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Introduction: The quality of life of dentists has worsened over time, due to increased risks of labor and competitiveness in the labor market. However, there are only few studies about it. Objective: Investigate the perception of quality of life of dentists working in public service. Methods: In order to accomplish that, a cross-sectional study survey was conducted with 52 dentists of the professional permanent staff of the Municipal Health Service. The data were collected through structured questionnaire, validated, self-administered, proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its shortened version, WHOQOL-Bref. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression were conducted, taking 95% as the confidence interval that characterizes the sample and the calculation of scores for each domain. Results: There was predominance of female subjects (76.9%) the majority of them aged 25 to 35 years (48.7%). Most professionals consider their quality of life good (82.7%), and were satisfied with their health (71.2%). Considering the measures of central tendency and dispersion, the physical domain (13.8) and Environment (13.8) had the lowest mean scores. All areas affected equally poor quality of life of research participants. The facets that showed the lowest values were the physical environment with 39.71 points and 53.92 points to financial resources. Conclusion: The majority of professionals were satisfied with their health and considered their quality of life good.


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Objective: To compare two forms of scheduling clinical dental care for the oral health teams (OHT) included in the strategy of family health, regarding productive aspects of assistance. Methods: Two OHT worked concurrently, using two methods of clinical care: the parameter recommended by the Ministry of Health Ordinance No. 1101, 2002, which establishes 03 dental visits per hour (c/h) per team, and a Testing model, with 02 c/h, being each method applied for a period of 615 hours. The quantitative data was collected in OHTs’ daily production spreadsheets, covering the following items: the number of dental visits (initial, for maintenance and for emergency procedures), procedures performed, consumption of material and sterilization cycles. Data was compared and statistically analyzed through the BioStat 5.0 by applying the paired t-test (p <0.05). Results: Under the Ministerial method and the Testing model, were performed, respectively, 288 and 365 first dental visits, 921 and 686 return dental visits, 167 and 172 emergency dental attendances, with 469 and 110 fouls, 212 and 327 treatments were finished and 2501 and 3046 dental procedures were realized. Among eleven analyzed consumables, five were consumed in smaller quantities in the Testing model: gloves (9%), anesthesia (38%), anesthetic needle (34%), suture material (24%) and aspirators (11%), while the six remaining items presented similar consumption rates between the two models. Conclusions: The testing model revealed to be more productive and economical.


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The need for a closer contact between students and the community reality, as well as, the necessity of providing an education that can result in social changes early in life were crucial for the development of the Extension Project : Oral Health Education, which was developed in Public Child Care Schools in Araçatuba. The aim of this article is to describe the project, emphasizing its educational aspects and to share this experience in order to allow for reflection about this practice.


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The malocclusions are one focus of discussions in public health, due to which it is necessary to incorporate correction procedures that are inexpensive, easy to perform and which can be made in health services. Planas Direct Tracks meet such characteristics which make them advantageous for the crossbite correction. The aim of this study was to present a case in which correction of unilateral crossbite was performed with the resources available in a public clinic. This is a 6 year-old patient who presented functional unilateral crossbite in canines and posterior teeth. A cross decreased maxillary arch leading to a condition of unilateral posterior crossbite was detected. Occlusal adjustments were performed in canine and posterior teeth; however it was not enough to restore the occlusal balance. It was decided to prepare Planas Direct Tracks in canines, allowing functional balance, which prevented masticatory movement alteration during the growth phase and malocclusion correction. Controls were performed every six months to evaluate the patient's progress and whether or not new occlusal adjustments were necessary. Monitoring and treatment were conducted for 5 years, until stabilization of the permanent dentition ensuring treatment. It is concluded that Planas Direct Tracks were effective for the correction of unilateral posterior crossbite. So, it is essential to note that this procedure can be performed in public services.


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The changes on learning space where Dentistry Students stay in front of social reality, by university extension, represent a strategy to form dentists according to Brazilian Curricular Directresses. In Araçatuba Dental School (FOA-UNESP), one of alternatives to add students on real locals of dentistry practices is the “Always Smiling Project – Dental Attention for institutionalized elderly in Araçatuba City, São Paulo State – Brazil”. The aim of this study was to verify the self-perception of dentistry students about aging before and after participation in this Project during one school year. To data collection, an instrument with 3 opened questions was performed and applied on 45 students, in the beginning of activities in 2009 and after 8 months. The answers were analyzed by content categorization. The results showed that the perception of students about old people was negative relating them with frail person that needs help and the students’ expectations were higher about clinical aspects of attention. In the end of school year was clear the difference of students’ comprehension about aging and their thoughts demonstrated the empathy resulting from relation. Besides, students related knowledge gain and noted that health attention involve others aspects that are over than biological space. It was possible to conclude that insertion of students in “Always Smiling” contributed to reflection and learn about aging process and suggest that practices like these should be added in Brazilian Universities.


