777 resultados para corneal


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Aim: To examine the academic literature on the grading of corneal transparency and to assess the potential use of objective image analysis. Method: Reference databases of academic literature were searched and relevant manuscripts reviewed. Annunziato, Efron (Millennium Edition) and Vistakon-Synoptik corneal oedema grading scale images were analysed objectively for relative intensity, edges detected, variation in intensity and maximum intensity. In addition, corneal oedema was induced in one subject using a low oxygen transmissibility (Dk/t) hydrogel contact lens worn for 3 hours under a light eye patch. Recovery from oedema was monitored over time using ultrasound pachymetry, high and low contrast visual acuity measures, bulbar hyperaemia grading and transparency image analysis of the test and control eyes. Results: Several methods for assessing corneal transparency are described in the academic literature, but none have gained widespread in clinical practice. The change in objective image analysis with printed scale grade was best described by quadratic parametric or sigmoid 3-parameter functions. ‘Pupil image scales’ (Annunziato and Vistakon-Synoptik) were best correlated to average intensity; however, the corneal section scale (Efron) was strongly correlated to variations in intensity. As expected, patching an eye wearing a low Dk/t hydrogel contact lens caused a significant (F=119.2, P<0.001) 14.3% increase in corneal thickness, which gradually recovered under open eye conditions. Corneal section image analysis was the most affected parameter and intensity variation across the slit width, in isolation, was the strongest correlate, accounting for 85.8% of the variance with time following patching, and 88.7% of the variance with corneal thickness. Conclusion: Corneal oedema is best determined objectively by the intensity variation across the width of a corneal section. This can be easily measured using a slit-lamp camera connected to a computer. Oedema due to soft contact lens wear is not easily determined over the pupil area by sclerotic scatter illumination techniques.


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Purpose: To evaluate distance and near image quality after hybrid bi-aspheric multifocal central presbyLASIK treatments. Design: Consecutive case series. Methods: Sixty-four eyes of 32 patients consecutively treated with central presbyLASIK were assessed. The mean age of the patients was 51 ± 3 years with a mean spherical equivalent refraction of-1.08 ± 2.62 diopters (D) and mean astigmatism of 0.52 ± 0.42 D. Monocular corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), corrected near visual acuity (CNVA), and distance corrected near visual acuity (DCNVA) of nondominant eyes; binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA); uncorrected intermediate visual acuity (UIVA); distance corrected intermediate visual acuity (DCIVA); and uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA) were assessed pre- and postoperatively. Subjective quality of vision and near vision was assessed using the 10-item Rasch-scaled Quality of Vision and Near Activity Visual Questionnaire, respectively. Results: At 1 year postoperatively, 93% of patients achieved 20/20 or better binocular UDVA; 90% and 97% of patients had J2 or better UNVA and UIVA, respectively; 7% lost 2 Snellen lines of CDVA; Strehl ratio reduced by ~-4% ± 14%. Defocus curves revealed a loss of half a Snellen line at best focus, with no change for intermediate vergence (-1.25 D) and a mean gain of 2 lines for near vergence (-3 D). Conclusions: Presbyopic treatment using a hybrid bi-aspheric micro-monovision ablation profile is safe and efficacious. The postoperative outcomes indicate improvements in binocular vision at far, intermediate, and near distances with improved contrast sensitivity. A 19% retreatment rate should be considered to increase satisfaction levels, besides a 3% reversal rate.


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The treatment of presbyopia has been the focus of much scientific and clinical research over recent years, not least due to an increasingly aging population but also the desire for spectacle independence. Many lens and nonlens-based approaches have been investigated, and with advances in biomaterials and improved surgical methods, removable corneal inlays have been developed. One such development is the KAMRA™ inlay where a small entrance pupil is exploited to create a pinhole-type effect that increases the depth of focus and enables improvement in near visual acuity. Short- and long-term clinical studies have all reported significant improvement in near and intermediate vision compared to preoperative measures following monocular implantation (nondominant eye), with a large proportion of patients achieving Jaeger (J) 2 to J1 (~0.00 logMAR to ~0.10 logMAR) at the final follow-up. Although distance acuity is reduced slightly in the treated eye, binocular visual acuity and function remain very good (mean 0.10 logMAR or better). The safety of the inlay is well established and easily removable, and although some patients have developed corneal changes, these are clinically insignificant and the incidence appears to reduce markedly with advancements in KAMRA design, implantation technique, and femtosecond laser technology. This review aims to summarize the currently published peer-reviewed studies on the safety and efficacy of the KAMRA inlay and discusses the surgical and clinical outcomes with respect to the patient’s visual function.


