947 resultados para cyclin dependent kinase 5


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Parasiten der Apicomplexa umfassen sowohl humanpathogene, als auch tierpathogene Protozoen. Beispiele für wichtige Vertreter human- und tierpathogener Parasiten sind Plasmodium falciparum und Eimeria tenella. E. tenella verursacht die Kokzidiose des Hühnchens, eine Darmerkrankung die weltweit für Verluste in einer geschätzten Höhe von bis zu 3 Milliarden US$ verantwortlich zeichnet. Eine prophylaktische Vakzinierung gegen diese Krankheit ist ökonomisch meist ineffizient, und eine Behandlung mit Kokzidiostatika wird durch häufige Resistenzbildung gegen bekannte Wirkstoffe erschwert. Diese Situation erfordert die Entwicklung neuer kostengünstiger Alternativen. Geeignete Zielproteine für die Entwicklung neuartiger Arzneistoffe zur Behandlung der Kokzidiose sind die Zyklin-abhängigen Kinasen (CDKs), zu denen auch die CDK-related Kinase 2 (EtCRK2) aus E. tenella gehört. Diese Proteine sind maßgeblich an der Regulation des Zellzyklus beteiligt. Durch chemische Validierung mit dem CDK Inhibitor Flavopiridol konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass ein Funktionsverlust von CDKs in E. tenella die Vermehrung des Parasiten in Zellkultur inhibiert. E. tenella CDKs sind daher als Zielproteine für die Entwicklung einer Chemotherapie der Kokzidiose geeignet. Mittels bioinformatischer Tiefenanalysen sollten CDK Proteine im Parasiten E. tenella identifiziert werden. Das Genom von E. tenella liegt in Rohfassung vor [ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk]. Jedoch waren zum Zeitpunkt dieser Arbeiten viele Sequenzen des Genoms noch nicht annotiert. Homologe CDK Proteine von E. tenella konnten durch den Vergleich von Sequenzinformationen mit anderen Organismen der Apicomplexa identifiziert und analysiert werden. Durch diese Analysen konnten neben der bereits bekannten EtCRK2, drei weitere, bislang nicht annotierte CDKs in E. tenella identifiziert werden (EtCRK1, EtCRK3 sowie EtMRK). Darüber hinaus wurde eine Analyse der entsprechenden Zykline – der Aktivatoren der CDKs – bezüglich Funktion und Struktur, sowie eine Datenbanksuche nach bisher nicht beschriebenen Zyklinen in E. tenella durchgeführt. Diese Suchen ergaben vier neue potentielle Zykline für E. tenella, wovon EtCYC3a als Aktivator der EtCRK2 von María L. Suárez Fernández (Intervet Innovation GmbH, Schwabenheim) bestätigt werden konnte. Sequenzvergleiche lassen vermuten, dass auch EtCYC1 und EtCYC3b in der Lage sind, EtCRK2 zu aktivieren. Außerdem ist anzunehmen, dass EtCYC4 als Aktivator der EtCRK1 fungiert. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Suche und Optimierung nach neuen Inhibitoren von CDKs aus E. tenella. In vorangegangenen Arbeiten konnten bereits Inhibitoren der EtCRK2 gefunden werden [BEYER, 2007]. Mittels Substruktur- und Ähnlichkeitssuchen konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit weitere Inhibitoren der EtCRK2 identifiziert werden. Vier dieser Strukturklassen erfüllen die Kriterien einer Leitstruktur. Eine dieser Leitstrukturen gehört zur Strukturklasse der Benzimidazol-Carbonitrile und ist bislang nicht als Inhibitor anderer Kinasen beschrieben. Diese neu identifizierte Leitstruktur konnte in silico weiter optimiert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Bindungsenergien von Vertretern dieser Strukturklasse berechnet, um einen wahrscheinlichen Bindemodus vorherzusagen. Für die weiterführende in silico Optimierung wurde eine virtuelle kombinatorische Substanzbibliothek dieser Klasse erstellt. Die Auswahl geeigneter Verbindungen für eine chemische Synthese erfolgte durch molekulares Docking unter Nutzung von Homologiemodellen der EtCRK2. Darüber hinaus wurde ein in silico Screening nach potentiellen Inhibitoren der PfMRK und EtMRK durchgeführt. Dabei konnten weitere interessante virtuelle Hit-Strukturen aus einer Substanzdatenbank kommerziell erhältlicher Verbindungen gefunden werden. Durch dieses virtuelle Screening konnten jeweils sieben Verbindungen als virtuelle Hits der PfMRK sowie der EtMRK identifiziert werden. Die Häufung von Strukturklassen mit bekannter CDK Aktivität deutet darauf hin, dass während des virtuellen Screenings eine Anreicherung von CDK Inhibitoren stattgefunden hat. Diese Ergebnisse lassen auf eine Weiterentwicklung neuer Wirkstoffe gegen Kokzidiose und Malaria hoffen.


