955 resultados para antennal lobe


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A lesão por isquemia-reperfusão (I/R) é o mecanismo fisiopatológico central no desenvolvimento da insuficiência hepática pós-operatória. Diversas estratégias para minimizar suas consequências estão sendo desenvolvidas, mas ainda sem resultados satisfatórios. Recentemente o pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto (PCIR), método em que ciclos breves de I/R aplicados em um órgão ou membro é capaz de atenuar os resultados da I/R em um órgão distante, vem sendo utilizado, em modelos experimentais, com resultados promissores. No entanto seu mecanismo de ação ainda não foi esclarecido. Um dos mecanismos propostos é a modulação na expressão das citocinas sintetizadas durante a resposta inflamatória que acompanha o processo de I/R. Foram utilizados 36 ratos (Rattus norvegicus), machos, com peso entre 250 e 280 g, divididos em três grupos: Grupo Sham, cirurgia simulada; Grupo IR, isquemia de 70% do fígado por 45 minutos e reperfusão; e Grupo PCIR, pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto do fígado através de seis ciclos de isquemia-reperfusão da pata do animal, com quatro minutos de isquemia e quatro minutos de reperfusão em cada ciclo, seguido de isquemia hepática semelhante ao do Grupo IR. Terminado os procedimentos cirúrgicos, metade dos animais foi morta decorridos 60 minutos de reperfusão, e a outra metade após 180 minutos. Foi coletado tecido hepático do lobo submetido à isquemia, para estudo histopatológico, utilizando o índice de injúria hepática modificado; e sangue, para dosagem plasmática de TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10 e ALT. A análise histopatológica mostrou que a necrose celular foi significativamente reduzida no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com Grupo IR (p <0,0001). As transaminases mostraram o mesmo padrão com redução significativa dos seus valores no Grupo PCIR quando comparados com o Grupo I-R (p <0,0001). A dosagem das interleucinas mostrou redução significativa na expressão da IL-6 no Grupo PCIR quando comparado com o Grupo IR (p<0,001). Houve aumento da expressão de IL-10 nos grupo PCIR, porém não atingiu significância estatística. Não foi identificada diferença na dosagem de TNF-α nos grupos estudados. O PCI-R foi eficaz na redução na necrose celular resultante da lesão por I-R nos grupos estudados. A redução na síntese de IL-6 segue o padrão observado em outros estudos.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os mecanismos de variabilidade da pressão arterial sistólica batimento-a-batimento através da análise espectral do componente de baixa frequência da variabilidade da pressão arterial sistólica, de medidas de velocidade da onda de pulso e de análise da pressão de incremento em idosos normotensos e hipertensos em tratamento anti-hipertensivo. Adicionalmente, investigamos a associação da variabilidade da pressão arterial com a espessura médio-intimal carotídea. Também investigamos a associação entre variabilidade da pressão arterial batimento-a-batimento e da frequência cardíaca com desempenho cognitivo. A pressão arterial foi medida continuamente através de fotopletismografia em posição supina e semi-ereta passiva. A variabilidade da pressão arterial foi estimada pelo desvio padrão das medidas batimento-a-batimento. Medidas de velocidade de onda de pulso, de pressão de incremento e ultrassonografia das artérias carótidas para medidas da espessura médio-intimal foram realizadas. O componente de baixa frequência da variabilidade da pressão arterial sistólica em posição supina e semi-ereta apresentou uma associação positiva independente coma variabilidade nos modelos de regressão linear múltipla ajustado pela velocidade de onda de pulso ou pela pressão de incremento.O componente de baixa frequência do barorreflexo em posição supina apresentou uma associação negativa independente com a variabilidade da pressão arterial sistólica e nos mesmos modelos. Não foi demonstrada associação entre a variabilidade da pressão arterial sistólica com espessura médio-intimal das artérias carótidas. Não foi demonstrada associação da variabilidade da pressão arterial sistólica batimento-a-batimento ou da frequência cardíaca com desempenho cognitivo global. Foi demonstrada associação positiva e independente do componente de baixa frequência do espectro de variabilidade da pressão arterial e da frequência cardíaca com domínios cognitivos relacionados ao lobo frontal. Em conclusão, a modulação simpática do tono vascular arterial, a função vascular miogênica e a desregulação do barorreflexo correlacionam-se com a variabilidade da pressão arterial batimento-a-batimento, o que não foi observado em relação `a rigidez arterial,pressão de incremento eespessura médio-intimal carotídea. A variabilidade da pressão arterial sistólica e da frequência cardíaca não apresentaram correlação com o desempenho cognitivo global, mas apresentaram associação positiva e independente com escores de função executiva.


