929 resultados para biennial yellow blossom sweet clover
Abstract In order to take full advantage of Tenebrio molitor larvae (yellow mealworm) resources, the supercritical CO2 fluid freeze-dried powder of T. molitor larvae (fdTML) extraction on the immune systems of mice was carried out. The results about the effects of supercritical CO2 fluid fdTML extraction on carbon expurgation and phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages experiments of mice indicated that the fdTML extraction enhanced observably carbon expurgatory index, phagocytic rate and phagocytic index. The fdTML extraction could stimulate response of delayed hypersensitivity. The proliferation of ConA-induced mitogenic reponse for spleen lymphocyte was also increased. The amount of hemolytic antibody in mice serum increased compared with those of the control group mice. The half of hemolysis values in serum of treated mice increased compared to the control group. Furthermore, serum NO content in all treatment groups was higher than that of the control group whereas acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase activity was only significantly higher relative to the control group. Our findings suggest that supercritical CO2 fluid the fdTML extraction has potential as a health food supplement.
As pimentas constituem um dos principais produtos da olericultura brasileira. O interesse das indústrias por espécies picantes, como a pimenta Habanero, tem crescido a cada ano, sobretudo para a produção de molhos e preparados desidratados, o que aumentou a demanda no mercado por sementes de qualidade. O autor teve, através desta pesquisa, por objetivo avaliar os efeitos das épocas de colheita das sementes e da secagem na qualidade das sementes de pimenta Habanero Yellow. Foram utilizadas sementes extraídas de frutos em quatro épocas de colheita (E1 - 50, E2 - 60, E3 - 67 e E4 - 67 DAA e mantidos em repouso por 7 dias após a colheita). As sementes extraídas dos frutos em diferentes épocas de colheita foram submetidas a quatro métodos de secagem: secagem artificial, aos 45 °C, até 8% de teor de água; secagem artificial, aos 35 °C, até 20% de teor de água, seguida de secagem aos 45 °C, até 8% de teor de água; secagem artificial, aos 35 °C, até 8% de teor de água; e secagem natural à sombra até 8% de teor de água). A qualidade fisiológica das sementes antes da secagem foi avaliada por meio dos testes de germinação, emergência e envelhecimento acelerado, além da análise das isoenzimas esterase, superóxido dismutase, peroxidase, malato desidrogenase, álcool desidrogenase e da endo-β-mananase. Após a secagem, a qualidade fisiológica das sementes foi avaliada por meio dos testes de germinação, emergência e deterioração controlada. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes é máxima aos 67 DAA, quando os frutos estão completamente maduros. Maiores valores de germinação e vigor são observados em sementes secadas aos 35 ºC.
The X-ray test is a precise, fast and non-destructive method to detect mechanical damage in seeds. In the present study, the efficiency of X-ray analysis in identifying the extent of mechanical damage in sweet corn seeds and its relationship with germination and vigor was evaluated. Hybrid 'SWB 551' (sh2) seeds with round (R) and flat (F) shapes were classified as large (L), medium (M1, M2 and M3) and small (S), using sieves with round and oblong screens. After artificial exposure to different levels of damage (0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 impacts), seeds were X-rayed (15 kV, 5 min) and submitted to germination (25 °C/5 days) and cold (10 °C/7 days) tests. Digital images of normal and abnormal seedlings and ungerminated seeds from germination and cold tests were jointly analyzed with the seed X-ray images. Results showed that damage affecting the embryonic axis resulted in abnormal seedlings or dead seeds in the germination and cold tests. The X-ray analysis is efficient for identifying mechanical damage in sweet corn seeds, allowing damage severity to be associated with losses in germination and vigor.
