411 resultados para diamondback moth (DBM)
New bifunctional pyrazole based ligands of the type [C3HR2N2CONR'] (where R = H or CH3; R' = CH3, C2H5, or (C3H7)-C-i) were prepared and characterized. The coordination chemistry of these ligands with uranyl nitrate and uranyl bis(dibenzoyl methanate) was studied with infrared (IR), H-1 NMR, electrospray-mass spectrometry (ES-MS), elemental analysis, and single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. The structure of compound [UO2(NO3)(2)(C3H3N2CON{C2H5}(2))] (2) shows that the uranium(VI) ion is surrounded by one nitrogen atom and seven oxygen atoms in a hexagonal bipyramidal geometry with the ligand acting as a bidentate chelating ligand and bonds through both the carbamoyl oxygen and pyrazolyl nitrogen atoms. In the structure of [UO2(NO3)(2)(H2O)(2)(C5H7N2CON {C2H5}(2))(2)], (5) the pyrazole figand acts as a second sphere ligand and hydrogen bonds to the water molecules through carbamoyl oxygen and pyrazolyl nitrogen atoms. The structure of [UO2(DBM)(2)C3H3N2CON{C2H5}(2)] (8) (where DBM = C6H5COCHCOC6H5) shows that the pyrazole ligand acts as a monodentate ligand and bonds through the carbamoyl oxygen to the uranyl group. The ES-MS spectra of 2 and 8 show that the ligand is similarly bonded to the metal ion in solution. Ab initio quantum chemical studies show that the steric effect plays the key role in complexation behavior.
Farmland invertebrates play a pivotal role in the provision of ecosystem services, i.e. services that benefit humans. For example, bumblebees, solitary bees and honeybees, are crucial to the pollination of many of the world's crops and wildflowers, with over 70% of the world's major food crops dependent on the pollination services provided by these insects. The larvae of some butterfly species are considered to be pests; however, together with moth and sawfly larvae, they represent a key dietary component for many farmland birds. Spiders and ground beetles predate on crop pests including aphids, whilst soil macrofauna such as earthworms are vital for soil fertility services and nutrient recycling. Despite their importance, population declines of invertebrates have been observed during the last sixty years in the UK and NW Europe. For example, seven UK bumblebee species are in decline, and in the last 20 years, the species Bombus subterraneus (short-haired bumblebee) has become extinct, whilst there was a 54% decline in honeybee colony numbers in England from 1985 to 2005. Comparable trends have been documented for butterflies with a 23% decline in UK farmland species such as Anthocharis cardamines (orange tip) between 1990 and 2007. These declines have been widely attributed to the modern intensive arable management practices that have been developed to maximise crop yield. For example, loss and fragmentation of foraging and nesting habitats, including species-rich meadows and hedgerows, have been implicated in the decline of bees and butterflies. Increased use of herbicides and fertilisers has caused detrimental effects on many plant species with negative consequences for predatory invertebrates such as spiders and beetles which rely on plants for food and shelter.
Insect diversity may be declining even more rapidly than in plants and vertebrates, particularly in areas where indigenous habitats are replaced by an anthropogenic one. The most common component of anthropogenic greenspace is the ornamental lawn. Intensively managed and offering limited habitat opportunities for both plants and insects, lawns are biodiversity poor and ecologically insensitive. An alternative lawn format that positively influences biodiversity and reduces management requirements would be a useful tool in eco-friendly urban greenspace management. In investigating the potential for a forb-only alternative to the grass lawn we sampled both trial grass-free lawn formats and turf lawns to identify any influence that lawn composition and grass-free lawn specific mowing regimes might have on the abundance and diversity of insect families. In addition to the mowing regimes, both the composition and origin of lawn flora were found to significantly influence insect abundance and diversity and these factors rarely interacted. Native-only and mixed origin grass-free lawns hosted greater numbers of adult insects than found in turf and an equivalent diversity of insect families, however the mowing regime applied was distinct from traditional turf lawn management by being substantially less intensive and our results suggest that there is the potential for even greater abundance and diversity via the grass-free format that may offer additional resources to insectivorous garden species such as birds. When the composition of grass-free lawns included native forbs the diversity of insect families was found be sufficiently different from turf lawns to form distinct assemblages and in so doing contribute to beta diversity within urban greenspace. In sum, grass-free lawns may be a useful and aesthetically appropriate tool for adding value to the generally biodiversity poor urban lawnscape.