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Abstract Mutations in the human gene coding for XPD lead to segmental progeria - the premature appearance of some of the phenotypes normally associated with aging - which may or may not be accompanied by increased cancer incidence. XPD is required for at least three different critical cellular functions: in addition to participating in the process of nucleotide excision repair (NER), which removes bulky DNA lesions, XPD also regulates transcription as part of the general transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) and controls cell cycle progression through its interaction with CAK, a pivotal activator of cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs). The study of inherited XPD disorders offers the opportunity to gain insights into the coordination of important cellular events and may shed light on the mechanisms that regulate the delicate equilibrium between cell proliferation and functional senescence, which is notably altered during physiological aging and in cancer. The phenotypic manifestations in the different XPD disorders are the sum of disturbances in the vital processes carried out by TFIIH and CAK. In addition, further TFIIH- and CAK-independent cellular activities of XPD may also play a role. This, added to the complex feedback networks that are in place to guarantee the coordination between cell cycle, DNA repair and transcription, complicates the interpretation of clinical observations. While results obtained from patient cell isolates as well as from murine models have been elementary in revealing such complexity, the Drosophila embryo has proven useful to analyze the role of XPD as a cell cycle regulator independently from its other cellular functions. Together with data from the biochemical and structural analysis of XPD and of the TFIIH complex these results combine into a new picture of the XPD activities that provides ground for a better understanding of the patophysiology of XPD diseases and for future development of diagnostic and therapeutic tools.


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Chemotherapy is a common and effective method to treat many forms of cancer. However, treatment of cancer with chemotherapy has severe side effects which often limit the doses of therapy administered. Because some cancer chemotherapeutics target proliferating cells and tissues, all dividing cells, whether normal or tumor, are affected. Cell culture studies have demonstrated that UCN-01 is able to reversibly and selectively arrest normal dividing cells; tumor cells lines do not undergo this temporary arrest. Following UCN-01 treatment, normal cells displayed a 50-fold increase in IC50 for camptothecin; tumor cells showed no such increased tolerance. We have examined the response of the proliferating tissues of the mouse to UCN- 01 treatment, using the small bowel epithelium as a model system. Our results indicate that UCN-01 treatment can cause a cell cycle arrest in the gut epithelium, beginning 24 hours following UCN-01 administration, with cell proliferation remaining suppressed for one week. Two weeks post-UCN-01 treatment the rate of proliferation returns to normal levels. 5-FU administered during this period demonstrates that UCN-01 is able to provide protection to normal cells of the mouse within a narrow window of efficacy, from three to five days post-UCN-01. UCN-01 pretreated mice displayed improved survival, weight status and blood markers following 5-FU compared to control mice, indicating that UCN-01 can protect normal dividing tissues. The mechanism by which UCN-01 arrests normal cells in vivo was also examined. We have demonstrated that UCN-01 treatment in mice causes an increase in the G1 phase cell cycle proteins cdk4 and cyclin D, as well as the inhibitor p27. Phosphorylated Rb was also elevated in the arrested cells. These results are a departure from cell culture studies, in which inhibition of G1 phase cyclin dependent kinases led to hyposphosphorylation of Rb. Future investigation will be required to understand the mechanism of UCN-01 action. This is important information, especially for identification of alternate compounds which could provide the protection afforded by UCN-01.


