661 resultados para blast
Zusammenfassung Zur Identifizierung der folgenden vier Welsarten bzw. zwei Hybriden (Clarias gariepinus, Pangasius hypophthalmus, Pseudoplatystoma spp., Silurus glanis, Claresse® und Melander®) wurden die isolektrische Fokussierung (IEF) der wasserlöslichen Muskelproteine und die Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR) zur Vervielfältigung und Sequenzierung eines Abschnittes aus dem Cytochrom b – Gen eingesetzt. Die IEF ergab artspezifische Proteinmuster mit hitzestabilen Proteinbanden im anodalen Gelbereich. Der afrikanische Wels (C. gariepinus) und das Hybriderzeugnis Melander® wiesen das gleiche Proteinmuster auf. Mittels DNA-Analyse ließen sich die Welsarten anhand ihrer Cytochrom b Gensequenzen eindeutig identifizieren. Auch hier zeigte der Welshybrid Melander® ein identisches Ergebnis wie der afrikanische Wels. Die Schwierigkeiten der Identifizierung von Tigerwelsen südamerikanischer Herkunft aus der Gattung Pseudoplatystoma werden diskutiert. Abstract Isoelectric focusing (IEF) of water soluble proteins and PCR-based DNA- analysis were used to differentiate between four catfish species (Clarias gariepinus, Pangasius hypophthalmus, Pseudoplatystoma spp., Silurus glanis) and two hybrids Claresse® and Melander®. Specific protein patterns have been obtained for all species and Claresse®, but in case of Melander® the identical pattern was observed as for the African catfish Clarias gariepinus. By sequencing the PCR products and application of BLAST, authenticity of the different catfish samples was confirmed. The cytochrome b gene sequences of Melander® and African catfish were identical. The difficulties of identifying catfishes of the genus Pseudoplatystoma are discussed.
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and cytochrome b (Cyt-b) gene sequences were utilized to fingerprint and construct phylogenetic relationships among four species of mackerel commonly found in the Straits of Malacca namely Rastrelliger kanagurta, R. brachysoma, Decapterus maruadsi and D. russelli. The UPGMA dendogram and genetic distance clearly showed that the individuals clustered into their own genus and species except for the Decapterus. These results were also supported by partial mtDNA cytochrome b gene sequences (279 bp) which found monotypic sequence for all Decapterus studied. Cytochrome b sequence phylogeny generated through Neighbor Joining (NJ) method was congruent with RAPD data. Results showed clear discrimination between both genera with average nucleotide divergence about 25.43%. This marker also demonstrated R. brachysoma and R. kanagurta as distinct species separated with average nucleotide divergence about 2.76%. However, based on BLAST analysis, this study indicated that the fish initially identified as D. maruadsi was actually D. russelli. The results highlighted the importance of genetic analysis for taxonomic validation, in addition to morphological traits.
Abstract In the last years scallops have reached a considerable popularity and the import of scallops into the EU has increased about 20 % over the last fi ve years from some 50.000 t to nearly 63.000 t in the year 2010. Scallops are fi shed or farmed, and traded as fresh or deep frozen product. Recently investigation of scallop products of various origins by determining the species using molecular biological techniques showed that the species had been mislabelled in a considerable proportion of samples. Determination of the species was performed by PCR-based DNA-analysis of mitochondrial DNA followed by (i) sequencing the PCR product and (ii) comparison of the DNA sequence with entries in GenBank using BLAST. The deduced sequences of the analysed samples were considerably different from each other allowing the unambiguous assignment of samples to a certain species. Kurzfassung Die Nachfrage von Kammmuscheln in der EU hat in den letzten fünf Jahren erheblich zugenommen. Der Import stieg von knapp 53.000 t im Jahr 2005 um 20% auf annähernd 63.000 t im Jahr 2010. Gehandelt werden Kammmuscheln sowohl als frische als auch als Tiefkühlware aus Wildfängen und Aquakultur. Untersuchungen von Kammmuschel-Proben aus verschiedenen Ursprungsländern und Bestimmung der Spezies auf molekularbiologischer Basis zeigten, dass ein erheblicher Anteil der Proben falsch deklariert war. Die Bestimmung der Spezies erfolgte durch Vervielfältigung eines Abschnitts des 16S rRNA Gens durch Polymerase- Kettenreaktion (PCR), anschließender Sequenzanalyse der PCR-Produkte und Vergleich der DNA Sequenzen untereinander und mit Dateneintragungen in GenBank. Die DNA-Sequenzen der ermittelten Abschnitte der 16S rRNA der Proben unterschieden sich erheblich voneinander und erlaubten eine eindeutige Zuordnung zu jeweils einer Spezies.
