265 resultados para ciliary dyskinesia


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Purpose: We have reported that the changes in the pupillary shape in response to electrical stimulation of the branches of the ciliary nerves in cats. (Miyagawa et al. PLoS One, 2014). This study investigates the changes in the pupillary shapes in response to electrical stimulations of the sclera of peripheral cornea in cats and porcines. Methods: Two enucleated eyes of two cats and three enucleated porcine eyes were studied. Trains of biphasic pulses (current, 3 mA; duration, 2 ms/phase; frequency, 40 Hz) were applied using a tungsten electrode (0.3mm diameter). The stimulation was performed at every 45 degree over the entire circular region on the sclera near the cornea. The pupillary images were recorded before and 4 s (cat) and 10 s (pig) after the stimulation and the change in the pupil diameter (Δr) was quantified. The pupillary images were obtained with a custom-built compact wavefront aberrometer (Uday et al. J Cataract Refract Surg, 2013). Results: In a cat eye, the pupil was dilated by the electrical stimulation at six out of eight orientations (before stimulation pupil diameter r=10.10±0.49 mm, Δr=0.33±0.12 mm). The pupil dilated only toward the electrode (relative eccentricity of the pupil center to the pupil diameter change amount rdec=1.15±0.28). In the porcine eyes, the pupils were constricted by the electrical stimulations at the temporal and nasal orientations (r=10.04±0.57 mm, Δr=1.52±0.70 mm). The pupils contracted symmetrically (rdec=0.30±0.12). Conclusions: With electrical stimulation in the sclera of the peripheral cornea, asymmetric mydriasis in cat eyes and symmetrical miosis in porcine eyes were observed. Under the assumption that the electrical stimulation stimulated both muscles that contribute to the pupil control, our hypothesis proposed here is that the pupil dilator is stronger than the pupil sphincter in cat, and pupil sphincter is stronger than pupil dilator in porcine.


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Purpose: We have reported that the changes in the accommodative response to electrical stimulation of the branches of the ciliary nerves in cats. (Miyagawa et al, PLoS One, 2014). We have also reported that no robust accommodative responses to the electrical stimulations of the sclera of peripheral cornea (SSPC) were observed in enucleated porcine eyes (Mihashi et al, VPOptics, 2014). In this study, accommodative responses to SSPC stimulation in cats and porcines were investigated. Methods: Two eyes of two cats under anesthesia and after they were sacrificed were studied. Three enucleated porcine eyes obtained from a local slaughterhouse were also studied. Trains of biphasic pulses (current, 3 mA; duration, 2 ms/phase; frequency, 40 Hz) were applied using a tungsten electrode (0.3mm diameter) from several orientations. Wavefront sensing with a compact wavefront aberrometer (Uday et al J Cataract Refract Surg, 2013) were performed before and 4 s (cat) and 10 s (pig) after the stimulations and wavefront aberrations including spherical errors were analyzed over a 4-mm pupil area. Results: In the first cat under anesthesia, at three out of seven stimulus positions, 0.2 D hyperopic accommodative responses were observed and in two orientations, myopic responses were observed. For the other cat, weak accommodative responses including astigmatic changes were observed. In the sacrificed condition of the second cat, 0.1 D myopic response was observed for one stimulus orientation and the smaller responses were observed at six out of eight stimulus positions. No accommodative responses were elicited for the enucleated porcine eyes. Conclusions: In the anesthetized cats, electrical stimulation of the SSPC induced accommodative responses; the responses were unstable and weaker than the responses by the ciliary nerve stimulations we observed in our previous study. Small accommodative responses were observed after one of two cats had been sacrificed, but no accommodative responses were detected in the enucleated porcine eyes. Further studies are needed to confirm difference in the accommodation functions in the two species.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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This paper is reviewing objective assessments of Parkinson’s disease(PD) motor symptoms, cardinal, and dyskinesia, using sensor systems. It surveys the manifestation of PD symptoms, sensors that were used for their detection, types of signals (measures) as well as their signal processing (data analysis) methods. A summary of this review’s finding is represented in a table including devices (sensors), measures and methods that were used in each reviewed motor symptom assessment study. In the gathered studies among sensors, accelerometers and touch screen devices are the most widely used to detect PD symptoms and among symptoms, bradykinesia and tremor were found to be mostly evaluated. In general, machine learning methods are potentially promising for this. PD is a complex disease that requires continuous monitoring and multidimensional symptom analysis. Combining existing technologies to develop new sensor platforms may assist in assessing the overall symptom profile more accurately to develop useful tools towards supporting better treatment process.


