998 resultados para Western pine beetle.
Las acciones antrópicas han alterado los ecosistemas a escala global mediante cambios en la estructura y función de los sistemas terrestres y acuáticos. En este sentido, la deforestación de bosques ripariales impacta fuertemente sobre los sistemas lóticos como así también el proceso inverso, la conversión de pasturas naturales a bosques debido a forestaciones extensivas. Las nacientes de los arroyos de la provincia de Córdoba se ubican en pastizales dominados por gramíneas, muchos de los cuales han sido reemplazados por plantaciones de coníferas, con potenciales efectos sobre la estructura y el funcionamiento de los cursos de agua. En consecuencia, la evaluación de los efectos de esta actividad forestal sobre los arroyos es esencial para la implementación de adecuadas estrategias de manejo y conservación del recurso acuático. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar los efectos de la forestación con pináceas sobre la estructura y el funcionamiento de sistemas fluviales en pastizales de altura de las sierras de Córdoba. Se pretende analizar la dinámica de la biota acuática en arroyos de pastizales y en arroyos forestados. Se cuantificarán productores primarios y materia orgánica particulada y se medirán procesos ecológicos como la producción primaria y descomposición de materia orgánica gruesa. Se espera que la forestación con pináceas altere el ciclo de los nutrientes, disminuya el caudal y cambie el balance de temperatura al incrementar la sombra y el ingreso de materia orgánica particulada gruesa. En consecuencia, y debido a los cambios abióticos contrastantes generados por la implantación de pinos, podrían detectarse alteraciones drásticas en el ecosistema. Se seleccionarán seis arroyos de la subcuenca del arroyo Santa Rosa (Subcuenca Ctalamochita). Tres arroyos discurren en pastizales naturales y tres en áreas forestadas con pináceas. Se tomarán muestras de invertebrados y materia orgánica en el bentos en aguas altas y aguas bajas y se registrarán parámetros físico-químicos. Se colectarán muestras de perifiton para análisis de especies, biomasa y clorofila. Se realizarán experimentos de campo para medir la tasa de degradación de la materia orgánica y la producción primaria. La detección del grado de alteración de los sistemas naturales es el punto de partida para la implementación de apropiadas estragias de manejo del recurso. Entre los indicadores que permitirán verificar el efecto de las forestaciones estan los cambios en la biodiversidad, en la tasa de degradación de materia orgánica y en la producción primaria, como así también en la dinámica de los nutrientes y en los ciclos de caudales. Esta propuesta pretende generar lazos de interrelación entre distintos sectores para la implementación efectiva de planes de conservación y restauración y propiciar las relaciones necesarias para el logro de objetivos que beneficien a la sociedad como un todo.
The idea for this thesis arose from a chain of reactions first set in motion by a particular experience. In keeping with the contemporary need to deconstruct every phenomenon it seemed important to analyse this experience in the hope of a satisfactory explanation. The experience referred to is the aesthetic experience provoked by works of art. The plan for the thesis involved trying to establish whether the aesthetic experience is unique and individual, or whether it is one that is experienced universally. Each question that arises in the course of this exploration promotes a dialectical reaction. I rely on the history of aesthetics as a philosophical discipline to supply the answers. This study concentrates on the efforts by philosophers and critical theorists to understand the tensions between the empirical and the emotional, the individual and the universal responses to the sociological, political and material conditions that prevail and are expressed through the medium of art. What I found is that the history of aesthetics is full of contradictory evidence and cannot provide a dogmatic solution to the questions posed. In fact what is indicated is that the mystery that attaches to the aesthetic experience is one that can also apply to the spiritual or transcendent experience. The aim of this thesis is to support the contribution of visual art in the spiritual well being of human development and supports the uniqueness of the evaluation and aesthetic judgement by the individual of a work of art. I suggest that mystery will continue to be of value in the holistic development of human beings and this mystery can be expressed through visual art. Furthermore, this thesis might suggest that what could be looked at is whether a work of art may be redemptive in its affect and offset the current decline in affective religious practice.
სტატია მომზადდა ევროაკადემიის საერთაშორისო კონფერენციისთვის „აღმოსავლეთ ევროპის ხელახლა გამოგონება"
Sand culture experiments, using a sub-irrigation technique, were installed in order to find out the effects of the macronutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S on growth, aspect, mineral composition, length of fibers, thickness of cell wall and cellulose concentration in slash pine. The aim was to obtain, under controlled conditions, basic information which could eventually lead to practical means designed to increase the rate of growth and to make of slash pine a richer source of cellulose. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium Experiment A 3 x 3 x 3 factorial design with two replicates was used. Nitrogen was supplied initially at the levels of 25, 50 and 100 ppm; phosphorus was given at the rates of 5, 10 and 20 ppm; potassium was supplied at the rates of 25, 50 and 100 ppm; six months after the experiment was started the first level for each element was dropped to zero. Others macro and all micronutrients were supplied at uniform rates. Fifteen hours of illumination per day were provided. The experimental technique for growing the slash pine seedlings proved quite satisfactory. Symptoms of deficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were observed, described and recorded in photographs and water colors. These informations will help to identify abnormalities which may appear under field conditions. Chemical analysis of the several plant parts, on the other hand, give a valuable means to assess the nutritional status of slash pine, thus confirming when needed, the visual diagnosis. The correctness of manurial pratices, on the other hand, can be judged with the help of the analytical data tabulated. Under the experimental conditions nitrogen caused the highest increases on growth, as measured by increments in height and dry weights, whereas the effects of phosphorus and potassium were less marked. Cellulose concentration was not significantly affected by the treatments used. Higher levels of N seemed to decrease both length of fiber elements and the thickness of cell wall. The effects of P and K were not well defined. Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur Experiment A 3 x 3 x 3 factorial design with two replicates was used. Calcium was supplied initially at the levels of 12.5, 25 and 50 ppm; magnesium and sulfur were given at the rates of 6, 12.5 and 25 ppm. Other macro and micronutrients were supplied at uniform rates, common to all treatments. Three months after starting the experiment the first level for each element was dropped to zero. Symptoms of deficiency of calcium, magnesium and sulfur were observed, described and recorded as in the case of the previous experiment. Chemical analysis were made, both for mineral content and cellulose concentration. Length of fibers and thickness of cell wall were measured. Both calcium and magnesium increase height, sulfur failing to give significant response. Dry weight was beneficially affected by calcium and sulfur. The levels of calcium, magnesium and sulfur in the needles associated with deficiency and maximum growth are comparable with those found in the literature. Cellulose concentration increased when the level of sulfur in the substrate was raised. The thickness of cell wall was negatively affected by the treatments; no effect was observed with regards to length of fibers.