296 resultados para Washout
Compared with term-born infants, preterm infants have increased respiratory morbidity in the first year of life. We investigated whether lung function tests performed near term predict subsequent respiratory morbidity during the first year of life and compared this to standard clinical parameters in preterms.The prospective birth cohort included randomly selected preterm infants with and without bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Lung function (tidal breathing and multiple-breath washout) was measured at 44 weeks post-menstrual age during natural sleep. We assessed respiratory morbidity (wheeze, hospitalisation, inhalation and home oxygen therapy) after 1 year using a standardised questionnaire. We first assessed the association between lung function and subsequent respiratory morbidity. Secondly, we compared the predictive power of standard clinical predictors with and without lung function data.In 166 preterm infants, tidal volume, time to peak tidal expiratory flow/expiratory time ratio and respiratory rate were significantly associated with subsequent wheeze. In comparison with standard clinical predictors, lung function did not improve the prediction of later respiratory morbidity in an individual child.Although associated with later wheeze, noninvasive infant lung function shows large physiological variability and does not add to clinically relevant risk prediction for subsequent respiratory morbidity in an individual preterm.
The production rate of right-handed neutrinos from a Standard Model plasma at a temperature above a hundred GeV has previously been evaluated up to NLO in Standard Model couplings (g ~ 2/3) in relativistic (M ~ πT) and non-relativistic regimes (M ≫ πT), and up to LO in an ultrarelativistic regime (M ≲ gT). The last result necessitates an all-orders resummation of the loop expansion, accounting for multiple soft scatterings of the nearly light-like particles participating in 1↔2 reactions. In this paper we suggest how the regimes can be interpolated into a result applicable for any right-handed neutrino mass and at all temperatures above 160GeV. The results can also be used for determining the lepton number washout rate in models containing right-handed neutrinos. Numerical results are given in a tabulated form permitting for their incorporation into leptogenesis codes. We note that due to effects from soft Higgs bosons there is a narrow intermediate regime around M ~g 1/2 T in which our interpolation is phenomenological and a more precise study would be welcome.
BACKGROUND Multiple breath washout (MBW) derived Scond is an established index of ventilation inhomogeneity. Time-consuming post hoc calculations of the expirogram's slope of alveolar phase III (SIII) and the lack of available software hampered widespread application of Scond. METHODS Seventy-two school-aged children (45 with cystic fibrosis; CF) performed 3 nitrogen MBW. We tested a new automated algorithm for Scond analysis (Scondauto ) which comprised breath selection for SIII detection, calculation and reporting of test quality. We compared Scondauto to (i) standard Scond analysis (Scondmanual ) with manual breath selection and to (ii) pragmatic Scond analysis including all breaths (Scondall ). Primary outcomes were success rate and agreement between different Scond protocols, and Scond fitting quality (linear regression R(2) ). RESULTS Average Scondauto (0.06 for CF and 0.01 for controls) was not different from Scondmanual (0.06 for CF and 0.01 for controls) and showed comparable fitting quality (R(2) 0.53 for CF and 0.13 for controls vs. R(2) 0.54 for CF and 0.13 for controls). Scondall was similar in CF and controls but with inferior fitting quality compared to Scondauto and Scondmanual . CONCLUSIONS Automated Scond calculation is feasible and produces robust results comparable to the standard manual way of Scond calculation. This algorithm provides a valid, fast and objective tool for regular use, even in children. Pediatr Pulmonol. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
