811 resultados para android, web, service, REST, wearable, computing, bluetooth, activity, recognition


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[ES] Desarrollo de un servicio web para convertir números a texto en inglés. Dado un número, se obtienen distintos resultados alternativos de su conversión a texto : en cardinal, ordinal, escala corta, escala larga, etc.


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In this report it was designed an innovative satellite-based monitoring approach applied on the Iraqi Marshlands to survey the extent and distribution of marshland re-flooding and assess the development of wetland vegetation cover. The study, conducted in collaboration with MEEO Srl , makes use of images collected from the sensor (A)ATSR onboard ESA ENVISAT Satellite to collect data at multi-temporal scales and an analysis was adopted to observe the evolution of marshland re-flooding. The methodology uses a multi-temporal pixel-based approach based on classification maps produced by the classification tool SOIL MAPPER ®. The catalogue of the classification maps is available as web service through the Service Support Environment Portal (SSE, supported by ESA). The inundation of the Iraqi marshlands, which has been continuous since April 2003, is characterized by a high degree of variability, ad-hoc interventions and uncertainty. Given the security constraints and vastness of the Iraqi marshlands, as well as cost-effectiveness considerations, satellite remote sensing was the only viable tool to observe the changes taking place on a continuous basis. The proposed system (ALCS – AATSR LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) avoids the direct use of the (A)ATSR images and foresees the application of LULCC evolution models directly to „stock‟ of classified maps. This approach is made possible by the availability of a 13 year classified image database, conceived and implemented in the CARD project (http://earth.esa.int/rtd/Projects/#CARD).The approach here presented evolves toward an innovative, efficient and fast method to exploit the potentiality of multi-temporal LULCC analysis of (A)ATSR images. The two main objectives of this work are both linked to a sort of assessment: the first is to assessing the ability of modeling with the web-application ALCS using image-based AATSR classified with SOIL MAPPER ® and the second is to evaluate the magnitude, the character and the extension of wetland rehabilitation.


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Ambient Intelligence (AmI) envisions a world where smart, electronic environments are aware and responsive to their context. People moving into these settings engage many computational devices and systems simultaneously even if they are not aware of their presence. AmI stems from the convergence of three key technologies: ubiquitous computing, ubiquitous communication and natural interfaces. The dependence on a large amount of fixed and mobile sensors embedded into the environment makes of Wireless Sensor Networks one of the most relevant enabling technologies for AmI. WSN are complex systems made up of a number of sensor nodes, simple devices that typically embed a low power computational unit (microcontrollers, FPGAs etc.), a wireless communication unit, one or more sensors and a some form of energy supply (either batteries or energy scavenger modules). Low-cost, low-computational power, low energy consumption and small size are characteristics that must be taken into consideration when designing and dealing with WSNs. In order to handle the large amount of data generated by a WSN several multi sensor data fusion techniques have been developed. The aim of multisensor data fusion is to combine data to achieve better accuracy and inferences than could be achieved by the use of a single sensor alone. In this dissertation we present our results in building several AmI applications suitable for a WSN implementation. The work can be divided into two main areas: Multimodal Surveillance and Activity Recognition. Novel techniques to handle data from a network of low-cost, low-power Pyroelectric InfraRed (PIR) sensors are presented. Such techniques allow the detection of the number of people moving in the environment, their direction of movement and their position. We discuss how a mesh of PIR sensors can be integrated with a video surveillance system to increase its performance in people tracking. Furthermore we embed a PIR sensor within the design of a Wireless Video Sensor Node (WVSN) to extend its lifetime. Activity recognition is a fundamental block in natural interfaces. A challenging objective is to design an activity recognition system that is able to exploit a redundant but unreliable WSN. We present our activity in building a novel activity recognition architecture for such a dynamic system. The architecture has a hierarchical structure where simple nodes performs gesture classification and a high level meta classifiers fuses a changing number of classifier outputs. We demonstrate the benefit of such architecture in terms of increased recognition performance, and fault and noise robustness. Furthermore we show how we can extend network lifetime by performing a performance-power trade-off. Smart objects can enhance user experience within smart environments. We present our work in extending the capabilities of the Smart Micrel Cube (SMCube), a smart object used as tangible interface within a tangible computing framework, through the development of a gesture recognition algorithm suitable for this limited computational power device. Finally the development of activity recognition techniques can greatly benefit from the availability of shared dataset. We report our experience in building a dataset for activity recognition. Such dataset is freely available to the scientific community for research purposes and can be used as a testbench for developing, testing and comparing different activity recognition techniques.