Estima-se que a prevalência global da população mundial com hepatite C é de 3%. Pouco se sabe sobre a resposta ao tratamento com respeito à resistência viral. Algumas mutações no fragmento de 109 aminoácidos da NS5B são associadas com resistência ao interferon (IFN) e ribavirina (RBV). Estudos moleculares e clínicos identificaram fatores associados com o hospedeiro e vírus relacionados associada com a resposta ao tratamento, tal como o gene que codifica a IL-28B. Este estudo foi dividido em duas fases, cujos objetivos foram caracterizar a frequência de mutações que conferem resistência ao HCV e avaliar a relevância das mutações em pacientes Respondedores (R) ou Não Respondedores (NR) ao tratamento e caracterizar geneticamente as populações sobre polimorfismos genéticos nos SNPs da IL-28B em relação ao prognóstico da resposta ao tratamento. As amostras dos pacientes foram submetidas a testes de genotipagem e carga viral. As sequências geradas foram comparadas no BLAST e no banco de dados Los Alamos HCV. Realizamos o alinhamento das sequências homólogas e as mutações identificadas. Com base no genótipo e carga viral determinamos a classificação dos pacientes de acordo com a resposta à terapia. O DNA genômico foi isolado a partir de sangue periférico para a realização da tipagem de SNPs de IL-28B. A metodologia utilizada foi de PCR em tempo real utilizando sondas TaqMan SNP específico. A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando GraphPad Prism com qui-quadrado, risco relativo (RR), Odds Ratio (OR) e intervalo de confiança de 95%, com um nível de significância de P <0,05. Foi encontrado na primeira fase deste estudo uma taxa significativa mutações associadas ao tratamento nas amostras estudadas. A prevalência de mutações associadas à resistência ao IFN e RBV bem como a novos medicamentos antivirais localizados no fragmento de 109 aminoácidos da NS5B foi examinado em 69 indivíduos infectados naïve no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Na segunda fase, as mutações foram clinicamente relevantes. Desde então, procuramos observar as diferenças entre melhor ou pior prognóstico de acordo com a imunogenética que mostrou diferenciação entre os grupos R e NR ao tratamento em relação ao prognóstico da resposta terapêutica. Quando as diferenças entre as sequências da NS5B e a resposta ao tratamento foram consideradas verificou-se que associada a mutação R254K, estava a C316N que poderia conduzir a uma não resposta à terapia no genótipo 1b. Os nossos dados também suportaram forte associação de IL-28B rs12979860, com elevada probabilidade de resposta à terapia de IFN + RBV. Nossos dados evidenciam a presença de pacientes virgens de tratamento que abrigam mutações de resistência previamente descritas na literatura. A análise dos fatores preditores de resposta virológica mostrou que a predição de boa resposta ou não ao tratamento e ainda da progressão da doença é dependente de uma importante interação entre a genética viral e a do hospedeiro. Fato este importante para que no momento de avaliação de diagnóstico e conduta terapêutica, o médico possa tomar medidas apropriadas para o tratamento de cada paciente individualmente independentemente do genótipo do HCV em questão.