OBJECTIVE Cyclic recruitment and derecruitment of atelectasis can occur during mechanical ventilation, especially in injured lungs. Experimentally, cyclic recruitment and derecruitment can be quantified by respiration-dependent changes in PaO2 (ΔPaO2), reflecting the varying intrapulmonary shunt fraction within the respiratory cycle. This study investigated the effect of inspiration to expiration ratio upon ΔPaO2 and Horowitz index. DESIGN Prospective randomized study. SETTING Laboratory investigation. SUBJECTS Piglets, average weight 30 ± 2 kg. INTERVENTIONS At respiratory rate 6 breaths/min, end-inspiratory pressure (Pendinsp) 40 cm H2O, positive end-expiratory pressure 5 cm H2O, and FIO2 1.0, measurements were performed at randomly set inspiration to expiration ratios during baseline healthy and mild surfactant depletion injury. Lung damage was titrated by repetitive surfactant washout to induce maximal cyclic recruitment and derecruitment as measured by multifrequency phase fluorimetry. Regional ventilation distribution was evaluated by electrical impedance tomography. Step changes in airway pressure from 5 to 40 cm H2O and vice versa were performed after lavage to calculate PO2-based recruitment and derecruitment time constants (TAU). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS In baseline healthy, cyclic recruitment and derecruitment could not be provoked, whereas in model acute respiratory distress syndrome, the highest ΔPaO2 were routinely detected at an inspiration to expiration ratio of 1:4 (range, 52-277 torr [6.9-36.9 kPa]). Shorter expiration time reduced cyclic recruitment and derecruitment significantly (158 ± 85 torr [21.1 ± 11.3 kPa] [inspiration to expiration ratio, 1:4]; 25 ± 12 torr [3.3 ± 1.6 kPa] [inspiration to expiration ratio, 4:1]; p < 0.0001), whereas the PaO2/FIO2 ratio increased (267 ± 50 [inspiration to expiration ratio, 1:4]; 424 ± 53 [inspiration to expiration ratio, 4:1]; p < 0.0001). Correspondingly, regional ventilation redistributed toward dependent lung regions (p < 0.0001). Recruitment was much faster (TAU: fast 1.6 s [78%]; slow 9.2 s) than derecruitment (TAU: fast 3.1 s [87%]; slow 17.7 s) (p = 0.0078). CONCLUSIONS Inverse ratio ventilation minimizes cyclic recruitment and derecruitment of atelectasis in an experimental model of surfactant-depleted pigs. Time constants for recruitment and derecruitment, and regional ventilation distribution, reflect these findings and highlight the time dependency of cyclic recruitment and derecruitment.
OBJECTIVE In contrast to conventional breast imaging techniques, one major diagnostic benefit of breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the simultaneous acquisition of morphologic and dynamic enhancement characteristics, which are based on angiogenesis and therefore provide insights into tumor pathophysiology. The aim of this investigation was to intraindividually compare 2 macrocyclic MRI contrast agents, with low risk for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, in the morphologic and dynamic characterization of histologically verified mass breast lesions, analyzed by blinded human evaluation and a fully automatic computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS Institutional review board approval and patient informed consent were obtained. In this prospective, single-center study, 45 women with 51 histopathologically verified (41 malignant, 10 benign) mass lesions underwent 2 identical examinations at 1.5 T (mean time interval, 2.1 days) with 0.1-mmol kg doses of gadoteric acid and gadobutrol. All magnetic resonance images were visually evaluated by 2 experienced, blinded breast radiologists in consensus and by an automatic CAD system, whereas the morphologic and dynamic characterization as well as the final human classification of lesions were performed based on the categories of the Breast imaging reporting and data system MRI atlas. Lesions were also classified by defining their probability of malignancy (morpho-dynamic index; 0%-100%) by the CAD system. Imaging results were correlated with histopathology as gold standard. RESULTS The CAD system coded 49 of 51 lesions with gadoteric acid and gadobutrol (detection rate, 96.1%); initial signal increase was significantly higher for gadobutrol than for gadoteric acid for all and the malignant coded lesions (P < 0.05). Gadoteric acid resulted in more postinitial washout curves and fewer continuous increases of all and the malignant lesions compared with gadobutrol (CAD hot spot regions, P < 0.05). Morphologically, the margins of the malignancies were different between the 2 agents, whereas gadobutrol demonstrated more spiculated and fewer smooth margins (P < 0.05). Lesion classifications by the human observers and by the morpho-dynamic index compared with the histopathologic results did not significantly differ between gadoteric acid and gadobutrol. CONCLUSIONS Macrocyclic contrast media can be reliably used for breast dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. However, gadoteric acid and gadobutrol differed in some dynamic and morphologic characterization of histologically verified breast lesions in an intraindividual, comparison. Besides the standardization of technical parameters and imaging evaluation of breast MRI, the standardization of the applied contrast medium seems to be important to receive best comparable MRI interpretation.