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Sviluppo applicazione per condividere contatti da SugarCRM con Google Contacts


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Nelle smart cities moderne, la mobilità di veicoli elettrici (EV) è considerata un fattore determinante nella riduzione del consumo di combustibili fossili e conseguenti emissioni inquinanti. Tuttavia, nonostante gli interessi e investimenti a livello globale, l'accettazione da parte degli utenti è ancora bassa, principalmente a causa della mancanza di infrastrutture e servizi a supporto dei guidatori di EV. Queste mancanze sono la causa principale della cosiddetta range anxiety (timore che il veicolo non abbia autonomia sufficiente per raggiungere la destinazione) e hanno portato al preconcetto che gli EV siano adatti alla sola percorrenza di brevi tragitti. Per contrastare questi problemi, in questo documento è proposta un'applicazione di route planning che supporti mobilità di EV anche su percorsi medio-lunghi, mediante utilizzo di un modello di predizione del consumo energetico e considerazione dell'eventuale necessità di ricarica. Saranno descritte tecniche per determinare il tragitto che un EV sia in grado di percorrere per arrivare a destinazione, in considerazione di restrizioni energetiche, fattore altimetrico del percorso ed eventuali operazioni di ricarica necessarie. Il modello di consumo e l'algoritmo che determina il miglior percorso (dal punto di vista energetico) sono implementati da un web service che interagisce con i servizi di Google Maps (per ottenere indicazioni stradali, dati altimetrici e informazioni in tempo reale sul traffico) e con servizi che offrono informazioni sulle stazioni di ricarica e relative posizioni. Dopo aver descritto il modello di consumo e l'algoritmo per la ricerca del percorso, sarà presentata l'architettura del servizio implementato. Sarà quindi fornita una valutazione del servizio, analizzandone performance e scalabilità, nonché l'efficacia nel supporto di percorsi di EV all'interno di scenari su larga scala (nello specifico la regione Emilia Romagna), attraverso tecniche di simulazione.


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Tesi sperimentale per testare la nuova libreria di Activity Recognition per Android di Google inc.


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Questo documento si interroga sulle nuove possibilità offerte agli operatori del mondo delle Reti di Telecomunicazioni dai paradigmi di Network Functions Virtualization, Cloud Computing e Software Defined Networking: questi sono nuovi approcci che permettono la creazione di reti dinamiche e altamente programmabili, senza disdegnare troppo il lato prestazionale. L'intento finale è valutare se con un approccio di questo genere si possano implementare dinamicamente delle concatenazioni di servizi di rete e se le prestazioni finali rispecchiano ciò che viene teorizzato dai suddetti paradigmi. Tutto ciò viene valutato per cercare una soluzione efficace al problema dell'ossificazione di Internet: infatti le applicazioni di rete, dette middle-boxes, comportano costi elevati, situazioni di dipendenza dal vendor e staticità delle reti stesse, portando all'impossibilità per i providers di sviluppare nuovi servizi. Il caso di studio si basa proprio su una rete che implementa questi nuovi paradigmi: si farà infatti riferimento a due diverse topologie, una relativa al Livello L2 del modello OSI (cioè lo strato di collegamento) e una al Livello L3 (strato di rete). Le misure effettuate infine mostrano come le potenzialità teorizzate siano decisamente interessanti e innovative, aprendo un ventaglio di infinite possibilità per il futuro sviluppo di questo settore.


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Il lavoro svolto in questa tesi è volto alla descrizione dello sviluppo di un'applicazione mobile per Android legata al mondo della ristorazione. Viene descritta l'applicazione "Takeway", che svolge funzioni di presentazione di un ristorante e di gestione di ordini TakeAway. Viene inoltre proposta un'analisi del fenomeno di centralità del web/mobile nel quotidiano, delle tecnologie più recenti e dei limiti di queste piattaforme. Le sezioni più importanti riguardano la progettazione e l'implementazione del progetto, sono di carattere tecnico e analizzano le strutture utilizzate e gli strumenti impiegati nello sviluppo del software.


