1000 resultados para Welding test
A case-control study was conducted to examine the association among the Montenegro skin test (MST), age of skin lesion and therapeutic response in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) treated at Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For each treatment failure (case), two controls showing skin lesion healing following treatment, paired by sex and age, were randomly selected. All patients were treated with 5 mg Sb5+/kg/day of intramuscular meglumine antimoniate (Sb5+) for 30 successive days. Patients with CL were approximately five times more likely to fail when lesions were less than two months old at the first appointment. Patients with treatment failure showed less intense MST reactions than patients progressing to clinical cure. For each 10 mm of increase in MST response, there was a 26% reduction in the chance of treatment failure. An early treatment - defined as a treatment applied for skin lesions, which starts when they are less than two months old at the first appointment -, as well as a poor cellular immune response, reflected by lower reactivity in MST, were associated with treatment failure in cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Candida albicans is often isolated from clinical samples, thus its presumptive differentiation from other species of the same genus can be based on its ability to form the germ tube in human serum. Nevertheless, there are two other species that share this characteristic: C. dubliniensis and C. africana. The aim of this study was to compare four different substrates to perform the germ tube (GT) test. The Candida spp. isolates were identified using a manual system (135 C. albicans, 24 C. tropicalis and one C. dubliniensis). The germ tube test was performed with fresh, previously frozen serum and Mueller-Hinton (MH) broth and agar. GT was observed in 96% (130/136) of the isolates through the fresh serum technique, 94% (128/136) through previously frozen serum, 92% (125/136) in MH agar, and 90% (122/136) in MH broth. The sensitivity of each test was higher than 90%, with 100% specificity. Both the MH agar and broth were able to identify the true positives, and false positives were not found. However, some C. albicans isolates were not identified. MH agar and broth may be used in laboratory for the rapid presumptive identification of C. albicans, as an alternative method for germ tube test.
Este é um projeto I&D interno do INEGI, com as unidades DPS e LOME, que tem em vista a utilização de componentes disponíveis no INEGI para o estudo de um equipamento capaz de efetuar soldaduras por Friction Stir Welding. O equipamento já conta com controlo numérico para um sistema de três eixos e os respetivos motores, ficando assim encarregue de tirar o máximo proveito possível destes componentes. Este equipamento terá como finalidade munir o INEGI com um equipamento capaz de dar resposta a eventuais projetos externos/internos bem como para fins de investigação para a melhoria da qualidade do processo de soldadura. A conceção deste equipamento tem a particularidade das condições envolventes do processo nomeadamente os esforços desenvolvidos durante o processo de soldadura, em particular a força vertical (eixo da ferramenta) que é necessária fazer de forma a evitar a ascensão de material da junta de soldadura. A soldadura por Friction Stir Welding, é um processo de soldadura relativamente actual, desenvolvido em 1991 por Wayne Thomas pelo The Welding Institute que se sobrepõe aos métodos de soldadura convencionais, uma vez que não necessita de levar o/os materiais acima da sua temperatura de fusão, sendo um processo de soldadura no estado solido, o material não chega a fundir. Este processo consiste na utilização de uma ferramenta em rotação que que se desloca ao longo da junta de soldadura, que uma vez a fricção gerada entre a ferramenta e o material base gera calor que promove o aquecimento e quase fusão do material base. A ligação do material dá-se aquando a passagem da ferramenta na junta, misturando os materiais. Com o recurso a este método de fabrico é possível efetuar soldaduras com grande qualidade em materiais considerados de difícil soldabilidade pelos métodos convencionais, como por exemplo o Alumínio. Neste projecto foram estudadas varias soluções, contactados vários fornecedores e com o seu feedback foi desenvolvido o equipamento. Este projecto consiste essencialmente na análise estrutural e selecção de equipamentos. O equipamento final resultou de uma série de iterações e ideias de forma a optimizar toda estrutura para a magnitude dos esforços envolvidos, obtendo no final um equipamento capaz de cumprir os requisitos. No final prevêse um equipamento com a capacidade de suportar esforços verticais de 50
Background: Allergic rhinitis and asthma (ARA) are chronic inflammatory diseases of the airways that often coexist in children. The only tool to assess the ARA control, the Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARAT) is to be used by adults. We aimed to develop the Pediatric version of Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARATkids) and to test its comprehensibility in children with 4 to 12 years of age. Methods: The questionnaire development included a literature review of pediatric questionnaires on asthma and/or rhinitis control and two consensus meetings of a multidisciplinary group. Cognitive testing was carried out in a cross-sectional qualitative study using cognitive interviews. Results: Four questionnaires to assess asthma and none to assess rhinitis control in children were identified. The multidisciplinary group produced a questionnaire version for children with 17 questions with illustrations and dichotomous (yes/no) response format. The version for caregivers had 4-points and dichotomous scales. Twenty-nine children, 4 to 12 years old, and their caregivers were interviewed. Only children over 6 years old could adequately answer the questionnaire. A few words/expressions were not fully understood by children of 6 to 8 years old. The drawings illustrating the questions were considered helpful by children and caregivers. Caregivers considered the questionnaire complete and clear and preferred dichotomous over the 4-points scales. The proportion of agreement between children and their caregivers was 61%. The words/expressions that were difficult to understand were amended. Conclusion: CARATkids, the first questionnaire to assess a child’s asthma and rhinitis control was developed and its content validity was assured. Cognitive testing showed that CARATKids is well-understood by children 6 to 12 years old. The questionnaire’s measurement properties can now be assessed in a validation study.
