803 resultados para composite web services


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To utilize the advantages of existing and emerging Internet techniques and to meet the demands for a new generation of collaborative working environments, a framework with an upperware–middleware architecture is proposed, which consists of four layers: resource layer, middleware layer, upperware layer and application layer. The upperware contains intelligent agents and plug/play facilities; the former coordinates and controls multiple middleware techniques such as Grid computing, Web-services and mobile agents, while the latter are used for the applications, such as semantic CAD, to plug and loose couple into the system. The method of migrating legacy software using automatic wrapper generation technique is also presented. A prototype mobile environment for collaborative product design is presented to illustrate the utilization of the CWE framework in collaborative design and manufacture.


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A research project in Web-enabled collaborative design and manufacture has been conducted. The major tasks of the project include the development of a Web-enabled environment for collaboration, online collaborative CAD/CAM, remote execution of large size programs (RELSP), and distributed product design. The tasks and Web/Internet techniques involved are presented first, followed by detail description of two approaches developed for implementation of the research: (1) a client-server approach for RELSP, where the following Internet techniques are utilized: CORBA, Microsoft’s Internet information server, Tomcat server, JDBC and ODBC; (2) Web-Services supported collaborative CAD which enables geographically dispersed designers jointly conduct a design task in the way of speaking and seeing each other and instantaneously modifying the CAD drawing online.


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Place-names are a fundamental concept in all academic collections: everything happens somewhere. Contemporary place-names are comprehensively represented in digital gazetteer and geospatial web services such as GeoNames. However, despite millions of pounds of investment by JISC and other agencies in historical online resources in recent years, there is currently no equivalent for historic place-names. This project will digitize the entire 86 volume corpus of the Survey of English Place-Names (SEPN), the ultimate authority on historic place-names in England, and make its 4 million forms available.


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By 2015, with the proliferation of wireless multimedia applications and services (e.g., mobile TV, video on demand, online video repositories, immersive video interaction, peer to peer video streaming, and interactive video gaming), and any-time anywhere communication, the number of smartphones and tablets will exceed 6.5 billion as the most common web access devices. Data volumes in wireless multimedia data-intensive applications and mobile web services are projected to increase by a factor of 10 every five years, associated with a 20 percent increase in energy consumption, 80 percent of which is multimedia traffic related. In turn, multimedia energy consumption is rising at 16 percent per year, doubling every six years. It is estimated that energy costs alone account for as much as half of the annual operating expenditure. This has prompted concerted efforts by major operators to drastically reduce carbon emissions by up to 50 percent over the next 10 years. Clearly, there is an urgent need for new disruptive paradigms of green media to bridge the gap between wireless technologies and multimedia applications.


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Background: Gene expression connectivity mapping has proven to be a powerful and flexible tool for research. Its application has been shown in a broad range of research topics, most commonly as a means of identifying potential small molecule compounds, which may be further investigated as candidates for repurposing to treat diseases. The public release of voluminous data from the Library of Integrated Cellular Signatures (LINCS) programme further enhanced the utilities and potentials of gene expression connectivity mapping in biomedicine. Results: We describe QUADrATiC (http://go.qub.ac.uk/QUADrATiC), a user-friendly tool for the exploration of gene expression connectivity on the subset of the LINCS data set corresponding to FDA-approved small molecule compounds. It enables the identification of compounds for repurposing therapeutic potentials. The software is designed to cope with the increased volume of data over existing tools, by taking advantage of multicore computing architectures to provide a scalable solution, which may be installed and operated on a range of computers, from laptops to servers. This scalability is provided by the use of the modern concurrent programming paradigm provided by the Akka framework. The QUADrATiC Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been developed using advanced Javascript frameworks, providing novel visualization capabilities for further analysis of connections. There is also a web services interface, allowing integration with other programs or scripts.Conclusions: QUADrATiC has been shown to provide an improvement over existing connectivity map software, in terms of scope (based on the LINCS data set), applicability (using FDA-approved compounds), usability and speed. It offers potential to biological researchers to analyze transcriptional data and generate potential therapeutics for focussed study in the lab. QUADrATiC represents a step change in the process of investigating gene expression connectivity and provides more biologically-relevant results than previous alternative solutions.


