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BACKGROUND Neuropsychological deficits (NPD) are common in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH). NPD are one of the major limiting factors for patients with an otherwise acceptable prognosis for sustained quality of life. There are only a few studies reporting outcome after aSAH, which used a standardized neuropsychological test battery as a primary or secondary outcome measure. Aim of this study was to determine the current practice of reporting NPD following aSAH in clinical studies. METHODS A MEDLINE analysis was performed using the search term "subarachnoid haemorrhage outcome". The latest 1,000 articles were screened. We recorded study design, number of patients, and the presence of neuropsychological outcome report. Additionally, the time of testing after aSAH, the neuropsychological tests administered, as well as the percentage of patients with NPD were analyzed. RESULTS A total of 324 publications between 2009 and 2012 were selected for further review. Of those, 21 studies (6.5%) reported neuropsychological outcome, in 2,001 of 346,666 patients (0.6%). The assessment of NPD differed broadly using both subjective and objective cognitive evaluation, and a large variety of tests were used. CONCLUSION Neuropsychological outcome is underreported, and there is great variety in assessment in currently published clinical articles on aSAH. Prospective randomized trials treating aSAH may benefit from implementing more comprehensive and standardized neuropsychological outcome measures. This approach might identify otherwise unnoticed treatment effects in future interventional studies of aSAH patients.
The attitudes of bovine practitioners, claw-trimmers and farmers towards painful therapeutic claw-trimming of dairy cattle were surveyed and differences between the respondents were assessed. A total of 77 farmers and 32 claw-trimmers were interviewed, and 137 bovine practitioners completed an equivalent online survey. No veterinary consultation for common painful interventions in the feet of cattle was reported by 52% of farmers (i.e. procedures in these herds were performed without local anaesthesia). Only ≈30% of practitioners always carried out such interventions under local anaesthesia and, in general, practitioners considered pain reduction to the lowest possible level less important than did farmers. Furthermore, 47% of practitioners and 33% of claw-trimmers, compared to only 11% of farmers, agreed with the statement that the cost of pain management was a major concern for farmers. There was a particular lack of awareness by farmers regarding the obligation to carry out painful therapeutic claw-trimming under analgesia and the application of local anaesthesia during the trimming of sole ulcers was considered reasonable by significantly fewer farmers (41.6%) and claw-trimmers (46.9%), than practitioners (78.6%). Overall, the attitudes of those involved in painful therapeutic claw-trimming contrasted with Swiss national legislation and with farmer opinion on the importance of reducing pain to the lowest level possible.
Funds for poverty reduction are limited, so allocating them effectively is important in development planning. A common way to do this is to plot the distribution of poor people on maps, and then to target poverty-alleviation efforts at areas with the largest incidences of poverty. But this is a crude approach that risks missing a large share of the poor. This issue of evidence for policy shows how careful analysis of detailed spatial information – in this case in Laos – can reveal patterns that are not immediately obvious. That can lead to better, more precise targeting well beyond a purely geographic focus on poor areas, and to more differentiated and spatially integrated development planning.
Mood disorders are the most common form of mental illness and one of the leading causes of morbidity worldwide. Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder have a lifetime prevalence of 16.2% and 4.4%, respectively. Women comprise a substantial proportion of this population, and an estimated 500,000 pregnancies each year involve women with a psychiatric condition. Management with psychotropic medications is considered standard of care for most patients with mood disorders. However, many of these medications are known human teratogens. Because pregnant women with mood disorders face a high risk of relapse if unmanaged, the obstetrician faces a unique challenge in providing the best care to both mother and baby. It has been suggested that many obstetricians overestimate the teratogenic risks associated with psychotropic medications, while concurrently underestimating the risks associated with unmanaged mood disorders. This may be due a knowledge gap regarding the most current teratogen information, and lack of official management guidelines. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the current knowledge base of obstetricians regarding the teratogenic effects of common psychotropic medications, as wells as to capture current management practices for pregnant women with mood disorders. A total of 117 Texas obstetricians responded to a survey regarding teratogen knowledge and management practice. It was common for respondents to encounter women who disclose both having a mood disorder and taking a psychotropic medication during pregnancy. Many respondents did not utilize up-to-date drug counseling resources, and were unaware of or over-estimated the teratogenic risks of common medications used to treat mood disorders. Finally, many respondents reported wanting to refer pregnant patients with mood disorders to psychiatrists for co-management, but are reportedly restricted in doing so due to accessibility or insurance issues. This study demonstrates that there is a knowledge gap among obstetricians regarding the teratogenicity of common psychotropic medications utilized to manage a patient population they frequently encounter. Further, obstetricians have vastly different risk perceptions of these medications, resulting in various management approaches and recommendations. Future research should focus on establishing standard practice guidelines, as well as better accessibility to psychiatric services for pregnant women.