We investigated the plume structure of a piezo-electric sprayer system, set up to release ethanol in a wind tunnel, using a fast response mini-photoionizaton detector. We recorded the plume structure of four different piezo-sprayer configurations: the sprayer alone; with a 1.6-mm steel mesh shield; with a 3.2-mm steel mesh shield; and with a 5 cm circular upwind baffle. We measured a 12 × 12-mm core at the center of the plume, and both a horizontal and vertical cross-section of the plume, all at 100-, 200-, and 400-mm downwind of the odor source. Significant differences in plume structure were found among all configurations in terms of conditional relative mean concentration, intermittency, ratio of peak concentration to conditional mean concentration, and cross-sectional area of the plume. We then measured the flight responses of the almond moth, Cadra cautella, to odor plumes generated with the sprayer alone, and with the upwind baffle piezo-sprayer configuration, releasing a 13:1 ratio of (9Z,12E)-tetradecadienyl acetate and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate diluted in ethanol at release rates of 1, 10, 100, and 1,000 pg/min. For each configuration, differences in pheromone release rate resulted in significant differences in the proportions of moths performing oriented flight and landing behaviors. Additionally, there were apparent differences in the moths’ behaviors between the two sprayer configurations, although this requires confirmation with further experiments. This study provides evidence that both pheromone concentration and plume structure affect moth orientation behavior and demonstrates that care is needed when setting up experiments that use a piezo-electric release system to ensure the optimal conditions for behavioral observations.
1. Species’ distributions are likely to be affected by a combination of environmental drivers. We used a data set of 11 million species occurrence records over the period 1970–2010 to assess changes in the frequency of occurrence of 673 macro-moth species in Great Britain. Groups of species with different predicted sensitivities showed divergent trends, which we interpret in the context of land-use and climatic changes. 2. A diversity of responses was revealed: 260 moth species declined significantly, whereas 160 increased significantly. Overall, frequencies of occurrence declined, mirroring trends in less species-rich, yet more intensively studied taxa. 3. Geographically widespread species, which were predicted to be more sensitive to land use than to climate change, declined significantly in southern Britain, where the cover of urban and arable land has increased. 4. Moths associated with low nitrogen and open environments (based on their larval host plant characteristics) declined most strongly, which is also consistent with a land-use change explanation. 5. Some moths that reach their northern (leading edge) range limit in southern Britain increased, whereas species restricted to northern Britain (trailing edge) declined significantly, consistent with a climate change explanation. 6. Not all species of a given type behaved similarly, suggesting that complex interactions between species’ attributes and different combinations of environmental drivers determine frequency of occurrence changes. 7. Synthesis and applications. Our findings are consistent with large-scale responses to climatic and land-use changes, with some species increasing and others decreasing. We suggest that land-use change (e.g. habitat loss, nitrogen deposition) and climate change are both major drivers of moth biodiversity change, acting independently and in combination. Importantly, the diverse responses revealed in this species-rich taxon show that multifaceted conservation strategies are needed to minimize negative biodiversity impacts of multiple environmental changes. We suggest that habitat protection, management and ecological restoration can mitigate combined impacts of land-use change and climate change by providing environments that are suitable for existing populations and also enable species to shift their ranges.
In this study, the ovary morphology of newly emerged ant queens of Atta sexdens rubropilosa was studied in whole mount preparations by confocal microscopy. The ovaries are composed of approximately 40 ovarioles, showing non-synchronic oocyte maturation. The terminal filament with clusters of undifferentiated cells was found at the distal end of the ovarioles. Next to this region is the germarium, composed of several elongated cystocytes interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges. The nurse cells (23-28 cells) result from asymmetric mitosis. Cytoskeleton analysis showed F-actin concentrated at the muscle cells of the external tunica and in fusomes inside the ovarioles. Microtubules were concentrated around the nuclei of the nurse and follicular cells. In contrast, the oocytes and the external tunica showed faint staining for tubulin.