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Osteopontin (OPN) is a highly-phosphorylated extracellular matrix protein localized in bone, kidney, placenta, T-lymphocytes, macrophages, smooth muscle of the vascular system, milk, urine, and plasma. In ROS 17/2.8 osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cells, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D 3] regulates OPN at the transcriptional level resulting in increased steady state mRNA levels and increased production of OPN protein, maximal at 48 hours. Using ROS 17/2.8 cells as an osteoblast model, OPN was purified from culture medium after three hour treatments of either vehicle (ethanol) or 1,25(OH)2D3 via barium citrate precipitation followed by immunoaffinity chromatography. ^ Here, further evidence of regulation of OPN by 1,25(OH)2D 3 at the posttranslational level is presented. Prior to the up-regulation of OPN at the transcriptional level, 1,25(OH)2D3 induces a shift in OPN isoelectric point (pI) detected on two-dimensional gels from pI 4.6 to pI 5.1. Loading equal amounts of [32P]-labeled OPN recovered from ROS 17/2.8 cells exposed to 1,25(OH)2D3 or vehicle alone for three hours reveals that the shift from pI 4.6 to 5.1 is the result of reduced phosphorylation. Using structural analogs to 1,25(OH) 2D3, analog AT [25-(OH)-16-ene-23-yne-D3], which triggers Ca2+ influx through voltage sensitive Ca2+ channels but does not bind to the vitamin D receptor, mimicked the OPN pI shift while analog BT [1,25(OH)2-22-ene-24-cyclopropyl-D 3], which binds to the vitamin D receptor but does not allow Ca 2+ influx, did not. Inclusion of the Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine also blocks the charge shift conversion of OPN. Further analysis of the signaling pathway initiated by 1,25(OH)2D3 reveals that inhibition of the cyclic 3′,5′ -adenosine monophosphate-dependent kinase, protein kinase A, or inhibition of the cyclic 3′,5′-guanine monophosphate-dependent kinase, protein kinase G, also prevents the charge shift conversion. ^ Isolation of OPN from rat femurs and tibiae provides evidence for the existence of these two OPN charge forms in vivo, evidenced by differential migration on isoelectric focusing gels and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Peptide sequencing of rat long bone fractions revealed the presence of a presumed dentin specific protein, dentin matrix protein-1 (DMP-1). Western blot analysis confirmed the existence of DMP-1 in these fractions. ^ Using the OPN charge forms in functional assays, it was determined that the charge forms have differential roles in both cell surface and mineralization functions. In cell attachment assays and Ca2+ influx assays using PC-3 prostate cancer cells, the pI 5.1 charge form of OPN was found to permit binding and increase intracellular Ca2+ concentrations of PC-3 cells. The increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration was found to be integrin αvβ3-dependent. In mineralization assays, the pI 4.6 charge form of OPN promoted hydroxyapatite formation, while the pI 5.1 charge form had improved Ca2+ binding ability. ^ In conclusion, these findings suggest that 1,25(OH) 2D3 regulates OPN not only at the transcriptional level, but also plays a role in determination of the OPN phosphorylation state. The latter involves a short term (less than three hours) treatment and is associated with membrane-initiated Ca2+ influx. Functional assays utilizing the two OPN charge forms reveal the dependence of OPN post-translational state on its function. ^


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The electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) of the electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus is a layered medullary region receiving electroreceptor input that terminates on basal dendrites of interneurons and projection (pyramidal) cells. The molecular layer of the ELL contains two distinct glutamatergic feedback pathways that terminate on the proximal (ventral molecular layer, VML) and distal (dorsal molecular layer) apical dendrites of pyramidal cells. Western blot analysis with an antibody directed against mammalian Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase 2, α subunit (CaMK2α) recognized a protein of identical size in the brain of A. leptorhynchus. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that CaMK2 α expression in the ELL was restricted to fibers and terminals in the VML. Posttetanic potentiation (PTP) could be readily elicited in pyramidal cells by stimulation of either VML or DML in brain slices of the ELL. PTP in the VML was blocked by extracellular application of a CaMK2 antagonist (KN62) while intracellular application of KN62 or a CaMK2 inhibitory peptide had no effect, consistent with the presynaptic localization of CaMK2 α in VML. PTP in the dorsal molecular layer was not affected by extracellular application of KN62. Anti-Hebbian plasticity has also been demonstrated in the VML, but was not affected by KN62. These results demonstrate that, while PTP can occur independent of CaMK2, it is, in some synapses, dependent on this kinase.


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Cell cycle progression is controlled by the sequential functions of cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks). Cdk activation requires phosphorylation of a key residue (on sites equivalent to Thr-160 in human cdk2) carried out by the cdk-activating kinase (CAK). Human CAK has been identified as a p40MO15/cyclin H/MAT1 complex that also functions as part of transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) where it phosphorylates multiple transcriptional components including the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II. In contrast, CAK from budding yeast consists of a single polypeptide (Cak1p), is not a component of TFIIH, and lacks CTD kinase activity. Here we report that Cak1p and p40MO15 have strikingly different substrate specificities. Cak1p preferentially phosphorylated monomeric cdks, whereas p40MO15 preferentially phosphorylated cdk/cyclin complexes. Furthermore, p40MO15 only phosphorylated cdk6 bound to cyclin D3, whereas Cak1p recognized monomeric cdk6 and cdk6 bound to cyclin D1, D2, or D3. We also found that cdk inhibitors, including p21CIP1, p27KIP1, p57KIP2, p16INK4a, and p18INK4c, could block phosphorylation by p40MO15 but not phosphorylation by Cak1p. Our results demonstrate that although both Cak1p and p40MO15 activate cdks by phosphorylating the same residue, the structural mechanisms underlying the enzyme-substrate recognition differ greatly. Structural and physiological implications of these findings will be discussed.


