911 resultados para artificially expanded genetic information system
In 2004, the National Institutes of Health made available the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System – PROMIS®, which is constituted of innovative item banks for health assessment. It is based on classical, reliable Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) and includes advanced statistical methods, such as Item Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Test. One of PROMIS® Domain Frameworks is the Physical Function, whose item bank need to be translated and culturally adapted so it can be used in Portuguese speaking countries. This work aimed to translate and culturally adapt the PROMIS® Physical Function item bank into Portuguese. FACIT (Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy) translation methodology, which is constituted of eight stages for translation and cultural adaptation, was used. Fifty subjects above the age of 18 years participated in the pre-test (seventh stage). The questionnaire was answered by the participants (self-reported questionnaires) by using think aloud protocol, and cognitive and retrospective interviews. In FACIT methodology, adaptations can be done since the beginning of the translation and cultural adaption process, ensuring semantic, conceptual, cultural, and operational equivalences of the Physical Function Domain. During the pre-test, 24% of the subjects had difficulties understanding the items, 22% of the subjects suggested changes to improve understanding. The terms and concepts of the items were totally understood (100%) in 87% of the items. Only four items had less than 80% of understanding; for this reason, it was necessary to chance them so they could have correspondence with the original item and be understood by the subjects, after retesting. The process of translation and cultural adaptation of the PROMIS® Physical Function item bank into Portuguese was successful. This version of the assessment tool must have its psychometric properties validated before being made available for clinical use.
Dimensional and form inspections are key to the manufacturing and assembly of products. Product verification can involve a number of different measuring instruments operated using their dedicated software. Typically, each of these instruments with their associated software is more suitable for the verification of a pre-specified quality characteristic of the product than others. The number of different systems and software applications to perform a complete measurement of products and assemblies within a manufacturing organisation is therefore expected to be large. This number becomes even larger as advances in measurement technologies are made. The idea of a universal software application for any instrument still appears to be only a theoretical possibility. A need for information integration is apparent. In this paper, a design of an information system to consistently manage (store, search, retrieve, search, secure) measurement results from various instruments and software applications is introduced. Two of the main ideas underlying the proposed system include abstracting structures and formats of measurement files from the data so that complexity and compatibility between different approaches to measurement data modelling is avoided. Secondly, the information within a file is enriched with meta-information to facilitate its consistent storage and retrieval. To demonstrate the designed information system, a web application is implemented. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.
Extreme natural events, like e.g. tsunamis or earthquakes, regularly lead to catastrophes with dramatic consequences. In recent years natural disasters caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, destruction of infrastructure, disruption of economic activity and loss of billions of dollars worth of property and thus revealed considerable deficits hindering their effective management: Needs for stakeholders, decision-makers as well as for persons concerned include systematic risk identification and evaluation, a way to assess countermeasures, awareness raising and decision support systems to be employed before, during and after crisis situations. The overall goal of this study focuses on interdisciplinary integration of various scientific disciplines to contribute to a tsunami early warning information system. In comparison to most studies our focus is on high-end geometric and thematic analysis to meet the requirements of smallscale, heterogeneous and complex coastal urban systems. Data, methods and results from engineering, remote sensing and social sciences are interlinked and provide comprehensive information for disaster risk assessment, management and reduction. In detail, we combine inundation modeling, urban morphology analysis, population assessment, socioeconomic analysis of the population and evacuation modeling. The interdisciplinary results eventually lead to recommendations for mitigation strategies in the fields of spatial planning or coping capacity. © Author(s) 2009.
"January 20, 1997."
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2016
Phylogeographic studies, which infer population history and dispersal movements from intra-specific spatial genetic variation, require expensive and time-consuming analyses that are not always feasible, especially in the case of rare or endangered species. On the other hand, comparative phylogeography of species involved in close biotic interactions may show congruent patterns depending on the specificity of the relationship. Consequently, the phylogeography of a parasite that needs two hosts to complete its life cycle should reflect population history traits of both hosts. Population movements evidenced by the parasite’s phylogeography that are not reflected in the phylogeography of one of these hosts may thus be attributed to the other host. Using the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and a parasitic tapeworm (Taenia pisiformis) as an example, we propose comparing the phylogeography of easily available organisms such as game species and their specific heteroxenous parasites to infer population movements of definitive host/predator species, independently of performing genetic analyses on the latter. This may be an interesting approach for indirectly studying the history of species whose phylogeography is difficult to analyse directly.