Modern database applications are increasingly employing database management systems (DBMS) to store multimedia and other complex data. To adequately support the queries required to retrieve these kinds of data, the DBMS need to answer similarity queries. However, the standard structured query language (SQL) does not provide effective support for such queries. This paper proposes an extension to SQL that seamlessly integrates syntactical constructions to express similarity predicates to the existing SQL syntax and describes the implementation of a similarity retrieval engine that allows posing similarity queries using the language extension in a relational DBM. The engine allows the evaluation of every aspect of the proposed extension, including the data definition language and data manipulation language statements, and employs metric access methods to accelerate the queries. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In this paper the synthesis, photo luminescence and electroluminescence investigation of the novel tetrakis beta-diketonate of rare-earth complexes such as M[Eu(dbM)(4)] and M[Tb(acac)(4)] with a variety of cationic ligands, M=Li(+), Na(+) and K(+) have been investigated. The emission spectra of the Eu(3+) and Tb(3+) complexes displayed characteristic narrow bands arising from intraconfigurational transitions of trivalent rare-earth ions and exhibited red color emission for the Eu(3+) ion ((5)D(0) -> F(J), J=0-6) and green for the Tb(3+) ion ((5)D(4) -> (7)F(J), J = 6-0). The lack of the broaden emission bands arising from the ligands suggests the efficient intramolecular energy transfer from the dbm and acac ligands to Eu(3+) and Tb(3+) ions, respectively. In accordance to the expected, the values of PL quantum efficiency (eta) of the emitting (5)D(0) state of the tetrakis(beta-diketonate) complexes of Eu(3+) were higher compared with those tris-complexes. Therefore, organic electroluminescent (EL) devices were fabricated with the structure as follows: indium tin oxide (ITO)/hole transport layer (HTL) NPB or MTCD/emitter layer M[RE(beta-diketonate)(4)] complexes)/Aluminum (Al). All the films were deposited by thermal evaporation carried out in a high vacuum environment system. The OLED light emission was independent of driving voltage, indicating that the combination of charge carriers generates excitons within the M[RE(beta-diketonate)(4)] layers, and the energy is efficiently transferred to RE(3+) ion. As a best result, a pure red and green electroluminescent emission was observed from the Eu(3+) and Tb(3+) devices, confirmed by (X,Y) color coordinates. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Esta dissertação consiste no estudo comparativo entre três tipos básicos de protetores auriculares do tipo concha (modelo simples de baixo preço e baixo NRR, modelo sofisticado, de maior custo e com NRR elevado, e modelo ativo com circuito eletrônico de cancelamento de ruído), tanto quanto ao conforto quanto às reais atenuações oferecidas pelos mesmos, num ambiente industrial com elevados níveis de ruído e de baixa freqüência (com predominância na faixa de 500 Hz). Para a análise dos protetores foram utilizadas a técnica MIRE (Miniature Microphone in Real-Ear, ou Microfone Miniatura no Ouvido Real) de avaliação do nível de atenuação, o uso de questionários de conforto, e medições de cortisol urinário, para a avaliação do estresse no trabalho. Os resultados indicaram que o protetor ativo não apresentou os resultados esperados em termos de atenuação, o que não justifica o seu elevado custo, e apresentou a pior condição de conforto entre os três tipos estudados. As medições do cortisol urinário, por sua vez, não apresentaram resultados que pudessem ser úteis na escolha do melhor modelo de protetor tipo concha.
O armazenamento de grandes quantidades de informações em bases de dados cria a necessidade de se usar Métodos de Acesso a esses dados de uma forma mais eficiente do que uma busca linear. Dessa forma, diversos Métodos de Acesso vêm sendo propostos há décadas. Desde os mais simples Métodos de Acesso como árvores B até os mais sofisticados Métodos de Acesso Métrico tem-se o mesmo objetivo: a eficiência na consulta. Para cada tipo de dados, para cada tipo de consulta, existe uma diferente forma de acesso mais adequada. Se os dados puderem ser ordenados, pode-se usar uma àrvore B. Na busca por pequenas cadeias de caracteres, pode-se utilizar uma árvore de sufixos. Com a evoluçãocomputacional, não se quer armazenar apenas números ou pequenas seqüências de texto. Já existem diversas bases de dados muito mais complexas, como seqüências de sons, imagens ou até mesmo vídeos armazenados. A complexidade desse tipo de dados e do tipo de consulta feita em cima deles gerou a necessidade de novos Métodos de Acesso. Os chamados Métodos de Acesso Métrico são estruturas capazes de acessar dados bastante complexos, como arquivos multimídia, com uma boa eficiência. Esse tipo de estrutura vem sendo estudada há muitos anos, mas a primeira delas realmente eficaz foi a árvore M. Depois dela, vários outros Métodos de Acesso Métricos surgiram, como a árvore Slim, M2, M+, DF, DBM aprimorando sua estrutura básica Esse trabalho propõe a árvore TM, que inova a forma como os dados são indexados, aprimorando a árvore M. Essa nova estrutura, usa o espaço métrico para a busca dos dados, o que é feito por todos Métodos de Acesso Métricos. Mas sua inovação está na forma como os dados são indexados, usando-se um espaço novo também proposto nesse trabalho, o espaço distorcido. Experimentos mostram uma melhora significativa na eficiência da consulta tanto em quantidade de acesso a disco quando em custo de processamento.