In this note, we document polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) primer pairs for 101 nuclear-encoded microsatellites designed and developed from a genomic library for red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Details of the genomic library construction, the sequencing of positive clones, primer design, and PCR protocols may be found in Karlsson et al. (2008). The 101 microsatellites (GENBA NK Accession Numbers EU015882-EU015982) were amplified successfully and used to genotype 24 red drum obtained from Galveston Bay, Texas (Table 1). A total of 69 of the microsatellites had an uninterrupted (perfect) dinucleotide motif, and 30 had an imperfect dinucleotide motif; one microsatellite had an imperfect tetranucleotide motif, and one had an imperfect and compound motif (Table 1 ). Sizes of the cloned alleles ranged from 84 to 252 base pairs. A ‘blast’ search of the GENBANK database indicated that all of the primers and the cloned alleles were unique (i.e., not duplicated).
Fishing with explosives is still being practiced aroung Hong Kong. The first legislation against blast fishing was passed in Hong Kong in 1903. Since then, successive legislation has increased the penalties and fines on blast fishing and fishing with poisons. However, the problem has not been eliminated as enforcement puts pressure on the resources of the marine police. It would be more effective to educate the local communities on the destructive effects of these practices and make them more vigilant and responsible in controlling them.
Amostras de DNA são encontradas em fragmentos, obtidos em vestígios de uma cena de crime, ou coletados de amostras de cabelo ou sangue, para testes genéticos ou de paternidade. Para identificar se esse fragmento pertence ou não a uma sequência de DNA, é necessário compará-los com uma sequência determinada, que pode estar armazenada em um banco de dados para, por exemplo, apontar um suspeito. Para tal, é preciso uma ferramenta eficiente para realizar o alinhamento da sequência de DNA encontrada com a armazenada no banco de dados. O alinhamento de sequências de DNA, em inglês DNA matching, é o campo da bioinformática que tenta entender a relação entre as sequências genéticas e suas relações funcionais e parentais. Essa tarefa é frequentemente realizada através de softwares que varrem clusters de base de dados, demandando alto poder computacional, o que encarece o custo de um projeto de alinhamento de sequências de DNA. Esta dissertação apresenta uma arquitetura de hardware paralela, para o algoritmo BLAST, que permite o alinhamento de um par de sequências de DNA. O algoritmo BLAST é um método heurístico e atualmente é o mais rápido. A estratégia do BLAST é dividir as sequências originais em subsequências menores de tamanho w. Após realizar as comparações nessas pequenas subsequências, as etapas do BLAST analisam apenas as subsequências que forem idênticas. Com isso, o algoritmo diminui o número de testes e combinações necessárias para realizar o alinhamento. Para cada sequência idêntica há três etapas, a serem realizadas pelo algoritmo: semeadura, extensão e avaliação. A solução proposta se inspira nas características do algoritmo para implementar um hardware totalmente paralelo e com pipeline entre as etapas básicas do BLAST. A arquitetura de hardware proposta foi implementada em FPGA e os resultados obtidos mostram a comparação entre área ocupada, número de ciclos e máxima frequência de operação permitida, em função dos parâmetros de alinhamento. O resultado é uma arquitetura de hardware em lógica reconfigurável, escalável, eficiente e de baixo custo, capaz de alinhar pares de sequências utilizando o algoritmo BLAST.
Stabilisation/solidification (S/S) is an effective technique for reducing the leachability of contaminants in soils. Very few studies have investigated the use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) for S/S treatment of contaminated soils, although it has been shown to be effective in ground improvement. This study sought to investigate the potential of GGBS activated by cement and lime for S/S treatment of a mixed contaminated soil. A sandy soil spiked with 3000mg/kg each of a cocktail of heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Zn, Cu and Pb) and 10,000mg/kg of diesel was treated with binder blends of one part hydrated lime to four parts GGBS (lime-slag), and one part cement to nine parts GGBS (slag-cement). Three binder dosages, 5, 10 and 20% (m/m) were used and contaminated soil-cement samples were compacted to their optimum water contents. The effectiveness of the treatment was assessed using unconfined compressive strength (UCS), permeability and acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) tests with determination of contaminant leachability at the different acid additions. UCS values of up to 800kPa were recorded at 28days. The lowest coefficient of permeability recorded was 5×10(-9)m/s. With up to 20% binder dosage, the leachability of the contaminants was reduced to meet relevant environmental quality standards and landfill waste acceptance criteria. The pH-dependent leachability of the metals decreased over time. The results show that GGBS activated by cement and lime would be effective in reducing the leachability of contaminants in contaminated soils.