INTRODUCTION The gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) was shown to be expressed with high density on several types of cancers. Radiolabeled peptides for imaging and targeted radionuclide therapy have been developed. In this study, we evaluated the potential of statine-based bombesin antagonists, conjugated to 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) through oligoethyleneglycol spacers, labeled with (177)Lu and we determined the effect of polyethyleneglycol (PEG) spacer length on in vitro and in vivo properties. METHODS The bombesin antagonists were synthesized on solid phase using Fmoc chemistry; the spacers Fmoc-dPEGx-OH (x=2, 4, 6 and 12) and the DOTA(tBu)3 were coupled using a standard procedure. The peptides were labeled with (177)Lu and evaluated in vitro (lipophilicity, serum stability, internalization and binding affinity assays). Biodistribution studies were performed in PC-3 tumor-bearing nude mice. RESULTS The solid-phase synthesis was straightforward with an overall yield ranging from 30% to 35% based on the first Fmoc cleavage. The hydrophilicity increased with spacer length (logD: -1.95 vs -2.22 of PEG2 and PEG12 analogs, respectively). There is a tendency of increased serum stability by increasing the spacer length (T1/2=246±4 and 584±20 for PEG2 and PEG6 analogs, respectively) which seems to reverse with the PEG12 analog. The IC50 values are similar with the only significant difference of the PEG12 analog. The (177)Lu-labeled PEG4 and PEG6 conjugates showed similar pharmacokinetic with high tumor uptake and excellent tumor-to-kidney ratios (7.8 and 9.7 at 4h for the PEG4 and PEG6 derivatives, respectively). The pancreas uptake was relatively high at 1h but it shows fast washout (0.46%±0.02% IA/g and 0.29%±0.08% IA/g already at 4h). CONCLUSION Among all the studied analogs the PEG4 and PEG6 showed significantly better properties. The very high tumor-to-non-target organ ratios, in particular tumor-to-kidney ratios, already at early time point will be important in regard to safety concerning kidney toxicity.
Patients suffering from cystic fibrosis (CF) show thick secretions, mucus plugging and bronchiectasis in bronchial and alveolar ducts. This results in substantial structural changes of the airway morphology and heterogeneous ventilation. Disease progression and treatment effects are monitored by so-called gas washout tests, where the change in concentration of an inert gas is measured over a single or multiple breaths. The result of the tests based on the profile of the measured concentration is a marker for the severity of the ventilation inhomogeneity strongly affected by the airway morphology. However, it is hard to localize underlying obstructions to specific parts of the airways, especially if occurring in the lung periphery. In order to support the analysis of lung function tests (e.g. multi-breath washout), we developed a numerical model of the entire airway tree, coupling a lumped parameter model for the lung ventilation with a 4th-order accurate finite difference model of a 1D advection-diffusion equation for the transport of an inert gas. The boundary conditions for the flow problem comprise the pressure and flow profile at the mouth, which is typically known from clinical washout tests. The natural asymmetry of the lung morphology is approximated by a generic, fractal, asymmetric branching scheme which we applied for the conducting airways. A conducting airway ends when its dimension falls below a predefined limit. A model acinus is then connected to each terminal airway. The morphology of an acinus unit comprises a network of expandable cells. A regional, linear constitutive law describes the pressure-volume relation between the pleural gap and the acinus. The cyclic expansion (breathing) of each acinus unit depends on the resistance of the feeding airway and on the flow resistance and stiffness of the cells themselves. Special care was taken in the development of a conservative numerical scheme for the gas transport across bifurcations, handling spatially and temporally varying advective and diffusive fluxes over a wide range of scales. Implicit time integration was applied to account for the numerical stiffness resulting from the discretized transport equation. Local or regional modification of the airway dimension, resistance or tissue stiffness are introduced to mimic pathological airway restrictions typical for CF. This leads to a more heterogeneous ventilation of the model lung. As a result the concentration in some distal parts of the lung model remains increased for a longer duration. The inert gas concentration at the mouth towards the end of the expirations is composed of gas from regions with very different washout efficiency. This results in a steeper slope of the corresponding part of the washout profile.