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The interaction of the wound dressing as a biomaterial with the wound bed is the central issue of this chapter. The interfacial phenomenon that encompasses the biological and biochemical consequences that arise when a biomaterial is introduced to a host biological environment is discussed. A great deal can be learned from observations arising from the behaviour of biomaterials at other body sites; one particularly relevant body site in the context of wound healing is the anterior eye. The cornea, tear film and posterior surface of the contact lens provide an informative model of the parallel interface that exists between the chronic wound bed, wound fluid and the dressing biomaterial. © 2011 Woodhead Publishing Limited All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: To assess the correlation between changes in corneal aberrations and the 2-year change in axial length in children fitted with orthokeratology (OK) contact lenses. METHODS: Thirty-one subjects 6 to 12 years of age and with myopia −0.75 to −4.00DS and astigmatism ≤1.00DC were fitted with OK. Measurements of axial length and corneal topography were taken at regular intervals over a 2-year period. Corneal topography at baseline and after 3 and 24 months of OK lens wear was used to derive higher-order corneal aberrations (HOA) that were correlated with OK-induced axial length changes at 2 years. RESULTS: Significant changes in C3, C4, C4, root mean square (RMS) secondary astigmatism and fourth and total HOA were found with both 3 and 24 months of OK lens wear in comparison with baseline (all P0.05). Coma angle of orientation changed significantly pre-OK in comparison with 3 and 24 months post-OK as well as secondary astigmatism angle of orientation pre-OK in comparison with 24 months post-OK (all P0.05). DISCUSSION: Short-term and long-term OK lens wear induces significant changes in corneal aberrations that are not significantly correlated with changes in axial elongation after 2-years.


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El Ap4A es una molécula con un amplio papel biológico en el ojo. Se ha descrito su implicación en procesos de secreción lagrimal, cicatrización epitelial, regulación de la presión intraocular, y presenta también un papel neuroprotector sobre los terminales simpáticos que inervan el cuerpo ciliar. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar la participación del Ap4A en otras posibles funciones a nivel ocular. En concreto se ha estudiado la capacidad de este dinucléotido para estimular la liberación de proteínas lagrimales de acción antibacteriana tales como la lisozima y la lactoferrina. Por otra parte se ha investigado su efecto como modulador de la función de barrera de la córnea a través de la regulación de los niveles de expresión de proteínas constituyentes de las tight junctions (TJ). Dicho efecto sobre la barrera puede tener una importante repercusión en la entrada de fármacos y en la consiguiente eficacia terapéutica de los mismos. Por último, se ha estudiado la posible implicación del dinucleótido en el proceso de edematización descrito en modelos animales glaucomatosos tales como el ratón DBA/2J. Con el objetivo de averiguar si la activación de Ap4A inducía un efecto sobre la producción de dos proteínas antimicrobianas relevantes de la lágrima (lisozima y lactoferrina) se realizaron ensayos en la lágrima de conejos albinos de Nueva Zelanda, mediante las técnicas de agar-agar y ELISA. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que Ap4A produce un aumento en la concentración de lisozima y de lactoferrina del 93% y 24%, respectivamente, frente a valores basales, y este efecto está mediado por receptores de tipo P2...


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La citología de impresión corneal es una técnica atraumática, simple, rápida y carente de efectos secundarios que permite estudiar las capas celulares más externas de la superficie ocular, posibilitando el diagnóstico de enfermedades de la misma y su monitorización durante y después del tratamiento. Los objetivos de la presente Tesis Doctoral han sido normalizar la técnica de obtención y procesamiento de muestras obtenidas por citología de impresión corneal en la especie canina, determinar los parámetros morfológicos y morfométricos fisiológicos de las células epiteliales corneales en perros sanos y establecer las alteraciones celulares corneales en el transcurso de la QCS canina. Además, se ha estudiado la existencia de una correlación entre las alteraciones del epitelio corneal y la producción lagrimal valorada mediante la prueba lagrimal de Schirmer I (PLS I). En este estudio se han incluido 60 perros de diferentes razas que han sido divididos en dos poblaciones: el grupo I, formado por pacientes sanos, con unos valores en la prueba lagrimal de Schirmer I (PLS I) iguales o superiores a 15 mm/min y el grupo II, formado por pacientes diagnosticados de QCS con unos valores en la PLS I comprendidos entre 0 y 14 mm/min. Los ojos de los animales del grupo II han sido categorizados a su vez en 3 subgrupos, estableciendo la gravedad de la enfermedad en función de los resultados obtenidos en la PLS I como grave, moderada o leve. Para facilitar la recogida y el manejo de las muestras, adecuar la técnica para su empleo en animales y disminuir al mínimo cualquier tipo de lesión iatrogénica sobre la superficie ocular se ha utilizado un dispositivo simple y eficaz, diferente a los que se han venido empleando tradicionalmente en oftalmología humana y veterinaria. La valoración morfométrica de las células se ha realizado atendiendo a los criterios de celularidad de la muestra, separación intercelular, morfología de las células, tinción citoplasmática, área celular, área nuclear, ratio núcleo/citoplasma (ratio N:C) y alteraciones nucleares...