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OBJECTIFS: La libération de dopamine par les afférences à sérotonine (5-HT) du striatum constitue un déterminant pré-synaptique important des dyskinésies induites par la L-Dopa (DILs), un effet délétère du traitement pharmacologique de la maladie de Parkinson. En effet, les axones 5-HT seraient en mesure de libérer de façon non-physiologique de la dopamine lorsque la L-Dopa est administrée au patient, contribuant ainsi à l’expression des DILs. Certaines afférences striatales 5-HT contiennent un transporteur vésiculaire du glutamate (VGluT3) et nous croyons que sa présence puisse avoir un effet synergique sur la libération de dopamine. L’objectif général de ce mémoire est donc d’évaluer la quantité de VGluT3 présent au sein des axones 5-HT et de mesurer son implication dans l’expression des DILs. MÉTHODES : Dix-huit souris C57/Bl6 ont été séparées en trois groupes expérimentaux. Douze souris ont reçu une injection intracérébrale de 6- hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) dans le faisceau prosencéphalique médian afin de léser les afférences dopaminergiques du striatum. Six souris lésées ont reçu des injections systémiques de L-Dopa (12 jours, 1 fois/jour). Six autres souris ont reçu une injection intracérébrale du véhicule afin de servir de contrôle. La sévérité des mouvements involontaires anormaux induits par la L-Dopa (équivalent des dyskinésies) a été quantifiée selon une échelle reconnue. Un double marquage en immunofluorescence pour le transporteur membranaire de la 5-HT (SERT) et le VGluT3 a permis d’évaluer la densité des varicosités SERT+ et SERT+/VGluT3+ dans le striatum dorsal et de comparer ces données entre les trois groupes expérimentaux. RÉSULTATS: Chez les trois groupes de souris, un faible pourcentage des varicosités axonales 5-HT sont également VGluT3+. Ces varicosités doublement marquées sont souvent retrouvées sur une même branche axonale. Aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre les trois groupes expérimentaux en ce qui a trait à la proportion de varicosités SERT+ qui contiennent le VGluT3+. CONCLUSION: Nos données expérimentales ne nous permettent pas de conclure que la densité des varicosités axonales SERT+ ou SERT+/VGluT3+ au sein du striatum dorsal varie en fonction de la sévérité des mouvements involontaires anormaux induits par l’administration de L-Dopa.


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Dinucleoside polyphosphates comprises a group of dinucleotides formed by two nucleosides linked by a variable number of phosphates, abbreviated NpnN (where n represents the number of phosphates). These compounds are naturally occurring substances present in tears, aqueous humour and in the retina. As the consequence of their presence, these dinucleotides contribute to many ocular physiological processes. On the ocular surface, dinucleoside polyphosphates can stimulate tear secretion, mucin release from goblet cells and they help epithelial wound healing by accelerating cell migration rate. These dinucleotides can also stimulate the presence of proteins known to protect the ocular surface against microorganisms, such as lysozyme and lactoferrin. One of the latest discoveries is the ability of some dinucleotides to facilitate the paracellular way on the cornea, therefore allowing the delivery of compounds, such as antiglaucomatous ones, more easily within the eye. The compound Ap4A has been described being abnormally elevated in patient's tears suffering of dry eye, Sjogren syndrome, congenital aniridia, or after refractive surgery, suggesting this molecule as biomarker for dry eye condition. At the intraocular level, some diadenosine polyphosphates are abnormally elevated in glaucoma patients, and this can be related to the stimulation of a P2Y2 receptor that increases the chloride efflux and water movement in the ciliary epithelium. In the retina, the dinucleotide dCp4U, has been proven to be useful to help in the recovery of retinal detachments. Altogether, dinucleoside polyphosphates are a group of compounds which present relevant physiological actions but which also can perform promising therapeutic benefits.