BACKGROUND: How change comes about is hotly debated in psychotherapy research. One camp considers 'non-specific' or 'common factors', shared by different therapy approaches, as essential, whereas researchers of the other camp consider specific techniques as the essential ingredients of change. This controversy, however, suffers from unclear terminology and logical inconsistencies. The Taxonomy Project therefore aims at contributing to the definition and conceptualization of common factors of psychotherapy by analyzing their differential associations to standard techniques. METHODS: A review identified 22 common factors discussed in psychotherapy research literature. We conducted a survey, in which 68 psychotherapy experts assessed how common factors are implemented by specific techniques. Using hierarchical linear models, we predicted each common factor by techniques and by experts' age, gender and allegiance to a therapy orientation. RESULTS: Common factors differed largely in their relevance for technique implementation. Patient engagement, Affective experiencing and Therapeutic alliance were judged most relevant. Common factors also differed with respect to how well they could be explained by the set of techniques. We present detailed profiles of all common factors by the (positively or negatively) associated techniques. There were indications of a biased taxonomy not covering the embodiment of psychotherapy (expressed by body-centred techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, biofeedback training and hypnosis). Likewise, common factors did not adequately represent effective psychodynamic and systemic techniques. CONCLUSION: This taxonomic endeavour is a step towards a clarification of important core constructs of psychotherapy. KEY PRACTITIONER MESSAGE: This article relates standard techniques of psychotherapy (well known to practising therapists) to the change factors/change mechanisms discussed in psychotherapy theory. It gives a short review of the current debate on the mechanisms by which psychotherapy works. We provide detailed profiles of change mechanisms and how they may be generated by practice techniques.
Six years of daily satellite data are used to quantify and map intraseasonal variability of chlorophyll and sea surface temperature (SST) in the California Current. We define intraseasonal variability as temporal variation remaining after removal of interannual variability and stationary seasonal cycles. Semivariograms are used to quantify the temporal structure of residual time series. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analyses of semivariograms calculated across the region isolate dominant scales and corresponding spatial patterns of intraseasonal variability. The mode 1 EOFs for both chlorophyll and SST semivariograms indicate a dominant timescale of similar to 60 days. Spatial amplitudes and patterns of intraseasonal variance derived from mode 1 suggest dominant forcing of intraseasonal variability through distortion of large scale chlorophyll and SST gradients by mesoscale circulation. Intraseasonal SST variance is greatest off southern Baja and along southern Oregon and northern California. Chlorophyll variance is greatest over the shelf and slope, with elevated values closely confined to the Baja shelf and extending farthest from shore off California and the Pacific Northwest. Intraseasonal contributions to total SST variability are strongest near upwelling centers off southern Oregon and northern California, where seasonal contributions are weak. Intraseasonal variability accounts for the majority of total chlorophyll variance in most inshore areas save for southern Baja, where seasonal cycles dominate. Contributions of higher EOF modes to semivariogram structure indicate the degree to which intraseasonal variability is shifted to shorter timescales in certain areas. Comparisons of satellite-derived SST semivariograms to those calculated from co-located and concurrent buoy SST time series show similar features.
BACKGROUND Knowing when to seek professional help for health problems is considered an important aspect of health literacy. However, little is known about the distribution of help-seeking knowledge in the general population or specific subpopulations. METHODS We analysed data from the "Health Monitoring of the Swiss Migrant Population 2010" and used a short survey tool to study the distribution of help-seeking knowledge. We sampled members of four migrant groups (from Portugal, Turkey, Serbia and Kosovo; n = 2,614). Our tool contained 12 items that addressed common physical and psychological health problems. A total sum score measured help-seeking knowledge. Two sub-scores analysed knowledge related to potential overuse (minor symptoms) or potential underuse (major symptoms). We applied linear regression to show variations in help-seeking knowledge by age, sex, region of origin and length of stay. RESULTS Controlling for self-rated health, we found that region of origin, higher education, female gender and younger age were significantly associated with higher knowledge scores. CONCLUSIONS We present empirical evidence of unequal distribution of help-seeking knowledge across four migrant populations in Switzerland. Our findings contribute to current conceptual developments in health literacy, and provide starting points for future research.