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Maintaining the levels of fluoride ion in public water supply within the parameters of adequacy it becomes essential so the measure carries a greater impact on caries prevention and control, without increasing the prevalence of dental fluorosis. Thus, it is necessary a rigorous control of the process, avoiding the undesired effects at levels above recommended levels, as well as avoiding levels below the recommended that do not offer the highest benefit. The aim of this study was to analyze the content of fluoride in public water supply in the city of Birigui, SP, with different sources of supply, checking if the fluoride levels are within the recommended. The samples were collected monthly from points previously established, with the knowledge of the distribution network of water and identifying the amount and location of supply sources and water treatment plant. Analyses were performed in duplicate in the period from January to December of 2009, in the laboratory - NEPESCO - of the Dental School of Araçatuba, Univ Estadual Paulista – UNESP, using an ion analyzer coupled to a specific electrode for fluoride. Of the total samples (n = 512), 44% (n = 224) had adequate levels and 56% (n = 288) inadequate levels, 10% (n = 49) lower levels and 46% (n = 239) showed levels above the recommended. There were differences in results when comparing the analysis of different sources. The fluoride concentration in the majority of the samples from deep wells was classified as inadequate not offering the desired benefit, or exposing the population to the risk of dental fluorosis.


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Introduction: Pathological changes in the bucal cavity associated with Diabetes mellitus (DM) may include gingivitis, periodontal disease, salivary gland dysfunction and xerostomia (dry mouth), susceptibility to bucal infections, burning mouth syndrome, and altered taste. Objective: This study assessed the technical and scientific knowledge of dentists working in primary care in the National Health System (SUS) on the DM. Material and method: The study was conducted in the municipalities of Birigui-SP, Maringá-PR and TrêsLagoas-MS, with the participation of 76 dentists working in the SUS primary care system.These professionals agreed to answer to a questionnaire developed for this study and the results of the questions were submitted to a quantitative analysis. Result: Showed that 94.7% were in contact with diabetic patients; 97.4% know what is DM; about other types of DM, 77.6% said they know, the most mentioned (by 55.9%) was the gestational DM. The DM2 was indicated as the most prevalent by 59.2%; the normal range of fasting blood glucose level was quoted correctly by 2.6% of the participants; obesity was reported by 98.7% of participants as a risk factor for DM; 96.0% stated correctly what are the main signs and symptoms related to Diabetes; periodontal disease was reported by 92.1% as an bucal manifestation in diabetic patients. Conclusion: The dentist needs to develop specific knowledge about DM, being able to identify normal levels of blood glucose and ready to identify and meet the bearer of DM.


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Introduction: Early childhood is an essential phase of life for the future of oral health. The link between educational and health sectors can facilitate incorporating educational and preventive oral health practices in daily teaching in pre-schools. The main measure is manual tooth-brushing, which is the most accessible method for most of the population. Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate macroscopically the wear on the bristles, form of storage, and identification of tooth brushes. Material and method: 345 toothbrushes used by children between the ages of 2 and 5 were evaluated in 4 pre-schools, by 2 participants from the oral health program. The Rawls et al. index was used to evaluate the bristles. Result: There were statistically significant differences (p = 0.020 - Mann-Whitney U test) between the frequency of toothbrushes, with the highest being (n = 205) stored at participating school; and, between adequate and inadequate brushes (p < 0.05 - X2 test) with 31.7 and 60%, respectively, classified as unfit for tooth-brushing. Of the toothbrush holders evaluated 100% were used collectively. Regarding identification, 18% of the toothbrushes were not identified in participating schools, and 37% in the others. Conclusion: The toothbrushes exhibited marked wear, and storage was inadequate; however, the schools participating in the oral health program showed toothbrushes with bristles less worn. It is suggested that training of educators regarding correct storage and evaluation of toothbrushes for wear of the bristles should be undertaken in all early childhood schools.