Abstract Background Recent medical and biological technology advances have stimulated the development of new testing systems that have been providing huge, varied amounts of molecular and clinical data. Growing data volumes pose significant challenges for information processing systems in research centers. Additionally, the routines of genomics laboratory are typically characterized by high parallelism in testing and constant procedure changes. Results This paper describes a formal approach to address this challenge through the implementation of a genetic testing management system applied to human genome laboratory. We introduced the Human Genome Research Center Information System (CEGH) in Brazil, a system that is able to support constant changes in human genome testing and can provide patients updated results based on the most recent and validated genetic knowledge. Our approach uses a common repository for process planning to ensure reusability, specification, instantiation, monitoring, and execution of processes, which are defined using a relational database and rigorous control flow specifications based on process algebra (ACP). The main difference between our approach and related works is that we were able to join two important aspects: 1) process scalability achieved through relational database implementation, and 2) correctness of processes using process algebra. Furthermore, the software allows end users to define genetic testing without requiring any knowledge about business process notation or process algebra. Conclusions This paper presents the CEGH information system that is a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) based on a formal framework to support genetic testing management for Mendelian disorder studies. We have proved the feasibility and showed usability benefits of a rigorous approach that is able to specify, validate, and perform genetic testing using easy end user interfaces.
Recent surveys of information technology management professionals show that understanding business domains in terms of business productivity and cost reduction potential, knowledge of different vertical industry segments and their information requirements, understanding of business processes and client-facing skills are more critical for Information Systems personnel than ever before. In an attempt to restrucuture the information systems curriculum accordingly, our view it that information systems students need to develop an appreciation for organizational work systems in order to understand the operation and significance of information systems within such work systems.
Background: Sorghum genome mapping based on DNA markers began in the early 1990s and numerous genetic linkage maps of sorghum have been published in the last decade, based initially on RFLP markers with more recent maps including AFLPs and SSRs and very recently, Diversity Array Technology (DArT) markers. It is essential to integrate the rapidly growing body of genetic linkage data produced through DArT with the multiple genetic linkage maps for sorghum generated through other marker technologies. Here, we report on the colinearity of six independent sorghum component maps and on the integration of these component maps into a single reference resource that contains commonly utilized SSRs, AFLPs, and high-throughput DArT markers. Results: The six component maps were constructed using the MultiPoint software. The lengths of the resulting maps varied between 910 and 1528 cM. The order of the 498 markers that segregated in more than one population was highly consistent between the six individual mapping data sets. The framework consensus map was constructed using a "Neighbours" approach and contained 251 integrated bridge markers on the 10 sorghum chromosomes spanning 1355.4 cM with an average density of one marker every 5.4 cM, and were used for the projection of the remaining markers. In total, the sorghum consensus map consisted of a total of 1997 markers mapped to 2029 unique loci ( 1190 DArT loci and 839 other loci) spanning 1603.5 cM and with an average marker density of 1 marker/0.79 cM. In addition, 35 multicopy markers were identified. On average, each chromosome on the consensus map contained 203 markers of which 58.6% were DArT markers. Non-random patterns of DNA marker distribution were observed, with some clear marker-dense regions and some marker-rare regions. Conclusion: The final consensus map has allowed us to map a larger number of markers than possible in any individual map, to obtain a more complete coverage of the sorghum genome and to fill a number of gaps on individual maps. In addition to overall general consistency of marker order across individual component maps, good agreement in overall distances between common marker pairs across the component maps used in this study was determined, using a difference ratio calculation. The obtained consensus map can be used as a reference resource for genetic studies in different genetic backgrounds, in addition to providing a framework for transferring genetic information between different marker technologies and for integrating DArT markers with other genomic resources. DArT markers represent an affordable, high throughput marker system with great utility in molecular breeding programs, especially in crops such as sorghum where SNP arrays are not publicly available.
Menneinä vuosikymmeninä maatalouden työt ovat ensin koneellistuneet voimakkaasti ja sittemmin mukaan on tullut automaatio. Nykyään koneiden kokoa suurentamalla ei enää saada tuottavuutta nostettua merkittävästi, vaan työn tehostaminen täytyy tehdä olemassa olevien resurssien käyttöä tehostamalla. Tässä työssä tarkastelun kohteena on ajosilppuriketju nurmisäilörehun korjuussa. Säilörehun korjuun intensiivisyys ja koneyksiköiden runsas määrä ovat työnjohdon kannalta vaativa yhdistelmä. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää vaatimuksia maatalouden urakoinnin tueksi kehitettävälle tiedonhallintajärjestelmälle. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin yhteensä 12 urakoitsijaa tai yhteistyötä tekevää viljelijää. Tutkimuksen perusteella urakoitsijoilla on tarvetta tietojärjestelmille.Luonnollisesti urakoinnin laajuus ja järjestelyt vaikuttavat asiaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella keskeisimpiä vaatimuksia tiedonhallinnalle ovat: • mahdollisimman laaja, yksityiskohtainen ja automaattinen tiedon keruu tehtävästä työstä • karttapohjaisuus, kuljettajien opastus kohteisiin • asiakasrekisteri, työn tilaus sähköisesti • tarjouspyyntöpohjat, hintalaskurit • luotettavuus, tiedon säilyvyys • sovellettavuus monenlaisiin töihin • yhteensopivuus muiden järjestelmien kanssa Kehitettävän järjestelmän tulisi siis tutkimuksen perusteella sisältää seuraavia osia: helppokäyttöinen suunnittelu/asiakasrekisterityökalu, toimintoja koneiden seurantaan, opastukseen ja johtamiseen, työnaikainen tiedonkeruu sekä kerätyn tiedon käsittelytoimintoja. Kaikki käyttäjät eivät kuitenkaan tarvitse kaikkia toimintoja, joten urakoitsijan on voitava valita tarvitsemansa osat ja mahdollisesti lisätä toimintoja myöhemmin. Tiukoissa taloudellisissa ja ajallisissa raameissa toimivat urakoitsijat ovat vaativia asiakkaita, joiden käyttämän tekniikan tulee olla toimivaa ja luotettavaa. Toisaalta inhimillisiä virheitä sattuu kokeneillekin, joten hyvällä tietojärjestelmällä työstä tulee helpompaa ja tehokkaampaa.