Intercropping systems are seen as advantageous as they can provide higher crop yield and diversity along with fewer issues related to pests and weeds than monocultures. However, plant interactions in intercropped crop species and between crops and weeds in these systems are still not well understood. The main objective of this study was to investigate interactions between onion (Allium cepa) and yellow wax bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in monocultures and intercropping with and without the presence of a weed species, either Chenopodium album or Amaranthus hybridus. Another objective of this study was to compare morphological traits of C. album from two different populations (conventional vs. organic farms). Using a factorial randomized block design, both crop species were planted either in monoculture or intercropped with or without the presence of one of the two weeds. The results showed that intercropping onion with yellow wax bean increased the growth of onion but decreased the growth of yellow wax bean when compared to monocultures. The relative yield total (RYT) value was 1.3. Individual aboveground dry weight of both weed species under intercropping was reduced about 5 times when compared to the control. The poor growth of weeds in intercropping might suggest that crop diversification can help resist weed infestations. A common garden experiment indicated that C. album plants from the conventional farm had larger leaf area and were taller than those from the organic farm. This might be associated with specific evolutionary adaptation of weeds to different farming practices. These findings contribute to the fundamental knowledge of crop-crop interactions, crop-weed competition and adaptation of weeds to various conditions. They provide insights for the management of diversified cropping systems and integrated weed management as practices in sustainable agriculture.
A place card with an illustration of a girl in a blue dress sitting on a yellow chest.
A place card with an illustration of a girl in a red dress sitting on a yellow chest.
Envelope containing a four leaf clover “for luck” and little Margaret’s hair (9 mos. old), Sept. 3, 1937.
S’inscrivant parmi les travaux actuels sur le lieu, le présent mémoire s'intéresse à la représentation de la maison dans les romans québécois contemporains, notamment chez Catherine Mavrikakis, Élise Turcotte et Ying Chen. Dans le cadre de cette lecture sociocritique, le sociogramme de la Maison est la notion opératoire retenue, les deux composantes conflictuelles du noyau étant le « Home sweet home » et la « maison hantée ». Le travail de déchiffrement s'appuie ainsi sur les caractéristiques de ce binôme réfractées par les textes. À une époque caractérisée par un « hyper-investissement de l'espace privé », pour reprendre l'expression de Gilles Deleuze, la maison dans les romans québécois des années 2000 se révèle plutôt comme un espace marqué par la hantise, loin de l'image rassurante de la maison-nid véhiculée par certains discours en circulation dans la société. Fantômes et spectres envahissent ce lieu de l'intimité et deviennent des figures du quotidien, révélant ainsi le profond malaise des habitants et le refoulement d'un passé problématique. Le sujet se trouve alors confronté à une « inquiétante étrangeté » à l'intérieur même de son foyer.
The present study Molecular genetic characterization of endemic yellow catfish ,generated an important information on the genetic variation and stock structure of the endangered yellow catfish(Horabagrus brachysoma) endemic to the western Ghats. Three genetically discrete stocks of the species have been identified for the first time using allozymes, RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) and microsatelite markers and it is a significant step towards realizing the goal of management of fishery and conservation of the yellow catfish populations in the rivers of the Western Ghats region. In conclusion genetic markers were found to be powerful tools to analyze the population genetic structure of the yellow catfish. Geographic isolation by land distance,inbreading as a result of over-exploitation etc are some reasons for the genetic differenciation between the pairs and deficiency of hetrozygosity revealed by the two co dominant markers, allozyme, and microsatelites.the study emphasizes the need for stock-wise, propagation assisted-rehabilitation of the natural populations yellow catfish
The present study illustrates the biennial oscillation in different ocean-atmosphere parameters associated with interannual variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall.It also accounts the role of different processes like ENSO, IOD, QBO and ISO in the monsoon variability during the TBO years.
