851 resultados para computing technologies
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is present in almost every modern day personal computer. Despite its specific purpose design, they have been increasingly used for general computations with very good results. Hence, there is a growing effort from the community to seamlessly integrate this kind of devices in everyday computing. However, to fully exploit the potential of a system comprising GPUs and CPUs, these devices should be presented to the programmer as a single platform. The efficient combination of the power of CPU and GPU devices is highly dependent on each device’s characteristics, resulting in platform specific applications that cannot be ported to different systems. Also, the most efficient work balance among devices is highly dependable on the computations to be performed and respective data sizes. In this work, we propose a solution for heterogeneous environments based on the abstraction level provided by algorithmic skeletons. Our goal is to take full advantage of the power of all CPU and GPU devices present in a system, without the need for different kernel implementations nor explicit work-distribution.To that end, we extended Marrow, an algorithmic skeleton framework for multi-GPUs, to support CPU computations and efficiently balance the work-load between devices. Our approach is based on an offline training execution that identifies the ideal work balance and platform configurations for a given application and input data size. The evaluation of this work shows that the combination of CPU and GPU devices can significantly boost the performance of our benchmarks in the tested environments, when compared to GPU-only executions.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, being a major public health problem. Worldwide, X-ray mammography is the current gold-standard for medical imaging of breast cancer. However, it has associated some well-known limitations. The false-negative rates, up to 66% in symptomatic women, and the false-positive rates, up to 60%, are a continued source of concern and debate. These drawbacks prompt the development of other imaging techniques for breast cancer detection, in which Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) is included. DBT is a 3D radiographic technique that reduces the obscuring effect of tissue overlap and appears to address both issues of false-negative and false-positive rates. The 3D images in DBT are only achieved through image reconstruction methods. These methods play an important role in a clinical setting since there is a need to implement a reconstruction process that is both accurate and fast. This dissertation deals with the optimization of iterative algorithms, with parallel computing through an implementation on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to make the 3D reconstruction faster using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). Iterative algorithms have shown to produce the highest quality DBT images, but since they are computationally intensive, their clinical use is currently rejected. These algorithms have the potential to reduce patient dose in DBT scans. A method of integrating CUDA in Interactive Data Language (IDL) is proposed in order to accelerate the DBT image reconstructions. This method has never been attempted before for DBT. In this work the system matrix calculation, the most computationally expensive part of iterative algorithms, is accelerated. A speedup of 1.6 is achieved proving the fact that GPUs can accelerate the IDL implementation.
The use of natural pigments instead of synthetic colourants is receiving growing interest in the food industry. In this field, cactus pears (Opuntia spp.) have been identified to be a promising betalainic crops covering a wide coloured spectrum. The aim of this work was to develop adequate clean and mild methodologies for the isolation and encapsulation of betacyanins, from cactus pear fruits (Opuntia spp.). Firstly, two different emerging technologies, namely PLE (Pressurized Liquid Extraction) and HPCDAE (High Pressure Carbon Dioxide-Assisted Extraction), were exploited to isolation of betacyanins form cactus pear fruits. Different process conditions were tested for the maximum recovery of betacyanins. Results showed that highest extraction yields were achieved for HPCDAE and mass ratio of pressurized carbon dioxide vs. acidified water was the parameter that most affected the betacyanins extraction. At optimum conditions of HPCDAE, Opuntia spp. extract presented a total betacyanin content of 211 ± 10 mg/100 g whereas extracts obtained using conventional extraction, PLE in static and in dynamic mode presented a total betacyanin content of 85 ± 3, 191 ± 2 and 153 ± 5 mg/100 g, respectively. HPCDAE has proven to be a successful technology to extract betacyanins from Opuntia spp. fruits. Afterward, Supercritical Fluid Technology was exploited to develop lipidic particles of betalain-rich extract. A betacyanin-rich conventional extract was encapsulated by PGSS® (Particles from Gas Saturated Solutions) technique. Different process conditions were tested in order to model the encapsulation of betacyanins. The pressure had a negative effect on betacyanin encapsulation. Lower pressures leads to an increase in the betacyanin encapsulation. This effect was more pronounced at higher temperatures and lower equilibrium time. At these conditions, Opuntia spp. particles presented 64.4 ± 4.5 mg/100 g and high antioxidant capacity. When compared with the Opuntia spp. dried extract, lipidic particles contributed to a better homogenization of the pink colour after incorporation in ice cream.