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Exit from mitosis requires the inactivation of mitotic cyclin-dependent kinasecyclin complexes, primarily by ubiquitin-dependent cyclin proteolysis. Cyclin destruction is regulated by a ubiquitin ligase known as the anaphase-promoting complex (APC). In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, members of a large class of late mitotic mutants, including cdc15, cdc5, cdc14, dbf2, and tem1, arrest in anaphase with a phenotype similar to that of cells expressing nondegradable forms of mitotic cyclins. We addressed the possibility that the products of these genes are components of a regulatory network that governs cyclin proteolysis. We identified a complex array of genetic interactions among these mutants and found that the growth defect in most of the mutants is suppressed by overexpression of SPO12, YAK1, and SIC1 and is exacerbated by overproduction of the mitotic cyclin Clb2. When arrested in late mitosis, the mutants exhibit a defect in cyclin-specific APC activity that is accompanied by high Clb2 levels and low levels of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1. Mutant cells arrested in G1 contain normal APC activity. We conclude that Cdc15, Cdc5, Cdc14, Dbf2, and Tem1 cooperate in the activation of the APC in late mitosis but are not required for maintenance of that activity in G1.


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Several models that develop epileptiform discharges and epilepsy have been associated with a decrease in the activity of calmodulin-dependent kinase II. However, none of these studies has demonstrated a causal relationship between a decrease in calcium/calmodulin kinase II activity and the development of seizure activity. The present study was conducted to determine the effect of directly reducing calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase activity on the development of epileptiform discharges in hippocampal neurons in culture. Complimentary oligonucleotides specific for the α subunit of the calcium/calmodulin kinase were used to decrease the expression of the enzyme. Reduction in kinase expression was confirmed by Western analysis, immunocytochemistry, and exogenous substrate phosphorylation. Increased neuronal excitability and frank epileptiform discharges were observed after a significant reduction in calmodulin kinase II expression. The epileptiform activity was a synchronous event and was not caused by random neuronal firing. Furthermore, the magnitude of decreased kinase expression correlated with the increased neuronal excitability. The data suggest that decreased calmodulin kinase II activity may play a role in epileptogenesis and the long-term plasticity changes associated with the development of pathological seizure activity and epilepsy.


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In neurons, translation of dendritically localized mRNAs is thought to play a role in affecting synaptic efficacy. Inasmuch as components of the translation machinery may be limiting in dendrites, we investigated the mechanisms by which translation of five dendritically localized mRNAs is initiated. The 5′ leader sequences of mRNAs encoding the activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein, the α subunit of calcium–calmodulin-dependent kinase II, dendrin, the microtubule-associated protein 2, and neurogranin (RC3) were evaluated for their ability to affect translation in the 5′ untranslated region of a monocistronic reporter mRNA. In both neural and nonneural cell lines, the activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein, microtubule-associated protein 2, and α-CaM Kinase II leader sequences enhanced translation, whereas the dendrin and RC3 5′ untranslated regions slightly inhibited translation as compared with controls. When cap-dependent translation of these constructs was suppressed by overexpression of a protein that binds the cap-binding protein eIF4E, it was revealed that translation of these mRNAs had both cap-dependent and cap-independent components. The cap-independent component was further analyzed by inserting the 5′ leader sequences into the intercistronic region of dicistronic mRNAs. All five leader sequences mediated internal initiation via internal ribosome entry sites (IRESes). The RC3 IRES was most active and was further characterized after transfection in primary neurons. Although translation mediated by this IRES occurred throughout the cell, it was relatively more efficient in dendrites. These data suggest that IRESes may increase translation efficiency at postsynaptic sites after synaptic activation.