The aim of this study was to describe the induction and expression mechanisms of a persistent bursting activity in a horizontal slice preparation of the rat limbic system that includes the ventral part of the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex. Disinhibition of this preparation by bicuculline led to interictal-like bursts in the CA3 region that triggered synchronous activity in the entorhinal cortex. Washout of bicuculline after a 1 hr application resulted in a maintained production of hippocampal bursts that continued to spread to the entorhinal cortex. Separation of CA3 from the entorhinal cortex caused the activity in the latter to become asynchronous with CA3 activity in the presence of bicuculline and disappear after washout; however, in CA3, neither the induction of bursting nor its persistence were affected. Associated with the CA3 persistent bursting, a strengthening of recurrent collateral excitatory input to CA3 pyramidal cells and a decreased input to CA3 interneurons was found. Both the induction of the persistent bursting and the changes in synaptic strength were prevented by antagonists of metabotropic glutamate 5 (mGlu5) or NMDA receptors or protein synthesis inhibitors and did not occur in slices from mGlu5 receptor knock-out mice. The above findings suggest potential synaptic mechanisms by which the hippocampus switches to a persistent interictal bursting mode that may support a spread of interictal-like bursting to surrounding temporal lobe regions.
Prematurity is the most common disruptor of lung development. The aim of our study was to examine the function of the more vulnerable peripheral airways in former preterm children by multiple-breath washout (MBW) measurements.86 school-aged children, born between 24 and 35 weeks of gestation and 49 term-born children performed nitrogen MBW. Lung clearance index (LCI), and slope III-derived Scond and Sacin were assessed as markers for global, convection-dependent and diffusion-convection-dependent ventilation inhomogeneity, respectively.We analysed the data of 77 former preterm (mean (range) age 9.5 (7.2-12.8) years) and 46 term-born children (mean age 9.9 (6.0-15.9) years). LCI and Sacin did not differ between preterm and term-born children. Scond was significantly elevated in preterm compared to term-born participants (mean difference z-score 1.74, 95% CI 1.17-2.30; p<0.001), with 54% of former preterm children showing elevated Scond. In multivariable regression analysis Scond was significantly related only to gestational age (R(2)=0.37).Normal Sacin provides evidence for a functionally normal alveolar compartment, while elevated Scond indicates impaired function of more proximal conducting airways. Together, our findings support the concept of continued alveolarisation, albeit with "dysanaptic" lung growth in former preterm children.
BACKGROUND Lung clearance index (LCI), a marker of ventilation inhomogeneity, is elevated early in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). However, in infants with CF, LCI values are found to be normal, although structural lung abnormalities are often detectable. We hypothesized that this discrepancy is due to inadequate algorithms of the available software package. AIM Our aim was to challenge the validity of these software algorithms. METHODS We compared multiple breath washout (MBW) results of current software algorithms (automatic modus) to refined algorithms (manual modus) in 17 asymptomatic infants with CF, and 24 matched healthy term-born infants. The main difference between these two analysis methods lies in the calculation of the molar mass differences that the system uses to define the completion of the measurement. RESULTS In infants with CF the refined manual modus revealed clearly elevated LCI above 9 in 8 out of 35 measurements (23%), all showing LCI values below 8.3 using the automatic modus (paired t-test comparing the means, P < 0.001). Healthy infants showed normal LCI values using both analysis methods (n = 47, paired t-test, P = 0.79). The most relevant reason for false normal LCI values in infants with CF using the automatic modus was the incorrect recognition of the end-of-test too early during the washout. CONCLUSION We recommend the use of the manual modus for the analysis of MBW outcomes in infants in order to obtain more accurate results. This will allow appropriate use of infant lung function results for clinical and scientific purposes.
