se fundamenta en los siguientes factores: 1. Relativos a Competencia/Habilidad; 2. Aprendizaje Experimental; 3. Desafío de Fortaleza; 4. Pensamiento Crítico; 5. Intervenciones y Procesos Dinámicos; y 6. Aprendizaje e Innovación Integradas. También se incluye un debate sobre otras cuestiones prácticas relativas a la capacitación.
El artículo propone algunas construcciones analíticas que articulan perspectivas actuales y que ofrecen pistas para repensar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje cuando hay mediación tecnológica. A partir de un breve recorrido por el campo de la Tecnología Educativa desde sus orígenes a la actualidad, se centra en tres "tejidos" (en tanto articuladores de ideas). El primero da cuenta de una perspectiva cognitiva y refiere a la mente participativa como constructo que ofrece un prisma para comprender la cognición en tiempos de redes sociales; el segundo, centrado en la enseñanza recupera la idea de la reconstrucción del aprendizaje experiencial; el último aborda la tendencia en las formas de producción. Estas tres tendencias conforman un "caleidoscopio" que ofrece una desmitificación de la relación entre tecnología e innovación y entre tecnología y motivación y una perspectiva más compleja para generar cambio educativo.
Este artículo describe un modelo para la capacitación de practicantes de orientación ocupacional en contextos internacionales. Este modelo utiliza un enfoque de "compromiso activo" y se fundamenta en los siguientes factores: 1. Relativos a Competencia/Habilidad; 2. Aprendizaje Experimental; 3. Desafío de Fortaleza; 4. Pensamiento Crítico; 5. Intervenciones y Procesos Dinámicos; y 6. Aprendizaje e Innovación Integradas. También se incluye un debate sobre otras cuestiones prácticas relativas a la capacitación.
Este artículo describe un modelo para la capacitación de practicantes de orientación ocupacional en contextos internacionales. Este modelo utiliza un enfoque de "compromiso activo" y se fundamenta en los siguientes factores: 1. Relativos a Competencia/Habilidad; 2. Aprendizaje Experimental; 3. Desafío de Fortaleza; 4. Pensamiento Crítico; 5. Intervenciones y Procesos Dinámicos; y 6. Aprendizaje e Innovación Integradas. También se incluye un debate sobre otras cuestiones prácticas relativas a la capacitación.
El artículo propone algunas construcciones analíticas que articulan perspectivas actuales y que ofrecen pistas para repensar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje cuando hay mediación tecnológica. A partir de un breve recorrido por el campo de la Tecnología Educativa desde sus orígenes a la actualidad, se centra en tres "tejidos" (en tanto articuladores de ideas). El primero da cuenta de una perspectiva cognitiva y refiere a la mente participativa como constructo que ofrece un prisma para comprender la cognición en tiempos de redes sociales; el segundo, centrado en la enseñanza recupera la idea de la reconstrucción del aprendizaje experiencial; el último aborda la tendencia en las formas de producción. Estas tres tendencias conforman un "caleidoscopio" que ofrece una desmitificación de la relación entre tecnología e innovación y entre tecnología y motivación y una perspectiva más compleja para generar cambio educativo.