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We thank Darrin Sheppard and other staff at the University of Aberdeen Medical Research Facility for specialist technical assistance. We thank Patsy D. Goast for overnight microscope monitoring. This work was performed under the Biotechnology and Bioscience Research Council Grant number BB/E015840/1 to JMC.


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PURPOSE: To better understand knowledge and attitudes concerning corneal donation among Chinese adults.
METHODS: Randomly selected residents in predetermined age strata 20 to 60+ years completed home-based questionnaires in each of 12 randomly chosen communities in Guangzhou, southern China.
RESULTS: Among 1217 selected persons, 430 (35.3%) completed the questionnaires (mean age 40.4 yrs, 57.9% female). Refusers were older (44.8 yrs, P < 0.001), but sex did not differ (52.2% female, P = 0.07). Among participants, 175 (40.7%) were willing to donate their corneas (WTD). Differences between WTD and not WTD included donation knowledge score (range, 1-12) [WTD (SD) 6.91 ± 2.21, not WTD 5.62 ± 2.43, P < 0.001]; having discussed donation (WTD 26.3%, not WTD 8.63%, P < 0.001); viewing donation as unpopular (WTD 88.0%, not WTD 96.5%, P = 0.001); and feeling donation "damages the body" (WTD 15.4%, not WTD 25.7%, P = 0.013). Associated significantly with WTD in multiple regression models were higher knowledge score [odds ratio (OR) = 1.18, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.04-1.32, P = 0.008]; not feeling donation "damages the body" (OR = 1.91, 95% CI, 1.07-3.43, P = 0.030); and willingness to discuss donation (OR = 10.6, 95% CI, 3.35-33.9, P < 0.001). WTD did not differ by age (>60 yrs: 22/51, 43.1%; ≤60 yrs: 153/379, 40.4%, P = 0.706). Assuming all those refusing the survey would not donate, 14.4% (175/1217) were WTD for themselves, though only 7.1% (86/1217) would do so on behalf of a family member if they did not know the deceased's preference.
CONCLUSIONS: Interventions to increase knowledge and promote discussions about donation, and policies allowing widespread expression of donation preference, are needed in this setting.


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Procedimiento de reconstrucción de la topografía corneal a partir de datos altimétricos o de curvatura. La invención consiste en un método de reconstrucción de la superficie de la cara anterior de la córnea, a partir de los datos medidos en un conjunto discreto de puntos por medio de un topógrafo corneal o equipo equivalente. Se trata de un procedimiento que obtiene una expresión analítica de la superficie, combinando un ajuste por polinomios de Zernike o con esfera de mejor ajuste, con una reconstrucción por funciones de base radial gaussianas. Se logra obtener una descripción detallada de la superficie corneal, permitiendo un diagnóstico más fiable de patologías, o la implementación de tratamientos customizados. Este procedimiento es fácilmente implementable en cualquier topógrafo corneal, tomógrafo de coherencia óptica, equipos de lámpara de hendidura y equivalentes, de los existentes en el mercado, como sustituto del método estándar basado en polinomios de Zernike.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Visión).-- Universidad de La Salle. Maestría en Ciencias de la Visión, 2014


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This review evaluates the outcomes of intrastromal corneal ring segment (ICRS) implantation for the treatment of keratoconus considering a new grading system based on the preoperative visual impairment of the patient. Additionally, a five-year follow-up analysis of patients with stable and progressive keratoconus is performed in order to assess the long term stability of the surgical procedure. Corrected distance visual acuity decreased statistically significantly in patients with mild keratoconus (P < 0.01) but statistically significantly increased in all other grades (P < 0.05). The improvement in visual acuity and the decrease of keratometric and aberrometric values were stable throughout a long period of time in patients with stable keratoconus. In patients with progressive form keratoconus, a significant improvement was found immediately after the procedure, however clinically relevant regression greater than 3 D was observed at the end of the follow up period.


