719 resultados para Yearling weight
To support the achivement of 5 and 10% weight loss
The aims of this intervention are 1) To be a targeted intervention: BMI >30 or > 28 for patients with comorbidities provided with support to lose weight. 2) To help patients achieve weight loss (with an initial 5% goal over the 12 week intervention period) 3) To establish primary care weight management services in thecounty 4) To train the primary care workforce in weight managementintervention 5)To help patients make sustainable lifestyle changes in terms ofhealthy eating and physical activity 6)To ensure an appropriate exit strategy was in place
The Children and Family Weight Management Team aims to help overweight children and their families to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Aimed primarily at children, the service offers a programme of advice and support to families who are committed to making healthy lifestyle changes. Adult family members who seek personal weight management support may be signposted to appropriate local services.
The aim of this intervention is to assist staff in maintaining a healthy weight through encouragement of more activity and healthy eating
The aim of this intervention is to: i) help primary care patients with a BMI of 30 or above or 28 with co-morbidities achieve a weight loss of 5 per cent or more using a computerised lifestyle protocol within a 12 week period ii) establish primary care weight management services in the county and train primary care workforce in weight management intervention iii)help patients make sustainable lifestyle changes in terms of healthy eating and physical activity
The aim of this intervention is to evaluate the feasibility of a full trial of a nurse-led weight management programme in general practice.
Tier 3 weight management service for clients with BMI>40, or >30 plus co-morbidities. The service aims for 5% weight loss in 6 months, and to increase fruit and vegetable intake and activity levels. It also aims to set up hub and spoke model with 3 satellite sites to deliver local services in a rural area, and to develop a North Norfolk Obesity Pathway and to make only appropriate bariatric surgery referrals as per East of England guidelines.
The aims of this intervention are: To observe a weekly weight loss of 0.51 kg, over the 8 weeks, in those completing the weight management intervention To sustain behavioural changes achieved at 8 weeks for the long term, at 6, 12 and 24 month after course completion Objectives: To increase average daily consumption of fruit and vegetables by 15 percent, from baseline, after 8 weeks of intervention To decrease consumption of foods high in fat and sugar, by 15 percent, from baseline, after 8 weeks of intervention To increase number of minutes individuals spend doing moderate physical activity each week by at least 30 minutes from baseline, after 8 weeks of intervention To reduce number of minutes individuals spend sedentary each week by at least 30 minutes from baseline, after 8 weeks of intervention
The aim of the intervention is to offer tailored advice, motivation, and practical support to individuals who want to adopt a healthier lifestyle. The objectives are to support clients in setting goals and planning behaviour change
The aims of this intervention are: To reduce adult obesity levels To improve access to weight management services in primary care. To improve access to weight management services for areas with high BME populations or poor access to commercial weight loss providers To improve diet and nutrition, promote healthy weight and increase levels of physical activity in overweight or obese patients. To support patients to make lifestyle changes to enable them to lose weight
The aim of this intervention is to increase the accessibility of appropriate evidence based support to people who are clinically obese to enable them to make lifestyle changes that will lead to weight loss. Objectives1. Identify patients whose lifestyle put them at risk of obesity and poor health outcomes and provide them with advice and support along with signposting to specific services and activities. 2. Identify patients who are overweight or obese and offer them a structured multi-component programme of support for them to loose weight. 3. Through the use of software collect data to monitor outcomes at individual and practice levels.
The aim of this intervention is to offer support to overweight and obese patients, particularly those with co-morbidities to make changes to lifestyle in food habits and physical activity.
The aims and objectives of this intervention are: Multidisciplinary approach to help: 1. Weight loss 2. Improve exercise tolerance 3. Quality of life 4. Adverse weight related medical conditi
The prevalence of obesity is rapidly increasing in older adults. Information is required about what interventions are effective in reducing obesity and influencing health outcomes in this age group. Thirteen databases were searched, earliest date 1966 to December 2008, including Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO, the Cochrane database and EMBASE.