961 resultados para ex-ante welfare analysis
Die meisten Bevölkerungsumfragen in der Schweiz beruhen auf Stichproben, die aus dem Telefonregister gezogen werden. Da solche Stichproben bezüglich der Abdeckung der Grundgesamtheit als problematisch anzusehen sind, diskutiere ich hier ein alternatives, von Fritschi et al. (1976) entwickeltes Stichprobenverfahren, bei dem in einem ersten Schritt Gemeinden ausgewählt und dann die Adressen der Zielpersonen über die Einwohnerregister bestimmt werden. Das Verfahren ist dabei so angelegt, dass die Stichprobe ähnlich wie bei einer einfachen Klumpenstichprobe auf eine relativ geringe Anzahl Gemeinden verdichtet wird, die Stichprobe aber trotzdem eine möglichst hohe statistische Effizienz beibehält. Eine Analyse der theoretischen Eigenschaften des Berner Stichprobenplans zeigt, dass das ursprüngliche Verfahren zu leicht verzerrten Stichproben führt. Eine korrigierende Modifikation des Verfahrens wird vorgeschlagen. Zudem wird ein alternativer Ansatz mit verbesserten Eigenschaften, die ex ante geteilte Stichprobe, vorgestellt. Mit Hilfe einer Simulationsstudie werden sodann die Vorzüge des Berner Stichprobenplans gegenüber einer einfachen Klumpenstichprobe illustriert.
We examine network formation via bilateral trade agreement (BTA) among three symmetric countries. Each government decides whether to form a link or not via a BTA depending on the differential of ex-post and ex-ante sum of real wages in the country. We model the governmental decision in two forms, myopic and farsighted and analyze the effects on the BTA network formation. First, we find that both myopic and farsighted games never induce the formation of star networks nor empty networks. Second, the networks resulting from myopic game coincides with those resulting from farsighted games.
El propósito de la presente investigación es determinar si, a través del estudio y análisis de los estudios de tráfico en autopistas de peaje, se pueden determinar las razones de los incumplimientos en las previsiones de estos estudios. La metodología se basa en un análisis empírico ex- post facto de los estudios de tráfico contenidos en los anteproyectos de las autopistas Radial 3 y Radial 5 y los datos realmente verificados. Tras una introducción para presentar las principales características de las autopistas de peaje, se realiza una revisión de la bibliografía sobre el cumplimiento de las previsiones de tráfico. Lo anterior permite establecer una serie de aspectos que pueden contribuir a estos incumplimientos, así como una serie de medidas encontradas para mejorar las futuras previsiones. Ya en el núcleo fundamental de la investigación, esta se centra en el análisis del cumplimiento de las previsiones de tráfico contenidas en los anteproyectos de la Radial 3 y Radial 5. Se realiza un análisis crítico de la metodología adoptada, así como de las variables e hipótesis realizadas. Tras este primer análisis, se profundiza en la fase de asignación de los estudios. Siempre con base a los tráficos reales y para el año 2006, se cuantifica el efecto en los incumplimientos, por un lado de las variables utilizadas, y por otro, del propio método ó curva de asignación. Finalmente, y con base en los hallazgos anteriores, se determinan una serie de limitaciones en el método de asignación de tráficos entre recorridos alternativos para el caso de entornos urbanos usado. El planteamiento con base a las teorías del agente racional y maximización de la utilidad esperada es criticado desde la perspectiva de la teoría de decisión bajo condiciones de riesgo planteada por Kahneman y Tversky. Para superar las limitaciones anteriores, se propone una nueva curva de asignación semi empírica que relaciona la proporción del tráfico que circula por la autopista de peaje con la velocidad media en la autovía libre alternativa. ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to confirm whether the forensic analysis of the traffic forecast studies for tolled highways may bring to light the reasons behind the lack of accuracy. The methodology used on this research is empirical and is based on the ex –post facto analysis of the real traffic numbers compared to the forecasted for the tolled highways Radial 3 and Radial 5. Firstly the main features of tolled highways are presented as an introductory chapter. Secondly a broad bibliographic search is presented, this is done from a global perspective and from the Spanish perspective too. From this review, a list of the main causes behind the systematic inaccuracy together with measures to improve future traffic forecast exercises are shown. In what we could consider as the core of the research, it focuses on the ratios of actual / forecast traffic for the tolled highways Radial 3 y Radial 5 in Madrid outskirts. From a critical perspective, the methodology and inputs used in the traffic studies are analysed. In a further step, the trip assignment stage is scrutinised to quantify the influence of the inputs and the assignment model itself in the accuracy of the traffic studies. This exercise is bases on the year 2006. Finally, the assignment model used is criticised for its application in tolled urban highways. The assumptions behind the model, rational agent and expected utility maximization theories, are questioned under the theories presented by Kahneman and Tversky (Prospect Theory). To overcome these assignment model limitations, the author presents a semi empiric new diversion curve. This curve links the traffic proportion using the tolled highway and the average speed in the toll free alternative highway.
