955 resultados para dynamic causal modeling


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In this study, kinetics of the static (SRX) and metadynamic recrystallization (MDRX) of AISI4135 steel was investigated using hot torsion tests. Continuous torsion tests were carried out to determine the critical strain for dynamic recrystallization (DRX). The times for 50% recrystallization of SRX and MDRX were determined, respectively, by means of interrupted torsion tests. Furthermore, austenite grain size (AGS) evolution due to recrystallization (RX) was measured by optical microscopy. With the help of the evolution model established, the AGS for hot bar rolling of AISI4135 steel was predicted numerically. The predicted AGS values were compared with the results using the other model available in the literature and experimental results to verify its validity. Then, numerical predictions depending on various process parameters such as interpass time, temperature, and roll speed were made to investigate the effect of these parameters on AGS distributions for square-diamond pass rolling. Such numerical results were found to be beneficial in understanding the effect of processing conditions on the microstructure evolution better and control the rolling processes more accurately.


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In the present paper the effect of grain refinement on the dynamic response of ultra fine-grained (UFG) structures for C–Mn and HSLA steels is investigated. A physically based flow stress model (Khan-Huang-Liang, KHL) was used to predict the mechanical response of steel structures over a wide range of strain rates and grain sizes. However, the comparison was restricted to the bcc ferrite structures. In previous work [K. Muszka, P.D. Hodgson, J. Majta, A physical based modeling approach for the dynamic behavior of ultra fine-grained structures, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 177 (2006) 456–460] it was shown that the KHL model has better accuracy for structures with a higher level of refinement (below 1 μm) compared to other flow stress models (e.g. Zerrili-Armstrong model). In the present paper, simulation results using the KHL model were compared with experiments. To provide a wide range of the experimental data, a complex thermomechanical processing was applied. The mechanical behavior of the steels was examined utilizing quasi-static tension and dynamic compression tests. The application of the different deformation histories enabled to obtain complex microstructure evolution that was reflected in the level of ferrite refinement.


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The recent emergence of intelligent agent technology and advances in information gathering have been the important steps forward in efficiently managing and using the vast amount of information now available on the Web to make informed decisions. There are, however, still many problems that need to be overcome in the information gathering research arena to enable the delivery of relevant information required by end users. Good decisions cannot be made without sufficient, timely, and correct information. Traditionally it is said that knowledge is power, however, nowadays sufficient, timely, and correct information is power. So gathering relevant information to meet user information needs is the crucial step for making good decisions. The ideal goal of information gathering is to obtain only the information that users need (no more and no less). However, the volume of information available, diversity formats of information, uncertainties of information, and distributed locations of information (e.g. World Wide Web) hinder the process of gathering the right information to meet the user needs. Specifically, two fundamental issues in regard to efficiency of information gathering are mismatch and overload. The mismatch means some information that meets user needs has not been gathered (or missed out), whereas, the overload means some gathered information is not what users need. Traditional information retrieval has been developed well in the past twenty years. The introduction of the Web has changed people's perceptions of information retrieval. Usually, the task of information retrieval is considered to have the function of leading the user to those documents that are relevant to his/her information needs. The similar function in information retrieval is to filter out the irrelevant documents (or called information filtering). Research into traditional information retrieval has provided many retrieval models and techniques to represent documents and queries. Nowadays, information is becoming highly distributed, and increasingly difficult to gather. On the other hand, people have found a lot of uncertainties that are contained in the user information needs. These motivate the need for research in agent-based information gathering. Agent-based information systems arise at this moment. In these kinds of systems, intelligent agents will get commitments from their users and act on the users behalf to gather the required information. They can easily retrieve the relevant information from highly distributed uncertain environments because of their merits of intelligent, autonomy and distribution. The current research for agent-based information gathering systems is divided into single agent gathering systems, and multi-agent gathering systems. In both research areas, there are still open problems to be solved so that agent-based information gathering systems can retrieve the uncertain information more effectively from the highly distributed environments. The aim of this thesis is to research the theoretical framework for intelligent agents to gather information from the Web. This research integrates the areas of information retrieval and intelligent agents. The specific research areas in this thesis are the development of an information filtering model for single agent systems, and the development of a dynamic belief model for information fusion for multi-agent systems. The research results are also supported by the construction of real information gathering agents (e.g., Job Agent) for the Internet to help users to gather useful information stored in Web sites. In such a framework, information gathering agents have abilities to describe (or learn) the user information needs, and act like users to retrieve, filter, and/or fuse the information. A rough set based information filtering model is developed to address the problem of overload. The new approach allows users to describe their information needs on user concept spaces rather than on document spaces, and it views a user information need as a rough set over the document space. The rough set decision theory is used to classify new documents into three regions: positive region, boundary region, and negative region. Two experiments are presented to verify this model, and it shows that the rough set based model provides an efficient approach to the overload problem. In this research, a dynamic belief model for information fusion in multi-agent environments is also developed. This model has a polynomial time complexity, and it has been proven that the fusion results are belief (mass) functions. By using this model, a collection fusion algorithm for information gathering agents is presented. The difficult problem for this research is the case where collections may be used by more than one agent. This algorithm, however, uses the technique of cooperation between agents, and provides a solution for this difficult problem in distributed information retrieval systems. This thesis presents the solutions to the theoretical problems in agent-based information gathering systems, including information filtering models, agent belief modeling, and collection fusions. It also presents solutions to some of the technical problems in agent-based information systems, such as document classification, the architecture for agent-based information gathering systems, and the decision in multiple agent environments. Such kinds of information gathering agents will gather relevant information from highly distributed uncertain environments.