Clinical oncologists and cancer researchers benefit from information on the vascularization or non-vascularization of solid tumors because of blood flow's influence on three popular treatment types: hyperthermia therapy, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. The objective of this research is the development of a clinically useful tumor blood flow measurement technique. The designed technique is sensitive, has good spatial resolution, in non-invasive and presents no risk to the patient beyond his usual treatment (measurements will be subsequent only to normal patient treatment).^ Tumor blood flow was determined by measuring the washout of positron emitting isotopes created through neutron therapy treatment. In order to do this, several technical and scientific questions were addressed first. These questions were: (1) What isotopes are created in tumor tissue when it is irradiated in a neutron therapy beam and how much of each isotope is expected? (2) What are the chemical states of the isotopes that are potentially useful for blood flow measurements and will those chemical states allow these or other isotopes to be washed out of the tumor? (3) How should isotope washout by blood flow be modeled in order to most effectively use the data? These questions have been answered through both theoretical calculation and measurement.^ The first question was answered through the measurement of macroscopic cross sections for the predominant nuclear reactions in the body. These results correlate well with an independent mathematical prediction of tissue activation and measurements of mouse spleen neutron activation. The second question was addressed by performing cell suspension and protein precipitation techniques on neutron activated mouse spleens. The third and final question was answered by using first physical principles to develop a model mimicking the blood flow system and measurement technique.^ In a final set of experiments, the above were applied to flow models and animals. The ultimate aim of this project is to apply its methodology to neutron therapy patients. ^
Patients living with a spinal cord injury (SCI) often develop chronic neuropathic pain (CNP). Unfortunately, the clinically approved, current standard of treatment, gabapentin, only provides temporary pain relief. This treatment can cause numerous adverse side effects that negatively affect the daily lives of SCI patients. There is a great need for alternative, effective treatments for SCI-dependent CNP. Minocycline, an FDA-approved antibiotic, has been widely prescribed for the treatment of acne for several decades. However, recent studies demonstrate that minocycline has neuroprotective properties in several pre-clinical rodent models of CNS trauma and disease. Pre-clinical studies also show that short-term minocycline treatment can prevent the onset of CNP when delivered during the acute stage of SCI and can also transiently attenuate established CNP when delivered briefly during the chronic stage of SCI. However, the potential to abolish or attenuate CNP via long-term administration of minocycline after SCI is unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential efficacy and safety of long-term administration of minocycline to abolish or attenuate CNP following SCI. A severe spinal contusion injury was administered on adult, male, Sprague-Dawley rats. At day 29 post-injury, I initiated a three-week treatment regimen of daily administration with minocycline (50 mg/kg), gabapentin (50 mg/kg) or saline. The minocycline treatment group demonstrated a significant reduction in below-level mechanical allodynia and above- level hyperalgesia while on their treatment regimen. After a ten-day washout period of minocycline, the animals continued to demonstrate a significant reduction in below-level mechanical allodynia and above-level hyperalgesia. However, minocycline-treated animals exhibited abnormal weight gain and hepatotoxicity compared to gapabentin-treated or vehicle-treated subjects.The results support previous findings that minocycline can attenuate CNP after SCI and suggested that minocycline can also attenuate CNP via long-term delivery of minocycline after SCI (36). The data also suggested that minocycline had a lasting effect at reducing pain symptoms. However, the adverse side effects of long-term use of minocycline should not be ignored in the rodent model. Gabapentin treatment caused a significant decrease in below-level mechanical allodynia and below-level hyperalgesia during the treatment regimen. Because gabapentin treatment has an analgesic effect at the concentration I administered, the results were expected. However, I also found that gabapentin-treated animals demonstrated a sustained reduction in pain ten days after treatment withdrawal. This result was unexpected because gabapentin has a short half-life of 1.7 hours in rodents and previous studies have demonstrated that pre-drug pain levels return shortly after withdrawal of treatment. Additionally, the gabapentin-treated animals demonstrated a significant and sustained increase in rearing events compared with all other treatment groups which suggested that gabapentin treatment was not only capable of reducing pain long-term but may also significantly improve trunk stability or improve motor function recovery.