The implementation of a charging policy for heavy goods vehicles in European Union (EU) member countries has been imposed to reflect costs of construction and maintenance of infrastructure as well as externalities such as congestion, accidents and environmental impact. In this context, EU countries approved the Eurovignette directive (1999/62/EC) and its amending directive (2006 /38/EC) which established a legal framework to regulate the system of tolls. Even if that regulation seek s to increase the efficien cy of freight, it will trigger direct and indirect effects on Spain’s regional economies by increasing transport costs. This paper presents the development of a multiregional Input-Output methodology (MRIO) with elastic trade coefficients to predict in terregional trade, using transport attributes integrated in multinomial logit models. This method is highly useful to carry out an ex-ante evaluation of transport policies because it involves road freight transport cost sensitivity, and determine regional distributive and substitution economic effect s of countries like Spain, characterized by socio-demographic and economic attributes, differentiated region by region. It will thus be possible to determine cost-effective strategies, given different policy scenarios. MRIO mode l would then be used to determine the impact on the employment rate of imposing a charge in the Madrid-Sevilla corridor in Spain. This methodology is important for measuring the impact on the employment rate since it is one of the main macroeconomic indicators of Spain’s regional and national economic situation. A previous research developed (DESTINO) using a MRIO method estimated employment impacts of road pricing policy across Spanish regions considering a fuel tax charge (€/liter) in the entire shortest cost path network for freight transport. Actually, it found that the variation in employment is expected to be substantial for some regions, and negligible for others. For example, in this Spanish case study of regional employment has showed reductions between 16.1% (Rioja) and 1.4% (Madrid region). This variation range seems to be related to either the intensity of freight transport in each region or dependency of regions to transport intensive economic sect ors. In fact, regions with freight transport intensive sectors will lose more jobs while regions with a predominantly service economy undergo a fairly insignificant loss of employment. This paper is focused on evaluating a freight transport vehicle-kilometer charge (€/km) in a non-tolled motorway corridor (A-4) between Madrid-Sevilla (517 Km.). The consequences of the road pricing policy implementation show s that the employment reductions are not as high as the diminution stated in the previous research because this corridor does not affect the whole freight transport system of Spain.
The understanding of public perception to climate change is an essential factor in the development of adaptation policies. In the Mediterranean, agriculture, as the largest consumer of freshwater, has the highest potential to suffer adverse impacts of climate change. Future water availability predictions, conflicting interests among stakeholders and an increasing social concern about the environment further aggravate the situation. Therefore studying public support for adaptation policies can play a key role in successfully adapting the sector. The study site, approximately 36,000 hectares of rice fields in Seville (Spain), exemplifies an area in the Mediterranean where water needs to be carefully re-allocated in view of the limitations anticipated by climate change scenarios; in particular where conflicts will arise between water for agriculture and water for ‘natural’ ecosystems. This paper proposes an ex-ante evaluation of the societal support for adaptation policies. A survey of 117 respondents was conducted and a Logit model utilized to analyze which predictors positively or negatively affect people's support for adaptation policies. Results suggest that the main barriers to support these policies were economic losses and low climate change concern whereas the primary motivation factor was environmental commitment. Additionally, the main socio-demographic determinants were gender, age, education and family structure. In order to improve societal support for climate change adaptation policies, implementing educational and awareness raising initiatives will be the main challenges for policy makers to overcome.