RESUMO - Assistimos hoje a um contexto marcado (i) pelo progressivo envelhecimento das sociedades ocidentais, (ii) pelo aumento da prevalência das doenças crónicas, de que as demências são um exemplo, (iii) pelo significativo aumento dos custos associados a estas patologias, (iv) por orçamentos públicos fortemente pressionadas pelo controlo da despesa, (v) por uma vida moderna que dificulta o apoio intergeracional, tornando o suporte proporcionado pelos filhos particularmente difícil, (vi) por fortes expectativas relativamente à prestação de cuidados de saúde com qualidade. Teremos assim de ser capazes de conseguir melhorar os serviços de saúde, ao mesmo tempo que recorremos a menos recursos financeiros e humanos, pelo que a inovação parece ser crítica para a sustentabilidade do sistema. Contudo a difusão das Assistive Living Technologies, apesar do seu potencial, tem sido bastante baixa, nomeadamente em Portugal. Porquê? Hamer, Plochg e Moreira (2012), no editorial do International Journal of Healthcare Management, enquadram a Inovação como “podendo ser imprevisível e mesmo dolorosa, pelo que talvez possamos não ficar surpreendidos se surgirem resistências e que, inovações bastante necessárias, capazes de melhorar os indicadores de saúde, tenham sido de adoção lenta ou que tenham mesmo sido insustentáveis”. Em Portugal não há bibliografia que procure caracterizar o modelo de difusão da inovação em eHealth ou das tecnologias de vivência assistida. A bibliografia internacional é igualmente escassa. O presente projeto de investigação, de natureza exploratória, tem como objetivo principal, identificar barreiras e oportunidades para a implementação de tecnologias eHealth, aplicadas ao campo das demências. Como objetivos secundários pretendemse identificar as oportunidades e limitações em Portugal: mapa de competências nacionais, e propor medidas que possa acelerar a inovação em ALT, no contexto nacional. O projeto seguirá o modelo de um estudo qualitativo. Para o efeito foram conduzidas entrevistas em profundidade junto de experts em ALT, procurando obter a visão daqueles que participam do lado da Oferta- a Indústria; do lado da Procura- doentes, cuidadores e profissionais de saúde; bem como dos Reguladores. O instrumento utilizado para a recolha da informação pretendida foi o questionário não estruturado. A análise e interpretação da informação recolhida foram feitas através da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados da Análise de Conteúdo efetuada permitiram expressar a dicotomia barreira/oportunidade, nas seguintes categorias aqui descritas como contextos (i) Contexto Tecnológico, nas subcategorias de Acesso às Infraestruturas; Custo da Tecnologia; Interoperabilidade, (ii) Contexto do Valor Percecionado, nas subcategorias de Utilidade; Eficiência; Divulgação, (iii) Contexto Político, compreendendo a Liderança; Organização; Regulação; Recursos, (iv) Contexto Sociocultural, incluindo nomeadamente Idade; Literacia; Capacidade Económica, (v) Contexto Individual, incluindo como subcategorias, Capacidade de Adaptação a Novas tecnologias; Motivação; Acesso a equipamentos (vi) Contexto Específico da Doença, nomeadamente o Impacto Cognitivo; Tipologia Heterogénea e a Importância do Cuidador. Foi proposto um modelo exploratório, designado de Modelo de Contextos e Forças, que estudos subsequentes poderão validar. Neste modelo o Contexto Tecnológico é um Força Básica ou Fundamental; o Contexto do Valor Percecionado, constitui-se numa Força Crítica para a adoção de inovação, que assenta na sua capacidade para oferecer valor aos diversos stakeholders da cadeia de cuidados. Temos também o Contexto Político, com capacidade de modelar a adoção da inovação e nomeadamente com capacidade para o acelerar, se dele emitir um sinal de urgência para a mudança. O Contexto Sociocultural e Individual expressam uma Força Intrínseca, dado que elas são características internas, próprias e imutáveis no curto-prazo, das sociedade e das pessoas. Por fim há que considerar o Contexto Específico da Doença, nesta caso o das demências. Das conclusões do estudo parece evidente que as condições tecnológicas estão medianamente satisfeitas em Portugal, com evidentes progressos nos últimos anos (exceção para a interoperabilidade aonde há necessidade de maiores progressos), não constituindo portanto barreira à introdução de ALT. Aonde há necessidade de investir é nas áreas do valor percebido. Da análise feita, esta é uma área que constitui uma barreira à introdução e adoção das ALT em Portugal. A falta de perceção do valor que estas tecnologias trazem, por parte dos profissionais de saúde, doentes, cuidadores e decisores políticos, parece ser o principal entrave à sua adoção. São recomendadas estratégias de modelos colaborativos de Investigação e Desenvolvimento e de abordagens de cocriação com a contribuição de todos os intervenientes na cadeia de cuidados. Há também um papel que cabe ao estado no âmbito das prioridades e da mobilização de recursos, sendo-lhe requerida a expressão do sentido de urgência para que esta mudança aconteça. Foram também identificadas oportunidades em diversas áreas, como na prevenção, no diagnóstico, na compliance medicamentosa, na terapêutica, na monitorização, no apoio à vida diária e na integração social. O que é necessário é que as soluções encontradas constituam respostas àquilo que são as verdadeiras necessidades dos intervenientes e não uma imposição tecnológica que só por si nada resolve. Do estudo resultou também a perceção de que há que (i) continuar a trabalhar no sentido de aproximar a comunidade científica, da clínica e do doente, (ii) fomentar a colaboração entre centros, com vista à criação de escala a nível global. Essa colaboração já parece acontecer a nível empresarial, tendo sido identificadas empresas Portuguesas com vocação global. A qualidade individual das instituições de ensino, dos centros de investigação, das empresas, permite criar as condições para que Portugal possa ser país um piloto e um case-study internacional em ALT, desde que para tal pudéssemos contar com um trabalho colaborativo entre instituições e com decisões políticas arrojadas.