genetics, such as: population size, reproduction, mating system, growth, development,genetic structure and systematics status; The main results are presented below: The seasonal variation of the operational sexual ratio of this animal was found in the field and the ration always bias the female in the breeding season. Aiming at this character and considering the distance of time and space of both sexual habitat in breeding season, we census female population first by toe-clipping mark-recapture method, then estimated the population size with the definitive sexual ratio. Up to now, this species was found only at the Beilun district of the Ningbo City. The population size of the Ruiyan Temple Forest Park approximates to 369. The status of this population is extremely endangered, so besides protecting this population at the original locality, we also suggested to breed the salamander in fenced locality and to hatch embryos artificially, and send metamorphosed juveniles back to nature. We can transfer some individuals to other similar habitats or breed them under artificial conditions for saving this species from extinction. The early developmental stage of the Chinhai salamander is the same as its relative species, E. andersoni. Their balanceres are poorly developed and disappear very early. Temperature and moisture significantly influence the embryonic development of the Chinhai salamander. The embryonic stage is approx. 29 days under room temperature. The hatchling grows in a logarithmic curve. The larvae stage in water is approx. 58- 88 days. Many factors influence the nomal development, including two aspects of internal and external. Due to these factors, the effective protected measures were presented in detail. The breeding migration of E. chinhaiensis takes place at late March~late April every year. This salamander's hatching rate is high, but the rate of hatchling migrating into water is low. The average effectiveness of all the nest sites is 36.7%. The maternal self-conservation was contrary to the reproductive success of the egg-laying strategy. In the strategy of egg-laying behavior, the first factor selected by the female was its self-conservation, the second is embryonic survival rate, and the last is rate of hatchling survival rate. The oviposition selection is significant for the survival of the larvae. Based on the analysis of the evolutionary process of reproductive behaviors nad egg-laying site selections of all genera of the family Salamandridae, we deduced that perhaps Echinotriton is a transitional type in the evolutionary process from water to land. Due to its location in the adaptive stage in the terrestrial evolution, Echinotriton chinhaiensis's terrestrial nest may be one of important reason that causes this species to be endangered. The genetic deversity analysis shows that although the population size of the Chinhai salamander is quite small compared to other Chinese salamandrid species, the genetic diversity of this population is not reduce remarkably. We explain this phenomena with the polygamy mating system of this species. The result of 4 families' parenthood determinations shows that the parenhood determination can be taken without any paternal information. The "children" of every female include rich genetic information from at least two "fathers". It implies that female Chinhai salamander mates more than once with different males in a breeding season. The molecular evidence, the behavioral observation evidences and the sperm evidence in the female cloaca proved that this species has a polygamy mating system. The kin recognition in the mating of adult salamander was first discussed. The taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships of 12 species representing 6 genera in the family Salamandridae were studied using DNA fingerprinting. The results showed that the DNA fingerprinting. The results showed that the DNA fingerprinting patterns demonstrated rich genetic diversity and species diversity, and also revealed the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationshipes of higher taxa to a certain extent. The results are highly consistent with those obtained from the studies based on the morphology, ecology, cytology and molecular biology. The compreshensive analysis indicate that Tylototrition hainanensis and T. wenxianensis should be valid species; Echinotriton should be a valid genus;Tylotortriton is a natural cluster; Tylotortriton asperrimus should be put in Tylototrition rather than in Echinotriton, Hypselotriton and Allomestriton are synonyms of Cynops and Paramesotriton, respectively. There are three main groups in Chinese salamandride: Cynops, Paramesotriton and Pachytrition from the first group, the species of the Tylototriton from the second, and E. chinhaiensis composes the third.