En este trabajo se desarrolla un modelo teórico que trata de formalizar el efecto de la existencia de determinados costes de transacción sobre el diseño de un contrato óptimo entre una Administración Pública (el principal en el contrato) y un agente para la prestación de un determinado servicio público. El modelo que se plantea es aplicable a cualquier tipo de contrato para la gestión de un servicio público, siempre que utilice un mecanismo de remuneración al contratista basado en el nivel de calidad obtenido. Con estas premisas, el problema que se estudia es el de alcanzar niveles óptimos en la calidad del servicio y en los costes de transacción, en el marco de un contrato incompleto, y tomando como objetivo la maximización de una función de bienestar social. Los resultados alcanzados en el modelo muestran que el nivel óptimo de los costes de transacción ex ante (es decir, previos a la firma del contrato) viene determinado por el parámetro que representa la actitud ante el riesgo del contratista: a mayor aversión al riesgo de éste, mayores serán los costes de transacción y menor la varianza de los costes de producción del servicio, en la situación óptima. Por otra parte, los niveles de calidad óptimos y el peso de la remuneración al contratista basada en los niveles de calidad, serán mayores cuanto más elevados sean los beneficios sociales marginales de cada una de las dimensiones de la calidad del servicio, y disminuirán al aumentar el coste marginal de los recursos públicos. Los costes de transacción ex post , derivados de la necesidad de medir y controlar los niveles de calidad alcanzados por el contratista, determinan en el modelo las dimensiones de la calidad en que debe centrarse el sistema de remuneración del contratista, eliminando aquellas en que no está justificado establecer un sistema de medición y control, lo que reduce el nivel total de calidad alcanzado respecto al que resultaría en condiciones de costes de transacción nulos
This paper focuses on the possible instruments for ‘ex-ante’/’preventive’/’precautionary’ interventions which can be deployed by the ESM and the ECB in order to prevent a debt crisis in a eurozone country. The potential of Eurobonds will also be discussed in this crisis management perspective. The first part of this paper traces the underlying trends of the evolution of interest rates in eurozone countries over the last decades. The second part discusses the principles of a preventive intervention in sovereign bond markets for the purpose of lowering borrowing costs of countries facing refinancing constraints; the limits and main issues of an ex-ante intervention will be underlined. In the third part, the properties of the ESM’s precautionary financial assistance and secondary market support facility will be discussed in details. The ECB preemptive intervention policies and, in particular, the OMT will be analyzed in the fourth part of the paper. The most likely course of action – a combined intervention by the ESM and the ECB – will be discussed in the fifth part. Finally, I will point out the core challenges of introducing Eurobonds as additional instruments to mitigate the rise of borrowing costs in the short term.
he principle of subsidiarity refers in general to the choice of the most suitable and efficient level for taking policy action. The European Union associates subsidiarity with the way of taking decisions ‘as closely as possible to the citizen’, as it is referred to in the EU treaties. Thus, ensuring the respect of subsidiarity within the EU legislative framework ensures that any EU action is justified when proposing draft legislative acts. The Lisbon Treaty establishes new mechanisms reinforcing subsidiarity control, both ex ante and ex post the EU legislative process, and by doing so, enhances mainly the role of the national parliaments (and to a lesser extent the regional parliaments) and the Committee of the Regions. But in the end, this is a way of ensuring legitimacy of the EU action as it is quite often questioned, especially in times of crisis. Years of practice will tell whether the words will join reality.
This study analyses the use by the European Union of the novel concept of ‘targeted sanctions’ in the framework of its Common Foreign and Security Policy. It examines two sets of sanctions regimes featuring different degrees of efficacy: in Myanmar and Zimbabwe, the EU wielded measures in support of human rights and democracy objectives in the absence of a United Nations mandate, while it supplemented UN sanctions to stop nuclear proliferation in Iran and North Korea. The study highlights a number of facilitators of, or hindrances to, the efficacy of sanctions, such as the degree of support by regional powers or the presence of UN legitimation. It concludes that the EU sanctions regimes could be optimised by using more robust measures, designing them on the basis of ex ante assessments, enabling faster upgrades, monitoring their impact and adjusting them regularly and improving outreach efforts.