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The bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus, Lowe 1841) is one of three sharks in the family Alopiidae, which occupy pelagic, neritic, and shallow coastal waters throughout the altropics and subtropics (Gruber and Compagno, 1981; Castro, 1983). All thresher sharks possess an elongated upper caudal lobe, and the bigeye thresher shark is distinguished from the other alopiid sharks by its large upward-looking eyes and grooves on the top of the head (Bigelow and Schroeder, 1948). Our present understanding of the bigeye thresher shark is primarily based upon data derived from specimens captured in fisheries, including knowledge of its morphological features (Fitch and Craig, 1964; Stillwell and Casey, 1976; Thorpe, 1997), geographic range as far as it overlaps with fisheries (Springer, 1943; Fitch and Craig, 1964; Stillwell and Casey, 1976; Gruber and Compagno, 1981; Thorpe, 1997), age, growth and maturity (Chen et al., 1997; Liu et al., 1998), and aspects of its reproductive biology (Gilmore, 1983; Moreno and Moron, 1992; Chen et al., 1997).


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During the present study fecundity of 30 ovaries of Euryglossa orientalis was determined. Fecundity ranged from 9922 to 8389 with a mean value of 36361. The number of ova in the dorsal lobe was less than that of ventral lobe. Log-log relationship between fecundity and total length, fish weight, ovary weight and ovary length were determined.


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The larval ontogeny of a developmental series (1.2-8.3mm body length, BL) of Synagrops philippinensis from Kagoshima Bay, southern Japan is described and illustrated. The yolk was completely absorbed in larva of ≥1.5 mm BL. Notochord flexion commenced at about 3.5mm BL and was completed by about 4.0-4.5mm BL. S. philippinensis larvae were distinguished from their congeners based on melanophore patterns, head spination and fin spines and rays. Larvae of 7.5-8.3 mm BL were characterized by anteriorly serrated pelvic spine, two anal spines, nine inner preopercular spines and no melanophore on lateral side of the caudal peduncle; 7.0 to 7.5mm BL larvae by the above characters except serration on pelvic spine; and yolk-sac, pre-flexion, flexing and post-flexion larvae up to 7.0mm BL by unique melanophores on lower lobe of pectoral finfold/fin.


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Neuropsin is a secreted-type serine protease involved in learning and memory. The type II splice form of neuropsin is abundantly expressed in the human brain but not in the mouse brain. We sequenced the type II-spliced region of neuropsin gene in humans and representative nonhuman primate species. Our comparative sequence analysis showed that only the hominoid species (humans and apes) have the intact open reading frame of the type II splice form, indicating that the type II neuropsin originated recently in the primate lineage about 18 MYA. Expression analysis using RT-PCR detected abundant expression of the type II form in the frontal lobe of the adult human brain, but no expression was detected in the brains of lesser apes and Old World monkeys, indicating that the type II form of neuropsin only became functional in recent time, and it might contribute to the progressive change of cognitive abilities during primate evolution.


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Prefrontal impairments have been hypothesized to be most strongly associated with the cognitive and emotional dysfunction in depression. Recently, white matter microstructural abnormalities in prefrontal lobe have been reported in elderly patients with ma


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A new species of the subfamily Barbinae, Tor yingjiangensis, is recognized from Yunnan province, China. It can be distinguished from other Tor species by the following combination of characters: last simple dorsal-fin ray osseous and non-serrated; no forward directed predorsal procumbent spine; head length considerably longer than body depth; no tubercles on the snout or sides of the face; 18-20 gill rakers on the outside of first gill arch; 24-26 lateral line scales; median lobe of lower lip short, its posterior margin truncate, not extending to the vertical across the inner corners of the mouth; and the condition of the lower lip consistent in individuals of different sizes. The new species has been misidentified previously as Tor putitora (Hamilton, F. 1822. An account of the fishes found in the River Ganges and its Branches. Edinburgh & London. 405 pp), which occurs in the Ganges and Indus River basins. The new species can easily be distinguished from T. putitora by having 3-3.5 (vs. 2.5) scales from lateral line to pelvic-fin origin, shorter caudal peduncle length (13.0% vs. 17.2% of standard length), lesser body depth (26.4% vs. 24.0% of standard length) and longer caudal peduncle depth (12.0% vs. 10.9% of standard length), no longitudinal stripe present along side of body, and eyes visible in ventral view of head.