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A 2D cellular automation approach was used to simulate microstructure evolution during and after hot deformation. Initial properties of the microstructure and dislocation density were used as input data to the cellular automation model. The flow curve and final grain size were the output data for the dynamic recrystallization simulation, and softening kinetics curves were the output data of static and metadynamic recrystallization simulations. The model proposed in this work considered the effect of thermomechanical parameters (e.g., temperature and strain rate) on the nucleation and growth kinetics during dynamic recrystallization. The dynamic recrystallized microstructures at different strains, temperatures, and strain rates were used as input data for static and metadynamic recrystallization simulations. It was shown that the cellular automation approach can model the final microstructure and flow curve successfully in dynamic recrystallization conditions. The postdeformation simulation results showed that the time for 50% recrystallization decreases with increasing strain for a given initial grain size and that dynamic recrystallization slows the postdeformation recrystallization kinetics compared to a model without dynamic recrystallization.


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Sensor Networks have applications in diverse fields. They can be deployed for habitat modeling, temperature monitoring and industrial sensing. They also find applications in battlefield awareness and emergency (first) response situations. While unique addressing is not a requirement of many data collecting applications of wireless sensor networks, it is vital for the success of applications such as emergency response. Data that cannot be associated with a specific node becomes useless in such situations. In this work we propose a novel dynamic addressing mechanism for wireless sensor networks that are not location-aware. The scheme enables successful reuse of addresses in event-driven wireless sensor networks introducing minimal latencies and efficiently addressing packet loss. It also eliminates the need for network-wide Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) to ensure uniqueness of network level addresses.


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The data-based modeling of the haptic interaction simulation is a growing trend in research. These techniques offer a quick alternative to parametric modeling of the simulation. So far, most of the use of the data-based techniques was applied to static simulations. This paper introduces how to use data-based model in dynamic simulations. This ensures realistic behavior and produce results that are very close to parametric modeling. The results show that a quick and accurate response can be achieved using the proposed methods.


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High Mn steels demonstrate an exceptional combination of high strength and ductility due to their high work hardening rate during deformation. The microstructure evolution and work hardening behavior of Fe18Mn0.6C1.5Al TWIP steel in uni-axial tension were examined. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of all the relevant deformation mechanism : slip, twinning and dynamic strain aging. Constitutive modeling was carried out based on the Kubin-Estrin model, in which the densities of mobile and forest dislocations are coupled in order to account for the continuous immobilization of mobile dislocations during straining. These coupled dislocation densities were also used for simulating the contribution of dynamic strain aging on the flow stress. The model was modified to include the effect of twinning.