The market for investment products, including both securities and investment funds, is fraught with difficulties for consumers in terms of the ease of comparing products, trust in suppliers and consumer satisfaction. A comprehensive approach to investor protection, developed around the lifecycle of a financial product, may offer the investor greater protection during an investment’s life span. This paper proposes a new approach to investor protection, building on a review of major market failures affecting the origination, distribution and sale of financial products and based on a review of the relevant scientific literature and country experiences. The application of a ‘know-your-product’ principle at origination, a narrower ‘default rule’ for best execution and an ex-ante distinction between advice and ‘information-only’ services are among the options discussed in this paper to enhance the investor protection framework over the lifecycle of a financial product.
The euro area crisis exposed substantial structural flaws in the currency area’s architecture. Addressing these flaws this discussion paper explores the ways in which the European Institutions can re-evaluate and overcome challenges for a more positive European future. To do this, Janis A. Emmanouilidis, Jan David Schneider, and Fabian Zuleeg recommend that the coming European Commission should develop a new framework to assess the real returns to growth of public and social investment, which could open the path for more flexibility on deficits in future. In close coordination with the European Parliament, the Commission should also review the Country Specific Recommendations with a stronger focus on a smaller number of key priorities for each country. The construction of a fiscal capacity should be made a priority in the new political cycle to resolve the absence of a mechanism to provide effective ex ante fiscal risk sharing in the Eurozone. Furthermore, to boost growth, there is a need to encourage private, public and social investment through a European Investment Programme (EIP) in the short term. Finally, the Commission should ensure that the implementation of an EIP is compatible with the long term goals of a fiscal capacity.
In this paper we discussed how the literature traces a growing involvement of the national parliaments in EU policy-making. Three phases can be distinguished: limited or no involvement was the trend until the 1980s; after the Single Act (SEA, 1987), national parliaments started to be interested in European affairs and to set up specialized committees; following the Maastricht Treaty (TUE, 1992), the involvement of national parliaments in EU affairs became a response to the question of "democratic deficit" in the EU (Norton, 1995). The growing number of policies dealt with at the EU level, the consequently increased influence of EU law in national legislations, the new powers of the Union: all of these worked together to push national legislators to seek a scrutiny role in the drafting of EU legislation. According to Laprat (1995: 1), once the TUE was formally approved, a more parliamentary climate prevailed. In more recent years, national parliaments have distinguished themselves for their increased role in the scrutiny of EU legislation (Raunio and Hix, 200I: !52); more specialized MPs sit in the committees on EU affairs; the amount of work for EU specialists has increased. Also, parliamentary scrutiny, initially only optional and ex post, is now increasingly ex ante and/or mandatory (Maurer and Wessels, 2001: 425-475).
Quantitative easing à la ECB has produced so far an impact on long-term nominal rates through ex ante channels: signalling channels, term duration channels, and risk premia channels. The term duration channel will also lead to a lengthening of the average maturity of government debts, with possible implications for fiscal policy. The ECB’s determination to buy government bonds in a fragmented market with a low net supply may also produce an ex post impact, during the actual asset purchases, but less on nominal rates and more on financial plumbing, as recent volatility suggests. As the effects of scarce supply in collateral markets are felt, repo rates remain well below zero. Lower supply and limited re-usability of high quality collateral, capped by regulatory requirements, is a constraint on market liquidity and compresses dealers’ balance sheets. By keeping a depressed yield curve and asset prices high, QE may also accelerate the consolidation of both traditional and capital-market based (dealer) bank business models. What is less clear is how these changing business models will interact with the sharp rise of the asset management industry in the aftermath of the crisis, which raises questions about the implications for global collateral flows and deposit-like funding channels.
An analytically simple and tractable approach to firm-level welfare analysis of complete and partial mean-preserving price stabilization for producers with general risk-averse preferences facing a stochastic technology is developed. Necessary and sufficient conditions for price stabilization to be welfare enhancing are derived under different assumptions of the producer's preferences and the producer's technology. Existing stabilization results for the risk-averse firm are shown to be corollaries of these more general results.