952 resultados para crossing the road


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In his last two State of the Union addresses, President Barack Obama has focused on the need to deliver innovative solutions to improve human health, through the Precision Medicine Initiative in 2015 and the recently announced Cancer Moonshot in 2016. Precision cancer care has delivered clear patient benefit, but even for high-impact medicines such as imatinib mesylate (Glivec) in chronic myeloid leukaemia, the excitement at the success of this practice-changing clinical intervention has been somewhat tempered by the escalating price of this 'poster child' for precision cancer medicine (PCM). Recent studies on the costs of cancer drugs have revealed significant price differentials, which are a major causative factor behind disparities in the access to new generations of immunological and molecularly targeted agents. In this perspective, we will discuss the benefits of PCM to modern cancer control, but also emphasise how increasing costs are rendering the current approaches to integrating the paradigm of PCM unsustainable. Despite the ever increasing pressure on cancer and health care budgets, innovation will and must continue. Value-based frameworks offer one of the most rational approaches for policymakers committed to improving cancer outcomes through a public health approach.


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Virtual Team Teaching (VTT) is a form of collaborative teaching and learning at the college level that involves two teachers with their respective classes working together in real time from two distant classrooms. This paper looks at collaboration that occurs during VTT practice in order to examine factors that support and inhibit collaboration. It is aimed at teachers, administrators, technical support, and pedagogical advisors concerned with collaborative practices at the college level. What kind of affordances does Virtual Team Teaching provide for teachers and students in terms of collaboration? 1) How do teachers collaborate to build the activities and content for a VTT session? 2) What are some of the outcomes of this collaboration between these teachers? 3) How do students collaborate across the two classrooms? 4) What are some outcomes of this collaboration between students? And 5) Does the teachers’ collaborative effort impact the students’ collaboration, and vice versa?


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The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) forthcoming Ninth Ministerial Conference in Bali comes at a critical juncture for the multilateral trade body, long mired in the Doha Round stalemate. Beyond offering a critical first test at consensus-building and institutional renewal, the Bali Ministerial affords a unique opportunity to gauge contrasting perceptions across ASEAN and East Asian countries of the continued relevance of the WTO to trade and economic governance within the region and beyond. Resulting from the collaborative efforts of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), the Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) and the World Trade Institute at the University of Bern (WTI), this policy research initiative offers comparative scholarship on some of the key questions arising from the forthcoming WTO Ministerial gathering from an East Asian perspective. Specifically, it explores what scholars in the region expect the Bali Ministerial to produce by way of tangible outcomes and whether the Ministerial will restore the momentum needed to bring the Doha Round to a successful conclusion. Contributors also investigate how relevant the WTO remains to the multiple processes of deepening economic integration in ASEAN and East Asia (e.g. AEC, TPP, RCEP) and, importantly, what lessons in rule-design and market opening WTO Members could usefully draw from the ongoing march towards the establishment of an ASEAN Economic Community.


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On its release in 1981, Ned Lander's 'Wrong Side of the Road' won that year's Jury Prize at the Australian Film Institute Awards. Emphasising the film's status as a pre-eminent Australian production, the theorist and critic Sylvia Lawson, writing in 2013, called Wrong Side of the Road 'the best Australian film of 1981 and indeed of many other years'. Progressing at a restrained pace, it breaks 'Hollywood conventions (which most Australian films obediently copy) about what constitutes a proper narrative focus', with the result that the film stands as 'something of an event in Australian cinema'. In this way, Wrong Side of the Road is the 'first narrative feature to take the experience of a contemporary Aboriginal group [of characters] as its theme instead of using them as contrasts or complements to the main action'.


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This panel presentation provided several use cases that detail the complexity of large-scale digital library system (DLS) migration from the perspective of three university libraries and a statewide academic library services consortium. Each described the methodologies developed at the beginning of their migration process, the unique challenges that arose along the way, how issues were managed, and the outcomes of their work. Florida Atlantic University, Florida International University, and the University of Central Florida are members of the state's academic library services consortium, the Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC). In 2011, the Digital Services Committee members began exploring alternatives to DigiTool, their shared FLVC hosted DLS. After completing a review of functional requirements and existing systems, the universities and FLVC began the implementation process of their chosen platforms. Migrations began in 2013 with limited sets of materials. As functionalities were enhanced to support additional categories of materials from the legacy system, migration paths were created for the remaining materials. Some of the challenges experienced with the institutional and statewide collaborative legacy collections were due to gradual changes in standards, technology, policies, and personnel. This was manifested in the quality of original digital files and metadata, as well as collection and record structures. Additionally, the complexities involved with multiple institutions collaborating and compromising throughout the migration process, as well as the move from a consortial support structure with a vendor solution to open source systems (both locally and consortially supported), presented their own sets of unique challenges. Following the presentation, the speakers discussed commonalities in their migration experience, including learning opportunities for future migrations.


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Servitization and digitization together provide significant opportunities to raise the performance and profitability of the road transport industry. To date these opportunities are only sparsely captured and the potential economic, social and environmental value is forgone. We set out to investigate the barriers to capturing the value of servitization and digitization in the road transport industry.