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The interplay between robotics and neuromechanics facilitates discoveries in both fields: nature provides roboticists with design ideas, while robotics research elucidates critical features that confer performance advantages to biological systems. Here, we explore a system particularly well suited to exploit the synergies between biology and robotics: high-speed antenna-based wall following of the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). Our approach integrates mathematical and hardware modeling with behavioral and neurophysiological experiments. Specifically, we corroborate a prediction from a previously reported wall-following template - the simplest model that captures a behavior - that a cockroach antenna-based controller requires the rate of approach to a wall in addition to distance, e.g., in the form of a proportional-derivative (PD) controller. Neurophysiological experiments reveal that important features of the wall-following controller emerge at the earliest stages of sensory processing, namely in the antennal nerve. Furthermore, we embed the template in a robotic platform outfitted with a bio-inspired antenna. Using this system, we successfully test specific PD gains (up to a scale) fitted to the cockroach behavioral data in a "real-world" setting, lending further credence to the surprisingly simple notion that a cockroach might implement a PD controller for wall following. Finally, we embed the template in a simulated lateral-leg-spring (LLS) model using the center of pressure as the control input. Importantly, the same PD gains fitted to cockroach behavior also stabilize wall following for the LLS model. © 2008 IEEE.


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Acoustic communication in drosophilid flies is based on the production and perception of courtship songs, which facilitate mating. Despite decades of research on courtship songs and behavior in Drosophila, central auditory responses have remained uncharacterized. In this study, we report on intracellular recordings from central neurons that innervate the Drosophila antennal mechanosensory and motor center (AMMC), the first relay for auditory information in the fly brain. These neurons produce graded-potential (nonspiking) responses to sound; we compare recordings from AMMC neurons to extracellular recordings of the receptor neuron population [Johnston's organ neurons (JONs)]. We discover that, while steady-state response profiles for tonal and broadband stimuli are significantly transformed between the JON population in the antenna and AMMC neurons in the brain, transient responses to pulses present in natural stimuli (courtship song) are not. For pulse stimuli in particular, AMMC neurons simply low-pass filter the receptor population response, thus preserving low-frequency temporal features (such as the spacing of song pulses) for analysis by postsynaptic neurons. We also compare responses in two closely related Drosophila species, Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans, and find that pulse song responses are largely similar, despite differences in the spectral content of their songs. Our recordings inform how downstream circuits may read out behaviorally relevant information from central neurons in the AMMC.


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Nanocrystalline ZnO films with strong (0002) texture and fine grains were deposited onto ultra-nanocrystalline diamond (UNCD) layers on silicon using high target utilization sputtering technology. The unique characteristic of this sputtering technique allows room temperature growth of smooth ZnO films with a low roughness and low stress at high growth rates. Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices were fabricated on ZnO/UNCD structure and exhibited good transmission signals with a low insertion loss and a strong side-lobe suppression for the Rayleigh mode SAW. Based on the optimization of the layered structure of the SAW device, a good performance with a coupling coefficient of 5.2% has been realized, promising for improving the microfluidic efficiency in droplet transportation comparing with that of the ZnO/Si SAW device. An optimized temperature coefficient of frequency of -23.4 ppm°C-1 was obtained for the SAW devices with the 2.72 μm-thick ZnO and 1.1 μm-thick UNCD film. Significant thermal effect due to the acoustic heating has been redcued which is related to the temperature stability of the ZnO/UNCD SAW device. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Sinocrossocheilus was recently diagnosed by Su et al. (2003) as consisting of nine species, i.e. S. bamaensis, S. guizhouensis, S. liuchengensis, S. longibullus, S. tridentis, S. microstomatus, S. nigrovittatus, S. labiatus, and S. papillolabrus. It is actually a catch-all genus that is composed of some species misidentified from Pseudocrossocheilus and Hongshuia. Sinocrossocheilus is here redefined based mainly on the details of the lower lip morphology; it is easily separated from all other Asian Labeonini genera in possessing a lower lip with its median lobe modified into a densely papillated, greatly protruded, crescentic fold and a papillose, slightly protruded, triangular fleshy pad which is posteriorly continuous with the mental region. Two species are recognized in this genus: S. guizhouensis and S. labiatus. Detailed redescriptions are given for the two species. All remaining species do not fit with the new definition of Sinocrossocheilus; six species, i.e. S. papillolabrus, S. nigrovittatus, S. bamaensis, S. longibullus, S. liuchengensis, and S. tridentis, should be moved to Pseudocrossocheilus and S. microstomatus to Hongshuia.