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The male gametophyte of the semi-aquatic fern, Marsilea vestita, produces multiciliated spermatozoids in a rapid developmental sequence that is controlled post-transcriptionally when dry microspores are placed in water. Development can be divided into two phases, mitosis and differentiation. During the mitotic phase, a series of nine successive division cycles produce 7 sterile cells and 32 spermatids in 4.5-5 hours. During the next 5-6 hours, each spermatid differentiates into a corkscrew-shaped motile spermatozoid with ~140 cilia. This document focuses on the role of motor proteins in the regulation of male gametophyte development and during ciliogenesis. In order to study the mechanisms that regulate spermatogenesis, RNAseq was used to generate a reference transcriptome that allowed us to assess the abundance of transcripts at different stages of development. Over 120 kinesin-like sequences were identified in the transcriptome that represent 56 unique kinesin transcripts. Members of the kinesin-2, -4, -5, -7, -8, -9, -12, -13, and -14 families, in addition to several plant specific and ‘orphan’ kinesins are present. Most (91%) of these kinesin transcripts change in abundance throughout gametophyte development, with 52% of kinesin mRNAs enriched during the mitotic phase and 39% enriched during differentiation. Functional analyses show that the temporal regulation of kinesin transcripts during gametogenesis directly correlates with kinesin protein function. Specifically, Marsilea makes one kinesin-2 (MvKinesin-2) and two kinesin-9 (MvKinesin-9A and MvKinesin-9B) transcripts, which are present during spermatid differentiation and ciliogenesis. Silencing experiments showed that MvKinesin-2 and MvKinesin-9A are required for ciliogenesis and motility in the Marsilea male gametophyte; however, these kinesins display atypical roles during these processes. In contrast, spermatozoids produced after the silencing of MvKinesin-9B exhibit normal morphology. MvKinesin-2 is necessary for cytokinesis as well as for regulating ciliary length and MvKinesin-9A is needed for the correct orientation of basal bodies, events not typically associated with these proteins. In addition, Marsilea makes motile, ciliated gametophytes without the help of IFT dynein, outer arm dynein, or the BBsome. These results are the first to investigate the kinesin-linked mechanisms that regulate ciliogenesis in a land plant.


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Planar cell polarity (PCP) occurs in the epithelia of many animals and can lead to the alignment of hairs, bristles and feathers; physiologically, it can organise ciliary beating. Here we present two approaches to modelling this phenomenon. The aim is to discover the basic mechanisms that drive PCP, while keeping the models mathematically tractable. We present a feedback and diffusion model, in which adjacent cell sides of neighbouring cells are coupled by a negative feedback loop and diffusion acts within the cell. This approach can give rise to polarity, but also to period two patterns. Polarisation arises via an instability provided a sufficiently strong feedback and sufficiently weak diffusion. Moreover, we discuss a conservative model in which proteins within a cell are redistributed depending on the amount of proteins in the neighbouring cells, coupled with intracellular diffusion. In this case polarity can arise from weakly polarised initial conditions or via a wave provided the diffusion is weak enough. Both models can overcome small anomalies in the initial conditions. Furthermore, the range of the effects of groups of cells with different properties than the surrounding cells depends on the strength of the initial global cue and the intracellular diffusion.


