887 resultados para elderly nursing home
Contains rules and regulations under the authority of the Nursing Home Care Act, that govern the licensure of long-term care facilities which provide sheltered care.
Research conducted by LaSalle Governmental Consultants, Ltd.
Derived from Nursing Home Care Act.
Authorized by the Nursing Home Care Reform Act of 1979.
Objective: To evaluate the cost of atrial fibrillation (AF) to health and social services in the UK in 1995 and, based on epidemiological trends, to project this estimate to 2000. Design, setting, and main outcome measures: Contemporary estimates of health care activity related to AF were applied to the whole population of the UK on an age and sex specific basis for the year 1995. The activities considered ( and costs calculated) were hospital admissions, outpatient consultations, general practice consultations, and drug treatment ( including the cost of monitoring anticoagulant treatment). By adjusting for the progressive aging of the British population and related increases in hospital admissions, the cost of AF was also projected to the year 2000. Results: There were 534 000 people with AF in the UK during 1995. The direct'' cost of health care for these patients was pound 244 million (similar toE350 million) or 0.62% of total National Health Service ( NHS) expenditure. Hospitalisations and drug prescriptions accounted for 50% and 20% of this expenditure, respectively. Long term nursing home care after hospital admission cost an additional pound46.4 million (similar toE66 million). The direct cost of AF rose to pound459 million (similar toE655 million) in 2000, equivalent to 0.97% of total NHS expenditure based on 1995 figures. Nursing home costs rose to pound111 million (similar toE160 million). Conclusions: AF is an extremely costly public health problem.
Background: The aim of this study was to examine the impact of residential respite care on disruptive behavior displayed by older people, particularly those with dementia. Methods: A quasi-experimental, repeated-measures, single-group design was used. The participants were a consecutive series of 100 older people with a mean age of 81.8 years (range 66-96 years) who had been booked for a respite admission to one of several residential aged care facilities in a provincial Australian city. A diagnosis of dementia was reported for 29% of the sample. Disruptive behaviors were rated before and after the period of respite by home caregivers (N = 100) and during the period of respite by nurses (N= 25) using the Dementia Behavior Disturbance Scale (DBDS). Results: Age, male gender and the presence of dementia were all significantly related to the frequency of reported disruptive behaviors. Residential respite care was associated with a significant reduction in the frequency of reported disruptive behaviors in older people (Wald chi(2) = 28.28, P < 0.0001). However, this improvement in behavior did not persist into the post-respite period. The deteriorating behavioral trajectory that was evident prior to respite care continued following the period of respite care. Conclusions: Residential respite care was associated with a temporary diminution in the frequency of reported disruptive behaviors in older people. This finding should be reassuring both for family carets considering placing a relative in residential respite care and for health workers considering whether to recommend such a course of action.
There is a long tradition of some general practitioners developing areas of special interest within their mainstream generalist practice. General practice is now becoming increasingly fragmented, with core components being delivered as separate and standalone services (eg, travel medicine, skin cancer, women's health). Although this fragmentation seems to meet a need for some patients and doctors, potential problems need careful consideration and response. These include loss of generalist skills among GPs, fewer practitioners working in less well-remunerated areas, such as nursing home visits, and issues related to standards of care and training.
Background: The aim of this study was to determine the effects of carvedilol on the costs related to the treatment of severe chronic heart failure (CHF). Methods: Costs for the treatment for heart failure within the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom (UK) were applied to resource utilisation data prospectively collected in all patients randomized into the Carvedilol Prospective Randomized Cumulative Survival (COPERNICUS) Study. Unit-specific, per them (hospital bed day) costs were used to calculate expenditures due to hospitalizations. We also included costs of carvedilol treatment, general practitioner surgery/office visits, hospital out-patient clinic visits and nursing home care based on estimates derived from validated patterns of clinical practice in the UK. Results: The estimated cost of carvedilol therapy and related ambulatory care for the 1156 patients assigned to active treatment was 530,771 pound (44.89 pound per patient/month of follow-up). However, patients assigned to carvedilol were hospitalised less often and accumulated fewer and less expensive days of admission. Consequently, the total estimated cost of hospital care was 3.49 pound million in the carvedilol group compared with 4.24 pound million for the 1133 patients in the placebo arm. The cost of post-discharge care was also less in the carvedilol than in the placebo group (479,200 pound vs. 548,300) pound. Overall, the cost per patient treated in the carvedilol group was 3948 pound compared to 4279 pound in the placebo group. This equated to a cost of 385.98 pound vs. 434.18 pound, respectively, per patient/month of follow-up: an 11.1% reduction in health care costs in favour of carvedilol. Conclusions: These findings suggest that not only can carvedilol treatment increase survival and reduce hospital admissions in patients with severe CHF but that it can also cut costs in the process.