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A new genus and two new species are described from the Pearl River drainage in Guangxi Province, South China. Hongshuia, new genus, can be distinguished from all other Asian genera of the Labeonini by having a lower lip with its median lobe modified into a round, fleshy plate peripherally greatly protruded so as to form a ring-like fold that is posteromedially continuous with the mental region, and centrally sunken so as to form a round, flat, fleshy pad. This genus is distinct from all other Asian labeonine genera of the Garrina except for one newly described species of Parasinilabeo ( P. longibarbus), Pseudocrossocheilus, and Sinocrossocheilus, in the presence of well-developed maxillary barbels. Hongshuia differs from the above three genera in the lower lip morphology, and further from both Pseudocrossocheilus and Qianlabeo in the number of pharyngeal tooth rows and from Sinocrossocheilus in the colour pattern. Two new species, H. banmo and H. paoli, differ in the distribution density and degree of development of papillae on the rostral fold, depth of indentations on the distal edge of the rostral fold, presence or absence of papillae on the lower lip, size and shape of tubercles on the tip of the snout and anterior portion of the lachrymal, length, position and colour pattern of the dorsal fin, and snout length.


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The cDNA encoding grass carp intelectin was isolated from a head kidney cDNA library, and termed gcIntL. The deduced amino acid sequence of gcIntL consists of 318 amino acids, and about 55% identical and 74% similar to human intelectin, which is a new type of lectin recognizing galactofuranose, and plays a role in the recognition of bacteria-specific components in animal hosts. The gcIntL gene consists of seven exons and six introns, spacing over approximately 3 kb of genomic sequence. Phylogenetic analysis clearly demonstrated that the gcIntL formed a clade with Danio rerio intelectin and 35 kDa serum lectin. By real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis, gcIntL transcripts were significantly induced in head kidney, trunk kidney, spleen, and intestine from LPS-stimulated fish. RT-PCR and Western blotting analysis demonstrated that the mRNA and protein of gcIntL gene have the same expression pattern, and both were detected in brain, gill, intestine, head kidney, trunk kidney, spleen, and heart. Furthermore, gcIntL protein could be detected in gill, intestine, trunk kidney, head kidney, spleen, heart, and brain including medulla oblongata and optic lobe, as determined by immunohistochemistry. This is the first report of intelectin expression pattern in fish, and of recombinant gcIntL and polyclonal antibody against gcIntL. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel fish chemokine receptor gene, chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 3 (CXCR3)-like was isolated from the grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella , with its full-length genomic sequence. The cDNA of grass carp CXCR3-like (gcCXCR3-like) consists of 1261 bp with a 49bp 5'-UTR and a 189 bp 3'-UTR. An open reading frame of 1023 bp encodes a 341-amino acid peptide, with seven transmembrane helices. The deduced amino acid sequence showed the same sequence identities (37.8%) with its counterparts in goat and human. The gcCXCR3-like gene consists of two exons, with one intervening intron, spaced over approximately 2 kb of genomic sequence. Phylogenetic analyses clearly demonstrated that the gcCXCR3-like resembles the CXCR3s of other vertebrates. Real-time PCR analysis showed that gcCXCR3-like was expressed in all tested organs except heart and the expression level of gcCXCR3-like was highest in brain. Flow cytometric analyses showed the positive rate of labelled leukocytes from the healthy grass carp was 17.3%, and the labelled leukocytes were divided into three types by cell sorting. Immunohistochemical localization revealed that gcCXCR3-like expressed in whole brain regions including cerebel, diencephalon, medulla oblongata, optic lobe, and rhinencephalon, and that the labelled leukocytes are actually populations of monocyte and/or phagocyte, lymphocyte and the granulocyte. It is considered that fish CXCR expression and their function may need to be investigated in both nervous and immune systems. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.