434 resultados para bixa orellana


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Los polímeros de impronta molecular (MIPs) son materiales sintéticos que presentan propiedades de reconocimiento molecular específico hacia determinados compuestos. Estos materiales con “memoria selectiva” presentan un elevado potencial analítico como sustitutos de elementos de reconocimiento de origen biológico para el desarrollo de sensores, como sorbentes en procesos de extracción en fase sólida (SPE) y como fases estacionarias para HPLC y CE. La síntesis de estos materiales se basa en la formación de una estructura polimérica, altamente entrecruzada, alrededor de una molécula que actúa como plantilla que se extrae después de la polimerización. De esta forma, el MIP contendrá sitios de unión que son complementarios a la molécula plantilla en forma, tamaño y distribución de grupos funcionales que permiten su reconocimiento posterior, de forma selectiva Los MIPs suelen presentar ventajas interesantes en comparación con los receptores


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The possibility of using more economical silicon feedstock, i.e. as support for epitaxial solar cells, is of interest when the cost reduction and the properties are attractive. We have investigated the mechanical behaviour of two blocks of upgraded metallurgical silicon, which is known to present high content of impurities even after being purified by the directional solidification process. These impurities are mainly metals like Al and silicon compounds. Thus, it is important to characterize their effect in order to improve cell performance and to ensure the survival of the wafers throughout the solar value chain. Microstructure and mechanical properties were studied by means of ring on ring and three point bending tests. Additionally, elastic modulus and fracture toughness were measured. These results showed that it is possible to obtain marked improvements in toughness when impurities act as microscopic internal crack arrestors. However, the same impurities can be initiators of damage due to residual thermal stresses introduced during the crystallization process.


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The possibility of using more economical silicon feedstock, i.e. as support for epitaxial solar cells, is of interest when the cost reduction and the properties are attractive. We have investigated the mechanical behavior of two blocks of upgraded metallurgical silicon, which is known to present high content of impurities even after being purified by the directional solidification process. The impurities are mainly metals like Al and silicon compounds. Thus, it is important to characterize their effect in order to improve cell performance and to ensure the survival of the wafers throughout the solar value chain. Microstructure and mechanical properties were studied by means of ring on ring and three point bending tests. Additionally, Young’s modulus, hardness and fracture toughness were measured. These results showed that it is possible to obtain marked improvements in toughness when impurities act as microscopic internal crack arrestors. However, the same impurities can be initiators of damage due to residual thermal stresses introduced during the crystallization process.


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El presente trabajo de investigación, pretende realizar un estudio de la evaluación y control de los parámetros de calidad en varias masas de agua de una misma cuenca. En este sentido, se ha concretado el trabajo en las principales masas de agua de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Guadiana, donde se encuentran, dos de los principales embalses nacionales; el embalse de La Serena, que con sus 3.219 Hm3 de capacidad es el mayor de España y el embalse de Cijara (6º de mayor capacidad del estado con 1.505 Hm3) El resto de embalses sobre los que versa el presente trabajo están, de una manera u otra forma, ligados geográfica e hidrológicamente a los dos mencionados. Se han analizado y estudiado diferentes series de datos de las características físico-químicas, características físicas, características químicas, características químico-biológicas y características bacteriológicas de los embalses de Cijara, Garcia Sola, Orellana, La Serena y Zújar entre los años 2000 y 2012. De éste análisis se desprende que existen relaciones entre líneas de tendencias de diferentes parámetros para los embalses estudiados de la Zona Media de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Guadiana durante la serie estudiada. En la misma línea, se concluye que, por un lado existen relaciones entre diferentes parámetros de calidad de un mismo embalse, y por otro, que existen relaciones entre varios parámetros de diferentes embalses, con lo que conocido un valor de un parámetro determinado de un embalse se podría estimar (de forma aproximada) otro parámetro determinado de un embalse distinto de la misma cuenca. The present work of investigation tries to conduct a study of the evaluation and control of the quality parameters in several bodies of water in a basin. In this sense, is has completed work in the main bodies of water of the Guadiana hydrographic basin, where they are, two of the main national reservoirs; the reservoir of La Serena, which with its 3.219 Hm3 capacity is the largest in Spain and the embalse de Cíjara (6th largest State with 1.505 Hm3 capacity). The other reservoirs on which deals with this work are, in one way or another way, linked geographical and hydrologic to the two mentioned. They have been analyzed and studied different data series of physicochemical characteristics, physical characteristics, chemical properties, chemical-biological characteristics and features bacteriological of reservoirs of Cíjara, García single, Orellana, La Serena and Zújar between 2000 and 2012. This analysis shows that there are relations between lines of trends of different parameters for the studied reservoirs in the area average of the river Guadiana basin during the series studied. In the same vein, it is concluded that, on the one hand relationships exist between different quality parameters of a reservoir, and on the other, that there are relationships between various parameters of different reservoirs, with known value for a particular parameter of a reservoir could estimate (in approximate form) other specific parameter of a reservoir other than the same basin.


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Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Pere M. Orts/500


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El autor original es Genaro Cantelli?


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Accommodation is a first need and one of the most important decisions that university students have to decide taking into account their limited budget. The satisfaction grade of these students is the relevant aspect for the administrators and managers of the university residences, because it allows assuring the viability and sustainability of this kind of accommodation. In a situation of decline in rate of retention of students into the residence, coupled with an environment of economic crisis. Hence, of disposable income reduction, it seems essential to get to know what factors affect the motivation to remain into the university residence more than others when it comes to the final choice. The offer?s increase of different kind of accommodation is another variable to be considered when taking the decision related to the management of this kind of accommodation. Thus, there is the need to know which are the key factors and to obtain information about these variables in order to go deep into the relevance grade with the aim to pursue the strategic objectives, that will allow to improve the relationship with the customer and to respond to his accommodation? needs. This article researches the motivation elements that lead the students to remain in a university residence or to abandon it in exchange or a different accommodation, as per example shared flats or individual apartments. This research work intends to be useful for the university residence?s managers in order to increase its incomes, to raise the satisfaction degree among its residents and to obtain better end results in the management of these properties. The fieldwork conducted in the Residencia Universitaria Gómez Pardo (RUGP), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), for four semesters, which means students from 27 different grades (undergraduates) and 81 surveys finished, shows the following conclusions. Not only the relation with the residence?s personnel but also the quality and quantity of the feeding and the availability and quality of the internet service, constitute key factors when it comes to make the decision of remaining or of abandoning the residence when the semester comes to its end.