Este trabalho descreve a experiência educativa de três Es colas da Família Agrícola do Movimento de Educação Promocional do Espírito Santo, existentes no meio rural do Estado do Espírito Santo. Duas escolas são masculinas e uma feminina. Uma escora masculina localiza-se no Município de Rio Novo do Sul, na região sul e outra no povoado de Bley, Município de São Gabriel da Palha, região norte. A escola feminina localiza-se no distrito de Nestor Gomes, Município de são Mateus, ao norte. A Escola da Família Agrícola adota a metodologia da Maison Familiale. Seus princípios básicos norteadores, a alternância e a educação geral orientada para o meio rural. fazem com que ela seja uma alternativa da escola pós-primária viável para o meio rural dos países emvia de desenvolvimento. No Espírito Santo, essa experiência educativa foi implantada em regiões agrícolas tradicionais em transição. Nos seus primeiros anos de funcionamento ela sofreu influências de várias forças para adaptar-se ao meio onde atua e ã legislação de ensino. A descrição e análise do seu processo de adaptação ã real idade espiritossantense oferecem indicadores valiosos ao planejamento e administração do ensino rural para regiões agrícolas exploradas por mão-de-obra familiar. Com esse propósito são descritos e analisados os instrumentos metodológicos, o plano de formação, a composição da equipe de monitores, o prédio escolar, a propriedade agrícola e as características principais ,de sua clientela: ida de, procedência geográfica. percurso da residência até a escola e a forma de trabalho das famílias . os agricultores e os 11ão-agricultores. Em razão da original idade de sua metodologia, analisam-se ainda os motivos de sua aceitação entre os alunos ~~ suas famílias. A estrutura da alternância, seu baixo custo operacional , a correspondência do seu currículo e processo de avaliação às escola!. de ensino regular urbanas (ginásio e escola polivalente), o aprofundamento de estudos voltados para o meio rural. entre outros, são os moth'os mais significativos para que ela seja aceita como uma escola adequada para o meio rural. As aspirações profissionais dos alunos e a concretização profissional dos egressos em ocupações vinculadas ao meio rural e urbano demonstram que só a ação isolada da Escola da Família Agrícola torna-se incapaz para fixar o jovem no meio rural.
Plodia interpunctella (Indian meal moth) is a cosmopolitan pest that attacks not only a wide range of stored grain as well other food products. Due to its economic importance several researches have focused in a method with ability to control this pest with few or no damage to the environment. The study of digestive enzymes inhibitors, lectins and chitin-binding proteins, has often been proposed as an alternative to reduce insect damage. In this study we report the major classes of digestive enzymes during larval growth in P. Interpunctella, being those proteinases actives at pH 9.5 and optimum temperature of 50 oC to both larvae of the 3rd instar and pre-pupal stage of development. In vitro and zymogram assays presented the effects of several inhibitors, such as SBTI, TLCK and PMSF to intestinal homogenate of 3rd instar larvae of 62%, 92% and 87% of inhibition and In pre-pupal stage of 87%, 62 % and 55% of inhibition, respectively. Zymograms showed inhibition of two low molecular masses protein bands by TLCK and that in presence of SBTI were retarded. These results are indicative of predominance of digestive serine proteinases in gut homogenate from Plodia interpunctella larvae. This serine proteinase was then used as a target to evaluate the effect of SBTI on larvae in in vivo assay. Effect of SBTI on mortality and larval mass was not observed at until 4% of concentration (w/w) in diets. Chitin, another target to insecticidal proteins, was observed by chemical method. Moreover, optic microscopy confirmed the presence of a peritrophic membrane. Established this target, in vivo effect of EvV, a chitin binding vicilin, evaluated during the larval development of P. interpunctella and was obtained a LD50 of 0,23% and WD50 of 0,27% to this protein. Mechanism of action was proposed through of the in vivo digestibility of EvV methodology. During the passage through the larval digestive tract was observed that EvV was susceptible to digestive enzymes and a reactive fragment, visualized by Western blotting, produced by digestion was recovered after dissociation of the peritrophic membrane. The bound of EvV to peritrophic membrane was confirmed by immunohystochemical assays that showed strong immunofluorescent signal of EvV-FITC binding and peritrophic membrane. These results are a indicative that vicilins could be utilized as potential insecticide to Plodia interpunctella and a control methods using EvV as bioinsecticide should be studied to reduce lost caused by storage insect pests