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Introduction: The evaluation of the perception of graduates is an essential strategy to support the political project educational in universities. Objective: This study aimed to verify the perception of dentists which are working in the labor market, about the difficulties of professional insertion after the graduation, positives and negatives aspects and suggestions regarding the training received. Methodology: This is a qualitative survey conducted with graduates of the years 2000 to 2010, of dentistry course from a Brazilian Public University. A self-administered questionnaire was sent by mail/email to all graduates in the period. The data were transcribed and subjected to content analysis, divided into pre-analysis, characterized by carefully reading floating, material exploration, guidelines for finding the analysis itself. Result: The categories related to the difficulties in early life were: getting a job/workplace, adequate working conditions and low pay, insecurity and confrontation obtained the academic and lack of administrative experience. The perceived positive aspects for the training were: good infrastructure and reputation of the university, integrating teaching-research, teacher-student relationship. The negative aspects comprised the following categories: administrative preparation, lack of integration between content theoretical/ practical, concepts used in the labor market. The suggestions presented are consistent with the difficulties to the beginning of professional life and the negative aspects. Conclusion: The professionals have faced the saturation of the labor market and different reality from those found in academic life. Despite the positive aspects, graduates suggest changes in the course conducted.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Secondary care in oral health in Brazil is still a little researched topic. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the resolution of dental services in SUS based on the referral to secondary attention and backreferral to primary attention. Methodology: It’s a descriptive, quantitative study that used secondary data collected from dental records of patients seen at Centre of Dental Specialties (Ceo) in a city of São Paulo State. Result: It was analyzed 1030 dental records. Just 1236 proceedings received referral to Ceo and among then, 86.4% showed the first attendance on Basic Health Unity (UBS) through spontaneous demand and 50.4% (n=623) received referral to endodontic treatment. There was evasion of 2.27% of studied population (n=28) on the first specialized consultation. Among 1208 proceedings that started the treatment in Ceo, 62.6% (n=757) were finalized and received back-referral to primary attention, that finalized 61.1% (n=463) of proceedings. To conclude the treatment, considering the time spent in Ceo and primary attention, there was variation according to specialty: periodontics – 62 days (sd ±68) and endodontics – 71 days (sd ±51.8), requiring 3 consultations in average, regardless specialty. Conclusion: The Centre of Dental Specialties gave referral and attention to the majority of demand, regardless specialty. However, there are many cases of evasion during dental treatment, alerting managers to develop methods to entice these patients, reducing service expenses and raising solvability of dental procedures previously initiated.


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Purpose: This population-based, cross-sectional study aimed to record the DMFT index for 12 year-old children with dental caries and fluorosis levels in cities with and without public water supply fluoridation. Methods: From the 101 municipalities belonging to the Health Regional Department XV (DRSXV-SJRP) of the São Paulo state in the Southeast region of Brazil, 85 cities were selected after exclusion of those with incomplete data and less than ten years of fluoridation treatment in 2004. The criteria adopted for the assessment of dental caries and fluorosis levels were based on the guidelines published in the WHO Manual 4th edition. The data were analyzed using Fisher’s exact tests at a significance level of 5%. Results: The prevalence of caries in 12 year-old children had no significant association with fluoridated water, and was considered “moderate” and “high” in cities without fluoridation and “low” and “moderate” in cities with fluoridation. A significant association was found between water fluoridation and fluorosis (P=0.001), but not between water fluoridation and the DMFT index (P=0.119). Conclusion: The prevalence of fluorosis was related to water fluoridation in this study. However, fluorosis was also observed in non-fluoridated cities, which may result from fluoride intake through other sources.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to test the association between quality of sleep and stress in individuals with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Methods: The study sample consisted of 354 adult subjects (males and females) from the municipality of Piacatu, São Paulo state, in the Southeast region of Brazil. Data were collected using the Fonseca’s Questionnaire to record the level of TMD, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to assess quality of sleep and the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to record stress level. The data were analyzed by the software Epi Info 2000 version 3.2 using a chi-square test at the 0.05 level of significance. Results: One hundred and eighty (50.8%) subjects had some level of TMD. The statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between the three stress scores and the presence or absence of sleep disorders, considering an overall PSQI score > 5 as an indicator of a subject with sleep problems (P<0.01). Conclusion: Both quality of sleep and stress levels were associated with TMD in this sample.


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the perceptions and opinions of public school teachers and students in the city of Araçatuba, SP, Brazil, on the importance of using fluoridated mouthwashes, the difficulties of the method and the procedure in general. Methods: Students from grades 5 through 8 in schools with and without dental services were asked about their opinion on the use of fluoridated mouthwashes. The educators answered questions about the importance of preventive methods in oral health and the difficulties in performing those methods at school. Data were collected using a faces scale, a categorization method, and a Likert scale with five levels of responses to check the level of agreement with the questions. Results: The sample consisted of 264 (40.3%) teachers and 5,788 (73.6%) students. A total of 254 (96.2%) and 72 (27.3%) teachers responded favorably to the first and second questions, respectively. A total of 1,128 (19.5%) students had negative feelings about the fluoridated mouthwash. Conclusion: The majority of the teachers supported the use of fluoridated mouthwashes; however, a large number of teachers believed that the practice disrupts the class routine. Most of the students had a positive opinion about the use of fluoridated mouthwash, although they highlighted some negative aspects, which were overcome by the benefits that the method provides.