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A exigente inovação na área das aplicações biomédicas tem guiado a evolução das tecnologias de informação nas últimas décadas. Os desafios associados a uma gestão, integração, análise e interpretação eficientes dos dados provenientes das mais modernas tecnologias de hardware e software requerem um esforço concertado. Desde hardware para sequenciação de genes a registos electrónicos de paciente, passando por pesquisa de fármacos, a possibilidade de explorar com precisão os dados destes ambientes é vital para a compreensão da saúde humana. Esta tese engloba a discussão e o desenvolvimento de melhores estratégias informáticas para ultrapassar estes desafios, principalmente no contexto da composição de serviços, incluindo técnicas flexíveis de integração de dados, como warehousing ou federação, e técnicas avançadas de interoperabilidade, como serviços web ou LinkedData. A composição de serviços é apresentada como um ideal genérico, direcionado para a integração de dados e para a interoperabilidade de software. Relativamente a esta última, esta investigação debruçou-se sobre o campo da farmacovigilância, no contexto do projeto Europeu EU-ADR. As contribuições para este projeto, um novo standard de interoperabilidade e um motor de execução de workflows, sustentam a sucesso da EU-ADR Web Platform, uma plataforma para realizar estudos avançados de farmacovigilância. No contexto do projeto Europeu GEN2PHEN, esta investigação visou ultrapassar os desafios associados à integração de dados distribuídos e heterogéneos no campo do varíoma humano. Foi criada uma nova solução, WAVe - Web Analyses of the Variome, que fornece uma coleção rica de dados de variação genética através de uma interface Web inovadora e de uma API avançada. O desenvolvimento destas estratégias evidenciou duas oportunidades claras na área de software biomédico: melhorar o processo de implementação de software através do recurso a técnicas de desenvolvimento rápidas e aperfeiçoar a qualidade e disponibilidade dos dados através da adopção do paradigma de web semântica. A plataforma COEUS atravessa as fronteiras de integração e interoperabilidade, fornecendo metodologias para a aquisição e tradução flexíveis de dados, bem como uma camada de serviços interoperáveis para explorar semanticamente os dados agregados. Combinando as técnicas de desenvolvimento rápidas com a riqueza da perspectiva "Semantic Web in a box", a plataforma COEUS é uma aproximação pioneira, permitindo o desenvolvimento da próxima geração de aplicações biomédicas.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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Dissertação de natureza científica realizada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Redes de Computadores e Multimédia


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Projecto Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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Trabalho de Projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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In the last two decades, there was a proliferation of programming exercise formats that hinders interoperability in automatic assessment. In the lack of a widely accepted standard, a pragmatic solution is to convert content among the existing formats. BabeLO is a programming exercise converter providing services to a network of heterogeneous e-learning systems such as contest management systems, programming exercise authoring tools, evaluation engines and repositories of learning objects. Its main feature is the use of a pivotal format to achieve greater extensibility. This approach simplifies the extension to other formats, just requiring the conversion to and from the pivotal format. This paper starts with an analysis of programming exercise formats representative of the existing diversity. This analysis sets the context for the proposed approach to exercise conversion and to the description of the pivotal data format. The abstract service definition is the basis for the design of BabeLO, its components and web service interface. This paper includes a report on the use of BabeLO in two concrete scenarios: to relocate exercises to a different repository, and to use an evaluation engine in a network of heterogeneous systems.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise a été rédigé dans l’objectif d’explorer une inégalité. Une inégalité dans les pratiques liées à la saisie et l’exploitation des données utilisateur dans la sphère des technologies et services Web, plus particulièrement dans la sphère des GIS (Geographic Information Systems). En 2014, de nombreuses entreprises exploitent les données de leurs utilisateurs afin d’améliorer leurs services ou générer du revenu publicitaire. Du côté de la sphère publique et gouvernementale, ce changement n’a pas été effectué. Ainsi, les gouvernements fédéraux et municipaux sont démunis de données qui permettraient d’améliorer les infrastructures et services publics. Des villes à travers le monde essayent d’améliorer leurs services et de devenir « intelligentes » mais sont dépourvues de ressources et de savoir faire pour assurer une transition respectueuse de la vie privée et des souhaits des citadins. Comment une ville peut-elle créer des jeux de données géo-référencés sans enfreindre les droits des citadins ? Dans l’objectif de répondre à ces interrogations, nous avons réalisé une étude comparative entre l’utilisation d’OpenStreetMap (OSM) et de Google Maps (GM). Grâce à une série d’entretiens avec des utilisateurs de GM et d’OSM, nous avons pu comprendre les significations et les valeurs d’usages de ces deux plateformes. Une analyse mobilisant les concepts de l’appropriation, de l’action collective et des perspectives critiques variées nous a permis d’analyser nos données d’entretiens pour comprendre les enjeux et problèmes derrière l’utilisation de technologies de géolocalisation, ainsi que ceux liés à la contribution des utilisateurs à ces GIS. Suite à cette analyse, la compréhension de la contribution et de l’utilisation de ces services a été recontextualisée pour explorer les moyens potentiels que les villes ont d’utiliser les technologies de géolocalisation afin d’améliorer leurs infrastructures publiques en respectant leurs citoyens.