PURPOSE: Stabilisation/solidification (S/S) has emerged as an efficient and cost-effective technology for the treatment of contaminated soils. However, the performance of S/S-treated soils is governed by several intercorrelated variables, which complicates the optimisation of the treatment process design. Therefore, it is desirable to develop process envelopes, which define the range of operating variables that result in acceptable performance. METHODS: In this work, process envelopes were developed for S/S treatment of contaminated soil with a blend of hydrated lime (hlime) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) as the binder (hlime/GGBS = 1:4). A sand contaminated with a mixture of heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons was treated with 5%, 10% and 20% binder dosages, at different water contents. The effectiveness of the treatment was assessed using unconfined compressive strength (UCS), permeability, acid neutralisation capacity and contaminant leachability with pH, at set periods. RESULTS: The UCS values obtained after 28 days of treatment were up to ∼800 kPa, which is quite low, and permeability was ∼10(-8) m/s, which is higher than might be required. However, these values might be acceptable in some scenarios. The binder significantly reduced the leachability of cadmium and nickel. With the 20% dosage, both metals met the waste acceptance criteria for inert waste landfill and relevant environmental quality standards. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that greater than 20% dosage would be required to achieve a balance of acceptable mechanical and leaching properties. Overall, the process envelopes for different performance criteria depend on the end-use of the treated material.
从构建具有稳定泌氨能力的联合固氮工程菌的目的出发,首先构建Enterobacter gergoviae57-7 (E57-7)基因文库并与所筛选的泌氨突变株进行遗传互补实验,得到可互补 泌氨特性的克隆,经Southern杂交后推测其中包含与glnA、amtB基因无关的另一类与泌 氨相关的基因。同时根据铵载体基因amtB的已知序列设计两对简并性引物,经PCR从 E57-7 DNA中扩增得到约340bp的片段,序列分析和Blast序列同源性比较后确定为amtB 基因片段,申报并获得序列号AJ132232,最终从基因库中筛选到两个包含E57-7 amtB 基因的克隆。 用K. pneumoniae的glnA基因片段为探针,通过Southern杂交从E57-7基因库中筛选到包含有glnAntrBC基因的克隆,经亚克隆后对包含有这个操纵元的4316bp片段进行了全序列分析,申报GenBank获得序列号AF072440。在体外实验中构建了Km-cassette 插入glnA的重组质粒pA,将此质粒转入E57-7野生型菌株后经筛选同源重组子获得glnA 突变的具有稳定泌氨能力的菌株15、I9。并进行了盆栽玉米接种实验,确定在灭菌上壤实验体系下I5对玉米幼苗有显著促生效应。 利用绿色荧光蛋白(GFP-S65T,V68L,S72A)基因建立分子生物学研究手段,构建了新 型克隆载体pGreenLD,建立了绿白斑筛选重组质粒的的技术。构建组成型表达gfp的质粒载体研究了E57-7在玉米根际的定殖模式;构建nifH-gfp表达载体,确定在与植物联合生活时其固氮酶结构基因nifHDK的表达与碳源物质供应密切相关。利用不同抗性基因和gfp基因片段构建出在E57-7中组成型表达抗性和GFP的质粒载体,建立了监测接种菌在土壤中释放的双标记系统。 最后克隆了E57-7 glg cluster并测定部分glgCA和glgP基因序列,申报后获得序列号AJ132233和AJ132234,这是首例从联合固氮菌中克隆得到glg cluster的报道。