Background We compared cost-effectiveness of pravastatin in a placebo-controlled trial in 5500 younger (31-64 years) and 3514 older patients (65-74 years) with previous acute coronary syndromes. Methods Hospitalizations and long-term medication within the 6 years of the trial were estimated in all patients. Drug dosage, nursing home, and ambulatory care costs were estimated from substudies. Incremental costs per life saved of pravastatin relative to placebo were estimated from treatment effects and resource use. Results Over 6 years, pravastatin reduced all-cause mortality by 4.3% in the older patients and by 2.3% in the younger patients. Older patients assigned pravastatin had marginally lower cost of pravastatin and other medication over 6 years (A$4442 vs A$4637), but greater cost offsets (A$2061 vs. A$897) from lower rates of hospitalizations. The incremental cost per life saved with pravastatin was A$55500 in the old and A$167200 in the young. Assuming no treatment effect beyond the study period, the life expectancy to age 82 years of additional survivors was 9.1 years in the older and. 17.3 years in the younger. Estimated additional life-years saved from pravastatin therapy were 0.39 years for older and 0.40 years for younger patients. Incremental costs per life-year saved were A$7581 in the older and A$1.4944 in the younger, if discounted at 5% per annum. Conclusions Pravastatin therapy was more cost-effective among older than younger patients, because of their higher baseline risk and greater cost offsets, despite their shorter life expectancy.
The purpose of this paper is to present data about the level and background characteristics of physicians' training in palliative care in Australia (AU), Belgium (BE), Denmark (DK), Italy (IT), the Netherlands (NL), Sweden (SE) and Switzerland (CH) (n=16,486). The response rate to an anonymous questionnaire differed between countries (39%-68%). In most countries approximately half of all responding physicians had any formal training in palliative care (median: 3-10 days). Exceptions were NL (78%) and IT (35%). The most common type of training was a postgraduate course. Physicians in nursing home medicine (only in NL), geriatrics, oncology (not in NL), and general practice had the most training. In all seven countries, physicians with such training discussed options for palliative care and options to forgo life-sustaining treatment more often with their patients than did physicians without. Irrespective of earlier palliative care training, 87%-98% of the physicians wanted extended training.
Este estudo teve por objetivos: - descrever as dificuldades nas relações entre as filhas-cuidadoras e suas mães idosas dependentes de cuidados, a partir de relatos das filhas; - investigar, a partir dos relatos da história familiar dessas filhas, a existência de conflitos prévios a necessidade de cuidar, relacionados à construção dos vínculos; identificar os principais desafios associados assistência ao cuidador familiar de idosos no que tange a resolução de conflitos com o idoso dependente. Método – tratou-se de um estudo qualitativo em que foram apresentados três casos clínicos de cuidadoras que haviam sido encaminhados para atendimento psicológico pela equipe multiprofissional de um Instituto de Geriatria e Gerontologia, unidade de atenção secundária da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de S.P. Os resultados indicaram dificuldades relacionais entre ambas: cuidadoras filhas e mães idosas. As cuidadoras revelaram sobrecarga física e emocional e grande sofrimento. Todavia, a existência desses conflitos remontava às relações anteriores à atual situação de dependência; ficando bastante evidenciado, tanto pelas histórias de vida das cuidadoras, quanto pelo conteúdo trazido durante o processo terapêutico, a repetição das relações primeiras estabelecidas entre mãe-filha. O processo psicoterapêutico pôde permitir a essas cuidadoras a compreensão da necessidade em ter suas falhas ambientais supridas, na medida em que foi propiciado um ambiente favorável ao relacionamento humano. Assim, ao observarmos que ao longo do processo as pacientes apresentavam mudanças significativas, entendemos que a psicoterapia pode figurar como meio preventivo e preservação de equilíbrio psíquico.
INTRODUCTION: The inappropriate use of antipsychotics in people with dementia for behaviour that challenges is associated with an estimated 1800 deaths annually. However, solely focusing on antipsychotics may transfer prescribing to other equally dangerous psychotropics. Little is known about the role of pharmacists in the management of psychotropics used to treat behaviours that challenge. This research aims to determine whether it is feasible to implement and measure the effectiveness of a combined pharmacy-health psychology intervention incorporating a medication review and staff training package to limit the prescription of psychotropics to manage behaviour that challenges in care home residents with dementia. METHODS/ANALYSIS: 6 care homes within the West Midlands will be recruited. People with dementia receiving medication for behaviour that challenges, or their personal consultee, will be approached regarding participation. Medication used to treat behaviour that challenges will be reviewed by the pharmacist, in collaboration with the general practitioner (GP), person with dementia and carer. The behavioural intervention consists of a training package for care home staff and GPs promoting person-centred care and treating behaviours that challenge as an expression of unmet need. The primary outcome measure is the Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Nursing Home version (NPI-NH). Other outcomes include quality of life (EQ-5D and DEMQoL), cognition (sMMSE), health economic (CSRI) and prescribed medication including whether recommendations were implemented. Outcome data will be collected at 6 weeks, and 3 and 6 months. Pretraining and post-training interviews will explore stakeholders' expectations and experiences of the intervention. Data will be used to estimate the sample size for a definitive study. ETHICS/DISSEMINATION: The project has received a favourable opinion from the East Midlands REC (15/EM/3014). If potential participants lack capacity, a personal consultee will be consulted regarding participation in line with the Mental Capacity Act. Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at conferences.