Introduction: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are very common; in Germany incidence of ACL ruptures is estimated at 32 per 100 000 in the general population and in the sports community this rate more than doubles. Current gold standard for anterior cruciate lig- ament repair is reconstruction using an autograft [1]. However, this approach has shown some limitations. A new method has been her- alded by the Knee Team at the Bern University Hospital (Inselspital) and the Sonnenhof clinic called Dynamic Intraligamentary Stabilization (DIS), which keeps ACL remnants in place in order to promote biologi- cal healing and makes use of a dynamic screw system [2]. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytocompatibility of collagen patches in combination with DIS to support regeneration of the ACL. The spe- cific hypothesis we tested was whether MSCs would differentiate towards TCs in co-culture. Materials and methods: Primary Tenocytes (TCs) and human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were harvested from ACL removed during knee prothesis or from bone marrow aspirations (Ethical Permit 187/10). Cells were seeded on two types of three dimensional carriers currently approved for cartilage repair, Novocart (NC, B. Brown) and Chondro-Gide (CG, Geistlich). These scaffolds comprise collagen structures with interconnecting pores originally developed for seeding of chondrocytes in the case of CG. ~40k cells were seeded on punched zylindrical cores of 8 mm in Ø and cultured on CG or NC patches for up to 7 days. The cells were either cultured as TC only, MSC only or co-cultured in a 1:1 mix on the scaffolds and on both sides of culture inserts (PET, high density pore Ø 0.4 mm, BD, Fal- con) with cell-cell contact. We monitored DNA content, GAG and HOP-content, tracked the cells using DIL and DIO fluorescent dyes (Molecular Probes, Life technologies) and confocal laser scanning and SEM microscopy as well as RT-PCR of tenocyte specific markers (i.e. col 1 and 3, TNC, TNMD, SCXA&B, and markers of dedifferentiation ACAN, col2, MMP3, MMP13). Finally, H&E stain was interpreted on cryosections and SEM images of cells on the scaffold were taken. Results: ThecLSMimagesshowedcellproliferationoverthe7dayson both matrices, however, on CG there were much fewer MSCs attached than on NC. SEM images showed a roundish chondrocyte-like pheno- type of cells on CG whereas on NC the phenotype was more teno- cyte-like (Fig. 1). Gene expression of both, MSC and TC seem to confirm a more favorable environment in 3D for both patches rather than monolayer control.
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a potentially lethal clinical condition that is suspected in patients with common clinical complaints, in many and varied, clinical care settings. Once VTE is diagnosed, optimal therapeutic management (thrombolysis, IVC filters, type and duration of anticoagulants) and ideal therapeutic management settings (outpatient, critical care) are also controversial. Clinical prediction tools, including clinical decision rules and D-Dimer, have been developed, and some validated, to assist clinical decision making along the diagnostic and therapeutic management paths for VTE. Despite these developments, practice variation is high and there remain many controversies in the use of the clinical prediction tools. In this narrative review, we highlight challenges and controversies in VTE diagnostic and therapeutic management with a focus on clinical decision rules and D-Dimer.
Liposarcoma (LS) represents one of the most common soft tissue sarcomas. There are three major subtypes, namely, well/dedifferentiated, myxoid/round cell and pleomorphic LS. In general, LS is known to be a relatively chemo-resistant sarcoma subtype with the exception of the myxoid variant. Conventional chemotherapy with doxorubicin and ifosfamide represents the mainstay of systemic treatment in the first line. Other active cytotoxic agents include gemcitabine and docetaxel and the marine-derived compounds trabectedin. Recent progress in molecular diagnostics of each single LS subtype has improved the knowledge of the molecular characteristics and has led to two recent treatment targets: the amplification of mouse double minute 2 homolog and cyclin-dependent kinase-4 in well- and dedifferentiated LS. Thus far, only early-phase trials are reported and no new drugs have been introduced in daily clinical practice. The focus of this review is on current systemic treatment options, including novel strategies.
The cardiac late Na (+) current is generated by a small fraction of voltage-dependent Na (+) channels that undergo a conformational change to a burst-gating mode, with repeated openings and closures during the action potential (AP) plateau. Its magnitude can be augmented by inactivation-defective mutations, myocardial ischemia, or prolonged exposure to chemical compounds leading to drug-induced (di)-long QT syndrome, and results in an increased susceptibility to cardiac arrhythmias. Using CytoPatch™ 2 automated patch-clamp equipment, we performed whole-cell recordings in HEK293 cells stably expressing human Nav1.5, and measured the late Na (+) component as average current over the last 100 ms of 300 ms depolarizing pulses to -10 mV from a holding potential of -100 mV, with a repetition frequency of 0.33 Hz. Averaged values in different steady-state experimental conditions were further corrected by the subtraction of current average during the application of tetrodotoxin (TTX) 30 μM. We show that ranolazine at 10 and 30 μM in 3 min applications reduced the late Na (+) current to 75.0 ± 2.7% (mean ± SEM, n = 17) and 58.4 ± 3.5% ( n = 18) of initial levels, respectively, while a 5 min application of veratridine 1 μM resulted in a reversible current increase to 269.1 ± 16.1% ( n = 28) of initial values. Using fluctuation analysis, we observed that ranolazine 30 μM decreased mean open probability p from 0.6 to 0.38 without modifying the number of active channels n, while veratridine 1 μM increased n 2.5-fold without changing p. In human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, veratridine 1 μM reversibly increased APD90 2.12 ± 0.41-fold (mean ± SEM, n = 6). This effect is attributable to inactivation removal in Nav1.5 channels, since significant inhibitory effects on hERG current were detected at higher concentrations in hERG-expressing HEK293 cells, with a 28.9 ± 6.0% inhibition (mean ± SD, n = 10) with 50 μM veratridine.