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Bone is known to adapt to the prevalent strain environment while the variation in strains, e.g., due to mechanical loading, modulates bone remodeling, and modeling. Dynamic strains rather than static strains provide the primary stimulus of bone functional adaptation. The finite element method can be generally used for estimating bone strains, but it may be limited to the static analysis of bone strains since the dynamic analysis requires expensive computation. Direct in vivo strain measurement, in turn, is an invasive procedure, limited to certain superficial bone sites, and requires surgical implementation of strain gauges and thus involves risks (e.g., infection). Therefore, to overcome difficulties associated with the finite element method and the in vivo strain measurements, the flexible multibody simulation approach has been recently introduced as a feasible method to estimate dynamic bone strains during physical activity. The purpose of the present study is to further strengthen the idea of using the flexible multibody approach for the analysis of dynamic bone strains. Besides discussing the background theory, magnetic resonance imaging is integrated into the flexible multibody approach framework so that the actual bone geometry could be better accounted for and the accuracy of prediction improved.


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The scheduling of metal to different casters in a casthouse is a complicated problem, attempting to find the balance between pot-line, crucible carrier, furnace and casting machine capacity. in this paper, a description will be given of a casthouse modelling system designed to test different scenarios for casthouse design and operation. Using discrete-event simulation, the casthouse model incorporates variable arrival times of metal carriers, crucible movements, caster operation and furnace conditions. Each part of the system is individually modelled and synchronised using a series of signals or semaphores. in addition, an easy to operate user interface allows for the modification of key parameters, and analysis of model output. Results from the model will be presented for a case study, which highlights the effect different parameters have on overall casthouse performance. The case study uses past production data from a casthouse to validate the model outputs, with the aim to perform a sensitivity analysis on the overall system. Along with metal preparation times and caster strip-down/setup, the temperature evolution within the furnaces is one key parameter in determining casthouse performance.


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The ability to learn and recognize human activities of daily living (ADLs) is important in building pervasive and smart environments. In this paper, we tackle this problem using the hidden semi-Markov model. We discuss the state-of-the-art duration modeling choices and then address a large class of exponential family distributions to model state durations. Inference and learning are efficiently addressed by providing a graphical representation for the model in terms of a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN). We investigate both discrete and continuous distributions from the exponential family (Poisson and Inverse Gaussian respectively) for the problem of learning and recognizing ADLs. A full comparison between the exponential family duration models and other existing models including the traditional multinomial and the new Coxian are also presented. Our work thus completes a thorough investigation into the aspect of duration modeling and its application to human activities recognition in a real-world smart home surveillance scenario.


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Smartphones have become an integral part of our everyday lives, such as online information accessing, SMS/MMS, social networking, online banking, and other applications. The pervasive usage of smartphones also results them in enticing targets of hackers and malware writers. This is a desperate threat to legitimate users and poses considerable challenges to network security community. In this paper, we model smartphone malware propagation through combining mathematical epidemics and social relationship graph of smartphones. Moreover, we design a strategy to simulate the dynamic of SMS/MMS-based worm propagation process from one node to an entire network. The strategy integrates infection factor that evaluates the propagation degree of infected nodes, and resistance factor that offers resistance evaluation towards susceptible nodes. Extensive simulations have demonstrated that the proposed malware propagation model is effective and efficient.


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Dynamic Evolving Neural-Fuzzy Inference System (DENFIS) is a Takagi-Sugeno-type fuzzy inference system for online learning which can be applied for dynamic time series prediction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that DENFIS has been used for rainfall-runoff (R-R) modeling. DENFIS model results were compared to the results obtained from the physically-based Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and an Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) which employs offline learning. Data from a small (5.6 km2) catchment in Singapore, comprising 11 separated storm events were analyzed. Rainfall was the only input used for the DENFIS and ANFIS models and the output was discharge at the present time. It is concluded that DENFIS results are better or at least comparable to SWMM, but similar to ANFIS. These results indicate a strong potential for DENFIS to be used in R-R modeling.