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Il grande sviluppo a cui stiamo assistendo negli ultimi anni nell'ambito delle tecnologie mobile e del wearable computing apre le porte a scenari innovativi e interessanti per quanto riguarda sistemi distribuiti collaborativi. Le persone possono sempre più facilmente cooperare e scambiarsi informazioni grazie a queste nuove tecnologie e si può pensare allo sviluppo di sistemi che permettano forme molto avanzate di collaborazione facendo leva sull'aspetto hands-free, ovvero sulla possibilità di utilizzare dispositivi che liberino le mani, come i moderni smart-glasses. Per lo sviluppo di tali sistemi è necessario però studiare nuove tecniche e architetture, in quanto gli strumenti ad oggi a disposizione a supporto della realtà aumentata non sembrano essere del tutto adeguati per tale scopo. Infatti piattaforme come Wikitude o Layar, seppure offrano potenti tecniche di riconoscimento di markers e immagini e di rendering, non offrono quella dinamicità fondamentale per un sistema distribuito collaborativo. Questo scritto ha lo scopo di esplorare questi aspetti mediante l'ideazione, l'analisi, la progettazione e la prototipazione di un semplice caso di studio ispirato a sistemi collaborativi distribuiti basati su realtà aumentata. In particolare in questo lavoro si porrà l'attenzione sul livello delle comunicazioni e delle infrastrutture di rete.


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Our generation of computational scientists is living in an exciting time: not only do we get to pioneer important algorithms and computations, we also get to set standards on how computational research should be conducted and published. From Euclid’s reasoning and Galileo’s experiments, it took hundreds of years for the theoretical and experimental branches of science to develop standards for publication and peer review. Computational science, rightly regarded as the third branch, can walk the same road much faster. The success and credibility of science are anchored in the willingness of scientists to expose their ideas and results to independent testing and replication by other scientists. This requires the complete and open exchange of data, procedures and materials. The idea of a “replication by other scientists” in reference to computations is more commonly known as “reproducible research”. In this context the journal “EAI Endorsed Transactions on Performance & Modeling, Simulation, Experimentation and Complex Systems” had the exciting and original idea to make the scientist able to submit simultaneously the article and the computation materials (software, data, etc..) which has been used to produce the contents of the article. The goal of this procedure is to allow the scientific community to verify the content of the paper, reproducing it in the platform independently from the OS chosen, confirm or invalidate it and especially allow its reuse to reproduce new results. This procedure is therefore not helpful if there is no minimum methodological support. In fact, the raw data sets and the software are difficult to exploit without the logic that guided their use or their production. This led us to think that in addition to the data sets and the software, an additional element must be provided: the workflow that relies all of them.


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The intention of an authentication and authorization infrastructure (AAI) is to simplify and unify access to different web resources. With a single login, a user can access web applications at multiple organizations. The Shibboleth authentication and authorization infrastructure is a standards-based, open source software package for web single sign-on (SSO) across or within organizational boundaries. It allows service providers to make fine-grained authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources. The Shibboleth system is a widely used AAI, but only supports protection of browser-based web resources. We have implemented a Shibboleth AAI extension to protect web services using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Besides user authentication for browser-based web resources, this extension also provides user and machine authentication for web service-based resources. Although implemented for a Shibboleth AAI, the architecture can be easily adapted to other AAIs.


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This paper describes the first five SEALS Evaluation Campaigns over the semantic technologies covered by the SEALS project (ontology engineering tools, ontology reasoning tools, ontology matching tools, semantic search tools, and semantic web service tools). It presents the evaluations and test data used in these campaigns and the tools that participated in them along with a comparative analysis of their results. It also presents some lessons learnt after the execution of the evaluation campaigns and draws some final conclusions.


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Biomedical researchers and clinicians working with molecular technologies in routine clinical practice often need to review the available literature to gather information regarding specific sequences of nucleic acids. This includes, for instance, finding articles related to a concrete DNA sequence, or identifying empirically-validated primer/probe sequences to evaluate the presence of different micro-organisms. Unfortunately, these hard and time-consuming tasks often need to be manually performed by researchers themselves since no publicly available biomedical literature search engine, e.g. PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), etc., provides the required search functionalities. In this article, we describe PubDNA Finder, a web service that enables users to perform advanced searches on PubMed Central-indexed full text articles with sequences of nucleic acids


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This paper describes the main goals and outcomes of the EU-funded Framework 7 project entitled Semantic Evaluation at Large Scale (SEALS). The growth and success of the Semantic Web is built upon a wide range of Semantic technologies from ontology engineering tools through to semantic web service discovery and semantic search. The evaluation of such technologies ? and, indeed, assessments of their mutual compatibility ? is critical for their sustained improvement and adoption. The SEALS project is creating an open and sustainable platform on which all aspects of an evaluation can be hosted and executed and has been designed to accommodate most technology types. It is envisaged that the platform will become the de facto repository of test datasets and will allow anyone to organise, execute and store the results of technology evaluations free of charge and without corporate bias. The demonstration will show how individual tools can be prepared for evaluation, uploaded to the platform, evaluated according to some criteria and the subsequent results viewed. In addition, the demonstration will show the flexibility and power of the SEALS Platform for evaluation organisers by highlighting some of the key technologies used.