This document presents particular description of work done during student’s internship in PR Metal company realized as ERASMUS PROJECT at ISEP. All information including company’s description and its structure, overview of the problems and analyzed cases, all stages of projects from concept to conclusion can be found here. Description of work done during the internship is divided here into two pieces. First part concerns one activities of the company which is robotic chefs (kitchen robot) production line. Work, that was done for development of this line involved several tasks, among them: creating a single-worker montage station for screwing robots housing’s parts, improve security system for laser welding chamber, what particularly consists in designing automatically closing door system with special surface, that protects against destructive action of laser beam, test station for examination of durability of heating connectors, solving problem with rotors vibrations. Second part tells about main task, realized in second half of internship and stands a complete description of machine development and design. The machine is a part of car handle latch cable production line and its tasks are: cutting cable to required length and hot-forming plastic cover for further assembly needs.
SUMMARYDuring recent decades, antifungal susceptibility testing has become standardized and nowadays has the same role of the antibacterial susceptibility testing in microbiology laboratories. American and European standards have been developed, as well as equivalent commercial systems which are more appropriate for clinical laboratories. The detection of resistant strains by means of these systems has allowed the study and understanding of the molecular basis and the mechanisms of resistance of fungal species to antifungal agents. In addition, many studies on the correlation of in vitro results with the outcome of patients have been performed, reaching the conclusion that infections caused by resistant strains have worse outcome than those caused by susceptible fungal isolates. These studies have allowed the development of interpretative breakpoints for Candida spp. and Aspergillus spp., the most frequent agents of fungal infections in the world. In summary, antifungal susceptibility tests have become essential tools to guide the treatment of fungal diseases, to know the local and global disease epidemiology, and to identify resistance to antifungals.
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
A modification of the indirect fluorescence test (IFT) for serological diagnosis of Paracoccidioidomycosis is described in which formolized budding forms (yeast cells) of the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis are used as antigen. A further modification introduced is a less eiaborate technical procedure of the test without lowering the sensitivity of the reaction. The test may be considered as adequateiy accurate and easy to perform in any laboratory with immunofluorescence facilities.
A direct immunofluorescent antibody (DIFMA) test using a Leishmania genus- specific monoclonal antibody was evaluated in the routine diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Ecuador. This test was compared with the standard diagnostic techniques of scrapings, culture and histology. Diagnostic samples were taken from a total of 90 active dermal ulcers from patients from areas of Ecuador known to be endemic for cutaneous leishmaniasis. DIFMA was positive in all lesions. It was shown to be significantly superior to standard diagnostic methods either alone or in combination. The sensitivity of DIFMA did not diminish with chronicity of lesions. This test proved to be extremely useful in the routine diagnosis of CL because it is highly sensitive, is easy to use and produces rapid results.
Forty voluntary blood donors from two different blood banks in Havana, Cuba, who were repeatedly reactive on the routine screening of antibodies to hepatitis C virus, by Umelisa HCV test, were analyzed for the presence of HCV RNA using a nested PCR assay of the HCV 5' untranslated region, Umelosa HCV qualitative. Sera from 45 patients of a specialized gastroenterology consultation, positive to Umelisa HCV, were also assayed with the Umelosa HCV qualitative, to establish their condition related to the presence of HCV RNA previously to the indication of a treatment or after three, six or twelve months of antiviral therapy. Serum HCV-RNA was detected in 21/40 (52.5%) donors who had repeatedly positive ELISA results, confirming the HCV infection for them. In specialized consultation HCV-RNA was detected by PCR analysis in 30/45 (66%) analyzed sera.
A ligase chain reaction DNA amplification method for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Abbott LCx MTB) in respiratory specimens was evaluated. Results from LCx MTB Assay were compared with those from acid fast bacilli smear, culture, and final clinical diagnosis for each patient. A total of 297 respiratory specimens (sputum and bronchial lavage) from 193 patients were tested. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of LCx vs culture were 92.7%, 93%, 67.8% and 98.7%, respectively. When compared to the clinical final diagnosis, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for LCx were 88.9%, 96.8%, 86.5% and 97.4%, respectively. The sensitivity of LCx MTB assay was 75% for smear-negative, culture positive samples. The results indicate that LCx MTB assay is a rapid, simple and valuable technique as a complementary tool for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
This study aimed to evaluate the second-generation OptiMal test for malaria diagnosis under various storage conditions. It detected all the positive samples, except for two Plasmodium malariae samples. Further research evaluating diverse environmental conditions are important for ICT test applicability in Brazilian malaria areas.
Mycobaterium leprae infection was investigated in armadillos from the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The ML Flow test was performed on 37 nine-banded armadillos and positive results were found in 11 (29.7%). The ML Flow test may be used to identify possible sources of Mycobaterium leprae among wild armadillos.
To assess the performance of the immunochromatographic test for filariasis, adult Wuchereria bancrofti worms were incubated under different conditions. The tests were strongly positive with incubation fluids from both living and mechanically damaged females. Negative results were observed with incubation fluids from all male worms and from intact dead females.
Latent tuberculosis was studied in a research laboratory. A prevalence of positive tuberculin skin test results (> 15mm) of 20% was found and the main predictors were place of birth in a foreign country with high prevalence of tuberculosis and a history of contact with patients with untreated active tuberculosis.