The implementation of new surgical techniques offers chances but carries risks. Usually, several years pass before a critical appraisal and a balanced opinion of a new treatment method are available and rely on the evidence from the literature and expert's opinion. The frozen elephant trunk (FET) technique has been increasingly used to treat complex pathologies of the aortic arch and the descending aorta, but there still is an ongoing discussion within the surgical community about the optimal indications. This paper represents a common effort of the Vascular Domain of EACTS together with several surgeons with particular expertise in aortic surgery, and summarizes the current knowledge and the state of the art about the FET technique. The majority of the information about the FET technique has been extracted from 97 focused publications already available in the PubMed database (cohort studies, case reports, reviews, small series, meta-analyses and best evidence topics) published in English.
The heart and the urinary bladder are hollow muscular organs, which can be afflicted by pressure overload injury due to pathological conditions such as hypertension and bladder outlet obstruction. This increased outflow resistance induces hypertrophy, marked by dramatic changes in the organs' phenotype and function. The end result in both the heart and the bladder can be acute organ failure due to advanced fibrosis and the subsequent loss of contractility. There is emerging evidence that microRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in the pathogenesis of heart failure and bladder dysfunction. MiRNAs are endogenous non-coding single-stranded RNAs, which regulate gene expression and control adaptive and maladaptive organ remodeling processes. This Review summarizes the current knowledge of molecular alterations in the heart and the bladder and highlights common signaling pathways and regulatory events. The miRNA expression analysis and experimental target validation done in the heart provide a valuable source of information for investigators working on the bladder and other organs undergoing the process of fibrotic remodeling. Aberrantly expressed miRNA are amendable to pharmacological manipulation, offering an opportunity for development of new therapies for cardiac and bladder hypertrophy and failure.
Unlike infections occurring during periods of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, postoperative infections in patients with solid malignancy remain largely understudied. The purpose of this population-based study was to evaluate the clinical and economic burden, as well as the relationship of hospital surgical volume and outcomes associated with serious postoperative infection (SPI) – i.e., bacteremia/sepsis, pneumonia, and wound infection – following resection of common solid tumors.^ From the Texas Discharge Data Research File, we identified all Texas residents who underwent resection of cancer of the lung, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, colon, or rectum between 2002 and 2006. From their billing records, we identified ICD-9 codes indicating SPI and also subsequent SPI-related readmissions occurring within 30 days of surgery. Random-effects logistic regression was used to calculate the impact of SPI on mortality, as well as the association between surgical volume and SPI, adjusting for case-mix, hospital characteristics, and clustering of multiple surgical admissions within the same patient and patients within the same hospital. Excess bed days and costs were calculated by subtracting values for patients without infections from those with infections computed using multilevel mixed-effects generalized linear model by fitting a gamma distribution to the data using log link.^ Serious postoperative infection occurred following 9.4% of the 37,582 eligible tumor resections and was independently associated with an 11-fold increase in the odds of in-hospital mortality (95% Confidence Interval [95% CI], 6.7-18.5, P < 0.001). Patients with SPI required 6.3 additional hospital days (95% CI, 6.1 - 6.5) at an incremental cost of $16,396 (95% CI, $15,927–$16,875). There was a significant trend toward lower overall rates of SPI with higher surgical volume (P=0.037). ^ Due to the substantial morbidity, mortality, and excess costs associated with SPI following solid tumor resections and given that, under current reimbursement practices, most of this heavy burden is borne by acute care providers, it is imperative for hospitals to identify more effective prophylactic measures, so that these potentially preventable infections and their associated expenditures can be averted. Additional volume-outcomes research is also needed to identify infection prevention processes that can be transferred from higher- to lower-volume providers.^
Two studies were conducted at the ISU Horticulture Station to evaluate potential limitations on yield and atmospheric nitrogen fixation by common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). This legume is a food staple for small landholder farm families worldwide. But it has a limited capacity for nitrogen fixation and often yields only a fraction of its genetic potential. In these studies, we examined the dependence of pod filling on current assimilate supply, as well as the potential to improve nitrogen fixation using an inoculant shown to enhance biological nitrogen fixation under stressful conditions.