In recent years, mitochondria have emerged as important targets of agonist-dependent increases in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. Here, we analyzed the significance of Ca2+ signals for the modulation of organelle function by directly measuring mitochondrial and cytosolic ATP levels ([ATP]m and [ATP]c, respectively) with specifically targeted chimeras of the ATP-dependent photoprotein luciferase. In both HeLa cells and primary cultures of skeletal myotubes, stimulation with agonists evoking cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ signals caused increases in [ATP]m and [ATP]c that depended on two parameters: (i) the amplitude of the Ca2+ rise in the mitochondrial matrix, and (ii) the availability of mitochondrial substrates. Moreover, the Ca2+ elevation induced a long-lasting priming that persisted long after agonist washout and caused a major increase in [ATP]m upon addition of oxidative substrates. These results demonstrate a direct role of mitochondrial Ca2+ in driving ATP production and unravel a form of cellular memory that allows a prolonged metabolic activation in stimulated cells.
The endothelial-derived G-protein–coupled receptor EDG-1 is a high-affinity receptor for the bioactive lipid mediator sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP). In the present study, we constructed the EDG-1–green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimera to examine the dynamics and subcellular localization of SPP–EDG-1 interaction. SPP binds to EDG-1–GFP and transduces intracellular signals in a manner indistinguishable from that seen with the wild-type receptor. Human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected with the EDG-1–GFP cDNA expressed the receptor primarily on the plasma membrane. Exogenous SPP treatment, in a dose-dependent manner, induced receptor translocation to perinuclear vesicles with a τ1/2 of ∼15 min. The EDG-1–GFP–containing vesicles are distinct from mitochondria but colocalize in part with endocytic vesicles and lysosomes. Neither the low-affinity agonist lysophosphatidic acid nor other sphingolipids, ceramide, ceramide-1-phosphate, or sphingosylphosphorylcholine, influenced receptor trafficking. Receptor internalization was completely inhibited by truncation of the C terminus. After SPP washout, EDG-1–GFP recycles back to the plasma membrane with a τ1/2 of ∼30 min. We conclude that the high-affinity ligand SPP specifically induces the reversible trafficking of EDG-1 via the endosomal pathway and that the C-terminal intracellular domain of the receptor is critical for this process.
Secretory carrier membrane proteins (SCAMPs) are ubiquitously expressed proteins of post-Golgi vesicles. In the presence of the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor vanadate, or after overexpression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, SCAMP1 and SCAMP3 are phosphorylated selectively on tyrosine residue(s). Phosphorylation is reversible after vanadate washout in situ or when isolated SCAMP3 is incubated with the recombinant tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B. Vanadate also causes the partial accumulation of SCAMP3, but not SCAMP1, in “patches” at or near the cell surface. A search for SCAMP kinase activities has shown that SCAMPs 1 and 3, but not SCAMP2, are tyrosine phosphorylated in EGF-stimulated murine fibroblasts overexpressing the EGF receptor (EGFR). EGF catalyzes the progressive phosphorylation of the SCAMPs up to 1 h poststimulation and may enhance colocalization of the EGFR and SCAMP3 within the cell interior. EGF also induces SCAMP–EGFR association, as detected by coimmunoprecipitation, and phosphorylation of SCAMP3 is stimulated by the EGFR in vitro. These results suggest that phosphorylation of SCAMPs, either directly or indirectly, may be functionally linked to the internalization/down-regulation of the EGFR.