267 resultados para Wyoming


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The first terrestrial Pb-isotope paradox refers to the fact that on average, rocks from the Earth's surface (i.e. the accessible Earth) plot significantly to the right of the meteorite isochron in a common Pb-isotope diagram. The Earth as a whole, however, should plot close to the meteorite isochron, implying the existence of at least one terrestrial reservoir that plots to the left of the meteorite isochron. The core and the lower continental crust are the two candidates that have been widely discussed in the past. Here we propose that subducted oceanic crust and associated continental sediment stored as garnetite slabs in the mantle Transition Zone or mid-lower mantle are an additional potential reservoir that requires consideration. We present evidence from the literature that indicates that neither the core nor the lower crust contains sufficient unradiogenic Pb to balance the accessible Earth. Of all mantle magmas, only rare alkaline melts plot significantly to the left of the meteorite isochron. We interpret these melts to be derived from the missing mantle reservoir that plots to the left of the meteorite isochron but, significantly, above the mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-source mantle evolution line. Our solution to the paradox predicts the bulk silicate Earth to be more radiogenic in Pb-207/Pb-204 than present-day MORB-source mantle, which opens the possibility that undegassed primitive mantle might be the source of certain ocean island basalts (OIB). Further implications for mantle dynamics and oceanic magmatism are discussed based on a previously justified proposal that lamproites and associated rocks could derive from the Transition Zone.


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Comparison of initial Pb-isotope signatures of several early Archaean (3.65-3.82 Ga) lithologies (orthogneisses and metasediments) and minerals (feldspar and galena) documents the existence of substantial isotopic heterogeneity in the early Archaean, particularly in the Pb-207/Pb-204 ratio. The magnitude of isotopic variability at 3.82-3.65 Ga requires source separation between 4.3 and 4.1 Ga, depending on the extent of U/Pb fractionation possible in the early Earth. The isotopic heterogeneity could reflect the coexistence of enriched and depleted mantle domains or the separation of a terrestrial protocrust with a U-238/Pb-204 (mu) that was ca. 20-30% higher than coeval mantle. We prefer this latter explanation because the high-p signature is most evident in metasediments (that formed at the Earth's surface). This interpretation is strengthened by the fact that no straightforward mantle model can be constructed for these high-mu lithologies without violating bulk silicate Earth constraints. The Pb-isotope evidence for a long-lived protocrust complements similar Hf-isotope data from the Earth's oldest zircons, which also require an origin from an enriched (low Lu/Hf) environment. A model is developed in which greater than or equal to3.8-Ga tonalite and monzodiorite gneiss precursors (for one of which we provide zircon U-Pb data) are not mantle-derived but formed by remelting or differentiation of ancient (ca. 4.3 Ga) basaltic crust which had evolved with a higher U/Pb ratio than coeval mantle in the absence of the subduction process. With the initiation of terrestrial subduction at, we propose, ca. 3.75 Ga, most of the greater than or equal to3.8-Ga basaltic shell (and its differentiation products) was recycled into the mantle, because of the lack of a stabilising mantle lithosphere. We argue that the key event for preservation of all greater than or equal to3.8-Ga terrestrial crust was the intrusion of voluminous granitoids immediately after establishment of global subduction because of complementary creation of a lithospheric keel. Furthermore, we argue that preservation of !3.8-Ga material (in situ rocks and zircons) globally is restricted to cratons with a high U/Pb source character (North Atlantic, Slave, Zimbabwe, Yilgarn, and Wyoming), and that the Pb-isotope systematics of these provinces are ultimately explained by reworking of material that was derived from ca. 4.3 Ga (i.e. Hadean) basaltic crust.