No atual contexto da inovação, um grande número de estudos tem analisado o potencial do modelo de Inovação Aberta. Neste sentido, o autor Henry Chesbrough (2003) considerado o pai da Inovação Aberta, afirma que as empresas estão vivenciando uma “mudança de paradigma” na maneira como desenvolvem os seus processos de inovação e na comercialização de tecnologia e conhecimento. Desta forma, o modelo de Inovação Aberta defende que as empresas podem e devem utilizar os recursos disponíveis fora das suas fronteiras sendo esta combinação de ideias e tecnologias internas e externas crucial para atingir uma posição de liderança no mercado. Já afirmava Chesbrough (2003) que não se faz inovação isoladamente e o próprio dinamismo do cenário atual reforça esta ideia. Assim, os riscos inerentes ao processo de inovação podem ser atenuados através da realização de parcerias entre empresas e instituições. A adoção do modelo de Inovação Aberta é percebida com base na abundância de conhecimento disponível, que poderá proporcionar valor também à empresa que o criou, como é o caso do licenciamento de patentes. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar as práticas de Inovação Aberta entre as parcerias mencionadas pelas empresas prestadoras de Cloud Computing. Através da Análise de Redes Sociais foram construídas matrizes referentes às parcerias mencionadas pelas empresas e informações obtidas em fontes secundárias (Sousa, 2012). Essas matrizes de relacionamento (redes) foram analisadas e representadas através de diagramas. Desta forma, foi possível traçar um panorama das parcerias consideradas estratégicas pelas empresas entrevistadas e identificar quais delas constituem, de fato, práticas de Inovação Aberta. Do total de 26 parcerias estratégicas mencionadas nas entrevistas, apenas 11 foram caracterizadas como práticas do modelo aberto. A análise das práticas conduzidas pelas empresas entrevistadas permite verificar algumas limitações no aproveitamento do modelo de Inovação Aberta. Por fim, são feitas algumas recomendações sobre a implementação deste modelo pelas pequenas e médias empresas baseadas em tecnologias emergentes, como é o caso do conceito de cloud computing.
This study discusses some fundamental issues so that the development and diffusion of services based in cloud computing happen positively in several countries. For exposure of this subject is discusses public initiatives by the most advanced countries in terms of cloud computing application and the brazilin position in this context. Based on presented evidences here it appears that the essential elements for the development and diffusion of cloud computing in Brazil made important steps and show evidence of maturity, as the cybercrime legislation. However, other elements still require analysis and specifically adaptations for the cloud computing case, such as the Intellectual Property Rights. Despite showing broadband services still lacking, one cannot disregard the government effort to facilitate access for all society. In contrast, the large volume of the Brazilian IT market is an interest factor for companies seeking to invest in the country.
This dissertation analyzes the possibilities of utilizing speech-processing technologies to transform the user experience of ActivoBank’s customers while using remote banking solutions. The technologies are examined through different criteria to determine if they support the bank’s goals and strategy and whether they should be incorporated in the bank’s offering. These criteria include the alignment with ActivoBank’s values, the suitability of the technology providers, the benefits these technologies entail, potential risks, appeal to the customers and impact on customer satisfaction. The analysis suggests that ActivoBank might not be in a position to adopt these technologies at this point in time.