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Die Technologie dienstorientierter Architekturen (Service-oriented Architectures, kurz SOA) weckt große Visionen auf Seiten der Industrie wie auch der Forschung. Sie hat sich als derzeit ideale Lösung für Umgebungen, in denen sich die Anforderungen an die IT-Bedürfnisse rapide ändern, erwiesen. Heutige IT-Systeme müssen Managementaufgaben wie Softwareinstallation, -anpassung oder -austausch erlauben, ohne dabei den laufenden Betrieb wesentlich zu stören. Die dafür nötige Flexibilität bieten dienstorientierte Architekturen, in denen Softwarekomponenten in Form von Diensten zur Verfügung stehen. Ein Dienst bietet über seine Schnittstelle lokalen wie entfernten Applikationen einen Zugang zu seiner Funktionalität. Wir betrachten im Folgenden nur solche dienstorientierte Architekturen, in denen Dienste zur Laufzeit dynamisch entdeckt, gebunden, komponiert, verhandelt und adaptiert werden können. Eine Applikation kann mit unterschiedlichen Diensten arbeiten, wenn beispielsweise Dienste ausfallen oder ein neuer Dienst die Anforderungen der Applikation besser erfüllt. Eine unserer Grundvoraussetzungen lautet somit, dass sowohl das Dienstangebot als auch die Nachfrageseite variabel sind. Dienstorientierte Architekturen haben besonderes Gewicht in der Implementierung von Geschäftsprozessen. Im Rahmen des Paradigmas Enterprise Integration Architecture werden einzelne Arbeitsschritte als Dienste implementiert und ein Geschäftsprozess als Workflow von Diensten ausgeführt. Eine solche Dienstkomposition wird auch Orchestration genannt. Insbesondere für die so genannte B2B-Integration (Business-to-Business) sind Dienste das probate Mittel, um die Kommunikation über die Unternehmensgrenzen hinaus zu unterstützen. Dienste werden hier in der Regel als Web Services realisiert, welche vermöge BPEL4WS orchestriert werden. Der XML-basierte Nachrichtenverkehr und das http-Protokoll sorgen für eine Verträglichkeit zwischen heterogenen Systemen und eine Transparenz des Nachrichtenverkehrs. Anbieter dieser Dienste versprechen sich einen hohen Nutzen durch ihre öffentlichen Dienste. Zum einen hofft man auf eine vermehrte Einbindung ihrer Dienste in Softwareprozesse. Zum anderen setzt man auf das Entwickeln neuer Software auf Basis ihrer Dienste. In der Zukunft werden hunderte solcher Dienste verfügbar sein und es wird schwer für den Entwickler passende Dienstangebote zu finden. Das Projekt ADDO hat in diesem Umfeld wichtige Ergebnisse erzielt. Im Laufe des Projektes wurde erreicht, dass der Einsatz semantischer Spezifikationen es ermöglicht, Dienste sowohl im Hinblick auf ihre funktionalen als auch ihre nicht-funktionalen Eigenschaften, insbesondere die Dienstgüte, automatisch zu sichten und an Dienstaggregate zu binden [15]. Dazu wurden Ontologie-Schemata [10, 16], Abgleichalgorithmen [16, 9] und Werkzeuge entwickelt und als Framework implementiert [16]. Der in diesem Rahmen entwickelte Abgleichalgorithmus für Dienstgüte beherrscht die automatische Aushandlung von Verträgen für die Dienstnutzung, um etwa kostenpflichtige Dienste zur Dienstnutzung einzubinden. ADDO liefert einen Ansatz, Schablonen für Dienstaggregate in BPEL4WS zu erstellen, die zur Laufzeit automatisch verwaltet werden. Das Vorgehen konnte seine Effektivität beim internationalen Wettbewerb Web Service Challenge 2006 in San Francisco unter Beweis stellen: Der für ADDO entwickelte Algorithmus zur semantischen Dienstkomposition erreichte den ersten Platz. Der Algorithmus erlaubt es, unter einer sehr großenMenge angebotener Dienste eine geeignete Auswahl zu treffen, diese Dienste zu Dienstaggregaten zusammenzufassen und damit die Funktionalität eines vorgegebenen gesuchten Dienstes zu leisten. Weitere Ergebnisse des Projektes ADDO wurden auf internationalen Workshops und Konferenzen veröffentlicht. [12, 11]