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We compared vegetation structure used by 14 bird species during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons to determine what habitat features best accounted for habitat division and community organization in Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) woodlands of southwestern Wyoming. Habitat use was quantified by measuring 24 habitat variables in 461 bird-centered quadrats, each 0.04 ha in size. Using discriminant function analysis, we differentiated between habitat used by 14 bird species along 3 habitat dimensions: (1) variation in shrub cover, overstory juniper cover, mature tree density, understory height, and decadent tree density; (2) a gradient composed of elevation and forb cover; and (3) variation in grass cover, tree height, seedling/sapling cover, and bare ground/rock cover. Of 14 species considered, 9 exhibited substantial habitat partitioning: Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura), Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea), Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides), Plumbeous Vireo (Vireo plumbeus), Green-tailed Towhee (Pipilo chlorurus), Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella breweri), Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis), and Cassin's Finch (Carpodacus cassinii). Our results indicate juniper bird communities of southwestern Wyoming are organized along a 3-dimensional habitat gradient composed of woodland maturity, elevation, and juniper recruitment. Because juniper birds partition habitat along successional and altitudinal gradients, indiscriminate woodland clearing as well as continued fire suppression will alter species composition. Restoration efforts should ensure that all successional stages of juniper woodland are present on the landscape.


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U-Pb zircon ages from the exposed Sask craton are 2450-3100 Ma, from the Peter Lake Domain 2575-2640 Ma, and from rocks of the Trans-Hudson orogen 1840-1880 Ma. U-Pb monazite and zircon ages of post-orogenic pegmatites and aplites are 1770-1800 Ma. Common Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of post-orogenic intrusions, as probes of crust beneath the orogen, were compared to Sask craton rocks and ca. 1850 Ma orogenic rocks to infer the origin and subsurface distribution of the Sask craton within the internides of the Trans-Hudson orogen. Results show that post-orogenic intrusions within most of the Glennie Domain and Hanson Lake block were derived, at least in part, from Archean source materials, demonstrating that the Sask craton lies beneath Paleoproterozoic orogenic rocks present at the surface. In contrast, common Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions from pegmatites and aplites of the La Ronge Domain are essentially identical with those of the Paleoproterozoic orogenic rocks into which they are intruded, indicating derivation by partial melting of similar rocks. Thus, if the Sask craton extended to the west beneath the La Ronge Domain, it was beneath the zone of melting that produced the post-orogenic intrusions, making it unlikely that the Sask craton is a detached part of the Hearne craton. Many samples from the Sask craton have elevated Pb-208/Pb-204 ratios, unlike Superior craton or Hearne craton rocks, suggesting that the Sask craton was derived from an exotic source, such as the Wyoming craton, which shares similar elevated Pb-208/Pb-204 ratios.


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Suitable methods for the assessment of the effect of freeze-thaw action upon ceramic tiles have been determined. The results obtained have been shown to be reproducible with some work in this area still warranted. The analysis of Whichford Potteries clays via a variety of analytical techniques has shown them to be a complex mix of both clay and non-clay minerals. 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy has highlighted the presence of both small and large particleα-Fe203, removable via acid washing. 19F MAS NMR has demonstrated that the raw Whichford Pottery clays examined have negligible fluorine content. This is unlikely to be detrimental to ceramic wares during the heating process. A unique technique was used for the identification of fluorine in solid-state systems. The exchange of various cations into Wyoming Bentonite clay by microwave methodology did not show the appearance of five co-ordinate aluminium when examined by 27Al MAS NMR. The appearance of Qo silicate was linked to an increase in the amount of tetrahedrally bound aluminium in the silicate framework. This is formed as a result of the heating process. The analysis of two Chinese clays and two Chinese clay raw materials has highlighted a possible link between the two. These have also been shown to be a mix of both clay and non-clay minerals. Layered double hydroxides formed by conventional and microwave methods exhibited interesting characteristics. The main differences between the samples examined were not found to be solely attributable to the differences between microwave and conventional methods but more attributable to different experimental conditions used.