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Background: There is accumulating evidence that progressive changes in brain structure and function take place as schizophrenia unfolds. Among many possible candidates, oxidative stress may be one of the mediators of neuroprogression, grey matter loss and subsequent cognitive and functional impairment. Antioxidants are exogenous or endogenous molecules that mitigate any form of oxidative stress or its consequences. They may act from directly scavenging free radicals to increasing anti-oxidative defences. There is evidence that current treatments impact oxidative pathways and may to some extent reverse pro-oxidative states in schizophrenia. The existing literature, however, indicates that these treatments do not fully restore the deficits in antioxidant levels or restore levels of oxidants in schizophrenia. As such, there has been interest in developing interventions aimed at restoring this oxidative balance beyond the benefits of antipsychotics in this direction. If antioxidants are to have a place in the treatment of this serious condition, the relevant and up-to-date information should be available to clinicians and investigators. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of antioxidants as add-on treatments to standard antipsychotic medication for improving acute psychotic episodes and core symptoms, and preventing relapse in people with schizophrenia. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group's Study-Based Register of Trials which is based on regular searches of CINAHL, BIOSIS, AMED, Embase, PubMed, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and registries of clinical trials. There are no language, time, document type, or publication status limitations for inclusion of records in the register. We ran this search in November 2010, and again on 8 January 2015. We also inspected references of all identified studies for further trials and contacted authors of trials for additional information. Selection criteria: We included reports if they were randomised controlled trials (RCTs) involving people with schizophrenia who had been allocated to either a substance with antioxidant potential or to a placebo as an adjunct to standard antipsychotic treatment. Data collection and analysis: We independently extracted data from these trials and we estimated risk ratios (RR) or mean differences (MD), with 95% confidence intervals (CI). We assessed risk of bias for included studies and created a 'Summary of findings' table using GRADE. Main results: The review includes 22 RCTs of varying quality and sample size studying Ginkgo biloba, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), allopurinol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), vitamin C, vitamin E or selegiline. Median follow-up was eight weeks. Only three studies including a minority of the participants reported our a priori selected primary outcome of clinically important response. Short-term data for this outcome (measured as at least 20% improvement in scores on Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)) were similar (3 RCTs, n = 229, RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.53 to 1.12, low quality evidence). Studies usually reported only endpoint psychopathology rating scale scores. Psychotic symptoms were lower in those using an adjunctive antioxidant according to the PANSS ( 7 RCTS, n = 584, MD -6.00, 95% CI -10.35 to -1.65, very low quality evidence) and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) (8 RCTS, n = 843, MD -3.20, 95% CI -5.63 to -0.78, low quality evidence). There was no overall short-term difference in leaving the study early (16 RCTs, n = 1584, RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.48 to 1.11, moderate quality evidence), or in general functioning (2 RCTs, n = 52, MD -1.11, 95% CI -8.07 to 5.86, low quality evidence). Adverse events were generally poorly reported. Three studies reported useable data for 'any serious adverse effect', results were equivocal (3 RCTs, n = 234, RR 0.65, 95% CI 0.19 to 2.27, low quality evidence). No evidence was available for relapse, quality of life or service use. Authors' conclusions: Although 22 trials could be included in this review, the evidence provided is limited and mostly not relevant to clinicians or consumers. Overall, although there was low risk of attrition and selective data reporting bias within the trials, the trials themselves were not adequately powered and need more substantial follow-up periods. There is a need for larger trials with longer periods of follow-up to be conducted. Outcomes should be meaningful for those with schizophrenia, and include measures of improvement and relapse (not just rating scale scores), functioning and quality of life and acceptability and, importantly, safety data.


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Opsins are light-sensitive proteins that play a key role in animal vision and are related to the ancient photoreceptive molecule rhodopsin found in unicellular organisms. In general, opsins involved in vision comprise two major groups: the rhabdomeric (r-opsins) and the ciliary opsins (c-opsins). The functionality of opsins, which is dependent on their protein structure, may have changed during evolution. In arthropods, typically r-opsins are responsible for vision, whereas in vertebrates c-opsins are components of visual photoreceptors. Recently, an enigmatic r-opsin-like protein called arthropsin has been identified in various bilaterian taxa, including arthropods, lophotrochozoans, and chordates, by performing transcriptomic and genomic analyses. Since the role of arthropsin and its distribution within the body are unknown, we immunolocalized this protein in a representative of Onychophora – Euperipatoides rowelli – an ecdysozoan taxon which is regarded as one of the closest relatives of Arthropoda. Our data show that arthropsin is expressed in the central nervous system of E. rowelli, including the brain and the ventral nerve cords, but not in the eyes. These findings are consistent with previous results based on reverse transcription PCR in a closely related onychophoran species and suggest that arthropsin is a non-visual protein. Based on its distribution in the central brain region and the mushroom bodies, we speculate that the onychophoran arthropsin might be either a photosensitive molecule playing a role in the circadian clock, or a non-photosensitive protein involved in olfactory pathways, or both.