880 resultados para Will Eisner
von Hermann Stern
zusgest. mit e. einleitenden Religionsgeschichte u. zahlr. Anm. vers. von Leopold Stein
alles aus d. Hebr. in d. teutsche Sprache übers. u. hrsg. von Simon Baptista Burgmann
von S. D. Weiskopf
Von Wolf S. Jacobson
hrsg. vom General-Sekretariat d. Achduth Frankfurt a. M.
The purpose of this study was to determine if storage for up to 4 h in human saliva results in a decrease of erosive tooth wear (ETW) and in an increase of surface microhardness (SMH) of enamel samples after an erosive attack with subsequent abrasion. Furthermore, we determined the impact of individual salivary parameters on ETW and SMH. Enamel samples were distributed into five groups: group 1 had neither erosion nor saliva treatment; groups 2-5 were treated with erosion, then group 2 was placed in a humid chamber and groups 3-5 were incubated in saliva for 30 min, 2 h, and 4 h, respectively. After erosion and saliva treatments, all groups were treated with abrasion. Surface microhardness and ETW were measured before and after erosion, incubation in saliva, and abrasion. Surface microhardness and ETW showed significant changes throughout the experiment: SMH decreased and ETW increased in groups 2-5, regardless of the length of incubation in saliva. The results of groups 3-5 (exposed to saliva) were not significantly different from those of group 2 (not exposed to saliva). Exposure of eroded enamel to saliva for up to 4 h was not able to increase SMH or reduce ETW. However, additional experiments with artificial saliva without proteins showed protection from erosive tooth wear. The recommendation to postpone toothbrushing of enamel after an erosive attack should be reconsidered.