In recent years it has been noticed the progressive disappearance of vernacular sustainable building technologies all over the world mainly due to a strong urban rehabilitation process with modern technologies not compatible with ancient knowledge. Simultaneously new dwellings are needed all over the world and in this sense it was decided to study an ecological and cost-controlled building technology of monolithic walls that can combine the use of low carbon footprint materials, such as earth, fibres and lime using an invasive species: giant reed cane (Arundo Donax). This paper explains the development of this building technology through testing diverse prototypes.
In the following text I will develop three major aspects. The first is to draw attention to those who seem to have been the disciplinary fields where, despite everything, the Digital Humanities (in the broad perspective as will be regarded here) have asserted themselves in a more comprehensive manner. I think it is here that I run into greater risks, not only for what I have mentioned above, but certainly because a significant part, perhaps, of the achievements and of the researchers might have escaped the look that I sought to cast upon the past few decades, always influenced by my own experience and the work carried out in the field of History. But this can be considered as a work in progress and it is open to criticism and suggestions. A second point to note is that emphasis will be given to the main lines of development in the relationship between historical research and digital methodologies, resources and tools. Finally, I will try to make a brief analysis of what has been the Digital Humanities discourse appropriation in recent years, with very debatable data and methods for sure, because studies are still scarce and little systematic information is available that would allow to go beyond an introductory reflection.
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In the early nineties, Mark Weiser wrote a series of seminal papers that introduced the concept of Ubiquitous Computing. According to Weiser, computers require too much attention from the user, drawing his focus from the tasks at hand. Instead of being the centre of attention, computers should be so natural that they would vanish into the human environment. Computers become not only truly pervasive but also effectively invisible and unobtrusive to the user. This requires not only for smaller, cheaper and low power consumption computers, but also for equally convenient display solutions that can be harmoniously integrated into our surroundings. With the advent of Printed Electronics, new ways to link the physical and the digital worlds became available. By combining common printing techniques such as inkjet printing with electro-optical functional inks, it is starting to be possible not only to mass-produce extremely thin, flexible and cost effective electronic circuits but also to introduce electronic functionalities into products where it was previously unavailable. Indeed, Printed Electronics is enabling the creation of novel sensing and display elements for interactive devices, free of form factor. At the same time, the rise in the availability and affordability of digital fabrication technologies, namely of 3D printers, to the average consumer is fostering a new industrial (digital) revolution and the democratisation of innovation. Nowadays, end-users are already able to custom design and manufacture on demand their own physical products, according to their own needs. In the future, they will be able to fabricate interactive digital devices with user-specific form and functionality from the comfort of their homes. This thesis explores how task-specific, low computation, interactive devices capable of presenting dynamic visual information can be created using Printed Electronics technologies, whilst following an approach based on the ideals behind Personal Fabrication. Focus is given on the use of printed electrochromic displays as a medium for delivering dynamic digital information. According to the architecture of the displays, several approaches are highlighted and categorised. Furthermore, a pictorial computation model based on extended cellular automata principles is used to programme dynamic simulation models into matrix-based electrochromic displays. Envisaged applications include the modelling of physical, chemical, biological, and environmental phenomena.
Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) are networks of devices used to sense and act that applies wireless radios to communicate. To achieve a successful implementation of a wireless device it is necessary to take in consideration the existence of a wide variety of radios available, a large number of communication parameters (payload, duty cycle, etc.) and environmental conditions that may affect the device’s behaviour. However, to evaluate a specific radio towards a unique application it might be necessary to conduct trial experiments, with such a vast amount of devices, communication parameters and environmental conditions to take into consideration the number of trial cases generated can be surprisingly high. Thus, making trial experiments to achieve manual validation of wireless communication technologies becomes unsuitable due to the existence of a high number of trial cases on the field. To overcome this technological issue an automated test methodology was introduced, presenting the possibility to acquire data regarding the device’s behaviour when testing several technologies and parameters that care for a specific analysis. Therefore, this method advances the validation and analysis process of the wireless radios and allows the validation to be done without the need of specific and in depth knowledge about wireless devices.
During recent decades it has been possible to identify several problems in construction industry project management, related with to systematic failures in terms of fulfilling its schedule, cost and quality targets, which highlight a need for an evaluation of the factors that may cause these failures. Therefore, it is important to understand how project managers plan the projects, so that the performance and the results can be improved. However, it is important to understand if other areas beyond cost and time management that are mentioned on several studies as the most critical areas, receive the necessary attention from construction project managers. Despite the cost and time are the most sensitive areas/fields, there are several other factors that may lead to project failure. This study aims at understand the reasons that may cause the deviation in terms of cost, time and quality, from the project management point of view, looking at the knowledge areas mentioned by PMI (Project Management Institute).