过氧化氢(Hydrogen peroxide,H2O2)是植物和病原微生物互作中快速合成的一种早期活性氧类(reactive oxygen species, ROS ),它在植物受到病原微生物侵染后引发的一系列防御反应中起着非常重要的作用,因此通过外源基因导入提高植物体内过氧化氢的含量,可以增强植物的广谱抗病性。葡萄糖氧化酶(glucose oxidase, GO)可以催化β-D-葡萄糖氧化生成过氧化氢和葡萄糖酸,此酶已在数种细菌和真菌中检测到,但在植物和动物中仍未发现。为了尝试将此酶应用于水稻广谱抗病基因工程,本研究将葡萄糖氧化酶基因插入具有潮霉素抗性选择标记的双元载体pCAMBIA1301,新构建为水稻高效表达载体pCAG1301。将此质粒导入根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens )菌株LBA4404后,转化粳稻(Oryza sativa )品种日本晴(Nipponbare)成熟胚来源的愈伤组织和幼胚,并由筛选出的潮霉素抗性愈伤组织分化再生植株。对所得到的潮霉素抗性植株的Southern杂交分析表明GO基因已整合到受体基因组,为单拷贝或双拷贝插入。利用过氧化氢与淀粉-碘化钾反应显蓝色的特性检测到了转基因植株产生的过氧化氢,证实GO基因表达产生的葡萄糖氧化酶已经在水稻中发挥功能,这是将GO基因转入单子叶植物的首例报道。 基于过氧化氢诱导的植物防御反应没有种属专一性的优点,可以预期所得转基因水稻植株很可能对水稻的多种病原菌具有良好的抗性。已完成的抗病性鉴定表明,所得转基因水稻植株对稻瘟病具有良好的抗性。
AP2是一个大的转录因子家族,因其成员含有一个60-70 个氨基酸残基的保守结构域即AP2结构域而得名,它们的功能涉及植物花的发育以及植物对生物或非生物逆境的应答反应。根据它们所含的AP2 结构域的数目,这个家族可分为AP2亚家族和EREBP 亚家族。 AP2亚家族成员含两个AP2结构域,EREBP 亚家族成员含一个AP2结构域。一般来说,AP2 亚家族的成员主要参与植物发育过程的调控;EREBP 亚家族成员则主要参与对逆境的应答反应。按照它们响应外界刺激的类型和AP2结构域中结合顺式作用元件的核心氨基酸的不同,EREBP亚家族又可分为ERF和CBF/DREB两大类群,ERF 类主要响应生物类逆境的诱导,CBF/DREB类则响应干旱、低温等非生物胁迫的刺激。 根据AP2保守结构域搜索,水稻基因组中一共有147个AP2/EREBP成员,但其中功能得到证实的还非常有限。为了解更多AP2基因在植物生长发育过程中的功能,我们先从水稻基因组数据库中搜索到含有AP2/EREBP 结构域的推测基因序列,选择其中40个扩增并成功扩增出31个,将这些DNA片段点在尼龙膜上,然后用水稻叶片cDNA 作模板标记探针,与固定在膜上的推测基因杂交。杂交结果作为选择基因进行功能分析的重要依据。 OsDRE就是我们选择进行研究的一个表达较强的基因。首先,通过RACE 克隆得到OsDRE 的cDNA全长 1589bp,它编码318个氨基酸。Blast 搜索和保守结构域序列比对分析以及进化树分析显示它是一个新的ERF 基因。RT-PCR分析表明该基因在水稻各种组织中表达量比较一致,而且,OsDRE 既不对植物生长物质如乙烯,水杨酸(SA),茉莉酸甲酯(MJ),脱落酸(ABA),赤霉素(GA3),油菜素内酯(BR)的诱导起反应,同样也不响应环境因子如低温、干旱条件的处理。这些结果说明OsDRE是一个不响应胁迫相关因素的诱导的、组成型表达的水稻基因。用OsDRE的非保守区域构建的RNAi 载体转入水稻后未能使转基因水稻产生异常表型,然而,OsDRE在水稻和拟南芥中的过量表达都导致转基因植物出现植株矮小、开花延迟、生长周期延长以及育性降低等表型,说明OsDRE对生长和发育的影响在水稻和拟南芥中是一致的。 基于以上原因,我们选择在遗传分析方面有明显优势的拟南芥作为材料,对OsDRE基因功能进行研究并得出以下结论:(1)瞬时表达和随后的过量表达证明OsDRE定位于细胞核中,过量表达OsDRE引起转基因植株的生长周期变长、抽苔时间延迟和抽苔时莲座叶的数量增多;(2)过量表达OsDRE通过一种不影响细胞数量的方式抑制了细胞的膨胀从而导致植物器官以致整个植株变小,而且,在此过程中部分器官的形态也受到了影响;(3)OsDRE过量表达能激活已知位于乙烯信号途径下游的基因表达并且转基因植株幼苗在黑暗中出现下胚轴及根缩短变粗的现象,提示OsDRE 可能部分参与了乙烯信号途径下游的反应。 除此之外,我们还初步分析了另一个EREBP基因,并将其命名为OsRAF。氨基酸序列分析表明该基因与大麦的RAF 基因在蛋白水平上相似性最高。Northern 杂交结果进一步显示,与RAF 一样,OsRAF 也是根中优势表达的基因,并且它的表达量在乙烯或低温的诱导下增加。对转基因植株的观察和瞬时表达表明OsRAF 定位于细胞核中。 综上所述,对水稻基因OsDRE 和OsRAF的分析表明, OsDRE是一个新的ERF基因,它不受乙烯等因素的诱导并且过量表达该基因导致转基因植株出现细胞膨胀受到抑制等一系列的表型。另外,OsRAF在水稻根中优势表达并受乙烯和低温的诱导,目前,与之相关的功能研究正在进行。