The purpose of this study is to produce a model to be used by state regulating agencies to assess demand for subacute care. In accomplishing this goal, the study refines the definition of subacute care, demonstrates a method for bed need assessment, and measures the effectiveness of this new level of care. This was the largest study of subacute care to date. Research focused on 19 subacute units in 16 states, each of which provides high-intensity rehabilitative and/or restorative care carried out in a high-tech unit. Each of the facilities was based in a nursing home, but utilized separate staff, equipment, and services. Because these facilities are under local control, it was possible to study regional differences in subacute care demand.^ Using this data, a model for predicting demand for subacute care services was created, building on earlier models submitted by John Whitman for the American Hospital Association and Robin E. MacStravic. The Broderick model uses the "bootstrapping" method and takes advantage of high technology: computers and software, databases in business and government, publicly available databases from providers or commercial vendors, professional organizations, and other information sources. Using newly available sources of information, this new model addresses the problems and needs of health care planners as they approach the challenges of the 21st century. ^
The purpose of this study is to produce a model to be used by state regulating agencies to assess demand for subacute care. In accomplishing this goal, the study refines the definition of subacute care, demonstrates a method for bed need assessment, and measures the effectiveness of this new level of care. This was the largest study of subacute care to date. Research focused on 19 subacute units in 16 states, each of which provides high-intensity rehabilitative and/or restorative care carried out in a high-tech unit. Each of the facilities was based in a nursing home, but utilized separate staff, equipment, and services. Because these facilities are under local control, it was possible to study regional differences in subacute care demand. Using this data, a model for predicting demand for subacute care services was created, building on earlier models submitted by John Whitman for the American Hospital Association and Robin E. MacStravic. The Broderick model uses the "bootstrapping" method and takes advantage of high technology: computers and software, databases in business and government, publicly available databases from providers or commercial vendors, professional organizations, and other information sources. Using newly available sources of information, this new model addresses the problems and needs of health care planners as they approach the challenges of the 21st century.
The Nursing Homes are an important alternative care in the world, but Brazil still has no valid instrument to monitor the quality these institutions. In the United States, the Observable Indicators of Nursing Home Care Quality Instrument (OIQ) is used to assess the quality of Nursing Home care using 30 indicators of structure (2 dimensions) and process (5 dimensions) related to quality person-centered care. The present study aimed at cross-culturally adapting the OIQ in order to evaluate the quality of Nursing Home care in Brazil. Conceptual and item equivalence were determined to assess the relevance and viability of OIQ in the Brazilian context, using the Content Validity Index (CVI) and a group of specialists composed of 10 participants directly involved in the object of study. Next, operational, idiomatic and semantic equivalence were carried out concurrently. This consisted of 5 phases: (1) two translations and (2) their respective back translations; (3) formal appraisal of referential and general meaning; (4) review by a second group of specialists; (5) application of the pretest at three Nursing Homes by different social entities: health professionals, sanitary surveillance regulators and potential consumers. Measurement equivalence was evaluated by the Cronbach’s alpha test to verify the internal consistency of the instrument. To measure inter-evaluator agreement, the General Agreement Index (ICG) and Kappa coefficient were used. Timely compliance and 95% Confidence Interval of indicators, dimensions and total construct were estimated. The CVI obtained high results for both relevance (95.3%) and viability (94.3%) in the Brazilian context. With respect to referential meaning, similarity was observed, ranging between 90-100% for the first back translation and 70-100% for the second. In relation to general meaning, version 1 was better, classified as “unchanged” in 80% of the items, whereas in version 2 it was only 47%. In the pretest, the OIQ was easy to understand and apply. The following outcomes were obtained: a high Cronbach’s alpha (0.93), satisfactory ICG (75%) and substantial agreement between the pairs of evaluators (health professionals, regulators from the Superintendency of Sanitary Surveillance –SUVISA-, and potential consumers), according to the Kappa coefficient (0.65). It´s possible take the operational equivalence held since it preserved the original layout in the Brazilian version from the maintenance in application mode, response options, number of items, statements and scores. The performance of nursing homes obtained approximate average scores of 87, a variation 55-111 considering a range from 30 to 150 points. The worst outcomes were related to process indicators with a mean of 2.8 per item, while structure was 3.75 on a scale of 1 to 5. The lowest score was obtained for the care dimension (mean 2). The OIQ version was deemed to be a valid and reliable instrument in the Brazilian context. It is recommended that health professionals, regulators and potential consumers adopt it to access and monitor the quality of Nursing Home care and demonstrating opportunities for improvement.