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Descrevem-se as diversas fases do “Projeto para uma Estratégia de Literacia Informacional na NOVA” com vista à implementação de uma estratégia transversal de literacia da informação que abrangesse todas as Unidades Orgânicas da NOVA e o modo como a sua orientação de topo, dinâmica, metodologia e objetivos conduziram, posteriormente, à inclusão de um curso de Literacia Informacional no programa da NOVA Escola Doutoral. Realçando que a implementação do curso de Literacia Informacional nesse projeto passou a constituir um dos poucos exemplos de oferta formativa e de efetiva concretização de um projeto de intervenção curricular e pedagógica ao nível da literacia da informação no ensino superior em Portugal, promovendo a colaboração entre colegas e indo ao encontro de uma transferência de saberes e de uma partilha de competências abertas à colaboração de doutorandos e orientadores, enunciamse os objetivos do curso de Literacia Informacional e de cada módulo que o constitui e os resultados esperados ao nível do ensino e da aprendizagem. Conclui-se que a diversificação dos percursos formativos em contexto universitário, em estreita convergência com outras aprendizagens ao nível sociocultural, confere aos bibliotecários a responsabilidade de desempenhar um papel ativo no ensino e na promoção e consolidação das competências transversais dos estudantes, contribuindo a literacia da informação para o sucesso académico também ao nível do ensino superior.


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Improving the well-being of poor and vulnerable communities often requires external resources and interventions. Existing resource constraints, existing social and political structures, existing environmental circumstances, and existing economic realities are often insurmountable. Vulnerable and poor communities cannot challenge or overcome them on their own. External resources and interventions are often vital. They can act as shocks to existing systems that maintain vulnerability, can facilitate empowerment for those submerged in the dehumanisation of poverty, and can help local communities develop the capacity to equip themselves and assume the role of change agents for their own futures. The provision of such external resources and interventions is often facilitated through the involvement of non-government organisations (NGOs) that have developed expertise in working with and alongside local communities to identify, plan, implement and evaluate development interventions. These NGOs may be local to the communities themselves or be external and sit outside the partnered community. Often international NGOs partner with local ones in assisting local communities. However, collaboration between international and local NGOs, and between NGOs and local communities, should not be assumed to be without difficulty and challenges. Trust between partners, and between external agents of potential change and the communities that are the objects of these interventions, is a core component of successful collaborations.


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Traffic Safety Education (TSE) is an important part of a school's program; however, it competes with many other components of schooling such as literacy, numeracy and a number of health areas. Hence TSE provision in Victorian schools has been somewhat fragmented and haphazard in its delivery. This small pilot study involved two metropolitan and two rural schools which attempted to link TSE into mainstream school activities through the new Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) utilising the internationally accepted Health Promoting Schools (HPS) framework.
The findings of the pilot study showed that though schools face many demands, understanding and ownership of TSE is possible when administrative support, professional development and adequate planning time are made available. The report outlines several key recommendations to improve the delivery of Traffic Safety Education in Victorian schools.


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Self-identity as a careful pedestrian has not been fully considered in previous work on predicting intention to cross the road, or actual crossing behaviour, in non-optimal situations. Evidence suggests that self-identity may be a better predictor than attitudes in situations where decision-making styles have become habitual ways to respond. This study compared contributions of self-identity and attitudes to the prediction of intentions in two situations differing in level of habitual crossing expectation, and to crossing behaviour. Three hundred and sixty-two adults (17–92 years) completed a questionnaire measuring self-identity, attitudes, intentions, experience, social identity variables (e.g. age, gender) and personal limitations (mobility). Two hundred and five participants also completed a road-crossing simulation. Self-identity and attitude were both shown as significant independent predictors of intention in both situations. However, self-identity was less effective as a predictor in the higher risk scenario, where intention to perform the behaviour was lower, and for participants aged >75 years who had lower intention across scenarios. Self-identity strongly predicted intention to cross, which in turn predicted behaviour, but self-identity did not directly predict behaviour. Self-identity was strongly predicted by age. Implications for theories of compensation in older age and for design and targeting of pedestrian safety education are discussed.


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This paper discusses major obstacles for the adoption of low cost level crossing warning devices (LCLCWDs) in Australia and reviews those trialed in Australia and internationally. The argument for the use of LCLCWDs is that for a given investment, more passive level crossings can be treated, therefore increasing safety benefits across the rail network. This approach, in theory, reduces risk across the network by utilizing a combination of low-cost and conventional level crossing interventions, similar to what is done in the road environment. This paper concludes that in order to determine if this approach can produce better safety outcomes than the current approach, involving the incremental upgrade of level crossings with conventional interventions, it is necessary to perform rigorous risk assessments and cost-benefit analyses of LCLCWDs. Further research is also needed to determine how best to differentiate less reliable LCCLWDs from conventional warning devices through the use of different warning signs and signals. This paper presents a strategy for progressing research and development of LCLCWDs and details how the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Rail Innovation is fulfilling this strategy through the current and future affordable level crossing projects.


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Humans possess a highly developed sensitivity for facial features. This sensitivity is also deployed to non-human beings and inanimate objects such as cars. In the present study we aimed to investigate whether car design has a bearing on the behaviour of pedestrians. Methods: An immersive virtual reality environment with a zebra crossing was used to determine a) whether the minimum accepted distance for crossing the street is bigger for cars with dominant appearance than for cars with friendly appearance (Block 1) and b) whether the speed of dominant cars are overestimated compared to friendly cars (Block 2). In Block 1, the participant's task was to cross the road in front of an approaching car at the latest moment. The point of time when entering and leaving the street was measured. In Block 2 they were asked to estimate the speed of each passing car. An independent sample rated dominant cars as being more dominant, angry and hostile than friendly cars. Results: None of the predictions regarding the car design was confirmed. Instead, there was an effect of starting position: From the centre island, participants entered the road significantly later (smaller accepted distance) and left the road later than when starting from the pavement. Consistently, the speed of the cars was estimated significantly lower when standing on the centre island compared to the pavement. When entering the visual size of the cars as factor (instead of dominance), we found that participants started to cross the road significantly later in front of small cars compared to big cars and that the speed of smaller cars was overestimated compared to big cars (size-speed bias). Conclusions: Car size and starting position, not car design seem to have an influence on road crossing behaviour.