This study gave the first report on the biennial metal divergence in the sediments of Cochin Estuarine system (CES). Surface sediments from 6 prominent regions of CES were sampled in 2009 and 2011 for the geochemical and environmental assessment of trace metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni and Zn).Besides texture, total organic carbon (TOC) and CHNS were also done. The contamination and risk assessment were performed by determining geochemical indices. Comparison with sediment quality guidelines were done to assess the probability for ecotoxicological threat to the estuary. Results showed that the measured heavy metals had varied spatial distribution patterns, indicating that they had complex origins and controlling factors
The Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation (TBO), a major interannual variation phenomenon in the Indo-Pacific region, is the result of strong ocean-atmosphere coupling over the Asian-Australian monsoon area. Along with other meteorological and oceanographic parameters, the tropical circulation also exhibits interannual oscillations. Even though the TBO is the result of strong air–sea interaction, the circulation cells during TBO years are, as yet, not well understood. In the present study, an attempt has been made to understand the interannual variability of the mean meridional circulation and local monsoon circulation over south Asia in connection with the TBO. The stream function computed from the zonal mean meridional wind component of NCEP=NCAR reanalysis data for the years 1950–2003 is used to represent the meanmeridional circulation. Mean meridional mass transport in the topics reverses from a weak monsoon to a strong monsoon in the presence of ENSO, but in normal TBO yearsmean transport remains weak across the Northern Hemisphere. The meridional temperature gradient, which drives the mean meridional circulation, also shows no reversal during the normal TBO cycle. The local Hadley circulation over the monsoon area follows the TBO cycle with anomalous ascent (descent) in strong (weak) monsoon years. During normal TBO years, the Equatorial region and Indian monsoon areas exhibit opposite local Hadley circulation anomalies
The demand for biomass for bioenergy has increased rapidly in industrialized countries in the recent years. Biogenic energy carriers are known to reduce CO2 emissions. However, the resource-inefficient production of biomass often caused negative impacts on the environment, e.g. biodiversity losses, nitrate leaching, and erosion. The detrimental effects evolved mainly from annual crops. Therefore, the aim of modern bioenergy cropping systems is to combine yield stability and environmental benefits by the establishment of mixed-cropping systems. A particular emphasis is on perennial crops which are perceived as environmentally superior to annual crops. Agroforestry systems represent such mixed perennial cropping systems and consist of a mix of trees and arable crops or grassland within the same area of land. Agroforestry practices vary across the globe and alley cropping is a type of agroforestry system which is well adapted to the temperate zone, with a high degree of mechanization. Trees are planted in rows and crops are planted in the alleyways, which facilitates their management by machinery. This study was conducted to examine a young alley cropping system of willows and two grassland mixtures for bioenergy provision under temperate climate conditions. The first part of the thesis identified possible competition effects between willows and the two grassland mixtures. Since light seemed to be the factor most affecting the yield performance of the understory in temperate agroforestry systems, a biennial in situ artificial shade experiment was established over a separate clover-grass stand to quantify the effects of shade. Data to possible below- and aboveground interactions among willows and the two grassland mixtures and their effects on productivity, sward composition, and quality were monitored along a tree-grassland interface within the alleys. In the second part, productivity of the alley cropping system was examined on a triennial time frame and compared to separate grassland and willow stands as controls. Three different conversion technologies (combustion of hay, integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass, whole crop digestion) were applied to grassland biomass as feedstock and analyzed for its energetic potential. The energetic potential of willow wood chips was calculated by applying combustion as conversion technique. Net energy balances of separate grassland stands, agroforestry and pure willow stands evaluated their energy efficiency. Results of the biennial artificial shade experiment showed that severe shade (80 % light reduction) halved grassland productivity on average compared to a non-shaded control. White clover as heliophilous plant responded sensitively to limited radiation and its dry matter contribution in the sward decreased with increasing shade, whereas non-leguminous forbs (mainly segetal species) benefited. Changes in nutritive quality could not be confirmed by this experiment. Through the study on interactions within the alleys of the young agroforestry system it was possible to outline changes of incident light, soil temperature and sward composition of clover-grass along the tree-grassland interface. Nearly no effects of trees on precipitation, soil moisture and understory productivity occurred along the interface during the biennial experiment. Considering the results of the productivity and the net energy yield alley cropping system had lower than pure grassland stands, irrespective of the grassland seed mixture or fertilization, but was higher than that for pure willow stands. The comparison of three different energetic conversion techniques for the grassland biomass showed highest net energy yields for hay combustion, whereas the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass (IFBB) and whole crop digestion performed similarly. However, due to the low fuel quality of hay, its direct combustion cannot be recommended as a viable conversion technique, whereas IFBB fuels were of a similar quality to wood chip from willow.
Los niños pequeños podrán disfrutar reconociendo las distintas frutas y conociendo sus nombres. Y después, levantar las solapas para ver cómo unos niños las saborean. Elige tus favoritas con tus amigos.