Para o estabelecimento de um programa de controle biológico, o conhecimento de alguns aspectos biológicos e de comportamento dos inimigos naturais é de extrema importância. Os aspectos biológicos do desenvolvimento larval e pupal do predador Ceraeochrysa everes (Banks) foram estudados. Larvas oriundas de adultos da geração F1 foram mantidas em laboratório a 25 ± 21°C, 70 ± 10 % UR e fotofase 14 horas, sendo alimentadas com ovos de Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier). A duração e viabilidade do período embrionário, estágios imaturos de desenvolvimento e o período de ovo a adulto foram avaliados. O período embrionário foi em média de 5,0 dias, enquanto que as durações médias para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro instares foram de 5,1 ± 0,03; 4,3 ± 0,05 e 4,5 ± 0,05 dias, respectivamente, com viabilidade superior a 90 %. Os estágios larval, pré-pupal e pupal apresentaram duração média de 13,9 ± 0,07; 5,7 ± 0,07 e 9,6 ± 0,12 dias, respectivamente. A duração do ciclo biológico foi de 34 ± 0,11 dias em média. Ovos de S. cerelella não foram adequados para a manutenção de C. everes em laboratório, por interferir no desenvolvimento do predador.
The cotton can be damaged by many pests, standing out among them cotton leafworm, responsible for major losses in production, if not controlled properly. A group of natural enemies is the most studied of the family Trichogrammatidae, mainly species of the genus Trichogramma, because of its importance in biological control at the initial stage of development of their hosts. In order to study the natural egg parasitism of Alabama argillacea (Hubner, 1818) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in different phenological stages of transgenic and conventional varieties of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in the region of Ipameri, GO, it was carried out this experiment from december 2007 to april 2008, in the UEG, State of Goias. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with five treatments consisting of the conventional varieties DeltaOPAL, FMX 966, FMX 993, FMX 910 and NuOPAL transgenic variety, in four replications. In the beginning of oviposition of the A. argillacea it was started the 27 old days plant and the parasitism increased as the availability of eggs of the host, regardless of variety. It was found that the varieties over the vegetative cycle did not show statistical differences on the preference for oviposition by the moth neither on the parasitism. The level of parasitism of eggs of A. argillacea by T. pretiosum varied depending on the density of eggs on plants, not in terms of varieties and phenological stages.
Com o uso de variedades adaptadas e o manejo do solo pós-colheita da soqueira de cana-de-açúcar em sistema de colheita mecanizada, poderá ser afetada a incidência de pragas e a produtividade do canavial. Assim, desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho com o objetivo de se avaliar a influência da palhada de dezoito variedades de cana-de-açúcar submetidas a diferentes sistemas de manejo de colheita mecânica, sem queima, na produtividade agrícola e na incidência de broca-comum e cigarrinha-das-raízes na cultura de cana-de-açúcar. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela presença da palha sem trituração/sem cultivo (PST/SC); palha sem trituração/com cultivo com escarificador (PST/CC); palha triturada/com cultivo com escarificador (PT/CC). O rendimento de colmos na cana-soca é favorecido pelo manejo, com cultivo, da palhada da planta crua, colhida mecanicamente, sem alteração na incidência de broca-comum e da cigarrinha das raízes. A variedade SP87-365 de cana-de-açúcar é opção viável e rentável, em qualquer sistema de manejo da cana crua, com adaptação à colheita mecânica e às condições edafoclimáticas da região de Ribeirão Preto, SP. A incidência de broca-comum e da cigarrinha das raízes pode ser bastante reduzida com a utilização das variedades SP88-817 e SP76-112 de cana-de-açúcar, em qualquer sistema de manejo da palhada da cana crua colhida mecanicamente e minimizada na colheita mecânica da cana crua, seguida de trituração da palhada e cultivo com escarificador na entrelinha.