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Today, speciality use organoclays are being developed for an increasingly large number of specific applications. Many of these, including use in cosmetics, polishes, greases and paints, require that the material be free from abrasive impurities so that the product retains a smooth `feel'. The traditional `wet' method preparation of organoclays inherently removes abrasives naturally present in the parent mineral clay, but it is time-consuming and expensive. The primary objective of this thesis was to explore the alternative `dry' method (which is both quicker and cheaper but which provides no refining of the parent clay) as a process, and to examine the nature of the organoclays produced, for the production of a wide range of commercially usable organophilic clays in a facile way. Natural Wyoming bentonite contains two quite different types of silicate surface (that of the clay mineral montmorillonite and that of a quartz impurity) that may interact with the cationic surfactant added in the `dry' process production of organoclays. However, it is oil shale, and not the quartz, that is chiefly responsible for the abrasive nature of the material, although air refinement in combination with the controlled milling of the bentonite as a pretreatment may offer a route to its removal. Ion exchange of Wyoming bentonite with a long chain quaternary ammonium salt using the `dry' process affords a partially exchanged, 69-78%, organoclay, with a monolayer formation of ammonium ions in the interlayer. Excess ion pairs are sorbed on the silicate surfaces of both the clay mineral and the quartz impurity phases. Such surface sorption is enhanced by the presence of very finely divided, super paramagnetic, Fe2O3 or Fe(O)(OH) contaminating the surfaces of the major mineral components. The sorbed material is labile to washing, and induces a measurable shielding of the 29Si nuclei in both clay and quartz phases in the MAS NMR experiment, due to an anisotropic magnetic susceptibility effect. XRD data for humidified samples reveal the interlamellar regions to be strongly hydrophobic, with the by-product sodium chloride being expelled to the external surfaces. Many organic cations will exchange onto a clay. The tetracationic cyclophane, and multipurpose receptor, cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene) undergoes ion exchange onto Wyoming bentonite to form a pillared clay with a very regular gallery height. The major plane of the cyclophane is normal to the silicate surfaces, thus allowing the cavity to remain available for complexation. A series of group VI substituted o-dimethoxybenzenes were introduced, and shown to participate in host/guest interactions with the cyclophane. Evidence is given which suggests that the binding of the host structure to a clay substrate offers advantages, not only of transportability and usability but of stability, to the charge-transfer complex which may prove useful in a variety of commercial applications. The fundamental relationship between particle size, cation exchange capacity and chemical composition of clays was also examined. For Wyoming bentonite the extent of isomorphous substitution increases with decreasing particle size, causing the CEC to similarly increase, although the isomorphous substitution site: edge site ratio remains invarient throughout the particle size range studied.


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Several vertebrae of a sauropterygian specimen have been recovered in Fuencaliente de Medinaceli (Soria Province, Castilla y León, Spain). The remains come from Middle–Upper Triassic Muschelkalk Facies. This finding represents the first documented evidence of a Triassic tetrapod in Castilla y León. The vertebrae belong to Nothosaurus, a sauropterygian genus found in Europe, Middle East, North of Africa and China. This genus is poorly-known in the Iberian record. The new remains constitute the first evidence of the species Nothosaurus giganteus, or a related taxon, in the Iberian Peninsula. This study reveals the occurrence of at least two species of the sauropterygian Nothosaurus in the Spanish record.


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Responsibilization, or the shift of functions and risks from providers and producers to consumers, has become an increasingly common policy in service systems and marketplaces (e.g., financial, health, governmental). As responsibilization is often considered synonymous with consumer agency and well-being, the authors take a transformative service research perspective and draw on resource integration literature to investigate whether responsibilization is truly associated with well-being. The authors focus on expert services, for which responsibilization concerns are particularly salient, and question whether this expanding policy is in the public interest. In the process, they develop a conceptualization of resource integration under responsibilization that includes three levels of actors (consumer, provider, and service system), the identification of structural tensions to resource integration, and three categories of resource integration practices (access, appropriation, and management) necessary to negotiate responsibilization. The findings have important implications for health care providers, public and institutional policy makers, and other service systems, all of which must pay more active attention to the challenges consumers face in negotiating responsibilization and the resulting well-being outcomes.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08