The response of three commercial weld-hardfacing alloys to erosive wear has been studied. These were high chromium white cast irons, deposited by an open-arc welding process, widely used in the mineral processing and steelmaking industries for wear protection. Erosion tests were carried out with quartz sand, silicon carbide grit and blast furnace sinter of two different sizes, at a velocity of 40 m s-1 and at impact angles in the range 20° to 90°. A monolithic white cast iron and mild steel were also tested for comparison. Little differences were found in the wear rates when silica sand or silicon carbide grit was used as the erodent. Significant differences were found, however, in the rankings of the materials. Susceptibility to fracture of the carbide particles in the white cast irons played an important role in the behaviour of the white cast irons. Sinter particles were unable to cause gross fracture of the carbides and so those materials with a high volume fraction of carbides showed the greatest resistance to erosive wear. Silica and silicon carbide were capable of causing fracture of the primary carbides. Concentration of plastic strain in the matrix then led to a high wear rate for the matrix. At normal impact with silica or silicon carbide erodents mild steel showed a greater resistance to erosive wear than these alloys. © 1995.
We constructed a high redundancy bacterial artificial chromosome library of a seriously endangered Old World Monkey, the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) from China. This library contains a total of 136 320 BAC clones. The average insert size of BAC clones was estimated to be 148 kb. The percentage of small inserts (50-100 kb) is 2.74%, and only 2.67% non-recombinant clones were observed. Assuming a similar genome size with closely related primate species, the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey BAC library has at least six times the genome coverage. By end sequencing of randomly selected BAC clones, we generated 201 sequence tags for the library. A total of 139 end-sequenced BAC clones were mapped onto the chromosomes of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey by fluorescence in-situ hybridization, demonstrating a high degree of synteny conservation between humans and Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys. Blast search against human genome showed a good correlation between the number of hit clones and the size of the chromosomes, an indication of unbiased chromosomal distribution of the BAC library. This library and the mapped BAC clones will serve as a valuable resource in comparative genomics studies and large-scale genome sequencing of nonhuman primates. The DNA sequence data reported in this paper were deposited in GenBank and assigned the accession number CG891489-CG891703.