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Purpose: We have investigated the effect of melatonin and its analogues on rabbit corneal epithelial wound healing. Methods: New Zealand rabbits were anaesthetised and wounds were made by placing Whatman paper discs soaked in n-heptanol on the cornea. Melatonin and analogues (all 10 nmol) were instilled. Wound diameter was measured every 2 hours by means of fluorescein application with a Topcon SL-8Z slit lamp. Melatonin antagonists (all 10 nmol) were applied 2 hours before the application of the n-heptanol-soaked disc and then every 6 hours together with melatonin. To confirm the presence of MT2 receptors in corneal epithelial cells immunohistochemistry, Western blot and RT-PCR assays in native tissue and in rabbit corneal epithelial cells were performed. The tear components were extracted then processed by HPLC to quantify melatonin in tears. Results: Migration assays revealed that melatonin and particularly the treatment with the MT2 agonist IIK7, accelerated the rate of healing (p < 0.001). The application of the non-selective melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole and the MT2 antagonist DH97 (but not prazosin), prevented the effect of melatonin on wound healing (both p < 0.001). Immunohistochemistry, Western blot and RT-PCR assays showed the presence of MT2 melatonin receptor in corneal epithelial cells. In addition, we have identified melatonin in tears and determined its daily variations. Conclusions: These data suggest that MT2 receptors are implicated in the effect of melatonin on corneal wound healing regulating migration rate. This suggests the potential use of melatonin and its analogues to enhance epithelial wound healing in ocular surface disease.


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Purpose. To investigate the role of ERK1/2 and RhoA/ROCK intracellular pathways in the modification of corneal re-epithelialization when stimulated by the diadenosine polyphosphates Ap4A and Ap3A. Methods. In wounded confluent SIRC (Statens Seruminstitut rabbit cornea) cell monolayers and in the presence or absence of Ap4A or Ap3A 100 μM, a battery of P2 receptor antagonists and inhibitors of tyrosin kinases, MAPK, and cytoskeleton pathways (AG1478 100 μM, U0126 100 μM, Y27632 100 nM, and (−)-blebbistatin 10 μM; n = 8 each) were assayed. Also, the activation of ERK1/2 and ROCK-I was examined by Western blot assay after treatment with Ap4A and Ap3A (100 μM), with or without suramin, RB-2, U0126, and Y27632. The intracellular distribution of pERK and ROCK-I was examined in the presence of Ap4A or Ap3A (100 μM) with U0126 and Y27632 (100 nM). Results. In the presence of Ap4A, U0126, Y27632, AG1478, and (−)-blebbistatin, reduced the migration rate compared to the effect of Ap4A alone (P < 0.0001, P < 0.001, P < 0.01, and P < 0.1 versus Ap4A, respectively). In the presence of Ap3A 100 μM, U0126 and Y27632 accelerated the migration rate when compared with the effect of Ap3A alone, whereas AG1478 and (−)-blebbistatin (P < 0.0001 versus Ap3A) slowed the migration rate. Western blot assays demonstrated that both dinucleotides activated the ERK1/2 pathway but only Ap4A activated the ROCK-I pathway. The intracellular distribution of pERK1/2 and ROCK-I reflected cross-talk between these two pathways. Conclusions. The activation of the Ap4A/P2Y2 receptor, accelerates corneal epithelial cell migration during wound healing with the activation of MAPK and cytoskeleton pathways, whereas activation of the Ap3A/P2Y6 receptor signals only the MAPK pathway.


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Purpose. To investigate the influence of diadenosine polyphosphates on the rate of corneal epithelial cell migration. Methods. Primary corneal epithelial cell cultures were obtained from New Zealand White rabbits. Immunocytochemical experiments were performed by fixing the cells with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) and incubated with cytokeratin 3 primary antibody, which was subsequently incubated with a secondary IgG mouse labeled with FITC, and the cells were observed under confocal microscopy. Migration studies were performed by taking confluent monolayers that were wounded with a pipette tip and challenged with different di- and mononucleotides with or without P2 antagonist (n = 8 each treatment). For concentration–response analysis, compounds were tested in doses ranging from 10−8 to 10−3 M (n = 8). The stability of the dinucleotides was assayed by HPLC, with an isocratic method (n = 4). Results. Cells under study were verified as corneal epithelial cells via the immunocytochemical analysis. Cell migration experiments showed that Ap4A, UTP, and ATP accelerated the rate of healing (5, 2.75, and 3 hours, respectively; P < 0.05; P < 0.001), whereas Ap3A, Ap5A, and UDP delayed it (6.5, 10, and 2 hours, respectively; P < 0.05). ADP did not modify the rate of migration. Antagonists demonstrated that Ap4A and Ap3A did activate different P2Y receptors mediating corneal wound-healing acceleration and delay. Concerning the possible degradation of the dinucleotides, it was almost impossible to detect any products resulting from their cleavage. Conclusions. Based on the pharmacological profile of all the compounds tested, the two main P2Y receptors that exist in these corneal cells are a P2Y2 receptor accelerating the rate of healing and a P2Y6 receptor that delays this process.