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TFIIH is a multifunctional RNA polymerase II general initiation factor that includes two DNA helicases encoded by the Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group B (XPB) and D (XPD) genes and a cyclin-dependent protein kinase encoded by the CDK7 gene. Previous studies have shown that the TFIIH XPB DNA helicase plays critical roles not only in transcription initiation, where it catalyzes ATP-dependent formation of the open complex, but also in efficient promoter escape, where it suppresses arrest of very early RNA polymerase II elongation intermediates. In this report, we present evidence that ATP-dependent TFIIH action in transcription initiation and promoter escape requires distinct regions of the DNA template; these regions are well separated from the promoter region unwound by the XPB DNA helicase and extend, respectively, ≈23–39 and ≈39–50 bp downstream from the transcriptional start site. Taken together, our findings bring to light a role for promoter DNA in TFIIH action and are consistent with the model that TFIIH translocates along promoter DNA ahead of the RNA polymerase II elongation complex until polymerase has escaped the promoter.


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At birth, pulmonary vasodilation occurs as air-breathing life begins. The mechanism of O2-induced pulmonary vasodilation is unknown. We proposed that O2 causes fetal pulmonary vasodilation through activation of a calcium-dependent potassium channel (KCa) via a cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinase. We tested this hypothesis in hemodynamic studies in acutely prepared fetal lambs and in patch-clamp studies on resistance fetal pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. Fetal O2 tension (PaO2) was increased by ventilating the ewe with 100% O2, causing fetal total pulmonary resistance to decrease from 1.18 +/- 0.14 to 0.41 +/- 0.03 mmHg per ml per min. Tetraethylammonium and iberiotoxin, preferential KCa-channel inhibitors, attenuated O2-induced fetal pulmonary vasodilation, while glibenclamide, an ATP-sensitive K+-channel antagonist, had no effect. Treatment with either a guanylate cyclase antagonist (LY83583) or cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinase inhibitors (H-89 and KT 5823) significantly attenuated O2-induced fetal pulmonary vasodilation. Under hypoxic conditions (PaO2 = 25 mmHg), whole-cell K+-channel currents (Ik) were small and were inhibited by 1 mM tetraethylammonium or 100 nM charybdotoxin (CTX; a specific KCa-channel blocker). Normoxia (PaO2 = 120 mmHg) increased Ik by more than 300%, and this was reversed by 100 nM CTX. Nitric oxide also increased Ik. Resting membrane potential was -37.2 +/- 1.9 mV and cells depolarized on exposure to CTX, while hyperpolarizing in normoxia. We conclude that O2 causes fetal pulmonary vasodilation by stimulating a cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinase, resulting in KCa-channel activation, membrane hyperpolarization, and vasodilation.


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During Drosophila development, nuclear and cell divisions are coordinated in response to developmental signals. In yeast and mammalian cells, signals that control cell division regulate the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) through proteins such as cyclins that interact with the Cdks. Here we describe two Drosophila cyclins identified from a set of Cdk-interacting proteins. One, cyclin J, is of a distinctive sequence type; its exclusive maternal expression pattern suggests that it may regulate oogenesis or the early nuclear divisions of embryogenesis. The other belongs to the D class of cyclins, previously identified in mammalian cells. We show that Drosophila cyclin D is expressed in early embryos and in imaginal disc cells in a pattern that anticipates cell divisions. Expression in the developing eye disc at the anterior edge of the morphogenetic furrow suggests that cyclin D acts early, prior to cyclin E, in inducing G1-arrested cells to enter S phase. Our results also suggest that, although cyclin D may be necessary, its expression alone is not sufficient to initiate the events leading to S phase.


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The human hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBx protein is a small transcriptional activator that is essential for virus infection. HBx is thought to be involved in viral hepatocarcinogenesis because it promotes tumorigenesis in transgenic mice. HBx activates the RAS-RAF-mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling cascade, through which it activates transcription factors AP-1 and NF-kappa B, and stimulates cell DNA synthesis. We show that HBx stimulates cell cycle progression, shortening the emergence of cells from quiescence (G0) and entry into S phase by at least 12 h, and accelerating transit through checkpoint controls at G0/G1 and G2/M. Compared with serum stimulation, HBx was found to strongly increase the rate and level of activation of the cyclin-dependent kinases CDK2 and CDC2, and their respective active association with cyclins E and A or cyclin B. HBx is also shown to override or greatly reduce serum dependence for cell cycle activation. Both HBx and serum were found to require activation of RAS to stimulate cell cycling, but only HBx could shorten checkpoint intervals. HBx therefore stimulates cell proliferation by activating RAS and a second unknown effector, which may be related to its reported ability to induce prolonged activation of JUN or to interact with cellular p53 protein. These data suggest a molecular mechanism by which HBx likely contributes to viral carcinogenesis. By deregulating checkpoint controls, HBx could participate in the selection of cells that are genetically unstable, some of which would accumulate unrepaired transforming mutations.